While good self-driving vehicles certainly exist, anyone who's played the game will tell you that you might not want to put too much trust in whatever the cheap version V uses is.

The free repairs and infinite cheap insurance is definitely a game-only feature that Taylor doesn't have.
I cant quite remember the exact wording or which book it's in but there was a Dosier in one of the 2020 books about a netrunner who invented a better way to compress Daemon programs and got super fucking rich from it and managed to stay independent

Her and her girlfriend/solo bodyguard still did merc work for fun i think

Edit: Since it was netrunner heavy I think it might have been Rache's Guide to the Net or possibly Brainware Blowout
Edit2: Europe just popped into my head for where she lived/retired so it could also be either Eurosource or Eurosource Plus
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Well, as I said, she's slowly building up to it. The drug is her capital to get more done. And honestly, she's selling it with as many cut outs as she can manage, while low balling it's actual 'value' by trying to sell it for mere millions, which is chump change to most big Corps, hell, she's more worried that the middle management will screw her over just for a promotion. So overall, shes still being 'low-key' enough to not draw in the big hitters from a Corp (or as low-key as it can get in Cyberpunk verse).

And she is getting adventurous with her powers. The Spy Flies are a good example though of how fast people in that world can catch on to things and why she has to do things slowly and carefully as she's still stupidly vulnerable at the moment, both political/status and money (which is the real super power in that verse). Neither of which she has much of currently. Sure she has guns, but that means jack when your enemies have armies and entire spook squads at their beck and call.

I didnt feel it was too powercreep-y honestly, Lily took pretty normal decisions with what she had and the end result was indeed a strong position. I honestly really like the Fallout story but that may just be that I love Eclipse Phase and wish there were more stories about it

Oh yeah, it's a great story don't get me wrong. But SpiraSpira ended up unfortunately getting too much tech too soon (tech is power in Fallout verse, hence why I called it 'powercreep'), so it kinda reduced the plot to: "I haz tech, no one can stop me nowz! Muwahahaha!".
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Yeah, Lily being a normal rational person is kinda my favourite part of that story.
Are you reading the same story as the rest of us? Because while I'll concede that Lily's behavior is generally rational if you accept her fundamental premises, I wouldn't call someone that rampantly transhumanist 'normal'.

But that's a discussion that really belongs in the other thread.

As for Taylor in this fic, I really want to know what the hell is going on with her possible maternal relatives….
This is obviously the better story.

Don't get me wrong I like the other one, BUT the sane sensible IRL part of her has been nearly completely over written, while the part that is completely insane even by the loose EP standards pushed very hard very fast on the power crawl doing things that would be reckless and stupid to anyone not that fucked up. So now she's stuck in a corner. It doesn't help that the personality traits that have been focused on make a lot of character interaction hard to do. It likely would have been better to start just before FO3 started instead of several years before hand because that was just too much build up time.
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I wonder if Taylor will get to keep one or more of those drones? With their ability to carry a payload she could possibly build a few different mission-specific modules to fit in that space for different occasions (overwatch, surveillance, netrunning, attacking, etc, etc)....then again I don't know exactly just sort of drones those are (balloon/blimp, plane, helicopter, quadcopter) so they might not have as much utility as I'm imagining.

Though given the fact that she's still not quite sure as to how they were brought down undamaged she'd atleast need to do a clean-sweep of their programming as besides a remote hack by the Wraith that drug-runners issues might also stem from a greedy partner/employee and or a crooked supplier.
Thanks for the chapter. Nice job showing how powerful she has become but also that she still had a lot to learn. I feel like she should have some kind of tinker tech trump care like super regeneration or something she can only use once. But then again it's been very enjoyable reading how her life is going.
Is Taylor a weirdo for saving the family and even let them scavenge loot? Would a local act that way?
If they knew she only chose to attack in order to save them they'd probably be surprised, but she intentionally didn't explain her goals, so they would reasonably assume she was hired to kill the Raffen Shiv and just happened to save them by coincidence. Most people in Night City wouldn't stick their neck out for a stranger, but the sort of person who specifically goes out of their way to kill random bystanders for no reason is still considered a monster in their world.

Letting them take some loot isn't amazingly generous or anything, since she got first pick on all the salvage and took as much as she could actually carry anyway. She would've had to just leave the rest to be burned if the family wasn't there.

That said, the fact that she clearly picked her targets to keep the family safe was noticeable in retrospect, and she was significantly more polite to them than most NC street ninjas would be to Nomads, so they'll probably remember her fondly if she ever has cause to deal with their clan again. Just maybe not to the point of feeling there's a debt to be repaid.
She can keep everything since her gig only covered identifying the problem. (With a bonus objective if she took care of it.)

@pedanterrific True, though that Taylor 'called in the favour" to have them burn the place down likely further increased her impression/reputation too.:

They owed her a lot, and even said that they were willing to do anything for her, yet all she wanted was for them to have some closure, even if it was only to have no debts looming from her end.
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Her main ability seems to be getting less and less of an active role in the story (like with that tracking-flies-nest) and more of a passive background one (like making drugs to sell to Biotechnica), which makes it kinda boring…
:eyebrow: The tracking flies plan finished up last chapter, and the selling that drug thing has been planned since before she got kidnapped and created the tracking flies.
It would be one thing to make a complaint like this if her power hadn't done much after 10 chapters, but we are literally on the first chapter after the tracking flies were used.
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So I'm looking forward to how the metal wars play out. Not sure if Taylor will be a full doctor by then but after a month or two I doubt it'll matter. I can see her rebuilding people that every other doctor writes off and hopefully gaining a new tag of Nightingale to replace that madison shit.

After that maybe unionizing the Night City Ripper docs, or simply making a support network between them. Damaged tools, access to cyberware using each others connections, holding all rippers to a certain standard, keeping track of people sprinting for cyberpsychosis. Fuck with one ripper and find not a single ripper in the city will have anything to do with you.

She wouldn't have to personally run it but thanks to her Father being a union man all his life she'd be the only who would think of the idea.

The mistakes she made here will be sharpening her Paranoia and drive her to Tinkering more upgrades that are non stock.

Like the Cyberninja attack sharpened it enough for her to finally upgrade her implants and gear, only for her to buy a standard cloaking system and literally do nothing else for several months?
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Like the Cyberninja attack sharpened it enough for her to finally upgrade her implants and gear, only for her to buy a standard cloaking system and literally do nothing else for several months?
Taylor: may I live in boring plot. Life expectancy will be longer.

I guess spira wants to advance her academic credentials. The antibiotics deal is safer than Netrunner job (unless a corpo tries to kidnap her.) Once Taylor is an accredited ripperdoc she'll do more interesting things. The time between can be skipped.
So I could have sworn these should have a self drive mode where you can have a car drive itself to a location or just follow another car. I really don't understand why she is leaving a perfectly good car behind that she can at least resell.
@SpiraSpira is she going to retrieve her old car later?
also no auto drive? The only reason it wasn't in the game was because its cut content.
i would of had it follow behind and then stashed it near night city to retrieve later.
or just had it auto drive home after getting it through the check point at night city.
Honestly, I forgot about auto-drive so in my defence I am just going to say that at the moment fully autonomous auto-drive only exists within the city limits, and non-autonomous auto-drive (like Tesla's FSD where you have to be watching it) exists in the Badlands, which is going to be my reason why she couldn't take both cars back with her simultaneously.

As an aside, I bought CP2077 the day it came out and played it on the PC immediately. There were a lot of bugs, but not so many game breaking ones although I assume the game was practically unplayable on launch on a PS4.

My favourite bug I experienced was a vehicle summoning/autodrive one. I summoned my car, and instead of driving to me it arrived tumbling through the air end over end in a ballistic parabola and crushed me to death. I was so shocked at seeing it that I didn't even try to move out of the way.
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Honestly, I forgot about auto-drive so in my defence I am just going to say that at the moment fully autonomous auto-drive only exists within the city limits, and non-autonomous auto-drive (like Tesla's FSD where you have to be watching it) exists in the Badlands, which is going to be my reason why she couldn't take both cars back with her simultaneously.

Any reason you can't just do a fast edit before you get any farther and add a throw away line about selling the old car to Kiwi or someone?
I'm certain Taylor upgraded her many "standard" cybernetics she implanted in herself. Probably could make a post listing out her tinkering.

edit: Spiraspira already has a tagged informational post with this info. Although it doesn't go into much detail on what the tinkertech modification is to all her upgrades.

:eyebrow: The tracking flies plan finished up last chapter, and the selling that drug thing has been planned since before she got kidnapped and created the tracking flies.
It would be one thing to make a complaint like this if her power hadn't done much after 10 chapters, but we are literally on the first chapter after the tracking flies were used.
I will complain that Taylor doesn't make enough cool Skorn/Gigeresque tinkertech. That tracking fly hatchery was super cool. I know there is a Worm fanfic out there where Taylor has a nightmarish biotinker power and hid her fleshy tech under sleek panels and LEDs. Skitterdoc Taylor could do that.
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Any reason you can't just do a fast edit before you get any farther and add a throw away line about selling the old car to Kiwi or someone?
I intended to, and will, include a couple of lines in the next chapter explaining that she will get someone to drive her out to get it. She might not have changed behaviours even if I remembered autodrive because she wouldn't want to make waves arriving back to the city in obvious convoy with a vehicle she clearly stole/acquired by virtue of combat. The NCPD probably wouldn't give her a hard time, but returning in a different vehicle is eyebrow raising but maybe you traded yours in to some nomad? But returning with a new vehicle casually following yours is clear that you "acquired" it unexpectedly.
Also, Taylor hasn't even said anything about wanting to sell it. It was her first, so she may be sentimental, plus it has better transport capacity.

Even if she did sell it, kind of a dick move to leave it out there, intentionally hidden, and make someone else pick it up.
One thing I missed in this chapter is Taylor telling Kiwi that she suspects first syndromes of cyberpsychosis in her two co-workers. It might be better to wait till they are more pronounced, on the other hand the longer she waits the higher chances something regrettable happens. Kiwi should have propably already seen something, but she might not if the change is gradual enough.

The slaughter was pretty cathartic,

What is Taylor's plan for after she obtained medical degree? Become a corpo doc? Have her own practice? She could propably stay in the same building, only renting/outright buying neighbouring flats to convert them into a practice. Or does she plan to go full trauma but as a doctor?
Taylor Tech from SpiraSpira's informational tagged post. The only tinkertech upgrade I'm not to sure about is her Kerenzikov. She upgraded it after being kidnaped. It's old speed boost was 3x speed, but I don't know how fast it is now.

edit: as of chapter "The Solo's Manual"

Taylor Not-Implanted Tinkertech:
Sleep Inducer (tinkertech customized BD wreath full sleep in 3 hours, enhanced neuroplasticity/learning)
Pill making machine made of junk (tinkertech, vanilla flavored pills)
Tracking Fly Hatchery (extremely tinkertech, awesome/Gigeresque)
Replacement heart (tinkertech)
  • broad-spectrum antibiotic (reproducible and to be sold for millions)
  • biome replacing yogurt (tinkertech, replaces gut flora that antibiotic kills)
  • anti-depressant (tinkertech? very powerful and fast acting)
  • super meth / stimulant (sold to fixer, already a preexisting expensive drug)
  • ass destruction (tinkertech , skin contact application incontinence)
  • anaesthetic gas (tinkertech , for grenades)

Taylor Implanted Tinkertech:
Kiroshi Mk3 optics/cybernetic eyes (Modified to have Binocular microscopic, FLIR, and electromagnetic vision modes) (Moderately tinkertech)
Zetatech ArcticPRO Legend 1000 (Self-ICE)
  • Default holistic/adaptive firewall, using machine-learning technology
  • First defence: A custom Black ICE that puts an intruder to sleep for a couple of minutes. (Heavily tinkertech)
  • Second defence: Short-circuit
  • Third defence: Black ICE that flatlines an intruder
  • Last slot empty
Customised synthetic liver, modified to perform double duty as a second heart (heavily tinkertech)
Current Generation Thermoptical Camouflage (Partially tinkertech added brain scan resistance and electric resistance aka taser resist)
Kang Tao Type K-03 Kerenzikov (Partially tinkertech upgrade)
Replacement organometallic fingernails (with retractable bio active pads that generate a paralytic) (Fully tinkertech)

Taylor Implanted Normal Cyberpunk Tech:
Ballistic skin weave
Muscle and bone lace
Operating system (Biotech Sigma)
Biotech Sigma Mk1 cyberdeck
Standard Memory boost co-processor
High-end internal biomonitor
Kendachi Monowire (Modified to look like a personal link port for discretion)
BioDyne Martial Artistry(tm) synthetic arteries (100% coverage)
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Kang Tao Type K-03 Kerenzikov (Partially tinkertech upgrade)
her original tinkering gave it a speed adjuster. a normal Kerenzikov is locked on max speed. Her version can give her any speed between unenhanced and it's max (x3).

The further upgrade, if she did it yet, add more speed. Alternatively she can integrate it with her camouflage skin, Resistance to shocks and brain scan.