It only happens when the Chosen of Seryn crit-fails the roll like Wyrn did. A normal failure just gives you the rose-tinted glasses while a success just reinforces existing loyalty. Thankfully Cadyl is good and rerolls are a possibility if Seryn revokes her blessing and gives it again. Though those rerolls could result in a crit-failure when you passed before so it is double-edged sword.
So, just to check and be clear-this loyalty is just happening to Chosen of Seryn specifically, as opposed to people who recieve the more general Cath-Wyr blessing right?
And while I'm at it-if Seryn decided to create any more Chosen, could she control if they get the blessing of Loyalty or would it automatically be stuck on as part of the package?

...Ultimately? The 'loyalty' thing makes Seryn in general thematically like those...Was there a specific name for those woman-spear-wielders from that recent Black Panther movie?
Yeah, the whole "super fanatic loyalty" things is honestly a little fucked up, and it goes to show both how different Spirits/Gods are from mortals and how giving mortals these traits can really fuck them up.

Like, the physical traits seem alright since they only change the body, but blessing someone with "Fatherhood" or "Love" or "Loyalty" can really change someone's entire being in ways that are frankly unhealthy for humans.
*rolls a crit negative on a fatherhood chosen*
*everyone starts calling them daddy and trying to get spanked*
So, just to check and be clear-this loyalty is just happening to Chosen of Seryn specifically, as opposed to people who recieve the more general Cath-Wyr blessing right?
And while I'm at it-if Seryn decided to create any more Chosen, could she control if they get the blessing of Loyalty or would it automatically be stuck on as part of the package?

Automatically stuck on for major blessings like Chosen, but optional for lesser blessings.

...Ultimately? The 'loyalty' thing makes Seryn in general thematically like those...Was there a specific name for those woman-spear-wielders from that recent Black Panther movie?

The Dora Milaje.

Yeah, the whole "super fanatic loyalty" things is honestly a little fucked up, and it goes to show both how different Spirits/Gods are from mortals and how giving mortals these traits can really fuck them up.

Like, the physical traits seem alright since they only change the body, but blessing someone with "Fatherhood" or "Love" or "Loyalty" can really change someone's entire being in ways that are frankly unhealthy for humans.

Fatherhood doesn't actually change the person's mind apart from making them a better father to their kids.
It is time, may this roll not bring misfortune.
EDIT:...Almost aggressively average, clearly not what I was expecting.
Zaealix threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 49
49 49
It is time, may this roll not bring misfortune.
EDIT:...Almost aggressively average, clearly not what I was expecting.

It is less of a failure than what I originally rolled, but not quite good enough for Gwarlon to resist Cadyl's persuasive arguments, which relates back to this:
You got a fair few cycles before that starts to be a problem and there will be a couple of options along with whatever else you guys think of on your own.

Let's hope for the best

Edit: wow, my bad guys

Do you want me to keep that roll? :V

Well. Good thing I was first, if only by a minute's time. That would have ended poorly for someone.

The Blawainish and the Belsarish.
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Right. Tournament.
Fighting skill demonstration is the only real competition we have I think-unless the Might Body blessing stacks with a mortal's strength instead of setting it to a specific integer (Cath Wyr, +5 to martial versus Cath Wyr, martial set to 15) it's pointless to test strength, and even then Seryn could futz with the results via more blessing even if it is a stacking thing.
Alternatively, depending on which form can fight with less chance of injury (Cath Wyr might be tougher, but the strength that goes with it might allow for relatively more deadly combat), we work with that.
Alternatively, we have it based less on martial power, and more on magical capability, assuming Myrlin can find some way to jimmy the Cath Wyr form...
Bahargest. This is why I wanted to specialize the Cath Wyr instead of making them straight-up our miltary guys, because that way each role could have a purpose. Of course, the trouble might simply boil down to Seryn doesn't actually HAVE competition on a spirit to spirit level, and thus her blessings make superior warriors but...Feh. If only I had been faster actually crafting a vote we could have had shiny awesome Cath Wyr instead *grumble grumble*
So it sounds like a case of "these guys are fairly insular and don't want to talk to us, so we should back up our talks with overwhelming force".

This is kinda bad, because gunboat diplomacy is generally bad at creating enduring goodwill.

We really need to get the tournament online next turn, or even just begin to get the Cath Wyrs focused on exploring it something instead of just fighting stuff.
Fighting skill demonstration is the only real competition we have I think-unless the Might Body blessing stacks with a mortal's strength instead of setting it to a specific integer (Cath Wyr, +5 to martial versus Cath Wyr, martial set to 15) it's pointless to test strength, and even then Seryn could futz with the results via more blessing even if it is a stacking thing.

The Gift of the Mighty Body doesn't stack, but replaces the receiver's body with one that Seryn had at sixteen, giving each Cath Wyr the same strength amongst other things due to having the same body. However, Seryn's other blessings do stack upon existing strength as while the Gift of the Mighty Body simply replaces the default body with a new pre-defined default body, Seryn's blessings add onto or change the default body.

Alternatively, depending on which form can fight with less chance of injury (Cath Wyr might be tougher, but the strength that goes with it might allow for relatively more deadly combat), we work with that.

What do you mean by 'which form'. When it comes to mortals, Cath Wyrs are undoubtedly better in almost every regard unless they are being compared to a spirit chosen.

Alternatively, we have it based less on martial power, and more on magical capability, assuming Myrlin can find some way to jimmy the Cath Wyr form...

All new Cath Wyrs gain lightning magic when they get the Gift of the Mighty Body and Seryn needs only a few more cycles to give the older Cath Wyrs lighting magic as well. Cath Wyrs can also get magic from another spirit just like any other mortal.

Bahargest. This is why I wanted to specialize the Cath Wyr instead of making them straight-up our miltary guys, because that way each role could have a purpose. Of course, the trouble might simply boil down to Seryn doesn't actually HAVE competition on a spirit to spirit level, and thus her blessings make superior warriors but...Feh. If only I had been faster actually crafting a vote we could have had shiny awesome Cath Wyr instead *grumble grumble*

Specialising didn't work due to Seryn's changing the form being from her being a Goddess of Beauty so the changes are limited to superficial stuff and making things look beautiful over any practicalities. Furthermore, her followers wanted to have the more default body and Seryn wasn't just going to force a specialised body on her followers without their consent. You won't be able to unwillingly force people into certain bodies and societal roles and neither Gwarlon, Evatine or Seryn will accept or allow that to happen.

In regards to Seryn, she does not have any spiritual competition due to how powerful she is from eating her would be rivals and as the Goddess of War, her blessings to make inherently superior warriors.

So it sounds like a case of "these guys are fairly insular and don't want to talk to us, so we should back up our talks with overwhelming force".

This is kinda bad, because gunboat diplomacy is generally bad at creating enduring goodwill.

We really need to get the tournament online next turn, or even just begin to get the Cath Wyrs focused on exploring it something instead of just fighting stuff.

It is more of a mixture of Cadyl wanting to secure the borders from hostile villages in a time of relative peace and prosperity and to a lesser extent, doing something that will put his mark in history beyond being the son of the Great One. Between his heavy planning, forming connections and a natural 100 on convincing his dad to give his backing to his ambitions, Cadyl is going to be doing some conquering.

Update will be latter tonight as I am almost done.
The Gift of the Mighty Body doesn't stack, but replaces the receiver's body with one that Seryn had at sixteen, giving each Cath Wyr the same strength amongst other things due to having the same body. However, Seryn's other blessings do stack upon existing strength as while the Gift of the Mighty Body simply replaces the default body with a new pre-defined default body, Seryn's blessings add onto or change the default body.

What do you mean by 'which form'. When it comes to mortals, Cath Wyrs are undoubtedly better in almost every regard unless they are being compared to a spirit chosen.

All new Cath Wyrs gain lightning magic when they get the Gift of the Mighty Body and Seryn needs only a few more cycles to give the older Cath Wyrs lighting magic as well. Cath Wyrs can also get magic from another spirit just like any other mortal.

Specialising didn't work due to Seryn's changing the form being from her being a Goddess of Beauty so the changes are limited to superficial stuff and making things look beautiful over any practicalities. Furthermore, her followers wanted to have the more default body and Seryn wasn't just going to force a specialised body on her followers without their consent. You won't be able to unwillingly force people into certain bodies and societal roles and neither Gwarlon, Evatine or Seryn will accept or allow that to happen.

In regards to Seryn, she does not have any spiritual competition due to how powerful she is from eating her would be rivals and as the Goddess of War, her blessings to make inherently superior warriors.

It is more of a mixture of Cadyl wanting to secure the borders from hostile villages in a time of relative peace and prosperity and to a lesser extent, doing something that will put his mark in history beyond being the son of the Great One. Between his heavy planning, forming connections and a natural 100 on convincing his dad to give his backing to his ambitions, Cadyl is going to be doing some conquering.

Update will be latter tonight as I am almost done.
Hmm, I guess we should have expected there to be some conquering with such a war heavy people, as well as the fact that we have been in conflict for a while.

Diplomacy Dad can't solve everything, it seems :V
you know, I really hope someone reaches godhood soon, because Seryn being the only god(dess) around is probably shaping our culture a lot strongly than she expects, spiritually speaking, she is way too big for her every move to not affect people everytime she decides to do something...
you know, I really hope someone reaches godhood soon, because Seryn being the only god(dess) around is probably shaping our culture a lot strongly than she expects, spiritually speaking, she is way too big for her every move to not affect people everytime she decides to do something...

Gwarlon and Isorine are both one upgrade away from becoming a God and Goddess respectively.
Okay, time for Pasta Combat!
The Gift of the Mighty Body doesn't stack, but replaces the receiver's body with one that Seryn had at sixteen, giving each Cath Wyr the same strength amongst other things due to having the same body. However, Seryn's other blessings do stack upon existing strength as while the Gift of the Mighty Body simply replaces the default body with a new pre-defined default body, Seryn's blessings add onto or change the default body.

Specialising didn't work due to Seryn's changing the form being from her being a Goddess of Beauty so the changes are limited to superficial stuff and making things look beautiful over any practicalities. Furthermore, her followers wanted to have the more default body and Seryn wasn't just going to force a specialised body on her followers without their consent. You won't be able to unwillingly force people into certain bodies and societal roles and neither Gwarlon, Evatine or Seryn will accept or allow that to happen.

Gonna slap these two together so I can be on topic about it :Basically, the idea is is however the tournament works, it has to be a competition that's more about the user's skill versus a simple question of strength-tug of war, for example, would be a terrible competition choice as most Cath Wyr would have equal physical abilities and thus couldn't say, go straight for a move reliant on overpowering the opponent or being faster and would have to account for that.

Specialising in this case to me was less about Seryn being able to adjust Cath Wyr into different roles, and more about there being different types of 'martial spirit chosen'. Admittedly I imagine to make this work we'd need a blessing that DOESN'T stack with the Cath Wyr blessing, and so far no one either has a martial blessing of their own or cannot stack their blessing on top of the Cath Wyr. Like say if we ran into another spirit or God of War, and but he turned out to be friendly and joined us, he could have his Chosen go one way and Seryn go another. Right now I think the Cath Wyr are set to be generalist Warriors who have Lightning magic and Loyalty as traits-once they commit to someone being their Master they won't budge. I wanted Light and Awe to create a sort of...Glamour warrior, a good fighter, but also leaning towards being singular shining champions or something. Full Royal Gaurd, long-term.

I was HOPING that eventually Evatine would develop enough to make his own answer to the Cath Wyr- Given his themes I was imagining something like an army of Knights, empowered by the strength of Humanity, standing as a bastion against inhuman Monsters like Seryn's Cath Wyr might count as. Those plans have been derailed by the fact that apparently Cath Wyr can wield Evatine's weapons with seemingly no issues, and thus our warrior caste boils down to being Catgirl Knights, but perhaps something else will open up.
Okay, time for Pasta Combat!

Gonna slap these two together so I can be on topic about it :Basically, the idea is is however the tournament works, it has to be a competition that's more about the user's skill versus a simple question of strength-tug of war, for example, would be a terrible competition choice as most Cath Wyr would have equal physical abilities and thus couldn't say, go straight for a move reliant on overpowering the opponent or being faster and would have to account for that.

Specialising in this case to me was less about Seryn being able to adjust Cath Wyr into different roles, and more about there being different types of 'martial spirit chosen'. Admittedly I imagine to make this work we'd need a blessing that DOESN'T stack with the Cath Wyr blessing, and so far no one either has a martial blessing of their own or cannot stack their blessing on top of the Cath Wyr. Like say if we ran into another spirit or God of War, and but he turned out to be friendly and joined us, he could have his Chosen go one way and Seryn go another. Right now I think the Cath Wyr are set to be generalist Warriors who have Lightning magic and Loyalty as traits-once they commit to someone being their Master they won't budge. I wanted Light and Awe to create a sort of...Glamour warrior, a good fighter, but also leaning towards being singular shining champions or something. Full Royal Gaurd, long-term.

I was HOPING that eventually Evatine would develop enough to make his own answer to the Cath Wyr- Given his themes I was imagining something like an army of Knights, empowered by the strength of Humanity, standing as a bastion against inhuman Monsters like Seryn's Cath Wyr might count as. Those plans have been derailed by the fact that apparently Cath Wyr can wield Evatine's weapons with seemingly no issues, and thus our warrior caste boils down to being Catgirl Knights, but perhaps something else will open up.
I feel like there isn't a problem with Seryn essentially creating a warrior caste; the problem is that said warrior caste doesn't really do much besides hunt and fight.

We currently have no pressing issues with martial problems, to the point that Cadyl is going conquering for prestige, which is a show of how much excess martial strength we have in comparison to other villages.
Having multiple elite martial units is not the answer, since it will essentially just make competing martial elites who all want to fight something.

It's kind of similar to an issue the Sangerish used to have, in that they had far too many warriors and nothing to do with them, to the point that they raided people and fought to the death among each other just to give them something to do.

It would probably be best to create a War Game or something similar, with the reward being prestige within the village or a blessing of some sort. Anything to help curb the excess martial in our society.
Gonna slap these two together so I can be on topic about it :Basically, the idea is is however the tournament works, it has to be a competition that's more about the user's skill versus a simple question of strength-tug of war, for example, would be a terrible competition choice as most Cath Wyr would have equal physical abilities and thus couldn't say, go straight for a move reliant on overpowering the opponent or being faster and would have to account for that.

A tourmenment would have to be divided into Cath Wyrs and non-Cath Wyrs or just accepting that the Cath Wyrs would have a major advantage over any other participants.

Specialising in this case to me was less about Seryn being able to adjust Cath Wyr into different roles, and more about there being different types of 'martial spirit chosen'. Admittedly I imagine to make this work we'd need a blessing that DOESN'T stack with the Cath Wyr blessing, and so far no one either has a martial blessing of their own or cannot stack their blessing on top of the Cath Wyr. Like say if we ran into another spirit or God of War, and but he turned out to be friendly and joined us, he could have his Chosen go one way and Seryn go another. Right now I think the Cath Wyr are set to be generalist Warriors who have Lightning magic and Loyalty as traits-once they commit to someone being their Master they won't budge. I wanted Light and Awe to create a sort of...Glamour warrior, a good fighter, but also leaning towards being singular shining champions or something. Full Royal Guard, long-term.

I was HOPING that eventually Evatine would develop enough to make his own answer to the Cath Wyr- Given his themes I was imagining something like an army of Knights, empowered by the strength of Humanity, standing as a bastion against inhuman Monsters like Seryn's Cath Wyr might count as. Those plans have been derailed by the fact that apparently Cath Wyr can wield Evatine's weapons with seemingly no issues, and thus our warrior caste boils down to being Catgirl Knights, but perhaps something else will open up.

Yeah, things didn't work out that way. Seryn is the only war-based spirit in the regional after what happened to Cynfanor. You can still get the shining champions from the Cath Wyrs as the future Chosen of Seryn are likely to be paladins, but right now, Seryn's current Chosen are her close friends and family.

As for Evatine, that wouldn't have happened as Evatine isn't a war spirit and he was never in conflict with Seryn. Seryn herself and the Cath Wyrs all count as human so Evatine's blessings extend to them and don't count against them. Evatine might be the person who protects humanity and makes iron tools, but he is more than happy to let his niece handle the actual fighting for him.

I feel like there isn't a problem with Seryn essentially creating a warrior caste; the problem is that said warrior caste doesn't really do much besides hunt and fight.

We currently have no pressing issues with martial problems, to the point that Cadyl is going conquering for prestige, which is a show of how much excess martial strength we have in comparison to other villages.
Having multiple elite martial units is not the answer, since it will essentially just make competing martial elites who all want to fight something.

It's kind of similar to an issue the Sangerish used to have, in that they had far too many warriors and nothing to do with them, to the point that they raided people and fought to the death among each other just to give them something to do.

It would probably be best to create a War Game or something similar, with the reward being prestige within the village or a blessing of some sort. Anything to help curb the excess martial in our society.

The Cath Wyrs do other jobs in the spare time as well, but there is no focus on it. It will come more into play once your society develops the concept of 'Second Youth' and you have people taking the Gift of the Mighty Body to be young again rather than to be warriors.

All in all, you don't have too many warriors right now, but you will need to eventually find a way for the Cath Wyrs to take up a non-martial rule. As for the Sangerish, they had an overpopulation issue not an too many warriors issue which they solved via violence, killing and death.

Another solution to tournaments or wargames would be having citizen soldiers or some sort of militia where Cath Wyrs were only warriors part of the time and had another job to do the rest of the time. Or you could just have them be lazy and just lounge around when there isn't any fighting going on.
Also note that Cath Wyrs do make superior farmers and masons as well, if less of a leap than a hunter. Its easier to name the number of trades which DON'T benefit from it than the number of trades which do(literally everything in the neolithic).
I wonder if we can get the Cath Wyrs to start mining as well, or at the very least start to go spelunking in caves and such.
They are basically better at any job that requires physical effort, so there are plenty of things that we can do with them besides use them to fight things.

Perhaps we should broach the topic with Seryn soon?
I wonder if we can get the Cath Wyrs to start mining as well, or at the very least start to go spelunking in caves and such.
They are basically better at any job that requires physical effort, so there are plenty of things that we can do with them besides use them to fight things.

Perhaps we should broach the topic with Seryn soon?
Nooot a bad ideaaa...I feel like Gwarlon should maybe consider doing something with his aspect of Earth in that regard to help them, since of all the spirits we have, he's the most suited to poking around in caves. Not necessarily well-suited to it, but the best we've got.
Cycle 24 - Ambitions of Conquest
[X][Cycle] Cadyl
[X][Myrlin] Prylake


"So are you going to ask Dad now?" asks Wyrn as your lover holds you again her.

"Tonight," you inform her, "I feel that now is the right time. The last few cycles have been good, the shadow monsters have been dealt as has Sangere while we have been prosperous with new discoveries, more iron spears and tools and strong defences for all villages and increasing trade. We can afford a war now to strengthen ourselves in the future."

You can definitely can afford to convince Dad to allow you to conquer another village. Mum has been encouraging trade between Avawyr, Evalon and Prylake and now Seryn's villages while Uncle Evatine has been producing a lot of iron equipment. The Cath Wyrs number in the thousands now with almost all of them being Lyltymar as well while there is over a thousand iron spears to go around.

Plus most of the villages have a wall with Seryn completing most of Sangere's wooden wall this cycle while only Prylake lacks any wall, even a half-completed one. Dad is spreading his influence with shrines in Avawyr, Evalon, Prylake, Bedywn and Sangere while your sisters are handling other tasks quick well.

With the villages being built up, the threats to them are also at an all time low at the moment. Sangere is no longer an enemy, but a friend while the shadow monsters have been all, but wiped out. Seryn is even planning to start bringing villagers to Bedygan to begin repopulating the village. There may be a threat in the west from Caradawg and the other Cynfanor loyalists, but if there is, there is no sign of it and you see no value in needless worrying.

Meanwhile, the local position is unsecure. You have a hostile Belarsa to the west while to the east there is a hostile and isolationist Blawain while the north has the isolationist, but non-hostile Belamour.

You want to bring those three villages under your control, to secure the control of your people. While Belamour might be persuaded to join peacefully as Prylake did, you have no doubts that Blawain and Belarsa will have to be brought to kneel with violence just as with Bedywn, Bedynn and Sangere.

You have no doubt that the Six Villages have enough strength to force Blawain and Belarsa into submission. You outnumbered them in mortals, mages and spirits greatly and they have nothing that is a match for Seryn as no other spirit in the region has become a goddess like she has. The only question is presenting the plan to Dad and getting him to agree to it. You have already approached Seryn and she has agreed to it and while he has not approved of it, Uncle Evatine has not disapproved of it either.

"So what did Arwyn find this year?" inquires Wyrn, changing the subject to break the silence that has fallen between the two of you.

Your sister has recently been rather successful in her explorations over the last few cycles. First it was the Stag Spirit that Dad has recently brought home along with the pool of unknown magical liquid. Next it was the well of power that she found deep within the mountains east of Avawyr, a natural collection of power that a spirit could drink from to increase their own spiritual weight. While Arwyn drink from it when she first found it, Dad has now reserved it for himself.

And now Arwyn has discovered a vein of metal, different to previously discovered ones. It is the sort of thing that Dad or Uncle Evatine or even some Prydymar or Myrymar should investigate. Arwyn just finds the things for other people to deal with.

"Ore of an unknown metal," you tell Wyrn as you glance at her, "Potentially interesting, but not right now. How are the kids doing?"

"Dyrfyn is getting along well with the other kids of the village while Arthyn is showing signs of natural leadership and a tendency for fighting," replies Wyrn, leaning back a bit to give you an eyeful of her buxom, "That girl is almost certainly going to take after me. Evalyn is hard for me to place. She seems to be taking after Eulyn, but I also see signs of you and to lesser extent, myself, in her. Lyndyl and Cyrlyn are both still too young."

"So are we going for another kid this year?" you ask Wyrn.

"Depends if Dad says no or not," answers Wyrn, "If he agrees to your plans, I am going to be by your side and I cannot do that if I got a baby in my belly. But if he says no, then I wish to have another child."

"That sounds fair," you agree, "So what do we do now?"

"Well, I was thinking that we could enjoy the afternoon a bit," replies Wyrn as she gives you a sly smile and her chest enlarges itself by a bit, "A small session of fornicating with each other before you go and speak with Dad."


You let out a sigh of relief as you head back to your cave after visiting the shrine. With his avatar out of the village, you to speak with him via his shrine, but the talk went well. With your planning of the potential conquests being fully thought out and completed along with the backing of Seryn and Uncle Evatine, Dad gave his permission.

While he was reluctant to agree to something which would cause loss of life, Dad acknowledged that Blawain and Belarsa were unreliable wildcards that may grow into threats that need to be dealt with and that merely talking with them was unlikely to work.

Combine that with the fact that you had more than enough martial might to bring victory over the hostile and you were his son and proved your character in his eyes, Dad saw no proper grounds on which to deny your request.

Given how the Cold Season has already come, you will need to wait until at least the Growth Season before any conquest can be launched. Which suits you just fine as you will need time to put your plans into action, gather the necessary supplies and rally Seryn and her Cath Wyrs to action.

Now you just have to tell Wyrn the good news.

Cycle 25 Perspective?
[] [Cycle] Wyrn
[] [Cycle] Cadyl

Give Edryd a child?
[] [Edryd] Yes.
[] [Edryd] No.
[] [Edryd] Write-in.

Acquire Seryn's Blessing again?
[] [Seryn] Yes. You will need the advantage that it will provide you.
[] [Seryn] No. You will do this without your sister's blessing.
[] [Seryn] Write-in.

Which village do you bring into the fold first?
[] [Conquest] Blawain. The village in the Northern Hills is isolated and pinned in. With only a single spirit and no mages, you can bring in forces from all sides and surround the village before pressing in.
[] [Conquest] Belarsa. With two spirits with Aspects relating to the local terrain and far enough out that reaching it will not be easy as it is with Blawain, Belarsa will be the toughest village to take. Best to get it done and out of the way first.
[] [Conquest] Belamour. Unlike the other two villages, you do not plan to take Belamour by force, but persuade Trevritine and the Belamourish to peacefully submit just as Prylake did.
[X] [Cycle] Wyrn
[X] [Edryd] Yes.
[X] [Seryn] No. You will do this without your sister's blessing.
[X] [Conquest] Belamour. Unlike the other two villages, you do not plan to take Belamour by force, but persuade Trevritine and the Belamourish to peacefully submit just as Prylake did.

Where's Belarsa again?
Belamour and Blawain are the two northernmost villages, w/ Belamour being the one to the east, correct?
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Also note that Cath Wyrs do make superior farmers and masons as well, if less of a leap than a hunter. Its easier to name the number of trades which DON'T benefit from it than the number of trades which do(literally everything in the neolithic).

This is also true.

I wonder if we can get the Cath Wyrs to start mining as well, or at the very least start to go spelunking in caves and such.
They are basically better at any job that requires physical effort, so there are plenty of things that we can do with them besides use them to fight things.

Perhaps we should broach the topic with Seryn soon?

At the moment, mining is primarily done by Prydymar as they use magic to shape the stone and rock rather than being force to use stone tools or limited iron tools which get brought in from Evalon.

Nooot a bad ideaaa...I feel like Gwarlon should maybe consider doing something with his aspect of Earth in that regard to help them, since of all the spirits we have, he's the most suited to poking around in caves. Not necessarily well-suited to it, but the best we've got.

Gwarlon is good with stone and rock, but Arwyn is better at actually exploring while Gwyn is a superior crafter. Gwarlon can use his innate affinity with the element to effectively brute-force competent while his two daughters are actually skilled and experienced.

By the way, if you want to do something with the Cath Wyrs, I recommend using Seryn's perspective because she is the one directly in charge of them.