Good world-building in the chapter, and fun omake. Kinda curious to see more of what she had to deal with during those weeks. Suddenly ending up a cyberdoc side job as well.
Now that i think about it: is there anyone from Taylor's old life? There were words about corpo-contacts dropping off but she was a 15 year old girl. Is there literally NO kid-friends that could at least check on her? No one from classs or neigborhood? CP-Taylor was not a repressed loner
Now that i think about it: is there anyone from Taylor's old life? There were words about corpo-contacts dropping off but she was a 15 year old girl. Is there literally NO kid-friends that could at least check on her? No one from classs or neigborhood? CP-Taylor was not a repressed loner

Cyberpunk-Taylor was a Corpo Kid. Her dad died and the Corpo dumped her.

Her old friends will send messages, and slowly forget her because she's no longer one of the "Inside" crowd. Maybe after they graduate and run into her in the city, but the old life died when her dad did. There were reasons that the local Taylor was freaking out in a small apartment, scared to leave it.

Unless people knew of her bloodline. Or her dad had allies who were asked to check in with her - that might still be happening, this Taylor landed on her feet and started running. If there were any of her dad's friends around, they'd have no reason to get involved.
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Cyberpunk-Taylor was a Corpo Kid. Her dad died and the Corpo dumped her.

Her old friends will send messages, and slowly forget her because she's no longer one of the "Inside" crowd. Maybe after they graduate and run into her in the city, but the old life died when her dad did.
Indeed. If Cyberpunk Taylor had any real friends, they'd try to be our Taylor's friends out of the belief that this is the same person I'm talking about. Sadly, but perhaps conveniently, she only had the corpo knockoff version of friends.
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A thought occurred to as I was re-reading this fic, how protected are cyberware and bioware systems in this setting from EMP attack? Iirc one of Bonesaw safeguards against Mannequin and enemy tinkers as her spiderbots had portable EMP emitters that can disable him just in case in that case Taylor with the bud probably does have access to this tinkertech weapon and maybe her ace in the hole if the tech base of 2077 is vulnerable to it (it seems to be as I can't see shielding of any sorts and shielding against EMP tends but bulky or have grounding or ridicoulously shiny)
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A thought occurred to as I was re-reading this fic, how protected are cyberware and bioware systems in this setting from EMP attack? Iirc one of Bonesaw safeguards against Mannequin and enemy tinkers as her spiderbots had portable EMP emitters that can disable him just in case in that case Taylor with the bud probably does have access to this tinkertech weapon and maybe her ace in the hole if the tech base of 2077 is vulnerable to it (it seems to be as I can't see shielding of any sorts and shielding against EMP tends but bulky or have grounding or ridicoulously shiny)
For a number of reasons, I would expect cyberware and bioware to be pretty resilient. First, see here.
Based on the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and Congressional EMP Commission's EMP test databases, small, self-contained systems, such as motor vehicles, hand-held radios, and unconnected portable generators, tend not to be affected by EMPs. If there is an effect on these systems, it is often temporary upset rather than component burnout.

On the other hand, threat-level EMP testing also reveals that systems connected to power lines are highly vulnerable to component damage requiring repair or replacement. Because the strength of EMP fields is measured in volts per meter, the longer the conducting line, the more EMP energy will be coupled into the system, and the higher the probability of damage.
As described in the last sentence there, the way that EMPs actually harm electronic systems has a direct correlation to the physical length of conductive material. Obviously, anything human-sized much less organ-sized is more like the mentioned radios, and definitely smaller than cars-- both systems proposed to merely be disrupted even today.

And, of course, any implant is going to be designed with a much greater focus on EMP resistance, for reasons I imagine should be obvious. And since EMPs aren't the weapon of choice in all conflict, that itself says something.

As for Bonesaw having special EMP weapon technology-- it's worth noting that tinkers are not like other capes. They do not just start weak due to materials, but knowledge-- they expand their capabilities over time by experimenting, fighting, scanning other capes or tech, etc. Bonesaw by the time of canon had done all of those things for many years and had direct access to Mannequin on 'friendly' terms. IMO, Bonesaw's accomplishments are a guide, but just because Bonesaw did something doesn't guarantee Taylor can, at least not without a similar amount of self-development and experience.
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Personally, I think that the spider bots would make for amazing first aid units. Maybe even as temporary cyber implants in case of heavy injuries. They'd be amazing tools for Taylor, now if only she can figure out how to make them ethically.
A thought occurred to as I was re-reading this fic, how protected are cyberware and bioware systems in this setting from EMP attack? Iirc one of Bonesaw safeguards against Mannequin and enemy tinkers as her spiderbots had portable EMP emitters that can disable him just in case in that case Taylor with the bud probably does have access to this tinkertech weapon and maybe her ace in the hole if the tech base of 2077 is vulnerable to it (it seems to be as I can't see shielding of any sorts and shielding against EMP tends but bulky or have grounding or ridicoulously shiny)
I'd say it depends. In Cyberpunk Edgerunners one of the enemies they were trying to kidnap literally had eyes in the back of his head and noticed Maine trying to sucker punch him and triggered a small EMP device at his waist. This EMP knocked out both the highly augmented Maine and David, and caused Kiwi to throw up, but it didn't do any lasting damage to anyone.

@klassekatze seems to offer pretty good insight, with the additional caveat that neither Maine nor David's implants were of very high quality. The guy who set off the EMP definitely had implants himself, but he was a rich XBD editor and he didn't even twitch when the EMP went off, so I assume he had specifically high quality implants, probably with additional protection since he himself often used EMPs.
i have to ask could a secondary body be possibly in the scope of taylor power like a drider body she is fully liked into the abdomen and controle it but it's directli linked to implant?
IMO, Bonesaw's accomplishments are a guide, but just because Bonesaw did something doesn't guarantee Taylor can, at least not without a similar amount of self-development and experience.
I think people often (way too often, honestly) severely underestimate Bonesaw. For unknown reasons. Despite the fact that she's one of the most powerful and versatile tinkers on Earth Bet. Without any parahuman opposition, Bonesaw would've taken over this Cyberpunk Earth in like a week, at most.
Taylor with her derp-level bud and faulty connection is never going to be anywhere close to Bonesaw's level, no matter how hard she tries. The gap between what we've seen so far from Taylor and OG Bonesaw is simply insurmountable, at least without some sudden major upgrades to her power.
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I can see he building mechandrites like a magus in 40k for herself. that they can be detached when she wants. instead of her spider bots, her shard wants to make.
I think people often (way too often, honestly) severely underestimate Bonesaw. For unknown reasons. Despite the fact that she's one of the most powerful and versatile tinkers on Earth Bet. Without any parahuman opposition, Bonesaw would've taken over this Cyberpunk Earth in like a week, at most.
Taylor with her derp-level bud and faulty connection is never going to be anywhere close to Bonesaw's level, no matter how hard she tries. The gap between what we've seen so far from Taylor and OG Bonesaw is simply insurmountable, at least without some sudden major upgrades to her power.

Taylor could still take over the world, it would just require a lot more social engineering through offering great medical coverage and a bit less brute forcing it with tinkerered minions. Which yeah, lower power level, but if you're clever, still extremely powerful.
I think people often (way too often, honestly) severely underestimate Bonesaw. For unknown reasons. Despite the fact that she's one of the most powerful and versatile tinkers on Earth Bet. Without any parahuman opposition, Bonesaw would've taken over this Cyberpunk Earth in like a week, at most.

Even if Bonesaw was powerful enough to pull that off, she would just get killed off by orbital bombardments. Since she would skip straight to an existential threat and would be treated like one.
Now that i think about it: is there anyone from Taylor's old life? There were words about corpo-contacts dropping off but she was a 15 year old girl. Is there literally NO kid-friends that could at least check on her? No one from classs or neigborhood? CP-Taylor was not a repressed loner
Taylor moved around a lot due to Danny's job.
Cyberpunk-Taylor was a Corpo Kid. Her dad died and the Corpo dumped her.
Something that occurs to me along the same line of thinking.

CP-Taylor was specialising in computer technology and was on track for a two year netrunning/sysadmin degree. I would think that that kind of person would haunt the net full time. What did it look like when she swapped? I imagine all her original online accounts just went dark, and a few new ones with different patterns of behaviour and competence popped up to replace them.

Does she have a bunch of online contacts from forums, chatrooms, game communities, and social media who think she's dead?

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Taylor could still take over the world, it would just require a lot more social engineering through offering great medical coverage and a bit less brute forcing it with tinkerered minions. Which yeah, lower power level, but if you're clever, still extremely powerful.
Maybe. But compared to someone(Bonesaw) who can take over any city with a cough… well, there's no comparison.

Even if Bonesaw was powerful enough to pull that off, she would just get killed off by orbital bombardments. Since she would skip straight to an existential threat and would be treated like one.
First of all, she is powerful enough to pull that off. We've literally seen her pulling it off in Brockton Bay (The Agnosia Plague). If not for Panacea, it would've been GG WP for everyone in the city.
And good luck trying to find her.
Especially when everyone across the country suddenly has trouble thinking straight because of the infection.
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With the implant against EMP there is a lot of possibilities as why it behaves like in the anime..
Clearly there is a difference with civilian cheap part and high quality ones, there is also military tech or perhaps its own categorie of military implants like police grade and soldier grade with each offering better shildeing agains EMP.

As for the case of david as he was supposed to have militery sandy its probably the rippers fault, inproper instalation of the spine implant and therefor lucking the shilding. or perhaps it was there bur never made function or damaged by Gloria inexperienced dissably.

The BD edditor in anime had to have shiled all his implants so perhaps its also something in the expensive ilegal packed or he had a profesional ripperdock who install it with its own shilding couting or metal mesh.

If i remember corectly in the game there are some parts where you are trying to catch cyberpsycho and with some of those military type they enploy thosw EMP and the start of the fight and your vision shuts down and breaks for a few seconds. so with this in mind its used tactic for military soldiers. as to why in the first scene of anime those soldiers didnt use it agains original user of david sandy its higly posible it wouldnt work as it was originaly shilded. If not it would be terribly easy to catch those cyberpsychos, just point the EMP a shot or throw an EMP granade.

Police probably doesnt have the access to those for it can do great damage to people and tech all around its use. and its quit likely its very ilegal thing to have or own.

Its something i would like to see from taylor perspective when she gets her hends on some technology edge military parts or when she ripping those parts from soldiers.