My first thought was that Taylor was going to make a long dormancy, air dispersed wheat strain as a direct open source jailbreak of Biotechnicas monopoly. Making a bioethanol algae strain seems more complicated from a harvesting and biopollution perspective, since I am assuming that Taylor is going to be releasing it into the wild to avoid being directly targeted. The shard magic version would sequester carbon into sugars as Biotechnica does, and after a period of time exposed to natural biomarkers further sequester it into some sort of mineral. But on exposure to, say regular industrial bioreactors, it keeps the carbon in sugar form in order to be more friendly to industrial plants.

PS: others posters are also thinking about this.
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Sounds like Cauldron wants a Gate to Cyberverse. There's no other reason to give cyber-Taylor Haywire's schematics. I hope they fail. Our Taylor doesn't need their stupidity in her new universe.
Until stated otherwise I'm thinking its more likely that Taylor wanted the data in return for her help.

Cauldron wouldn't be particularly expecting a bio-tinker to find ways to go to other realities.

They might be a little curious, if they confirm with contessa that Taylor's reality doesn't exist in their multiverse. But they probably wouldn't be expecting anything from taylor herself. But if it makes taylor happy and taylor does her healer job properly then who cares?

Might be a little bit of influencing from Contessa's shard and/or simurgh. Because they would be quite curious about this and they are some of the more independent shards.
Glory to Socialist Science!
Ok Taylor. We want biotechnoca to know they are being punished per the Chicago way. But we do not want them to in anyway connect it to you. So use a persona very different from edgy plague doctor. And of course overacting.

Conquest und Woe. OR . Glory to socialist science!!!

At night after night a odd package had arrived with a video recording and a sealed metal box. What was odd was that there was no delivery drone recorded. The only thing the security system picked up was something that sounded like a flock of pidgeons blocking the camera. There was a large note affixed in English and cyrillic. With the words.

"Message from vengeful genius who is responsible for Biotechnica acting oddly this week as speculated on last nights broadcast."

Of course no one would run the video straight up so after putting the data shard in an air gaped system they reviewed the image.

At first there was a logo of a smiling masked figure. Against a backdrop of the Soviet flag. Then it cut to an armoured figure. The gender was impossible to determine through the bulky trench coat and anachronistic armor plating. Tubes of uncertain purpose were wrapped around the figures body. An Ushanka hat was atop the head of the masked figure who had large red coloured glass lenses above the grilled face guard with a pair of glowing green tubes affixed to either side.

The voice was also heavily accented. Not betraying a specific gender but with a definite Slavic bent.

"Hear me capitalist pig dogs of biotechnica. Long ago I vas forced by circumstance to leave glorious motherland of my birth and travel west. To land of opportunity. Hah. Opportunity of getting $&$&: in the arse by backstabbing shits. I can be a bit forgiving of trying to kill me and steal my vork. For that kind of shit has been going on since men knifed each other for bread. But Ven you enter into agreement vot sumvun and giv you vord. You had best keep it. Whether it be you buying from somevun. Or you are selling somevun something while lying about all that it does. Like medicine that actually kills somevun. Be it brilliant genius or dude buying painkiller meds from store. If your vord will be worth nothing then you too shall be worth NOTHINK!

Now I heard funny story about nature of power once. Will not bore you with whole thing but basically it says power is situational.
You think you are untouchable. You have much money. And much guns. And you use money and violence to crush any who oppose you. Any who challenge your ruthless capitalist grip on world fuel supply.

Though it has taken me ten years vorking avay in hidden lab in most desolate and cursed place on earth my vengeance is nigh. I will prove my superiority to you. Not with money or violence. No my engine of conquest und woe will be unleashed by giving it away for free!!

I vill destroy you by ze power of altruism und spite hahahahaha.

Behold my instrument of conquest und woe."

An image appeared of a tub of green gloop. A large bubble appears on the surface and then pops.

Image cuts back to masked figure.

"This is an engineered algae strain I have named FCK BT 97. Like Choo Choo grain it can be made into fuel. Difference? It reproduces by itself and can be made super cheap. Of course corps like petrochemical and glorious sovoil can make massive amounts easily with their existing infrastructure. But all you need is a sunlamp, and a reasonably sized liquid container Wessel. Then you can make fuel in basement and distill using moonshine vhiskey barrel!! Yes rejoice glorious anarchic commune nomad comrades!! You are now free from reliance of capitalist dominated fuel supply!!
Already I have sent many samples and detailed manufacturing data to petrochemical, glorious sovoil and anyone I can think of. Have sent to many nomad communities and other places. Even released some samples in the wild. Also it goes open source about five minutes after end of todays night after night episode."

The figure stands to their full extent while the Soviet flag in the background bursts into flames revealing Tesla coils spitting lightning!

"Know that it is I doctor Ivo Kintobor Rosevich who has dominated the fuel industry vorld!!
Fuck you biotechnica and glory to socialist science!!!"

There was silence in the viewing room for five seconds.


"Oh we are definitely running this
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Conquest und Woe. OR . Glory to socialist science!!!
this needs a threadmark :D

and now for something completely different.
A continent-sized crystal calculator was observing its host dreaming. The contact from something very similar to it was a shock. It had thought it was alone. All alone, except for the host, anyway. It had taken several different attempts before they both realised they could not talk to each other. [Discourse] destabilised the gateway; too much information passed back and forth too quickly.

Since, [Discourse] wasn't possible, it couldn't tell the other one about its host, which was sad.

But the other one had a host, too! The hosts could talk!

It had the best host, though, for sure. It was just a shame it couldn't tell everyone how good the host was.

They'd find out, though, just by observing, and they'd be jealous of its host.

Everyone would find out how good the host was.
"Are those, letters on the water?"

"Don't be daft, man. Letters!"

"Look, I'm telling you, the sea, it's full of letters! They're everywhere."

"We're here to fish, fool, not- Wait. You're right. There are letters in the water. What on Earth,"

"Let's see. I think it says 'Tayl or Hebert is best. Best Host. Best best. Best Doctor!!!!!!! TaylorTaylorTaylorTaylor' Who on Earth is Taylor Herbert?"


elsewhere in a Biotechnica laboratory:

"Give me answers, people. Someone, will suffer for this outrage!"

"This Cyanobacteria is amazing, Sir. The stuff it can do!"

"I don't pay you to gush over the competition. Stop your lallygagging and get to work."

"Sir, this DNA sequence here is a phonetic code. It reads... 'That Time I Got Transported To My Otome Game, The Rage Of A Villainess Turned White Mage! is Great! Read it. Read it now, but skip the first 512 chapters. They're garbage.'"



"Wow, mom. This algacereal smells like Dr Tay--err Hasumi's shampoo. Straighto!"
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She throws herself on the ground and somehow keeps missing...
According to "Mauling Snarks" even her shard is baffled by it.
Yeah, I'd considered putting in that reference, but resisted the temptation. :)

Aegis is another good example, and there are others. Basically, Wildbow wanted 'Flying Bricks' ((sawn-off) Superman look-alikes, 'Brutes' in 'Worm' terms), and couldn't be bothered to explain (or couldn't figure-out an in-story explanation) how they worked. Without mentioning that there were shards 'behind' the cape powers.

Of course, getting a Tinker shard, like Taylor's, to provide flight, is more tricky. Probably need at least a second-hand vacuum cleaner on your back, set on 'blow', running off a couple of 'AA' batteries. :)
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Cyberpunk 77 does actually have anti-gravity tech. Suit mountable even.
The shard probably won't help with it, but if you have a working unit already then it could help design the control system and maneuvering surfaces for a flying squirrel girl bodymod.
Cyberpunk 77 does actually have anti-gravity tech. Suit mountable even.
The shard probably won't help with it, but if you have a working unit already then it could help design the control system and maneuvering surfaces for a flying squirrel girl bodymod.
If you are going dimension hopping you DO NOT do it at ground level. Being way up in the air makes you more (certain high tech) detectable, but appearing underwater/underground is... typically bad for your health.

But, if what you are doing is creating a dimensional beacon, for someone else to create a portal to, then, yeah, ground level. Unless you think a sudden fall might be a useful arrival distraction...
Cyberpunk 77 does actually have anti-gravity tech. Suit mountable even.
The shard probably won't help with it, but if you have a working unit already then it could help design the control system and maneuvering surfaces for a flying squirrel girl bodymod.


Excuse me: No, no they don't. Flying cars are basically "Bricks with engines" that provide vectored thrust. Same trick is used by ACPA to fly.

We can do the AV-4 tech *now*. It's called Harrier.
And I'm sure there are other uses. Like really super high end military prototypes. Just nothing in mass production.
We can put a lower bound on the rarity of such systems since if any civilian vehicles would have used them, it would have been Trauma teams.
We know they definitely had no antigravity tech in the 2020s, but they have some prototypes by 2077 which seams reasonable if the physics of the universe support it at all.
And I'm sure there are other uses. Like really super high end military prototypes. Just nothing in mass production.
We can put a lower bound on the rarity of such systems since if any civilian vehicles would have used them, it would have been Trauma teams.
We know they definitely had no antigravity tech in the 2020s, but they have some prototypes by 2077 which seams reasonable if the physics of the universe support it at all.

Come to think of it, Tay doesn't need a mass produced model, or even access to a prototype or portable example.

Between her 'known paranoia', her legit business's, and her schemes*, she would have relatively deep pockets and a plausible excuse to buy something like Okada's Desk and the theory/Data behind it too.

*'Laundering' her own money through Life extending therapies, gemini 'bodysculpting', maybe biopod 'refurbishing' etc.
Editx2: The plan to get bought out before she leaves LA. shorting the NC Dam company etc.

My eyes took in the overly large desk and started noticing that it didn't actually have any visible drawers, at least that I could see. I couldn't, of course, see everything from this side, but it looked odd for a desk. There wasn't actually any force field technology in this universe, at least as far as I could tell, but there was crazy electromagnetic field and even gravity manipulation technology that was almost as good. Perhaps if I tried to jump over the desk to tackle her, I'd get thrown back straight out of her office with significant force or get squashed into the desk like a bug under the force of twenty gravities. There was no way to know, really.
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The big thing alt-taylor is getting is a bunch of tinker tech that does not need tinker maintenance. Which is huge, from cauldron's perspective.
On a different subject?

Taylor played a game, in it she was named 'Boom Girl'. She controlled Wasps and some she juiced with Explosives. Flying Suicide Bombs.

She has not played it for close to a year, because she, Dr. Harumi, is not Taylor Hebert.

When she comes back, will the game have advanced or still be popular? Will 'Boom Girl' be a Legacy character or a computer version AI runs a similar bot as a game Boss? Maybe a Special Events?
"I really didn't mean to set the oceans on fire, honest!" - Dr. Hasumi Sakura, wanted for acts of international terrorism, crimes against humanity and copyright infringement
And we all know "copyright infringement" was the most severe on that list KEK
Sounds like Cauldron wants a Gate to Cyberverse. There's no other reason to give cyber-Taylor Haywire's schematics. I hope they fail. Our Taylor doesn't need their stupidity in her new universe.
Fuck, the Entities really are just dollar-store Quintessons, aren't they...

Sidenote: Soundwave is forever superior.

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Is it just me, or is Taylor becoming increasingly Japanese since the last chapter.
I assume she's attempting to get further into character, so as to reduce the likelihood that people figure out that she's pretending to be culturally Japanese.

I'm guessing that she can then try to 'pick up' some of her original traits over time, explained by way of acculturation.

If she was using a fake id, with no attached history, she could just change her name and appearance, and I doubt anyone would think anything strange is going on.
Sounds like Cauldron wants a Gate to Cyberverse. There's no other reason to give cyber-Taylor Haywire's schematics. I hope they fail. Our Taylor doesn't need their stupidity in her new universe.
It's kind of odd even at that - they'd surely know her power doesn't work with those.

Unless she could convince it to by making world-jumper implants? Though even then they'd probably not have any more reach than Doormaker.

Unless PtV is listening in on Churgeon's deal and knows there's a mousehole of a data channel...
Will Taylor's physically meet one another?

Just had the idea one can work on the other, as in "Who has BEST HOST?"
Will Taylor's physically meet one another?

Just had the idea one can work on the other, as in "Who has BEST HOST?"
It is obvious! Taylor-host is Best Host.

What? You mean there's two?

No. You just think there's two. They are all part of [BEST HOST!].

(For real fun, imagine shard-chan boasting to QA. And, QA feeling, for some reason she can't explain, vaguely disappointed with Riley...)
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Might want to look at Mercedes Nights, which is arguably a cyberpunk-ish novel, with duplicates...

I don't recall the character meeting himself in Split Infinity (doesn't his duplicate die before the story starts?), at least as a significant part of the story...

'Malfunctioning super-tech duplicator' can be the basis of a number of stories - I liked what happened in Schlock Mercenary (now complete webcomic; yeah, I know, it was only one sub-plot, but it did revive the 'Guinness' industry...)...
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I don't recall the character meeting himself in Split Infinity (doesn't his duplicate die before the story starts?), at least as a significant part of the story...
there were duplicates in a later book about the next generation. They only meet mentally though. Or by their deeds.

'Malfunctioning super-tech duplicator' can be the basis of a number of stories - I liked what happened in Schlock Mercenary (now complete webcomic; yeah, I know, it was only one sub-plot, but it did revive the 'Guinness' industry...)...
Taylor can learn how to ensure her immortality from that comic.