Thanks for the chapter.

and for the unexpected help it doesnt necessarily mean they did it to help us they could of just did it while on route to base because maelstrom are a confirmed threat to them.

I'm not sure it would be really possible to hide a decently equipped clinic that can clone a Taylor in space. Not without having to actively hide it and then break it down immediately so nobody will notice it. And then try and bullshit the life support engineers into why exactly your sudden usage of electricity for the entirety of clone gestation period of it isn't a concern. Or the water usage. Or the amount of storage and space you had to claw out for god knows how much money. Or... Billion other things that aren't much of an issue on earth because they aren't billed for the air they breathe. Well, usually.

Space habitation probably still operates on very small, very tight places. All the systems required for a thing of such scale to work ensure the entire hab is a panopticon.
one note when she has a lot of funds it's probably viable to build a personal small space station lab, as long as its in zero-g its only the cost of materials for initial construction and the rep to get building it nearby approved. if its for just 1-2 people life support would probably just be done more post-ISS style where recycling alone can essentially maintain it for years without adding extra resources.
i.e the perfected version of the ISS's life support. And just add enough solar panels.
its not permanent accommodation unless you have the chrome/bioware to render you able to live indefinitely in zero-g which i cant remember if taylor got any or what was available in affordable price range.
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oh, that is quite a wonderful chapter. a lot of moving parts, good to see forward progress on the transhumanism front.

the interactions between not-nusa and saint cog's are going to be great, i can tell
Taylor could make bio air scrubber that work independently while also duplicates itself after a long enough operation duration. This and a few more contributions through a few intermediate that have Taylor space body habitat be the perfect place to create a clone lab. If you can't make body on earth better make space so easy to live that a fully operational clone lab can be view as anomaly of so many new techs working together.
My wildest dreams. It lives once more. This is one of my favourite stories of all time. I was heartbroken by the hiatus. I love everything I just read. Got back into the groove.
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one note when she has a lot of funds it's probably viable to build a personal small space station lab, as long as its in zero-g its only the cost of materials for initial construction and the rep to get building it nearby approved. if its for just 1-2 people life support would probably just be done more post-ISS style where recycling alone can essentially maintain it for years without adding extra resources.
i.e the perfected version of the ISS's life support. And just add enough solar panels.
its not permanent accommodation unless you have the chrome/bioware to render you able to live indefinitely in zero-g which i cant remember if taylor got any or what was available in affordable price range.

A lot of funds under which identity? It's difficult to launder money from one ID to another without someone, somewhere, being able to trace it. The chapter explicitly highlit that just the genetic therapy was pretty expensive and something that Hana is not supposed to be able to afford. If what is basically a very fancy medical procedure can not be afforded, why would an equivalent of a house be reachable? Or well, less a house and more of a "house, plot, and every single infrastructural thing required for life support". You don't get water and sewer for free in space.

So yeah, uh. With all the IDs combined? She might be able to afford some sort of a hab thing. Probably. The issue is making sure nobody else can take it. That nobody traces all the fund movements. That the backup of Hana is still actually useful. The entire point of it was to have an extra identity not linked to Taylor beyond her being a patient of Hasumi/Taylor, at most.
Hmm. Taylor has got the Entity bio-tech database. Well, quite a bit of it, at least. Could/would she make 'vacuum flowers', that grow on the Moon, use solar energy to 'mine' the Moon, maybe seal areas for habitation? Or, would there need to be an ecology of plants?

Lunar soil. Geology of the Moon. Main problem seems to be a lack of carbon and nitrogen, if you want to support Earth life. Assuming there's water-ice to harvest helps a lot...

I've seen the suggestion that Titan (Saturn's moon) would be a good place to scoop the atmosphere for carbon dioxide and nitrogen... Possibly easier than trying to harvest C-type asteroids? Creating space-going life-forms to do that, and provide a slow conveyer-belt of supply to Luna, would be fun. :)

Doing stuff on Luna, maybe easier to hide structures (*cough* secret cloning lab *cough*), but, that gravity well and no atmosphere might be an annoyance...

(If you're interested, Vacuum Flowers (1987 novel) is quite a fun cyberpunk read...)
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A lot of funds under which identity? It's difficult to launder money from one ID to another without someone, somewhere, being able to trace it. The chapter explicitly highlit that just the genetic therapy was pretty expensive and something that Hana is not supposed to be able to afford. If what is basically a very fancy medical procedure can not be afforded, why would an equivalent of a house be reachable? Or well, less a house and more of a "house, plot, and every single infrastructural thing required for life support". You don't get water and sewer for free in space.

So yeah, uh. With all the IDs combined? She might be able to afford some sort of a hab thing. Probably. The issue is making sure nobody else can take it. That nobody traces all the fund movements. That the backup of Hana is still actually useful. The entire point of it was to have an extra identity not linked to Taylor beyond her being a patient of Hasumi/Taylor, at most.
The problem isn't making the transfer traceable, the problem is making people suspicious of her identity.

The whole point of that identity is for it to be safe, so it having a suspicious amount of money that is going to attract conflicts is, well, not a good thing.
The idea that a full-time Dragoon user would have the brain cells to pay their electricity bill was ridiculous. There were only a handful of men like that in the world.

Most people smart enough to pay their electric bills are smart enough not to become a Dragoon.

He will be immediately deported and without the benefit of a pressure suit. We take breathing up here pretty serious-like."

"You lost some air. If you get it back, you can come back inside!"
A lot of funds under which identity? It's difficult to launder money from one ID to another without someone, somewhere, being able to trace it. The chapter explicitly highlit that just the genetic therapy was pretty expensive and something that Hana is not supposed to be able to afford. If what is basically a very fancy medical procedure can not be afforded, why would an equivalent of a house be reachable? Or well, less a house and more of a "house, plot, and every single infrastructural thing required for life support". You don't get water and sewer for free in space.

So yeah, uh. With all the IDs combined? She might be able to afford some sort of a hab thing. Probably. The issue is making sure nobody else can take it. That nobody traces all the fund movements. That the backup of Hana is still actually useful. The entire point of it was to have an extra identity not linked to Taylor beyond her being a patient of Hasumi/Taylor, at most.

Untraceably shifting funds in Cyberpunk isn't particularly difficult as long as it's not a huge sum of money. The issue is explaining where the funds came from. Today you can walk into any post office without ID and mail someone a box with 1 kg of gold inside which they can then sell. Same basic loophole works in cyberpunk.

Making sure nobody can take a HAB is as simple as a pound of high explosives. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a standard feature on modular designs someone was selling for less than her current living accommodations. Cyberpunk is filled with high tech products that are just barely functional, but really cheap. Launch costs are cheap enough for a thriving tourist industry visiting habitats large enough to walk around in. Hell in chapter she was offered a return trip to orbit as part of extending her contract for a few days.
Yesss! It has returned! Ngl I couldn't really get in to the cultivation story. This story and the Fallout story are among my all-time favorite fics.

Great milestone with her getting her first non organic brain. It's a bit of a shame that she can't take advantage of that processing speed with out burning out her fleshy brains, but I suppose that makes sense.

I wonder if she could come up with a way to make use of it. Take for an example, if she needs a really complex solution to some problem in an emergency and has no time to think. She could disconnect the crystal brain from the others, max out her thinking speed, come up with the solution and then reconnect, only returning the answer and not necessarily catching up her other brains on all of the subjective time spent iterating to find a solution.

Taking that to an extreme, she could use her new computing power to create 'threads' of consciousness for each body. If for example her crystal brain is 1000 times faster than the others, she could think at full speed and only interact with her other bodies once every thousand ticks.
Community Policing
To celebrate this fic's return, how about an Omake. Repost from SB

Omake: Community Policing

Saint Cog's Home for Unwanted Borgs
Post Maelstrom attack

POV: Bin Dai

"Your openings have been seeaalled. The inadequacies of your flleeesh will not fail you more than they already are."

If someone had told Bin what would happen if borgs took over his home. He probably would've said they would kill them all. Surprisingly that wasn't the case.

"Mighty fine job, Doc. I know you weren't trained in this kind of work, but you are doing far more than a lick and a promise."

Ever since Sheriff Yi Hall and his subgang of Saint Cog's called The Posse started patrolling his neighborhood, things have changed.

"The mysteries of the flleeesh are paltry compared to the intricacies of machine and data."

The giant of a borg rolled in one day in a faux leather jacket, chaps with bells attached and rear cut out for some reason, and a ten gallon hat magnetically attached to his head unit. Him and his gang began shooting all the gangs and dealers one night. By morning the Sheriff announced to the residents that his neighborhood was now under his protection.

"Can't believe those Indian savages tried to do a done dang raid on our beeves! Like they don't know how to act like proper folk. Should have stayed quiet after we broke them at Wounded Knee."

Since that night Yi Hall has been "trying to bring order to this here frontier town". Which mainly consisted of shooting anyone that didn't have an IFF card given to those who lived in the area and made too much noise as "varmints". Given how much Pacifica has backslid in the past few months, that was probably a safe policy.

"It is frustraaaating that so many infestations of meatbags seek to violate our sanctuary. Such are the self destructive impulses of the flleeesh."

"Ya darn tootin! Like that boodle of brown jackals that came zooning around the governor's mansion. Hope they gave em a hard biff to let them know they ain't welcome around our ranches."

Protection fees have been low since then, and patrols were much more frequent. You could even wager that his neighborhood was the safest for those that lived there.

"Excuse me Hall-sama. Is my boy going to be okay?

My mother had somehow snuck in while I was caught up in the absurdity of the past few months. She was the reason I hadn't moved out when Pacifica went under. She was too old to handle the move.

"Aw Besse wandered in to check on her calf. Don't you worry old girl. I'll have that there ferrier Taylor come and take a look after the Doc is done with him. This here Sheriff won't let no varmint or Indian lay a hand on our fair frontier town or cattle herds with our brand, vum on my John B!"

For patients running the asylum that was Night City, Bin Dai figured he could do much worse than Sheriff Hall and his Posse.
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Our lady has ascended; its so satisfying when they have to put the work in themselves (to some degree), having suffered some setbacks along the way. Now if she can finish her biosynthetic spider drones project, we can truly begin escalating.
Does the dragoon have flexible fingers? Because she needs to sit in dark office saying "Just According to Keikaku."
Ah yes, the "NOT NUS Army" aircraft.

Holding such crafty and stealthy stealth crafts among their ranks such as NNAA "Just A Sensor Blip", NNAA "Belay That Order" and, of course, NNAA "She's One Of Ours, Sir"
Everyone will have brown pants, after seeing what Dragoon done.
Under jamming(no assist), firing HMG, firing handcannon, decapitating with sword, and running at same time.
Also she seen cloaked targets => full sensor suite.
Adam Smasher looks at you with great interest.
chaps with bells attached and rear cut out for some reason
The reason would be because they're chaps. "Assless chaps" are a tautology -- it's literally the definition of the article of clothing that they're seatless leg-protection. I pity the cyberpunk-era educational standards that have declined to the very specific level where the narrator knows the word "chaps" and yet not what it means. 😜