- Pronouns
- He/Him
Here's my plan, basically instead of helping the Lamenters we research Imperial Ships in prep for redesigning the Taurus and I keep the Knights in reserve, a little something so we can have one more surprise up our sleeve.
[ ] Plan R&D and Shock & Awe
-[] [General] Develop the Federation's...
—[ ] Military Industry V
-[ ] [General] Research:
—[ ] Imperial Ship Study
-[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s)
--[] Task Fleet Alpha (20/20 Ship Capacity)
---[ ] 2x Andromeda-Class Command Ship, 2x Proof of Our New Path Battlecolony, 2x Libra-Secundus Light Carrier, 1x Libra Light Carrier, 3x Crux Missile Frigates, 2x Taurus-Class Troopship, 6x Aries-Secundus Class Corvette, 4x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyers.
---[ ] 1st Neumidian SAG, 1st Perfidian SAG
---[ ] We have a rare and rapidly closing opportunity to force the Protectorate of Neon into a headlock favorable to the Glimmering Federation's strategic interests. Based on intelligence gathered from interrogation and data capture, our strategists have determined a vulnerability in the Protectorate's current force disposition. FLASHING SABRE is intended to be a high speed, high tempo operation with the intent on exploiting our strategic mobility to the utmost
----[ ] STAGE ONE: The deployment of Task Fleet Alpha to the Brotar System. It is of the utmost priority that we seize the facilities there in the highest state of repair that we can. As Brotar will serve as the gateway to Federation Space in the immediate future. As this has little to no civilian population due to the hostility of the environment, and its mobile forces should be depleted heavily by the failed attack, we anticipate few issues with this stage, and should be considered our minimal accepted goals.
----[ ] STAGE TWO: We must attempt to liberate the systems of Barbarun and Ikatun from Protectorate control and bring them to the banner of the Star-Child. Barbarun is of particular strategic concern, as it is the seizure of this system which will permit us an advantageous position, as we will be able to threaten Gathin with assault. This will effectively neutralize their defenses between the hammer that is the Enemy's presence in Valhidem and our own deployment here. Ikatun's mineral reserves will also be a great benefit to the Federation. The two in tandem will allow for the establishment of a stable, permanent foothold in Sub-Sector Amratur. If surprise can be maintained, do so, but securing these systems will be important in the future.
----[ ] STAGE THREE: Should all other steps go well, and FLASHING SABRE has completed STAGE ONE and STAGE TWO in good order, they may--at the discretion of the Commanding Officer--move to STAGE THREE--a raid on Quintura Diablo. As one of the only Civilized Worlds within the Sub-Sector, it is likely a major industrial hub--one protected even now by a formidable Void force. Your objective in STAGE THREE is to do all that is possible to disrupt the system's void industry, and eliminate any SDF forces and other void infrastructure possible before reinforcements can arrive, then withdraw to STAGE TWO territory. Be advised that we do not currently have the star-lift capacity to seize the system in the long term at present, but forcing Neon to need to replace their industrial losses and the remaining mobile force reserves will buy us the better part of a century to build our strength before they are in a position to retaliate.
---[ ] TL;DR: Liberate Brotar, Barbarun, Ikatun. Punch Quintura Diablo in the throat a few times as a stretch goal. If we can only take two systems, make it Brotar and Barbarun to get the headlock. For all the fancy words here, that's really all this comes down to, I just had fun writing this.
[ ] Plan R&D and Shock & Awe
-[] [General] Develop the Federation's...
—[ ] Military Industry V
-[ ] [General] Research:
—[ ] Imperial Ship Study
-[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s)
--[] Task Fleet Alpha (20/20 Ship Capacity)
---[ ] 2x Andromeda-Class Command Ship, 2x Proof of Our New Path Battlecolony, 2x Libra-Secundus Light Carrier, 1x Libra Light Carrier, 3x Crux Missile Frigates, 2x Taurus-Class Troopship, 6x Aries-Secundus Class Corvette, 4x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyers.
---[ ] 1st Neumidian SAG, 1st Perfidian SAG
---[ ] We have a rare and rapidly closing opportunity to force the Protectorate of Neon into a headlock favorable to the Glimmering Federation's strategic interests. Based on intelligence gathered from interrogation and data capture, our strategists have determined a vulnerability in the Protectorate's current force disposition. FLASHING SABRE is intended to be a high speed, high tempo operation with the intent on exploiting our strategic mobility to the utmost
----[ ] STAGE ONE: The deployment of Task Fleet Alpha to the Brotar System. It is of the utmost priority that we seize the facilities there in the highest state of repair that we can. As Brotar will serve as the gateway to Federation Space in the immediate future. As this has little to no civilian population due to the hostility of the environment, and its mobile forces should be depleted heavily by the failed attack, we anticipate few issues with this stage, and should be considered our minimal accepted goals.
----[ ] STAGE TWO: We must attempt to liberate the systems of Barbarun and Ikatun from Protectorate control and bring them to the banner of the Star-Child. Barbarun is of particular strategic concern, as it is the seizure of this system which will permit us an advantageous position, as we will be able to threaten Gathin with assault. This will effectively neutralize their defenses between the hammer that is the Enemy's presence in Valhidem and our own deployment here. Ikatun's mineral reserves will also be a great benefit to the Federation. The two in tandem will allow for the establishment of a stable, permanent foothold in Sub-Sector Amratur. If surprise can be maintained, do so, but securing these systems will be important in the future.
----[ ] STAGE THREE: Should all other steps go well, and FLASHING SABRE has completed STAGE ONE and STAGE TWO in good order, they may--at the discretion of the Commanding Officer--move to STAGE THREE--a raid on Quintura Diablo. As one of the only Civilized Worlds within the Sub-Sector, it is likely a major industrial hub--one protected even now by a formidable Void force. Your objective in STAGE THREE is to do all that is possible to disrupt the system's void industry, and eliminate any SDF forces and other void infrastructure possible before reinforcements can arrive, then withdraw to STAGE TWO territory. Be advised that we do not currently have the star-lift capacity to seize the system in the long term at present, but forcing Neon to need to replace their industrial losses and the remaining mobile force reserves will buy us the better part of a century to build our strength before they are in a position to retaliate.
---[ ] TL;DR: Liberate Brotar, Barbarun, Ikatun. Punch Quintura Diablo in the throat a few times as a stretch goal. If we can only take two systems, make it Brotar and Barbarun to get the headlock. For all the fancy words here, that's really all this comes down to, I just had fun writing this.