I have been waiting.... pressing F5 .... i cant say the wait was nice , but what a glorious chapter. Thank you again ! You are the main reason i am getting through the semester with more than half of my mind
Edit: Now that i read over it twice i cant wait for meeting with the family. My god so exciting :D
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"Kumo-kun, BSL protocols."

Instantly, I heard the relatively loud blowers I had installed in line with the venting system creating a slight positive pressure in the room as I hummed, amused.
I'm a bit confused about why you have positive air pressure inside the room when the potential hazard is also inside the room. If there was a hazard outside the room then positive air pressure would be a Good Thing(tm) because it would mean any small leaks around doors, etc, would be going out not in.

If anything I'd think you'd need the room to suck (lol). As you're wearing a ventilator the priority would be taking potentially contaminated air out of the room, analysing it, then putting it through filters and treatment designed to destroy or trap any hazardous micro-particulates and gasses. You'd probably notice your ears pop.
I'm a bit confused about why you have positive air pressure inside the room when the potential hazard is also inside the room. If there was a hazard outside the room then positive air pressure would be a Good Thing(tm) because it would mean any small leaks around doors, etc, would be going out not in.

If anything I'd think you'd need the room to suck (lol). As you're wearing a ventilator the priority would be taking potentially contaminated air out of the room, analysing it, then putting it through filters and treatment designed to destroy or trap any hazardous micro-particulates and gasses.
Err, yes. You're right. I'll make that change. It should definitely be at slight negative air pressure.
Uh-uh. Time to open the family drama troupe.

Also, it occurred to me, but couldn't Taylor REALLY screw Biotechnica over by waiting a few years for the Algae market to settle then release the kill agent and kill off most of it?

After that, it was a two-person karaoke session until I had to leave, as she had a client, and I had to leave.

This sentence reads rather poorly due to double mentioning of 'leaving' within the same sentence.
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Répondez s'il vous plaît no later than the first.
Dear lord I can hear the actual french speakers' minds screeching to a halt at this sentence. Really excited to see the family plot advance either way.

Doc Taylor's come home! I'll bet she starts getting more involved in Mox business too though seeing the more militant version of them will be fascinating. You know, before they started getting too big to support further members. Heck, with the right sort of support the Moxes could claim significant territory.
Great chapter, very entertaining.

I just thought I'd mention it in case it ever comes up again, but I found the very brief plot tangent from several chapters ago where Taylor (in her guise as a British national) misled some suits into believing she was a member of some British intelligence agency to be very amusing, and I'd love to see more of it.
This wasn't a Biotechnica assassination attempt?
Damn, I've been waiting for the return to NC.

Proof that you can be an über-badass street Samurai and still not be above potty humor.

This wasn't a Biotechnica assassination attempt?

Darryl Corban was having a great morning. He managed to get his predecessors position permanently, he had a hefty new bonus for some recent activities and even his mistress was in a great mood. So he was surprised when the drywall next to his 25 cm thick titanium alloy reinforced steel door crumbled and a pissed off, blood drenched teenage girl stepped through the hole. Darryl was quickly running through a few scenarios. No, she wasn't a spurned lover, she was too old to be his illegitimate daughter and a quick attempt at sending some shutdown codes proved that she wasn't a bio-borg soldier run amok.

"Darryl, you prick!" The deranged girl yelled. "I've been back to Night City for weeks and haven't even heard from you!"

That put the jilted lover back on the table. "Err... I don't believe that we've met?" He added, unsure of himself. 'Damn, why isn't security coming already?'

"And now you pretend you don't even remember me!" She cried dramatically. "Do I mean so little to you? No assassination attempt? After everything I've done?"

Now he recognized her. "Err... sorry? Promise I'll send a Black Ops team after you."

"You're just saying that." Taylor Hebert pouted.

"No, no!" Daryll protested. "Honest, but with everything it slipped my mind."


"Yes, I promise. I mean I already covertly ordered my security team to ambush you as you leave the building. Y'know, just for warmups."

"Oh, don't bother with them. My super-awesome kawaii body double already turned them into Buck-a-slice pizza toppings."
a practised Galic shrug


Fun chapter, travelling with relaxing heart surgery, done because it's 'polite', seeing the changes in good old NC, ELO karaoke, no one in LA remembering 'Straighto!', and people industrialising her work-of-revenge!

Also, the good Doctor, realising we never have enough warbots...

And, hiring a software guy, who doesn't have a surname of 'Wallis'... Though, I suppose 'Richter' might be fun...

Meeting Grandma's going to be fun, isn't it? :)

(Maybe she should be running 'Straighto Corp'? :) )
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I predict, as befitting Taylor: No matter how much Grandmother schemes, no matter how much Taylor plots... everything will be on fire.

Because, well, that's how the universe rolls. Either Universe that Taylor is in.
I predict, as befitting Taylor: No matter how much Grandmother schemes, no matter how much Taylor plots... everything will be on fire.

Because, well, that's how the universe rolls. Either Universe that Taylor is in.
Honestly, given the only connections between them, are we sure that its the UNIVERSES that are the problem?
Am not sure if this was supposed to be a joke too, but the correct term would be La Jefa as its the feminine article of the feminine form of the noun
When doing these things for people who donta-speaka-da-lingua, need to make allowances for what they're more likely to be familiar with? So, suffixes, OK, but...
"Why yes I am responsible for the brainread attempt and did you just create a tailored virus on the spot to kill me?"

WHAT COULD GO WRONG aside from it also being a Biotechnica event. I guess she couldn't follow new Taylor and the shock of her reappearance leads to this.. well, let's call it an interview.
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So Taylor is demisexual, I had actually suspected it a bit but its nice to have confirmation.

Also its indeed La Jefa as its feminine. Maybe it does add to the joke tho yeah.
There is just something WRONG with a Taylor who acts... cutesy? Ditzy? Cutesy ditzy? It just makes my skin crawl whatever it is...
Think about it. Would Taylor do this, just to upset people? Magic 8-Ball says 'Yes'.

(Could be worse. Could be Trolling Alien Demonic Lizard Taylor...)

((Pin The Tentacle On The Shoggoth, anyone? :) ))
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So Taylor is demisexual, I had actually suspected it a bit but its nice to have confirmation.

Also its indeed La Jefa as its feminine. Maybe it does add to the joke tho yeah.
I'll fix that, sorry. It took me at least a couple of years when I was a kid to use articles at all when speaking English! Adding feminine and masculine variants in other language is a stretch to my capabilities. :)
I'll fix that, sorry. It took me at least a couple of years when I was a kid to use articles at all when speaking English! Adding feminine and masculine variants in other language is a stretch to my capabilities. :)
I'd leave it alone, though Hasumi would have a better clue than an native pure English speaker as English doesn't use gendered terms at all, but Japaense does, in a way.

But it's funnier as is.