[] Plan: The Long Haul, V3
-[] Separation 1: Those who have any disease that we can't immediately recognize is to be quarantined carefully, and killed if they show any hostility, body burned or otherwise purified, as it might be some strange and horrifying exception to basic medical reality. We are also to be clear on the difference between those who worship Rot versus those who worship Slaughter, or Excess, and treatment of them in these first moments and the warning signs we are looking for should take these as noted. Those who surrender are to be treated very carefully, as Prisoners of War of danger to be guarded, but with the non-soldiers to potentially be more likely to be sent to a Repentence Community.
-[] Separation 2: By task or deed. Those who fought in the name of Chaos, or who were especially eager in slaughter must be separated from either the reluctant or those who, fundamentally, were not important.
-[] Separation 3: Among them. It is the case that if you have 500 sinners in one community, you have a community of sinners. Instead for those who willingly surrendered and who have not been found to have committed the most vile deeds, we will create Repentance Communities, places where those who wish to redeem the lost and make them Found again. By mixing the faithful and the faithless, and creating a model Star Child town, complete with plenty of chapels... and yet also having it being guarded by the fiercely faithful against subversion, we can give these people a taste of the Federation life: food, medical care, houses and all other Quality of Life amenities equal to that of any citizen of the Federation. To those who were captured or who did greater evils, we must keep them spread out. That is to say, a Repentance Community might have 200 such Chaos people and as many or more good Glimmering Federation Citizens devoted to the cause, and especially to be created and encouraged are Orders of Repentance that can peacefully help run these areas, and that can be trusted to provide lists of the devout and the devoted to further people them thus that each sinner lives in a community filled with faith. But for those who either went too far (but not so far as to be executed) or who had to be captured should be held such that there are no more than a dozen at any location, the better to individually monitor them.
-[] Separation 4: Separation by Inquisition. Those left over, those who fall into the cracks, are to be investigated and tried. Those found too guilty or too corrupted are to be executed, but if there is a chance to save them without granting dishonor to their victims, it must be investigated. Therefore let it be that those Orders and groups involved in this Inquisition must come not only from those preaching Mercy, or Justice, but from those who believe in both.
-[] Separation 5: Time. Conversion can be forced, and may have to be, but it also takes time for faith to take root in the heart. At the end of each year, those in all of the categories are to be evaluated, those doing well and Finding Faith potentially to be moved up, those who are backsliding to be pulled away such that they cannot help others backslide, with the ultimate goal that all who can be saved... and who are WILLING to be saved, will one day be full-citizens released from the Repentance Communities.
-[] OOC: Force literally every voter who votes for this to sign a life pact promising to vote for 'finding Chaos' next turn.
-[] Caveat/Note: The well-being of those who care for, imprison, or judge these people is important to. They are to have regular mental health check-ins with uninvolved people (as well as medical check-ins, considering the risk of disease) and are to be rotated out of their duties every so often as best as possible.
-[] In order to do this, commitment would be needed towards: one, the finding Chaos Faith action, two, population transfers of at least some intensity as needed to stabilize the planets as functioning worlds and implement these policies, etc, etc.