Hi, I am doing another OOC voter statistic since this weeks does not go quite well for me and this is how I choose to deal with stress.
Compare to the last election, this is one is relatively tame (except that time mod has to ban someone). There is no one trying to purge other factions. The voters participation has also gone down, from 112 to 100, reflecting overall less intense voting.
Perhaps the most divisive issue with an explicitly contrasting policies is the police, divided into 3 approaches. Anarchist favour community police, with the ability to discipline and recall them held by the community. The Social Radicals support integrating national police into the Landwehr as National Gendarmerie, implicitly favour centralised control. Finally, a significant part, although not the majority, of the Progressives wish to professionalised local police as an independent institutions, albeit one with internal democracy and oversight by local board.
Edit: the part on police is apparently less incompatible than I previous thought, but I still think the divisive nature of competing approach here is still somewhat important.
With the effective end of the reconstruction period, the matter of the day seem to shift toward the social issues. Women rights, homosexual rights, police reform, and the expansion of education and healthcare all find steady supports, even if each factions has a different approach on each issues.
The Vanguard Communists continue to be the factions with largest votes, increasing their number of vote by 1. However, for the first time since the revolution, the vanguardist are no longer unite under a single plan, but divided in 3, although 1 plans - focused on social issues - has recived almost three quarter of the faction vote.
The Progressive Independents saw their vote drastically reduced from 32 to 20 - by more than a third. Although the number is sightly better if one compare that number with the voters of Dengist plan which I used as a definition for left-progressive. The Progressive Independents has, once again, rather close to almost evenly divided between 2 plans. Although both of them are focused on economic matter with key commonality being expansion of bond market and formation of foreign investment bank.
In either case, despite the reduced votes they received, the progressive remains a major player, becoming a second largest faction and cement their position as the only true heir of the Progressive Independents of the previous election, the position that become even more apparent when the (reformed) Moderate Democrats has received only a single vote.
The biggest winner of this election is the Anarchist, increasing their votes by almost a third from 11 to 17, becoming an individually third largest faction by thread vote. They are also relatively unite under the joint issue of police reform, welcoming immigrant of marginalised people, and forming pilot commune, with the differing being the leading plan using one plank for durable goods libraries rather than using both on decentralisation of knowledge production. Whatever the Anarchists can maintain this ascendancy or not is remains to be seen.
If the Anarchist are the biggest winner, then the Constitutional Socialists are no doubt the biggest losers, losing almost half of the votes from 11 to 6. A decline that can be attributed to differing priorities as only 4 of the previous ConSoc voters continue to vote for them - 3 defect to Vanguardist and 1 to Anarchist, while 3 of them did not vote in the new election. The gains of 2 new voters has only very marginally prevent their position form becoming even worse, which would be almost be impossible considered the only faction smaller than them only has a single vote. Interestingly, the ConSoc plans are also evenly divided. While they have a commonality in expanding teacher's and medical collage, the rest are entirely different, mostly in term of domestic concern and peaceful development vis-a-vis preparing for the next war. If I am doing this analysis IC, I would said that they are on the verge of dissolution.
The Social Radicals has lost 4 votes, from 20 to 16, although the decreased is only relatively minor in term of percentage. They are relative unite in militarism, anti-imperialism, and support for the right of homosexual, with the only different between the leading plan and the splinter one that gained one vote being that the former support silver mark while the latter support contracting with Irish rebels.
Finally, the Radical Republicans has recover somewhat, gaining 1 more vote than the previous election, with overall focused on militarisation and one splinter vote trying to start a revolution in Austria.