Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

[] Vanguard Communists
-[] Ante-Bordigism
--[] Introduce a national ration providing all persons within the Republic their guaranteed basic rights to food, clothing, and housing.
--[] Establish the Karl Marx Canal Authority with the mandate and powers to review the Canal's plans and propose modernized design elements, and introduce modern labor-saving devices and labor processes to hasten construction and free up workers for reconstruction projects.
--[] Establish municipal and district planning committees consisting of local and national political, and local worker, delegates to develop local economic plans in conformity with the national plan - such as it is - and to coordinate the efforts of local cooperative and state enterprises towards the accomplishment of the local and national plans.
--[] Experiment with implementing labor vouchers, in the Ruhr Area as it was relatively untouched by the civil war, as a starting point (along with the national ration) for decommodifying the internal economy.
--[] Establish a Continuing Committee of the International Socialist and Workers' Congress as a means of governing the activities of the Congress's members during the intervals between official Congress meetings. All activities, understandings and resolutions established and adopted by the Congress should be implemented in full by the Party as a whole.

Slight modification to @nachtingale 's VanCom plan, trimming down some of the verbiage and more importantly, emphasizing the coordination between cooperative and state enterprises. Name is because Bordiga isn't born yet.

[] Vanguard Communists
-[] Ante-Bordigism with Boats
--[] Introduce a national ration providing all persons within the Republic their guaranteed basic rights to food, clothing, and housing.
--[] Establish the Karl Marx Canal Authority with the mandate and powers to review the Canal's plans and propose modernized design elements, and introduce modern labor-saving devices and labor processes to hasten construction and free up workers for reconstruction projects.
--[] Establish municipal and district planning committees consisting of local and national political, and local worker, delegates to develop local economic plans in conformity with the national plan - such as it is - and to coordinate the efforts of local cooperative and state enterprises towards the accomplishment of the local and national plans.
--[] Through organising and arming a network of lookouts and fishermen along the northern coast, a militia can be raised to provide aid to stranded or distressed ships in our waters. They can also serve as a warning and a first line of defence against opportunistic privateers and raiders.
--[] Establish a Continuing Committee of the International Socialist and Workers' Congress as a means of governing the activities of the Congress's members during the intervals between official Congress meetings. All activities, understandings and resolutions established and adopted by the Congress should be implemented in full by the Party as a whole.

Version with @Nevis 's coast guard.
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[] Anarcho-Confederalists
-[] Anarchist-Technocrat Alignment

--[] Establish a bureau of independent citizen-researchers who are empowered to expect cooperation from the government on investigations of failures and best practices in administration, to maintain statistics and qualitive research projects on matters of public interest free of pressure from the government, and generally to effectively answer questions posed to them by legislators, cooperatives, public petitions, etc.

--[] Expand protections for freedom of thought and expression at universities, and promote the use of night classes for all curious adults.

--[] Expand protections for minorities in the face of government policing power by establishing a heightened level of judicial scrutiny for actions that target them, and making clear and public the avenues for such appeals. Allow minority communities to set up their own local police forces and set up special culturally-competent units of the National Police to handle national cases there.

--[] Establish a commission to review of military doctrine and operations in the Civil War, including civilians and common soldiers alongside military planners and officers, with an eye to identifying key reforms for military justice and legitimacy as well as battlefield success.

--[] Ask local governments and collectives in their area to identify the local infrastructure needs that are the most pressing and valuable, and support those local needs with the national supply of labor and material. Prioritize national resources to these projects first according to their benefit to the overall recovery and secondarily according to local damage.

Pacifism and hating professionalism are obnoxious hobbyhorses, so I have decided to use the tempering fires of "gamer mode coalition politics" to try and make the anarchists more to my liking. This is definitely more of a platform of "things anarchists and technocrats are trying to make common cause with Consocs and RRs to get passed" than a bold top-level agenda for the entire country, and that's intentional.

Also Etran teased me with the possibility of anarchist-bureaucrat fusion and then it didn't happen, so I'm gonna make it happen.
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[] Progressive Independents
-[] Plan Socialism with German Characteristics
--[] Support general lowering of taxation and tariffs to more sustainable levels.
--[] Diplomatically reach out to Britain and France, assuring them of the incredibly peaceful intentions of the German Republic and hopefully establish trade agreements with both.
--[] Open up the state owned industries and co-operatives to foreign investment from Spain, France and Britain through allowing purchase of minority shares.
--[] Support establishment of regional banks in each district or region to provide loans to citizens seeking to establish new innovative co-operative enterprises or allow them to deposit savings.
--[] Rationalize the current system of social security by transferring the duty of providing them to the unions and co-operatives, with the state supporting them through subsidies and tax breaks now.

It's time for economic growth and prosperity folks. We must turn Germany into an industrial juggernaut if we are to overcome Austria and Russia!
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[] Social Radicals
-[] Arsenal of the Revolution
--[] Ban the use of gold coinage for domestic transactions effectively switching to paper money for all transactions that don't involve foreign nationals or entities. Introduce upper limits for how much gold citizens and co-ops can hold and mandate that all gold above the limit is sold to the National Bank at market price.
--[] Overhaul the strategy, tactics, training and equipment of all military branches implementing the lessons we learned in the Second Civil War. Use the unparalleled expertise of our veterans to prepare the Second Republic for the next war.
--[] Initiate a broad program of urban renewal for the devastated regions of the Second Republic. Modernize and repair destroyed or damaged industry, underlining the Republican character of our rebuilding efforts with impressive monuments for the heroes of the civil war. Allocate additional funds to areas that remained loyal.
--[] Begin an mechanized construction effort to finish the Marx Canal quickly and use this as a flagship project to initiate a broader, nationwide infrastructure program. Focus on building or repairing roads and railways destroyed in the war, concentrating on areas of strategic importance.
--[] Lay the groundwork for long-term naval expansion by creating the necessary industry and infrastructure to expand both the navy and the merchant navy. The goals of this expansion are hegemony in the Baltic Sea and a stronger merchant marine to bolster our foreign trade.
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[] Vanguard Communists
-[] Baby's Bordigism
--[] The introduction of a nationwide ration to meet the basic demands of every person within the Republic, granting every person within the Republic the right to food, clothes and housing. The people have suffered long enough, and no one shall be left behind in this new state.
--[] Fast tracking the Karl Marx Canal by modernizing the construction process, introducing less labor-intensive methods to free up experienced manpower needed in rebuilding the nation elsewhere. A new committee should be set up to focus on analyzing the canal's original proposal to fix any outdated models or designs as well.
--[] The establishment of localized planning committees, to oversee the redirection of the economies of local communities towards efforts of mutual aid and eventual decommodification. These planning committees should be empowered to assist in the melding of co-operatives into supply chains without the requirement of currency exchange.
--[] Experiment in the implementation of labor vouchers, localized in a region relatively untouched by the civil war (preferably the Ruhr), as a testing ground for further efforts to decommodify the internal markets.
--[] Establish a Continuing Committee of the International Socialist and Workers' Congress as a means of governing the activities of the Congress' members during the intervals between official Congress meetings. All activities, understandings and resolutions established and adopted by the Congress should be implemented in full by the Party as a whole.


[] Vanguard Communists
-[] Ante-Bordigism
--[] Introduce a national ration providing all persons within the Republic their guaranteed basic rights to food, clothing, and housing.
--[] Establish the Karl Marx Canal Authority with the mandate and powers to review the Canal's plans and propose modernized design elements, and introduce modern labor-saving devices and labor processes to hasten construction and free up workers for reconstruction projects.
--[] Establish municipal and district planning committees consisting of local and national political, and local worker, delegates to develop local economic plans in conformity with the national plan - such as it is - and to coordinate the efforts of local cooperative and state enterprises towards the accomplishment of the local and national plans.
--[] Experiment with implementing labor vouchers, in the Ruhr Area as it was relatively untouched by the civil war, as a starting point (along with the national ration) for decommodifying the internal economy.
--[] Establish a Continuing Committee of the International Socialist and Workers' Congress as a means of governing the activities of the Congress's members during the intervals between official Congress meetings. All activities, understandings and resolutions established and adopted by the Congress should be implemented in full by the Party as a whole.

Slight modification to @nachtingale 's VanCom plan, trimming down some of the verbiage and more importantly, emphasizing the coordination between cooperative and state enterprises. Name is because Bordiga isn't born yet.

[] Vanguard Communists
-[] Ante-Bordigism with Boats
--[] Introduce a national ration providing all persons within the Republic their guaranteed basic rights to food, clothing, and housing.
--[] Establish the Karl Marx Canal Authority with the mandate and powers to review the Canal's plans and propose modernized design elements, and introduce modern labor-saving devices and labor processes to hasten construction and free up workers for reconstruction projects.
--[] Establish municipal and district planning committees consisting of local and national political, and local worker, delegates to develop local economic plans in conformity with the national plan - such as it is - and to coordinate the efforts of local cooperative and state enterprises towards the accomplishment of the local and national plans.
--[] Through organising and arming a network of lookouts and fishermen along the northern coast, a militia can be raised to provide aid to stranded or distressed ships in our waters. They can also serve as a warning and a first line of defence against opportunistic privateers and raiders.
--[] Establish a Continuing Committee of the International Socialist and Workers' Congress as a means of governing the activities of the Congress's members during the intervals between official Congress meetings. All activities, understandings and resolutions established and adopted by the Congress should be implemented in full by the Party as a whole.

Version with @Nevis 's coast guard.

Might want to throw in something about organizing child care and household work around unions or workplaces? I think it would be popular with working class women (who probably still shoulder a lot of that work in addition to careers) and it's a good way to introduce worker organization based solutions rather than territorial government based ones in a domain that's lacking at the moment, which should be easier than replacing established domains.

Maybe you can combine the local planning and local vouchers experiments (they kinda need each other to work anyway) to free space for it.

I think we need to try different paths to decommodification to see what works in the German context, and having a local government attempt and an union attempt would give us a more robust program we can learn from even if it doesn't succeed on all fronts.
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[] Social Radicals
- [] Expand ports and dockyards, as a precondition to building warships. Use improved trade to fund this.
- [] Repair and build more railroads, in order to be able to mobilize with absolute efficiency. There should also be economic side effects.
- [] Establish a state-funded policy of biyearly health checkups, with all recommendations state-subsidied, so as to have as healthy a population of soldiers as possible.
- [] Invest in better education for our children and adolescents, modifying physical classes to practice things such as group sports (coordination and discipline) hide and seek in forests and towns (infiltration and camouflage) and sprinting (trench assault).
- [] Provide of funding, training, and organization to Dutch radicals of all stripes in order for them to carry out a revolution with volunteer support.

[] Social Radicals
-[] Peaceful Intentions
--[] Expand ports and dockyards, as a precondition to building warships. Use improved trade to fund this.
--[] Repair and build more railroads, in order to be able to mobilize with absolute efficiency. There should also be economic side effects.
--[] Establish a state-funded policy of biyearly health checkups, with all recommendations state-subsidied, so as to have as healthy a population of soldiers as possible.
--[] Invest in better education for our children and adolescents, modifying physical classes to practice things such as group sports (coordination and discipline) hide and seek in forests and towns (infiltration and camouflage) and sprinting (trench assault).
--[] Provide of funding, training, and organization to Dutch radicals of all stripes in order for them to carry out a revolution with volunteer support.
Might want to throw in something about organizing child care and household work around unions or workplaces? I think it would be popular with working class women (who probably still shoulder a lot of that work in addition to careers) and it's a good way to introduce worker organization based solutions rather than territorial government based ones in a domain that's lacking at the moment, which should be easier than replacing established domains.

Maybe you can combine the local planning and local vouchers experiments (they kinda need each other to work anyway) to free space for it.

I think we need to try different paths to decommodification to see what works in the German context, and having a local government attempt and an union attempt would give us a more robust program we can learn from even if it doesn't succeed on all fronts.
VanComs are still supposed to be centralists, and I'd rather have state creches for universal early childhood care as a basis rather than the patchy coverage of cooperative/union daycare attached to workplaces (using the latter to supplement the former as necessary/desirable). I also think the planning and vouchers are independent (planning can be done in terms of budgets in money and doesn't require vouchers, and is important to implement in the framework of a national plan embracing the whole territory and people, unlike vouchers which can be implemented piecemeal and experimentally).

Where universal provision of childcare could go is in the ration plank, reframed to be about social services generally.
what faction would it make the most sense to adopt a plank about increasing a sort of combined vocational and technical and liberal arts education to make everyone well rounded in all sorts of skills instead of keeping these skills the domains of few specialists
I think most of the factions are going to be thinking "aahhh the country is on fire! We don't have time for art!" right now. You could probably take any of the factions except the vancoms or radical republicans in that direction though.

Maybe the anarchists are your best bet?
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excited for the Anarchist-Technocrats to spend a lot of time at meetings arguing that unless you have also invented time travel to give people infinite training specialization is always useful
[] Anarcho-Confederalists
-[] The syndicalist case against central bureaucratic answers
--[] organize collective answers to childcare and housework through workplaces, unions and cooperatives as a way to liberate women from domestic labour through the workers' self organization
--[] organize participative planning between local government and local workplaces, to find short circuit answers to demand where possible
--[] create a framework for German cooperatives to operate foreign branches in nations we have friendly trade relations with, enfranchising foreign hires as part of our worker owned structure
--[] experiment with more participative forms of schooling, encouraging both teachers and students to take an active part in organizing less hierarchical education
--[] welcome the marginalized of the world to Germany, offering citizenship and employment to those who lack a nation, are persecuted where they live or just want opportunities in a country that respect their contribution as workers

Trying to see if there's room for some syndicalism in the Anarchist tent, while keeping to their localist leanings for the planning side. I believe leveraging unions and coops planning is a good alternative to state driven development if we're worried about the growth of the central bureaucracy. And I think the anarchists shouldn't let the militarists have a monopoly on internationalism, but instead offer a competing vision of it.

Do I believe this is the best options in every way? Not really. But I think it's an alternative that should be on offer and I think it's an opportunity to give some identity to the anarchists.
[] Radical Republicans
-[] Plan Ready for War by 1890
--[] Repair, reintegrate, and expand internal infrastructure, especially rail lines. This is vital both to internal commerce and rapid mobilization.
--[] Expand our port facilities, both for receiving trade and for constructing warships. We will need a strong navy to protect our trade and challenge reactionaries in the Baltic.
--[] Resume work on the Karl Marx Canal, prioritizing advanced methods of construction rather than the old labor intensive plan.
--[] Have a formal review from our Combined Staff to determine what lessons of modern war were learned from the Civil War, and how best to conduct campaign efficiently and with minimal loss of life.
--[] Seek to secure favorable trade treaties with the newly independent powers of Eastern Europe (Albania, Greece, Romania, and Serbia). This could help the economy and getting a foot in the door here could be good long term.
Had a completely different idea. What if we only did economic planks?

[] Constitutional Socialists
-[] The First Intensification Campaign
--[] Seek every possible avenue for foreign exports as a way to raise revenues for reinvesting
--[] Direct the People's Labor Reserve to infrastructure and transportation projects across the country where they can most facilitate industry and internal trade
--[] Set our heavy industry to produce more machinery to expand itself continuously
--[] Organize a planning organization of farmers, engineers and planners to put in place a program of intensification of agricultural production all sides can commit to
--[] Improve technical education by setting up school-factory work study programs with a focus on the technicians our economic planning will need
Etranger why don't you use task voting instead of putting the plan names below the party?

[] [Vanguard Communists] Plan: Example

It'd look neater in the tally at least.

Otherwise think we should rebuild all our lost infrastructure.
[] Social Radicals
-[] Revolutionary War Now!
--[] Purge the Progressive Independents for being crypto-aristocrats and the Anarcho-Confederalists for their pacifism. The pacifist is, objectively, nothing more than an agent of the Tsar!
--[] Have our economic planners develop a Four Year Plan to double our military industry, massively expanding our production of guns, artillery, etc.
--[] Begin a naval rearmament program, expand our ports and build more warships, with a focus towards creating a strong Baltic Fleet to counter Russia and Sweden.
--[] Use the Labor Reserve to repair and expand our infrastructure, with a focus towards railways, roads and canals that are critical for military mobilization.
--[] Liberate Switzerland. Use our new border with Italy to start smuggling weapons to Italian Republicans.
[] Radical Republicans
-[] Terror shall be the Order of the Day
--[] Start a massive propaganda campaign all over the country to raise revolutionary fervor and awareness for reactionary activity,emphasizing our precarious position of being surrounded by enemies on all sides,both externally and internally,our republic and loyal citizens virtue and the need for every single person to be vigilant for treasonous activities and contribute to the cause.
--[] To help out with our empty treasury establish a government bond campaign with around 5% interest rate and a repayment period of 10-15 years,taking full advantage of our propaganda campaign to raise as many funds as possible.
--[] Our virtuous republic is not only surrounded externally,but also infested within by counter-revolutionary rot,this cannot stand.Demand the establishment of the Directorate of Public Security,a internal sec org dedicated to locating and cleansing the reactionary taint from every single nook and cranny in the republic with full judiciary authority.If people whine about,,civil rights" or,,human rights abuses",remind them the republic is surrounded externally and internally and that were in situation of crisis,niceities can wait until we've taken out the trash.
--[] Establish Directorate spy networks all over the country and in every single corner of society,whilst slowly setting up armies of informants and paramilitaries.Let every single traitorous degenerate know that althrough they can run,they cannot hide in our virtuous republic,and we WILL find them,while also discuraging any sympathetic minds in the meantime.Also establish a national hotline using mail,telegraph or phone for citizens to dutifully report any signs of counter-revolutionary activity to the state.
--[] Merely tossing the traitors in jail or executing them would be very costly however,and frankly a waste when they could be put to much better uses.Establish reeducation camps across the country under the authority of the Directorate while also putting the traitors to work so they made redeem themselves to the republic,while also aliviating our economic situation at the same time.
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Does anyone have any ideas for pushing the anarchists into becoming the uncontested ultraleft of the entire republic because I'm to tired and stupid right now to come up with anything?
[] Anarcho-Confederalists
-[] The syndicalist case against central bureaucratic answers
--[] organize collective answers to childcare and housework through workplaces, unions and cooperatives as a way to liberate women from domestic labour through the workers' self organization
--[] organize participative planning between local government and local workplaces, to find short circuit answers to demand where possible
--[] create a framework for German cooperatives to operate foreign branches in nations we have friendly trade relations with, enfranchising foreign hires as part of our worker owned structure
--[] experiment with more participative forms of schooling, encouraging both teachers and students to take an active part in organizing less hierarchical education
--[] welcome the marginalized of the world to Germany, offering citizenship and employment to those who lack a nation, are persecuted where they live or just want opportunities in a country that respect their contribution as workers

Trying to see if there's room for some syndicalism in the Anarchist tent, while keeping to their localist leanings for the planning side. I believe leveraging unions and coops planning is a good alternative to state driven development if we're worried about the growth of the central bureaucracy. And I think the anarchists shouldn't let the militarists have a monopoly on internationalism, but instead offer a competing vision of it.

Do I believe this is the best options in every way? Not really. But I think it's an alternative that should be on offer and I think it's an opportunity to give some identity to the anarchists.

This will have my vote.
[] Anarcho-Confederalists
-[] Anarchist-Technocrat Alignment

--[] Establish a bureau of independent citizen-researchers who are empowered to expect cooperation from the government on investigations of failures and best practices in administration, to maintain statistics and qualitive research projects on matters of public interest free of pressure from the government, and generally to effectively answer questions posed to them by legislators, cooperatives, public petitions, etc.

--[] Expand protections for freedom of thought and expression at universities, and promote the use of night classes for all curious adults.

--[] Expand protections for minorities in the face of government policing power by establishing a heightened level of judicial scrutiny for actions that target them, and making clear and public the avenues for such appeals. Allow minority communities to set up their own local police forces and set up special culturally-competent units of the National Police to handle national cases there.

--[] Establish a commission to review of military doctrine and operations in the Civil War, including civilians and common soldiers alongside military planners and officers, with an eye to identifying key reforms for military justice and legitimacy as well as battlefield success.

--[] Ask local governments and collectives in their area to identify the local infrastructure needs that are the most pressing and valuable, and support those local needs with the national supply of labor and material. Prioritize national resources to these projects first according to their benefit to the overall recovery and secondarily according to local damage.

Pacifism and hating professionalism are obnoxious hobbyhorses, so I have decided to use the tempering fires of "gamer mode coalition politics" to try and make the anarchists more to my liking. This is definitely more of a platform of "things anarchists and technocrats are trying to make common cause with Consocs and RRs to get passed" than a bold top-level agenda for the entire country, and that's intentional.

Also Etran teased me with the possibility of anarchist-bureaucrat fusion and then it didn't happen, so I'm gonna make it happen.

This plan is the way forward for Germany. The bureaucrats must be the servants of the people, not their masters!

Say no to the Vanguards, who would have you rely on the state even for your daily bread! Say no to the Marcobins, who would take the gold from your hands and replace it with scrip!

During these critical years of reconstruction, we must not only maintain the freedoms that we bled for, but also embed rationalism and scientific thought at the heart of our governing processes. A vote for the Anarcho-Confederalists is a vote for a free, prosperous, and stable republic!