What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Task Fleet Alpha & Beta will strike Valheideim alongside the Lamenters to secure the orbitals of the system as quickly as possible.
I don't think we should get involved in Valheideim. From the sounds of it the forces there are corrupted by Khorne and are fighting until they can't anymore so it would probably be best if we just let them duke it out so they're stuck bogging that place down and we can focus on places that we actually can save.

[X] Plan: To Stand Against Ruin
----[X] Attached SAGs will include the 1st Droman, 1st Neumidia, 1st Ubraka, and the Blazing Sun, supplementing the already present forces to bring total strength up to 6 SAGs. Additional SAGs should be deployed as logistics and fronts allow, drawing from the 1st Itani and 1st Barbarun.
Is there any reason why we're not using all of our SAGs? We have WoG that we can ferry them just fine even with the limited amount of Taurus we have.
2. Can we use our troop transports the same turn we comission them? I remember that we can use destroyers and frigates on the same turn that they're made at increased risk to damage. If we can't? There's no way we can cover all the planets with just a few troop transports.
2. No, they will come online next Turn. But you can make an Operation to kick local ass and drop a SAG before taking another one and going on. Only Saget on the Non-Core/Front Systems requires 2 SAGs to take.
Is there any reason why we're not using all of our SAGs? We have WoG that we can ferry them just fine even with the limited amount of Taurus we have.

There's a caveat at the end that basically gives our Force Commanders a blank check to draw on anything else they need to do the job, based on our ability to keep them supplied.
Also, jeez we can build 3 light cruisers a action now. We definitely need to build more Andromedas. But there's also the question of whether or not we should get Andromeda Secundus or not
Is there a reason you doubled up on these? I don't think you can put more than one of a type of equipment on a ship, so having 2 manufactories seems like it's a waste of DP.
@HeroCooky can we have more than one of the same type of equipment?
You can add multiple of one Equipment, but they will only give more benefits if they are additive. Meaning that two Pure Lenses won't give its effects twice, but two Supply Generations will do so.
I just noticed we have stolen Imperium's yellow/gold on the map
So is the hour star child symbol yellow/gold or is it still blue?

or is it yellow/gold and blue?
Look, people complained about not being able to differenciate three shades of blue, so you get to be colored in PISS YELLOW for the purpose of the map.

The Star Child symbol is still grey-blue.
Having taken a look at the map, these huge Khornite stars are definitely a concern 😅
Honestly, the weird thing is...

What even happened?

It's like they just went "Yeah, Neon is dead" and reality just went "Guess you're right" and suddenly there were Chaos Cults everywhere summoning daemons and shit. As relatively small and low key problems instantly just vworped into being planet threatening dangers.

This isn't the first time it happened either. Like the bit where the Slaughter was able to just insta-kill the Imperial capital ship because... Reasons I guess? It's like "Pick a target" and then "Instantly kill that target", and it almost seemed too easy? Unless the price was "Pick a target, once enough people die on either side of the battle, gain a gigantic bonus to taking your target down."

Which is a problem, because Chaos' losses count too.
This is why Chaos Is A Problem. Imagine you have someone you trust with keeping an eye out for Chaos Corruption and putting any Cults down that pop up. Now imagine that said person, which is coincidentally also the one who helped you murder your way to the top of the inheritance line, is also an agent of Tzeentch planted for this exact purpose. Now go through the motions of planting a false reality over the real one with missidrection, so that when a certain Lord High Protector tries to activate a treaty he had negotiated with the Lamenters, said Lamenters are confused and ask "New Fleet, Who Dis?"

Chaos has been putting 2 AP into [Seed Cults] for the entire time you knew Neon and before that too. This turn they activated the results and got to see Neon shattering completely.

On the other hand, with a small Imperial-Loyal polity no longer there, Chaos also shattered and each of the Four's Forces fucked off to do their own thing.

And the ability you are confused about is basically "Designate Killer/Prey Ship. Once enough ships have been killed, roll with massive bonuses to murder the Prey. May or may not leave the Killer Ship vulnerable to getting pasted next Combat Turn."
@HeroCooky Do the Lamenters have a way to keep up with our Andromeda lead Fleets?
Nope, they are slow-boating it.
On the other hand, with a small Imperial-Loyal polity no longer there, Chaos also shattered and each of the Four's Forces fucked off to do their own thing.
Yep, that's how Chaos rolls. They MIGHT be able to unite for one common goal, but immediately after said goal is accomplished they'll DEFINITELY fuck off and do their own thing while also probably trying to murder the cultists they were just working with a minute ago.
Nope, they are slow-boating it.
Yeah, we really need more Andromedas. And Tauruses. We need a lot of stuff. :cry:
@HeroCooky have any of the Lamenters sucumbed to the red thirst yet? Its been some time since they saw FUCKING HORUS! *reves chainsword with malicious intent*

How do the Lamenters feel about their super vitamin and calorie rich chocolate bar rations?

do we have the tecnologies to make our armiger karnivore titans jump? As in, strap on some grav and jump packs so it can fuckin dropkick things into ultradeath, or wafflestomp something so hard it's erased from canon?
have any of the Lamenters sucumbed to the red thirst yet? Its been some time since they saw FUCKING HORUS! *reves chainsword with malicious intent*
First, Red Thirst is the craving of blood. Reliving the final battle of Horus is the Black Rage. Second, one of the Lamenter's whole schtick that they don't really succumb to either of those things. In their entire history, they had like, one dude succumbing to the Black Rage I think.
do we have the tecnologies to make our armiger karnivore titans jump? As in, strap on some grav and jump packs so it can fuckin dropkick things into ultradeath, or wafflestomp something so hard it's erased from canon?
I think that's locked behind this tech.
-[] Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts
(Gain: Improve and add to the weapons of your Karnivores.)