What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Frankly I'm for having the people who willingly joined chaos should be shot. The people who were forced, they have a chance.

Free the slaves, shoot the actual cultists.
and yet also having it being guarded by the fiercely faithful against subversion

I'm pretty sure your submission will be picked (you always tend to have very good world building and explanations) so it becomes extremely important that next turn we absolutely without fail pick [] [Faith] Beware The Sorcerors, The Abominations, The Cultists... otherwise subversion may become a big problem with the sheer population size we're going to have to assimilate.
I'm pretty sure your submission will be picked (you always tend to have very good world building and explanations) so it becomes extremely important that next turn we absolutely without fail pick [] [Faith] Beware The Sorcerors, The Abominations, The Cultists... otherwise subversion may become a big problem with the sheer population size we're going to have to assimilate.

Yeah, if I could make it more powerful by forcing us to literally commit to picking that next turn, I would.
-[] Separation 1: Those Who Surrender versus those who are merely captured. Those who surrender are not pure, and are still responsible for their crimes, but can be trusted more than those captured. Those captured will need to be considered Prisoners of War of High Danger and should be carefully watched and guarded, though even the worst prisoner is to have food and medical care, until or unless it is decided that they are to be executed by firing squad.
-[] Separation 2: By task or deed. Those who fought in the name of Chaos, or who were especially eager in slaughter must be separated from either the reluctant or those who, fundamentally, were not important.
-[] Separation 3: Among them. It is the case that if you have 500 sinners in one community, you have a community of sinners. Instead for those who willingly surrendered and who have not been found to have committed the most vile deeds, we will create Repentance Communities, places where those who wish to redeem the lost and make them Found again. By mixing the faithful and the faithless, and creating a model Star Child town, complete with plenty of chapels... and yet also having it being guarded by the fiercely faithful against subversion, we can give these people a taste of the Federation life: food, medical care, houses and all other Quality of Life amenities equal to that of any citizen of the Federation. To those who were captured or who did greater evils, we must keep them spread out. That is to say, a Repentance Community might have 200 such Chaos people and as many or more good Glimmering Federation Citizens devoted to the cause. But for those who either went too far (but not so far as to be executed) or who had to be captured should be held such that there are no more than a dozen at any location, the better to individually monitor them.
-[] Separation 4: Separation by Inquisition. Those left over, those who fall into the cracks, are to be investigated and tried. Those found too guilty or too corrupted are to be executed, but if there is a chance to save them without granting dishonor to their victims, it must be investigated. Therefore let it be that those Orders and groups involved in this Inquisition must come not only from those preaching Mercy, or Justice, but from those who believe in both.
-[] Separation 5: Time. Conversion can be forced, and may have to be, but it also takes time for faith to take root in the heart. At the end of each year, those in all of the categories are to be evaluated, those doing well and Finding Faith potentially to be moved up, those who are backsliding to be pulled away such that they cannot help others backslide, with the ultimate goal that all who can be saved... and who are WILLING to be saved, will one day be full-citizens released from the Repentence Commuities.

Maybe this or something?
Alter the verbiage such that former chaos cultists have to ask? I feel like its important that they turn from Chaos willingly, not that they feel forced or pressured into it because that might leave hooks in their soul that could be tugged on at later dates.
Frankly I'm for having the people who willingly joined chaos should be shot. The people who were forced, they have a chance.

Free the slaves, shoot the actual cultists.
How does one define "willingly joined" though. The entire point of cults, both in Warhammer and IRL, is that they're both insidious and all compassing. They work to isolate those they recruit, to manipulate and recruit them. Is a person so manipulated willing or unwilling. No one put a gun to their head to force them to join, but absent active recruitment, they might not have ended on this path.

And what about places where Chaos has existed for longer than one's lifespan? Did those people join willingly (having been literally raised in that system), or unwillingly (having never had any other option)?
-[] Separation 1: Those Who Surrender versus those who are merely captured. Those who surrender are not pure, and are still responsible for their crimes, but can be trusted more than those captured. Those captured will need to be considered Prisoners of War of High Danger and should be carefully watched and guarded, though even the worst prisoner is to have food and medical care, until or unless it is decided that they are to be executed by firing squad.
-[] Separation 2: By task or deed. Those who fought in the name of Chaos, or who were especially eager in slaughter must be separated from either the reluctant or those who, fundamentally, were not important.
-[] Separation 3: Among them. It is the case that if you have 500 sinners in one community, you have a community of sinners. Instead for those who willingly surrendered and who have not been found to have committed the most vile deeds, we will create Repentance Communities, places where those who wish to redeem the lost and make them Found again. By mixing the faithful and the faithless, and creating a model Star Child town, complete with plenty of chapels... and yet also having it being guarded by the fiercely faithful against subversion, we can give these people a taste of the Federation life: food, medical care, houses and all other Quality of Life amenities equal to that of any citizen of the Federation. To those who were captured or who did greater evils, we must keep them spread out. That is to say, a Repentance Community might have 200 such Chaos people and as many or more good Glimmering Federation Citizens devoted to the cause. But for those who either went too far (but not so far as to be executed) or who had to be captured should be held such that there are no more than a dozen at any location, the better to individually monitor them.
-[] Separation 4: Separation by Inquisition. Those left over, those who fall into the cracks, are to be investigated and tried. Those found too guilty or too corrupted are to be executed, but if there is a chance to save them without granting dishonor to their victims, it must be investigated. Therefore let it be that those Orders and groups involved in this Inquisition must come not only from those preaching Mercy, or Justice, but from those who believe in both.
-[] Separation 5: Time. Conversion can be forced, and may have to be, but it also takes time for faith to take root in the heart. At the end of each year, those in all of the categories are to be evaluated, those doing well and Finding Faith potentially to be moved up, those who are backsliding to be pulled away such that they cannot help others backslide, with the ultimate goal that all who can be saved... and who are WILLING to be saved, will one day be full-citizens released from the Repentence Commuities.

Maybe this or something?
This is good but what happens to those who are repeatedly found to be backsliding? Put them before a firing squad or have them live the rest of their lives being shuffled between these communities?
What about the infiltrators that will try to use our surrender program for the benefit of their Dark Gods, i think that the 3&4 point does cover it decently but our govern really don't have any training on how to deal with any kind of infiltration, maybe the way is to create a Agency to protect the Federation from outside influence just need to be carefull to not go down the path of the inquisition.
This is good but what happens to those who are repeatedly found to be backsliding? Put them before a firing squad or have them live the rest of their lives being shuffled between these communities?

It does openly have a means by which people can be judged too much of a problem and executed. Presumably if you backslide enough you get into the, "being tried and charged" part of things.

What about the infiltrators that will try to use our surrender program for the benefit of their Dark Gods, i think that the 3&4 point does cover it decently but our govern really don't have any training on how to deal with any kind of infiltration, maybe the way is to create a Agency to protect the Federation from outside influence just need to be carefull to not go down the path of the inquisition.

I think the real thing is that we need to take the "Detect Chaos" action literally next turn, yes.
The fundamental way to imagine it is that there are 4/5 categories.

At the furthest end is just plain dead, obviously.

In what might be one category or two there's basically "under investigation/in long-term prison."

Then there's the kind of holding category of being closely watched, sorta-house-arrest, sorta prison, but less "if you fuck up EVEN A LITTLE you might be dead" energy.

Then there's the category of those Communities. And beyond it obviously, years and years in the future, the potential for full freedom or these Redemption Communities just becoming... regular communities.

A person who gets put in an RC and backslides repeatedly can absolutely march their way lickety-split to an execution by firing squad. Obviously if you get caught summoning Daemons or some shit or whatever there wouldn't be "going through the stages" or whatever, lol.
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[] Plan: The Long Haul
-[] Separation 1: Those Who Surrender versus those who are merely captured. Those who surrender are not pure, and are still responsible for their crimes, but can be trusted more than those captured. Those captured will need to be considered Prisoners of War of High Danger and should be carefully watched and guarded, though even the worst prisoner is to have food and medical care, until or unless it is decided that they are to be executed by firing squad.
-[] Separation 2: By task or deed. Those who fought in the name of Chaos, or who were especially eager in slaughter must be separated from either the reluctant or those who, fundamentally, were not important.
-[] Separation 3: Among them. It is the case that if you have 500 sinners in one community, you have a community of sinners. Instead for those who willingly surrendered and who have not been found to have committed the most vile deeds, we will create Repentance Communities, places where those who wish to redeem the lost and make them Found again. By mixing the faithful and the faithless, and creating a model Star Child town, complete with plenty of chapels... and yet also having it being guarded by the fiercely faithful against subversion, we can give these people a taste of the Federation life: food, medical care, houses and all other Quality of Life amenities equal to that of any citizen of the Federation. To those who were captured or who did greater evils, we must keep them spread out. That is to say, a Repentance Community might have 200 such Chaos people and as many or more good Glimmering Federation Citizens devoted to the cause, and especially to be created and encouraged are Orders of Repentance that can peacefully help run these areas, and that can be trusted to provide lists of the devout and the devoted to further people them thus that each sinner lives in a community filled with faith. But for those who either went too far (but not so far as to be executed) or who had to be captured should be held such that there are no more than a dozen at any location, the better to individually monitor them.
-[] Separation 4: Separation by Inquisition. Those left over, those who fall into the cracks, are to be investigated and tried. Those found too guilty or too corrupted are to be executed, but if there is a chance to save them without granting dishonor to their victims, it must be investigated. Therefore let it be that those Orders and groups involved in this Inquisition must come not only from those preaching Mercy, or Justice, but from those who believe in both.
-[] Separation 5: Time. Conversion can be forced, and may have to be, but it also takes time for faith to take root in the heart. At the end of each year, those in all of the categories are to be evaluated, those doing well and Finding Faith potentially to be moved up, those who are backsliding to be pulled away such that they cannot help others backslide, with the ultimate goal that all who can be saved... and who are WILLING to be saved, will one day be full-citizens released from the Repentance Communities.
-[] OOC: Force literally every voter who votes for this to sign a life pact promising to vote for 'finding Chaos' next turn.

The last part can be removed but, like, yeah. :V
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I think getting foreign psykana would be prudent to do soon after if we know what chaos needs to make a ritual we will also be able to track their supplies down.
That's not what Foreign Psykana addresses, it's only about how we approach Psychic Traditions outside of the Celestial Choir. While important, it only becomes relevant when we come across other trained Psykers that aren't Chaos.

Next turn, I think we should go with Cult Detection, Taurus-S, and Sanctified Chaos Research.
'There must be a hand offered, a light shown!' Say some.
'They have chosen their light. Let them reap their darkness too.' Demand others.
There are good points on both sides here we have to seriously consider. I'm all for saving the slaves forced to labor for chaos that yearn to be free from their corruption. But at the same time I can very easily see chaos using this to slip agents and cults into our nation as well. Or them using false surrenders to cause more damage.

One thing I think I can say without too many people disagreeing is that those who have accepted chaos into their souls and body's deserve a shallow grave. Cause those people will probably never surrender in good faith and are too far gone either way.

Overall we're going to need strict and comprehensive measures when it involves any potential issue involving chaos especially when it comes to prisoners and surrenders.
Free the slaves, shoot the actual cultists.
Basically this if someone joins willingly I would argue there already too far gone for us to help. It's the slaves we want to save/redeem/whatever.
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Chaos detection and Cathedrals are two options we most certainly need to do next turn if we don't want to have to deal with any Chaos shit after we set these communities up. You can never have too much Chaos resistance after all, and anyone who says otherwise is a Heretic.
Yeah, I think more troop movers are a priority, given the shit show we are facing.

After that we should get more knights in case the nastier Chaos begins to show up.

Also, I wonder if there will be loot rolls after we take Gathin and Brigarch? Because those are the places where I would expect to find a forgotten Imperial relic or schematic.