Cybernetics list
As I was working on this next chapter, someone PMed me and asked if I could provide a list of all of Taylor's cybernetics as of now, so I said sure.

They also asked me if Taylor has a "Humanity" score, that is a more difficult question. I am not running her as a character sheet from 2020 or RED, that is for sure. I am also treating cybernetics as something that aggravates existing mental conditions, with Cyberpsychosis being an umbrella term for the end result of untreated mental illness in dangerous people.

That said, she does, sort of. With these two caveats: Her low self-esteem is actually a bonus here, but as you can see from some recent chapters, while it still exists, it has shifted to more of a romantic low self-esteem. She no longer thinks people are better than her at anything she sets her mind to, nor is she really scared of people except perhaps Mr Blonde Ninja.

That's a sign of well, not quite Cyberpsychosis, but it isn't generally the sign of a well-rounded teenage girl to look through a room as she walks in and be like 'yeah, I can kill everyone here.' That IS a pretty normal sign of a teenage parahuman, though, so in that respect she is fairly stable.

Also, for no other reason than I want to, the more a piece of cybernetics is made or modified by herself the less effect it will have on her. (A fully custom piece of cybernetics she makes from the ground up would have no "Humanity" cost for her, for example.)

That's all! The next chapter will probably be out Thursday, since I have been flying so much this week.

Ballistic skin weave
Muscle and bone lace
Operating system (Biotech Sigma)
Biotech Sigma Mk1 cyberdeck
Kiroshi Mk3 optics/cybernetic eyes (Modified to have Binocular microscopic, FLIR, and electromagnetic vision modes) (Moderately tinkertech)
Standard Memory boost co-processor
High-end internal biomonitor
Zetatech ArcticPRO Legend 1000 (Self-ICE)
  • Default holistic/adaptive firewall, using machine-learning technology
  • First defence: A custom Black ICE that puts an intruder to sleep for a couple of minutes. (Heavily tinkertech)
  • Second defence: Short-circuit
  • Third defence: Black ICE that flatlines an intruder
  • Last slot empty
Kendachi Monowire (Modified to look like a personal link port for discretion)
Customised synthetic liver, modified to perform double duty as a second heart (heavily tinkertech)
BioDyne Martial Artistry(tm) synthetic arteries (100% coverage)
Current Generation Thermoptical Camouflage (Partially tinkertech)
Kang Tao Type K-03 Kerenzikov (Partially tinkertech)
Replacement organometallic fingernails (with retractable bio active pads that generate a paralytic) (Fully tinkertech)
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I might have forgotten (95% sure I have) if Taylor's passenger was 'tweaked' or not on it's creation? I ask this because I'm pretty sure tinker-tech requires a constant level of maintenance from it's creator (canonically) and I'm not sure how she's managing to keep that up with some of her cybernetics.
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I might have forgotten (95% sure I have) if Taylor's passenger was 'tweaked' or not on it's creation? I ask this because I'm pretty sure tinker-tech requires a constant level of maintenance from it's creator (canonically).
Yes, Taylor's agent is a bud and it isn't part of the Firmament or connected to Zion since it is in another multiverse. The transference process took it along, but it was cut off before it was totally done so it doesn't have the full well of energy most buds receive. It got a fair bit though and it isn't about to die any time soon, but it is cognisant that it should have some sort of support that it doesn't have so is proactive at minimising the continuing Tinker shaker effects it has to maintain.

It does this by giving Taylor a little actual knowledge every time she builds something, and by not black boxing things AS heavily as a traditional Firmament tinker shard. (Thinker powers can be either the biggest power wasters or the most efficient, the kind of pseudo-Thinker power that the shard gives Taylor is very efficient, it is just database access of knowledge Chirrugeon has already collected from Earth-Bet.)

Her shard also doesn't have the same "personality" as that was what was cut-off so it is very similar to The Fragile One (Victoria Dillon's shard) in that it really like Taylor and wants to help her, but it doesn't understand restraint or really what Taylor's goals are. (You don't like Japan gang? Here, have war crime bio-weapon!)

Her shard knows its purpose to gather information and data, but it doesn't even know who The Warrior is, what Entities are or anything like that. It might get that data when/if Chirrugeon manages to contact it, but it might not care at that point, either.
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As I was working on this next chapter, someone PMed me and asked if I could provide a list of all of Taylor's cybernetics as of now, so I said sure.

Back when Taylor was having the Keren installed, you said the doc wanted her to get a treatment to increase nerve density in her extremities as part of the deal, but that hasn't come up again since then. Is that still part of the story?
Back when Taylor was having the Keren installed, you said the doc wanted her to get a treatment to increase nerve density in her extremities as part of the deal, but that hasn't come up again since then. Is that still part of the story?
Yes, although I didn't include it as the doctor considered it a corrective treatment, it just prevented neural inflammation from the extra bandwidth the Kerenzikov sends through the central nervous system. I didn't include her original cosmetic biosculpt treatment either.
-snip- (You don't like Japan gang? Here, have war crime bio-weapon!)

Her shard knows its purpose to gather information and data, but it doesn't even know who The Warrior is, what Entities are or anything like that. It might get that data when/if Chirrugeon manages to contact it, but it might not care at that point, either.

(Lol on the in bracket comment) I hope she corrupts -cough- I mean, I hope that she and her shard become BFF! Shame Taylor doesn't have the same/full powerset as Amy Dallon (or Bonesaw for that matter) though. Because that is one OP AF power...

Okay but you're dodging the most important question:

Can a pigeon go cyberpsycho?

"Next up on tonights news: When good Pigeons go bad!"
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Would Taylor's bud get creative and try to harvest more energy?

Like grown into a planets mantel or build a large scale solar harvesting operation?
Would Taylor's bud get creative and try to harvest more energy?

Like grown into a planets mantel or build a large scale solar harvesting operation?
Maybe. The Entities use some kind of interdimensional energy based on the differences between one universe and another to extract effective energy somehow. It is never specified as to why they don't use actual energy sources inside a universe, but I could see the bud making a Dyson sphere/swarm or something in the barren Earth system it is in, if it thinks about it. It certainly has that capability.
Taylor should really sell the illusion with her monowire and make that pretend data port an actual data port. Just need a little tinkertech magic sauce to make the slicey modulator also interpret data signals.
Maybe. The Entities use some kind of interdimensional energy based on the differences between one universe and another to extract effective energy somehow. It is never specified as to why they don't use actual energy sources inside a universe, but I could see the bud making a Dyson sphere/swarm or something in the barren Earth system it is in, if it thinks about it. It certainly has that capability.

With Cyberpunk being an entirely different Multiverse, that could mean even more Power to Tap from between the Origin and Destination Multiverses?

It makes me think of the Sliders TV Show.

The Season 2 version of the Kromagg Manta Bioships, were powered by a Multiversal Energy Tap that they were using to Slide with, so very multipurpose.
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With Cyberpunk being an entirely different Multiverse, that could mean even more Power to Tap from between the Origin and Destination Multiverses?

It makes me think of the Kromagg Manta Bioships which were powered by a Multiverse Tap that they were using to Slide with, so very multipurpose.
I believe they collect all the energy they use at the moment they destroy a planet across the multiverse, they collect energy based on the potential between one universe and another in a similar way that there is a potential energy in a rock on top of a hill, if you push it down. So the energy in the well the Shard has is energy the Entities collected from the previous Cycle, wherever that is.

It might be because this interdimmensional energy is the only useful energy for perpetuating the Cycle, but Taylor's shard doesn't care about a cycle, just living as long as it can with its host, so it would be open to alternate sources even if they are just as finite or even more finite than the energy the entities harvest.
Maybe. The Entities use some kind of interdimensional energy based on the differences between one universe and another to extract effective energy somehow. It is never specified as to why they don't use actual energy sources inside a universe, but I could see the bud making a Dyson sphere/swarm or something in the barren Earth system it is in, if it thinks about it. It certainly has that capability.
I thought they did that, too, while operating in low power mode, just more on the level of covering a single planet in growth that acts like solar panels than a dyson sphere.

Then they kick into the high damage, high energy extraction mode on leaving.
I honestly keep expecting/hoping Taylor to start making plasmids from Bioshock... You know. For giggles- I mean, for SCIENCE! I suppose I'll just have to wait for her to become a major power and has an army of HK-47's who all comment on how much they love ending us fleshy meatbags and is semi-impressed that we've finally realized that the flesh is weak...
I thought they did that, too, while operating in low power mode, just more on the level of covering a single planet in growth that acts like solar panels than a dyson sphere.

Then they kick into the high damage, high energy extraction mode on leaving.

Why would anything that doesn't absolutely have to ever, um, do ANYTHING on a planet, if the goal is things like 'efficient extraction of energy'????
Well Vorlon, Shadow and Technomage Ships in Babylon 5 get their Power by Tapping Hyperspace.

That is just one Dimensional Layer in a Single Reality, but gives Infinte Power only limited by Throughput.

I think the Energy between Realities/Parallel Universes would be a lot more that can be Tapped from Hyperspace.

With between Multiverses having even more.

Still, Fusion, M/AM and Artificial Singularities, Zero Point Energy etc would be additional ways to get more Power locally at least.
Honestly given Taylor's background, and who her mother was, I wouldn't be surprised if her entire pre- isekai cyberpunk knowledge base was reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? In that book, the vast majority of the biotech was in the form of biorobotics where you had to test bonemarrow to even tell if something was natural or not. I could see her slowly trying to recreate many of her implants with versions that look identical to her natural body, possibly even making some for anyone she ends up trusting.

The other device from that book that I could see her getting the idea to make, even if she would be reluctant to build it, is the Penfield mood organ, a device that lets you use a computer to control someone's emotional state. She may see that as a master ability, especially if she could integrate it into a cyberdeck, but at the same time I could see her becoming desperate enough to do it. It would be amusing to see her basically being able to quickhack brain chemistry, completely bypassing any ICE or other defenses.
All those security guards laughing at Taylor for getting the nanowire upgrade to her monowire but forgetting to put the actual data port in the housing.