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Does the river spirit only dominate the southern river or both?
At the very least to avoid the forest spirit we could sail around to the north, land, and walk through the space that is neither forest nor river.

or we could just burn everything *shrug*
Does the river spirit only dominate the southern river or both?
At the very least to avoid the forest spirit we could sail around to the north, land, and walk through the space that is neither forest nor river.

She does rivers in general.
You can try, but it will take longer and give the Belarish more time to prepare.

or we could just burn everything *shrug*

You cannot just burn down the forest.
I mean, idk. Conquer that one wind spirit. Get them to use their wind magic to fan the flames we made with lightning. Crackle Crackle.

If you are being serious, it wouldn't work and the only effects would be wasted time and resources to give the Belarish an early heads up and additional time to prepare their defences.
I'd like to not ravage the landscape and open that particular genie, especially not for punching down like this. We can easily flatten them, and if we're gonna do so I'd like to make it a straight-up power contest they clearly cannot win-it lets us end this swiftly and doesn't open room for nasty wounds, yanno?
If you are being serious, it wouldn't work and the only effects would be wasted time and resources to give the Belarish an early heads up and additional time to prepare their defences.
I am being serious, but admittedly I live in southern california which is constantly tormented by wildfires sooooo I have no idea what the forest we're discussing is like. Because that would definitely work for the forests I know.

What can Forest Spirits do?
I am being serious, but admittedly I live in southern california which is constantly tormented by wildfires sooooo I have no idea what the forest we're discussing is like. Because that would definitely work for the forests I know.

Either you don't make an impact or you spend a cycle on it and create an out of control fire that ultimately burns down the entire forest and everything in it, including that little place known as the village of Bedynn. So you either do it ineffectually or the characters will refuse IC.

What can Forest Spirits do?
Bonus to surviving in woods, general bonus when in forests and bonus to doing things with wood and trees.
Only if they have Nature Magic while you don't think that Nascien has any magic, you cannot be certain that he doesn't.
Can nature magic alter the fundamental nature of plants?
E.g. making a fruit tree medicinal, a vine thorny, and so forth in a way that propagates to their children?
Acquire Nature Magic and experiment with it to find out.
Devour Nascien and become the god of druids? Exactly what I was thinking! Maybe if we swallow the river goddess too we can ascend to being the deity of Mountainous Nature (and also Death and the Void and Chiefhood and Fatherhood and Spirits)!
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Devour Nascien and become the god of druids? Exactly what I was thinking! Maybe if we swallow the river goddess too we can ascend to being the deity of Mountainous Nature and also Death and the Void and Chiefhood and Fatherhood and Spirits!

You do realise that Gwarlon, Cadyl and everyone is pretty sure that the Belarsa spirits don't have any magic?
forest, river aspects
idk how magic works. Is nature magic researchable w/o the relevant aspect?
Can we learn lightning, metal, and water magic from myrlin?

Spirits have to get magic from gaining an Aspect and cannot just learn it like a mortal can. You would need an Aspect of Nature or an Aspect of Magic to unlock Nature Magic.
From what the Evalonish could gather before being made unwelcome by the standoffish Blawainish, Orcante has an Aspect of Farming, but also an Aspect of Earth like you do. But unlike you, her Aspect of Earth is more soil-based whilst your own is more rock-based. They also suspect that she has a third Aspect, something based about magic or spiritual power, but the Evalonish do not get to stick around long enough to find out for sure.
Maybe Orcante will have one we can buy, then. I don't know that we're like to arrive at an aspect of nature otherwise.
Maybe Orcante will have one we can buy, then. I don't know that we're like to arrive at an aspect of nature otherwise.

Orcante has Earth and Farming. At this point, Gwarlon is unlikely to get Nature Magic. Arwyn might, but not Gwarlon.

Also, are you aware that the Seryn's Blessing vote is for the entire campaign not just the taking of the first village?
So Cadyl seems like a pretty good kid overall, with average to above average stats in everything, even though he never really reached the peak of Heroic/Genius level stats.

He is ambitious and willing to act upon said ambitions, but he is not cruel, and does not wish to inflict cruelties upon others. This doesn't stop him from killing others though, since Gwarlon seems to be the exception to the rule.

I wonder @Oshha once Cadyl conquers these villages, will he want to Ascend and rule one of them as his own?
So Cadyl seems like a pretty good kid overall, with average to above average stats in everything, even though he never really reached the peak of Heroic/Genius level stats.

He is ambitious and willing to act upon said ambitions, but he is not cruel, and does not wish to inflict cruelties upon others. This doesn't stop him from killing others though, since Gwarlon seems to be the exception to the rule.

Cadyl is good across the board with some specialisation in diplo and leadership along with being one of the better mages.

I wonder @Oshha once Cadyl conquers these villages, will he want to Ascend and rule one of them as his own?

Cadyl desires kingship over spirithood.

Added Wyrn to the character sheet by the way.
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