What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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For a brief moment I was like Neon doesn't look bad. Look at all the purple before I realized what purple meant lol. I legit thought yall were calling their core worlds getting sieged a collapse...now I see what you mean
Having 5 of your worlds besieged and only one good fleet (and one weak fleet) would be a huge issue, too.

Accidentally breaking a star nation.

Love this quest.
We didn't "accidentally" break them.
We actively waged war against them until they collapsed.
It also wasn't us that made them collapse, but a massive Chaos infiltration operation that decapitated them as a polity.
I feel like we need to try and push right across the subsector to try and stem the choas "Infection" From spreading out across the sub sector. We can integrate/conquer the rest of the systems at our own pace, but leaving chaos to run around near unopposed is not only a good recipe for horrid things, That gives chaos access to more weapons, More slaves, More sacrifices that can turn straight into either more Forces or more bullshit sorcery.

Chaos may not look like it, but depending on the "faction" They can operate similarly to a Hive fleet in strategic movement, Hoovering up undefended planets to addto their own mass/Power etc or literally summoning warbands to reinforce them.

Worst case scenario they try to set up a Port/Forge, which basically acts as a beacon to Chaos warbands to come and get repairs/Slaves/trade/ all the horrid things that happens at the equivalent to Chaos tortuga , which means they could pull forces from outside their warlords personal strength/ability to subjugate to help them.

At minimum, we need totry and reestablish a defensive line on valhidem... and what the fuck happened to Sagget? God dammit I hate chaos's ability to just pop up from nowhere.

It also wasn't us that made them collapse, but a massive Chaos infiltration operation that decapitated them as a polity.

We probably didn't help taxing their fleets and stressing them out like we did, But We were like 10% at fault at MOST.
We need to launch another military operation in the upcoming turn. We need to lunge for Qulach's Forge and then Grabstein to prevent Chaos forces from strengthening themselves
Course, given the Chaos uprisings, that very much played a factor there too.

I'd say the Chaos uprisings are the only significant factor in their collapse. The damage we've done is pretty minimal in comparison to their core worlds falling to chaos. We've smashed up some of their fleets, but they still had more than enough military strength to hold off chaos.
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I feel like we need to try and push right across the subsector to try and stem the choas "Infection" From spreading out across the sub sector. We can integrate/conquer the rest of the systems at our own pace, but leaving chaos to run around near unopposed is not only a good recipe for horrid things, That gives chaos access to more weapons, More slaves, More sacrifices that can turn straight into either more Forces or more bullshit sorcery.

Chaos may not look like it, but depending on the "faction" They can operate similarly to a Hive fleet in strategic movement, Hoovering up undefended planets to addto their own mass/Power etc or literally summoning warbands to reinforce them.

Worst case scenario they try to set up a Port/Forge, which basically acts as a beacon to Chaos warbands to come and get repairs/Slaves/trade/ all the horrid things that happens at the equivalent to Chaos tortuga , which means they could pull forces from outside their warlords personal strength/ability to subjugate to help them.

At minimum, we need totry and reestablish a defensive line on valhidem... and what the fuck happened to Sagget? God dammit I hate chaos's ability to just pop up from nowhere.

We probably didn't help taxing their fleets and stressing them out like we did, But We were like 10% at fault at MOST.

Yeah, that's why I really want us to send some dudes to Qulach's Forge, as that was the world Neon was trying to build up as their forge world, and will most likely serve as this region's Hellforge if we don't step in soon.

And yeah, don't you just love it when your enemy has memetic tricks and BS on their side?
We need to launch another military operation in the upcoming turn. We need to lunge for Qulach's Forge and then Grabstein to prevent Chaos forces from strengthening themselves

Ugh, It might, MIGHT, be worth it to ram through Gathin,( vacuum what we can from their Claim the arsenal world before anyone else can) and go start recontesting Valhidem, It depends on how many chaos forces we think are BEHIND valhidem. If their is a whole ass chaos polity, we can't afford to start letting them poor raiding fleets into the subsector
What would be really helpful is recruiting the fleet at Gathin, because guys? Everything you know just went up in smoke. You want to save your people from Chaos? Welcome to the Glimmering Federation then.
Send the Lamenters in and they'll join us immediately.

Good idea, It also gives us a chance to hoover up the weapons on gathin, Its a whole ass arsenal world, If should have enough military gear on it to fuel our SAGS for decades even if we have to fight across the width and breadth of the subsector putting out fires.

Better we get a lock on that gear, and any possible deathstrike missiles present before Chaos has a chance to go for round 2.
I feel like we need to try and push right across the subsector to try and stem the choas "Infection" From spreading out across the sub sector. We can integrate/conquer the rest of the systems at our own pace, but leaving chaos to run around near unopposed is not only a good recipe for horrid things, That gives chaos access to more weapons, More slaves, More sacrifices that can turn straight into either more Forces or more bullshit sorcery.

Chaos may not look like it, but depending on the "faction" They can operate similarly to a Hive fleet in strategic movement, Hoovering up undefended planets to addto their own mass/Power etc or literally summoning warbands to reinforce them.

Worst case scenario they try to set up a Port/Forge, which basically acts as a beacon to Chaos warbands to come and get repairs/Slaves/trade/ all the horrid things that happens at the equivalent to Chaos tortuga , which means they could pull forces from outside their warlords personal strength/ability to subjugate to help them.

At minimum, we need totry and reestablish a defensive line on valhidem... and what the fuck happened to Sagget? God dammit I hate chaos's ability to just pop up from nowhere.
Sagget... Shit, we might have to lunge for it because it is a Cemetary world and Chaos gits might be looking to desecrate it in the name of the Chaos Gods- fuck, that world might be why the Sisters of Battle was in the sub-sector if the world was a borderline Shrine world.

I think we need to build more SAGs in the upcoming turn, we are going to be using a lot of troops trying to secure the Chaos-afflicted worlds.
Yeah, but we weren't expecting it immediately.

Course, given the Chaos uprisings, that very much played a factor there too.
We had them in a vise and were actively increasing the pressure.
What just happened is the optimistic scenario. (Minus the infra hit it will be to digest all those systems)

I'd say the Chaos uprisings are the only significant factor in their collapse. The damage we've done is pretty minimal in comparison to their core worlds falling to chaos. We've smashed up some of their fleets, but they still had more than enough military strength to hold off chaos.
They had to keep fleets ready to defend systems against us (see comments on 2 front wars in the "end of line" incident").
We took some systems (taking resource generation capabilities from them) and were gonna take more.
The last system we took was 2 civ worlds.

We were a terrible distraction for them.
We need more fleets, Even a small fleet of escorts with a Frigate/destroyer sized Hymm vessel would work right now, We need to be at a bunch of diffrent places at the same time, And For most places, Aries+S-Crux would be enough, but we don't have enough safe travel vessels to guarantee that warp shit doesn't waylay all these patrol fleet's that we need to keep the chance of chaos scattering into a hundred directions now that the big opposing faction is gone.

Even a single run of Frigate sized Hymm boats would be enough.
Ok, so, The Majority of Alpha and fleet Gamma should be at Brigach/Quintura if I'm reading this right. where is the lamenters fleet? If they are close to gathin, we can have them rally the shattered remains of the gathic fleet and we can claim/garrison gathin with beta, while the lamenters and the hopefully rallied Gathin remnants and Alpha fleet meet up in Kriegar to push on qulach's forg. Fleet beta can protect Gathin, or at least retreat back to babarun depending on how may forces the chaos fleet brings if they push on Gathin. Better we garrison it because the moral of a gathin fleet will be down in the dumps, and doubly vulnerable to chaos corruption, and if rallied by space marines hsould be in a better mood when they are on the offensive instead of everything being on fire and them being alone.

A small detachment of Gamma and alpha can break off to go at least establish orbital control on sagget. And that should be enough to smack whatever forces are on Qulach and then swing up to contest valhidem, Unless Iam misunderstanding the general areas of any of the fleets in question.
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They had to keep fleets ready to defend systems against us (see comments on 2 front wars in the "end of line" incident").
We took some systems (taking resource generation capabilities from them) and were gonna take more.
The last system we took was 2 civ worlds.

We were a distraction for their military, but it wasn't their military that collapsed. Formerly Neon military forces technically strong enough to hold off a chaos warband still exist and should have been enough to hold for decades yet. The sudden collapse of their core should be entirely credited to chaos corruption.
Updated your SAGs and Psykana.
the hits to our Infrastructure.
Y'all are worrying, and then there's me, straight up Cooking the ALL V Milestone with a cackle. That thing will cause a Thread-War. Straight Up.
Oh well, Time to spend like 6 turns pumping actions that could have gone anywhere else into Medical industry.
Even if you take everything right of Qulach's Forge (including Gathin), the Development Hit will not equal taking Quintura Diablo. And that will absolutely not take 6 Dev from you.
1. How far can we send our fleet? Our ground forces? The furthest Chaos infested planets is 3 jumps away. Can we properly support troops all the way over to stomp the cults down?

2. Can we use our troop transports the same turn we comission them? I remember that we can use destroyers and frigates on the same turn that they're made at increased risk to damage. If we can't? There's no way we can cover all the planets with just a few troop transports.

3. The fleet over Valhidem. What is their allegiance to now? Chaos? Imperial? Pirates? That can severly affect whether not not we can spread out our navy to put out the bushfires or force us to keep them together to wipe out the stack.
1. Basically Yes due to you operating under 10-Year Turns. Both the Navy and SAGs. And you will be able to support them, as long as you have a SAG Transport and an Andromeda attached to each other. They handle everything else In-Universe.
2. No, they will come online next Turn. But you can make an Operation to kick local ass and drop a SAG before taking another one and going on. Only Saget on the Non-Core/Front Systems requires 2 SAGs to take.
3. Their Allegiance is: "FUCK YOU! IF I DIE, I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME!"
How big is a heavy cruiser? I'm reading Imperial Navy Vessels (List) - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum and they aren't explicitly mentioned. Are they like capital, destroy a smaller fleet alone, ship or just a bit bigger cruiser? Since I think only those f.u big ships deserve their own threadmark.
Heavy Cruisers are about ~5 Kilometer long, and, In-Universe, the point where [Shit Gets Wild, Yo] in terms of both lore, narrative, and equipment/weaponry. They are basically the linchpin of most fleets if purpose-built for war, and can kick serious ass. That's why you are getting the choice to vote to give them names, as you are unlikely to get more than ~3-4 per Task Force running.
And yeah, don't you just love it when your enemy has memetic tricks and BS on their side?
Hey, that's (partially) why (at least some of) you voted for Full Steam Ahead Iconoclast at the start of the Quest; to give the double-bird to Chaos! :V
I already expected something like this would happen, but I hoped it wouldn't, now we got to deal with Chaos on a lot of places at the same time.

[Faith] actions anyone? Or at least a Song dedicated to burning Chaos to the Warp and back?(this has no relation to anything but I got curious so... does anyone have any idea what the "unknown Xeno Structure In End Of Line" is? Maybe what race built it in the first place?)

Also, thanks to everyone who explained what happened, I'm really bad at reading maps so that was very helpful.
Looks like we got Compassion for our free Psykana (Nice, nice), and Barbarun and Ikatun are now producing SAGs!

And yeah, hoo boy those dudes are going full Irregular Ops, huh? That's a lot of Sabotage tagged units.

As much of a pain in the ass as we got from Neon, fighting Chaos is going to be a (Relative) breath of fresh air, isn't it @HeroCooky , given how hard we counter something they invested tons of their "Faction Points" into, and the more advanced stuff is probably outside the scope of what this campaign entails, huh?
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As much of a pain in the ass as we got from Neon, fighting Chaos is going to be a (Relative) breath of fresh air, isn't it @HeroCooky , given how hard we counter something they invested tons of their "Faction Points" into, and the more advanced stuff is probably outside the scope of what this campaign entails, huh?
Your people can straight up say: "No." to 70% of Chaos' tricks and tools, by dint of being Iconoclasts and your Faith Trait.
A lot of Sorcerers are going to be calling Hax!
Yeah look at the maps they've been updated as noted Neon is gone and Chaos is now on several of their former worlds. Probably in our best interest now to push towards these chaos infiltrated worlds and crush chaos before they can gain to large a foothold.

We can absorb the other worlds after we crush chaos.