Mario Loggagia's Terrible Day
I wrote an omake a couple days ago on the SB Skitterdoc thread and someone requested that I post it here as well, so I have. Featuring a certain Biotechnica executive living to regret both Taylor's spite, and his own grandfather's eccentricities.

ckk185 on SB said:
It would be funny when they finally black bag taylor, Niccolo be ranting about the sea turtles instead of lost profit.

Taylor: "On the one hand I'm somewhat offended that was the greatest injury my effort caused. On the other hand, I'm also very curious what I can accomplish, now that you're offering me a billion eddies and a blank slate to 'make a better turtle'."

TerraBull on SB said:
...? LOL!

A side thought? The Hawaiian Sea turtle?

If it eats kelp, can it Breathe FIIRE?

Due to a BioT CEO saving turtles, "Not just venomous! They can Breathe FIRE!"

Fire-breathing turtles would certainly not the weirdest thing we've seen Bonesaw's shard manage. I imagine Nicolo would be thrilled. The rest of his family, not so much.

---Mario Loggagia's Terrible Day---

Mario Loggagia was having a bad day.

If you'd asked him yesterday, he would have said that was a bad day, one of many in the past few months.
But he hadn't spent most of yesterday fighting for his fucking life against murderous reptiles, so today he was recalibrating that scale. Today, this was a bad day.

This was all Grandfather's fault.

Grandfather and that terrorist witch, but she wouldn't have been a problem if Grandfather hadn't decided to give her a state-of-the-art lab, instead of a shallow grave.

You'd think that for a woman who'd manufactured the greatest crisis Biotechnica had ever seen from shit she'd mixed up in some basement, even Grandfather might put his eccentricities on hold for a bit to just have her shot, after a proper interrogation of course. Or perhaps, publicly executed in some spectacular way to serve as an example to the next ten generations that you do not fuck with the Loggagia family.

But no, Grandfather had been impressed. Never mind that she had been out to destroy them – never mind that she had damn near managed it, getting closer on her first attempt than a century of nations and mega-corporations with millions of times the resources had ever come. Well, unless what the Astors had started ambiguously hinting via discreet back channels was true, but they were also making it very clear that she hadn't been acting with their direction or backing, even if they'd very much like her in (or returned to?) their custody.

Astor princess or no, Grandfather had been so impressed with her work he had ensconced her in one of his labs- a luxuriously-appointed facility beneath a refurbished castle on the island of Ischia, near Naples. Yes, a lab that was ostensibly "fully locked down and secured" by Biotechnica security, counterintelligence, and hazard control – but how was that going, you useless fuckers.

Grandfather had wanted to see what her talents could produce with a real budget. Starting with his stupid turtle project.

This morning, a month later, Mario had dropped in with his own team on a surprise inspection, to see what this stunningly clever decision had wrought. And possibly exact some of the corrective violence he'd earlier been denied. In hindsight he had not been ready for it.

He had expected a degree of lunacy. What he'd received was blood and fire.

And turtles.

So many fucking turtles.

Around the corner ahead, there was a thud, a scream, and then a horrible crunch. Mario winced.

The turtles got another one.

At the corner, one of his security borgs raised a hand, [Halt] signal coming over local comms at the same time. The loud crack of a railgun firing came, followed by what Mario was depressed to recognize as the pinging sounds of many small turtle-shell fragments bouncing off of metal corridor walls.

One less turtle too, then. But trading security personnel for turtles wasn't a winning proposition; he was running low on personnel. Even his own personal borg detail had lost several men, and barely a dozen of the less-augmented regular security staff were still alive and mobile. Meanwhile the madwoman had an apparently limitless supply of biologically-enhanced turtles, all of which could all bite through heavy armor and had shown half a dozen other horrible tricks now. The site lockdown she'd kicked off had meant his men had to breach through the different lab spaces if they wanted to make any progress, and every damn one had some new kind of evil turtle.

Also, none of them held her. The woman was apparently hiding in some godforsaken corner of the facility – at least they hadn't seen sign of her yet – and was only interjecting to provide sadistic informational voiceovers via the PA system whenever they encountered some new and horrible turtle that would kill them.

The worst had been the super-speed ones. 'Project Azure' as her cheerful narration had called it. No corp made sandevistan cyberware for a turtle's nervous system, and no sane person would want to, so naturally she'd whipped up a biological analogue somehow. Without fail whichever poor security bastard was on point when one of those things caught sight of them was dead before they could react. Fullborg or not, super-speed user themselves or not. It had taken their group nearly half an hour and twelve dead to get through a lab space smaller than his smallest garage.

Still, they were close now.

He and his men had been fighting their way downward. They hadn't been able to get out – and any putative reinforcements hadn't been able to get in – because the lunatic had somehow triggered an alpha-level biowarfare breach alarm. In that event the site had gone into a fully-sealed lockdown that couldn't be lifted from the science areas, so to prevent any science staff potentially exposed to biowarfare agents from putting their own lives ahead of proper containment and loss prevention.

That had seemed like a perfectly reasonable precaution when he'd signed off on it as COO. After all, it wasn't like anyone truly important, like a shareholder or a corporate officer, would get caught up in a lockdown like this, right?

Ha ha ha.

As a result of past-Mario's stellar decision, there was only one place in this entire damned facility which could actually communicate with the outside world or lift the lockdown. That was the central security hub, located on nearly the lowest level of the base. The only thing below that was the geothermal energy plant that kept the entire place running.

He didn't know what had happened to the staff who were supposed to be in the security hub when this mess broke – probably nothing good – but he and his men were, finally, nearly there. Actually breaching the doors there would take some further time even with his overrides, but they'd at least have a fixed position to guard. Someplace they could defend against all reptilian comers instead of having to advance through a slog of infested laboratory halls where every corner, every vent, every pipe, and every crawlspace could be sheltering some new abomination.

[Clear], the signal came from his security team. [Primary can advance.] The borg at the corner waved him forward.

Cautiously, Mario walked ahead, wincing for a moment from the pain in his leg. He'd taken one glancing blow himself earlier, coming far closer than any Loggagia was ever supposed to come to death. It had been a sobering experience. In that moment, he had felt smaller than he had in years.

He slowly advanced around the corner and down the next hallway. When he reached the intermingled remains of security cyborg and man-eating turtle, he carefully stepped over them. Not that there was much point as his shoes and suit were both a total loss at this point, spattered with blood, machine oil, various reptile bits, and even some less savory things from when they'd had to cut through the sewage processing plant to progress – but still. A man had standards. A Loggagia even more so.

And before him was the most blessed sight he'd seen yet today: the last stairwell down.

One last flight and it was a straight shot to the security hub.

He was surprised when the next man immediately gave the all clear to enter the stairwell, turning to precede Mario in. Prior stairwells had held some of the nastier ambushes they'd encountered, but they'd evidently found no resistance in this one. A gentle warm wind enveloped him as he walked in, heated air rising from the geothermal plant below. He made his way gingerly down the stairs and out. Ahead of him, he saw his men carefully advancing, checking every nook and cranny of the hallway with their cyberware and gun-mounted sensors.

And there in the distance, the corridor opened onto a metal bridge, leading to a great steel door emblazoned: MAIN SECURITY.

Thank God, thank Christ, thank the Holy Spirit. Finally.

And then,

In the distance,

A nightmare crashed down.

It was a turtle. It was the biggest, most hellish turtle he had ever seen. It was huger than anything from the upper floors, towering over his tallest security men. An armored head the size of a car turned toward them beneath an awful shell covered in razor-sharp protrusions, and with one contemptuous gesture it swatted one of his fullborgs with its foreleg.

The man's more-than-human body slammed against a wall and fell, bent and pulped.

The security officers screamed and scrambled away, and even his own men recoiled in fear. [Back! Fall back to the stairs! Protect the primary! Heavy weapons on that thing, now!]

Intelligent hate-filled eyes the size of dinner plates narrowed as they ran, but the turtle didn't pursue.

It didn't need to.

It inhaled, and a terrible fiery light filled its mouth.

Oh, he thought, you've got to be fucking kidding me.


An hour later, scorched and bloody, he finally staggered into the security chamber, supported by… the last surviving member of his security team. Luciano, maybe?


Well, he wasn't sure of the man's name, but he was sure the man was getting a bonus you could buy a villa with.

It was creepily quiet in here. And still no sign of the security staff that was supposed to be present. He suspected biowarfare, or possibly black magic. But as a Loggagia, he had a better counter-biowarfare suite than any amount of money could buy, and that would have to be enough. And if it wasn't, well, he was fucked anyway then. There had been a lot of weird shit in the labs.

He limped over to the main console and carefully input his credentials. Then did it again. Then bled a bit into a receptacle conveniently located to one side.

"Executive override accepted," said a pleasant female voice, just enough synthesis in it to make it clearly artificial. "Welcome, Chief Operating Officer Mario Loggagia. How can I serve you?"

"Re-seal this room," he said, lowering himself slowly and painfully into one of the room's chairs. "Revoke alpha-level protocols across the site but do not disengage any of the physical security yet. Re-establish contact with the outside. What troops are present on the surface?"

If there wasn't a military force up there already, he was going to have several generals murdered.

"Biotechnica Corporate Assistance Group Four has taken control of the island surface, supported by elements of the Italian Army's fifth infantry regiment. CEO Nicolo Loggagia requires immediate communication, connecting now."

"Gah!" Mario startled, attempted to sit up straighter in his chair and look slightly less… burnt and disheveled… as the console's screen immediately blinked to a view of the old man.

"Mario! Good, you're alive. You look like shit. Are you alright? Safe?"

"I never want to see another fucking turtle again," he said, "and I'm not leaving this room until our troops clear their way down here, but nothing that won't keep, Grandfather. We're secure and my implants are patching me up. I can disengage the lockdown, but you need to tell the troops to be ready for all sorts of hostile action. The turtles killed fucking everyone. And," he snarled, "we need make absolutely sure that witch does not escape."

"It's bit late for that," Nicolo said. "She disappeared hours ago. Intel is working to track her, but it sounds like she might've made a clean getaway."

"What!? HOW!?" he howled. "She was– this place was locked down tighter than an angel's asshole! How could she have gotten out!? What do you mean 'she disappeared'!?"

"Ah." In this day for awful firsts, Mario was again treated to something new and terrible – his grandfather looking awkward. "Well… she wasn't there, son. Astor scion or not, you were being vocal about her continued survival and I was… concerned you might do something rash like drop in and torture her while I wasn't looking. So I had her moved to the labs on San Nicola a week ago. And that's where she vanished from, earlier today."

"After all this!?" Mario shouted. "All this AND ALL ALONG SHE WASN'T HERE!!??"

"Yes." Nicolo nodded solemnly. "I'm sorry, Mario, but the princess was in another castle."

Did I really write a two thousand word omake just to make a Super Mario Bros. joke? Yes, yes I did. The stars aligned for it so perfectly that I couldn't help myself.

Watch out for those blue shells, folks.
Erre I recall she's already hit Gloria and David over once- after the initial mess at Clouds- and I think she's done an installation for Kiwi. This us just more steps in that direction.
I mean at this point she's got Gloria full-borged, but that wasn't a goal so much as a necessity.

I don't remember what she's done with David and Kiwi? She's been building out Kiwi's nameless team members...
I mean at this point she's got Gloria full-borged, but that wasn't a goal so much as a necessity.

I don't remember what she's done with David and Kiwi? She's been building out Kiwi's nameless team members...
Kiwi got a secure data implant along with Taylor's favorite biotech upgrades and general health implants. David might be too young to even have eyes yet, I think.
I didn't notice her eating any bread, but I noticed that we had been running out of bread very quickly. That meant she never did any of this when I was around, which was another mark of her intelligence. I scooped the sleeping bird out of the birdbox, and she squawked in protest until she saw it was me and then merely cooed and jumped on my shoulder. I didn't know why she was sleeping in a breadbox when she had a very nice cage that she could also open and close herself, but she was an odd bird. As far as taking the bread out of the building, she was probably rebuilding her harem.
Is 'birdbox' intentional or a typo? I'd keep it. Made me laugh.

crakpot theory: It's weird Taylor misidentified Pegpig's gender at first. What if she didn't? What if Chiugeon changed their gender because best host's gender is the better gender, obviously? Let's hope they don't build a feminizing virus in the future to turn everyone into a female.
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Welp, it's time for you to get into the tank, first body," I said to myself, still playing along. Perhaps I should stop. It would be weird if I developed a habit of talking to myself and answering. So I just disrobed and got into the tank. This would be a fairly long biosculpt program, but there was no need for sedation as I would just follow my other body with my full attention for the moment
If the Astor watch team have in fact been following Taylor they may conclude that this Taylor was so chunni that after getting to be a cute Japanese doctor who wrote webnovels she loved the role too much. So even as she went back to her old life she created a literal hasumi clone with copied memories so that dr hasumi would never die!! Or passed the identity on to someone else. Like the dread pirate roberts!!

Until later on things get stranger as the poor family AI Edgecrusher starts to think that there are three Taylor's under different identities and it cannot determine which one is genuine!!
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Taylor meets the Matriarch.

Is this about the merc work?
My clinic?
The Biotechnica deal?
The algae?
The Taylor swarm?
Uh... Mrs Pegpig?
Alright, I give up.
Your webnovel. Why did you have them get together? Everyone knows they're not the OTP!
Uhm, Aksh-fff-sh-ully, that would be a Bling'or Swarm, not a Bling'or Sphere, if the shard is making individual satellites that orbit the star.
Dyson Sphere is also used for where there's loadsa satellites, as that looks a lot more feasible than the solid shell made of unobtainium. The solid sphere, which BTW isn't vaguelly stable, is something only found in science fiction (and lazy science articles). If you wanted to live on the surface of one, then you're probably talking about needing (really reliable) gravity generator tech, too...

crakpot theory: It's weird Taylor misidentified Pegpig's gender at first. What if she didn't? What if Chiugeon changed their gender because best host's gender is the better gender, obviously? Let's hope they don't build a feminizing virus in the future to turn everyone into a female.
I'd actually considered that... Taylor builds a bacteria that converts everyone into physical copies of her (younger ones if they don't have enough mass). Then, her horde of 'converter pigeons' goes out, and imprints her memories on all the neo-Taylors they can catch.


It's likely to be a boring world when you've got no one but yourself to talk to... And, those friends and family you chose not to convert? They're... unlikely to be very happy.

Also, shard-chan wouldn't get as much [DATA] in future, and, you didn't want to make her unhappy, did you?
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How it started

"Hello, first body," my new body said, which caused my first body to reply, "Hello, new body!" And then, both laughed.

How it ends


...Or at least, how it could end after Taylor steals and tinkers with some of Arasaka's secret tech (i.e. Relic 2.0)

Speaking of Arasaka, it would be good if Taylor found out about their Soul Killer program and the possibility of one of her clones being turned into an obedient engram. It might make her a little less blasé about being snatched up by a corp.

She's more or less acknowledged that being kidnapped is inevitable, and is looking at the silver linings. But she hasn't considered the fact that whatever corporation that manages to kidnap her will most likely subject her to the mind reading machine (I forgot its real name) to figure out if she has any secrets that could come back to bite the company later on. Or if her 'hobbyist' projects keep getting leaked, they'll probably use the machine to she if she knows how it is happening. They could uncover a lot of her secrets, and even use the machine to hunt down her other clones to maintain a monopoly on her skills if they uncover her proto-hivemind.

Then there's the issue of implants. Taylor has acknowledged that any corp that kidnaps her will probably tear out her more dangerous tech. But at the same time, Taylor has stressed the importance of keeping implants identical across her clones. If they take out too much, it could cause issues. If they remove her Kerenzikov, it probably would be very bad for the connection between bodies. It could even lead to cyberpsychosis.

Taylor could be forced to cut the connection, which would undermine a lot of what project synchronicity was aimed to do. It leaves a Taylor trapped in a corpo cage, even if another Taylor is free. Taylor might need to consider self-terminating clones that find themselves in untenable situations (there are a lot of terrible fates in Cyberpunk that Taylor would be better off not experiencing, even if she can 'live' through it).

Also Taylor, going behind Kiwi's back to do something that could bring a squad of Biotechnica dragoons knocking down her door is not the best way to deal with your friend's trust issues. If Biotechnica finds the ship that you used to spread the algae (which considering the computing power available to them, is likely if they cross-match algae bloom times with transport data) then they just have to check that ship's ports of call starting from where the algae first appeared and go back.

Interrogate the crew. Check for anomalies. Find out about pirate raid. Find the pirates. Interrogate the pirates. Find out about Kiwi's team. Search for Kiwi's team. Interrogate Kiwi's team. Find out about Dr Hasumi's secondary objective. Find Dr Hasumi. Capture Dr Hasumi

This is just the correct chain of events to find Taylor, and there are a lot of other threads and loose ends to check which will take a lot of time. But Biotechnica will not let this go as long as there is still a lead to follow. Unless something happens to break the chain leading to her, it may be only a matter of time before they find Taylor.
I didn't expect this to hit the big leagues since it started as a sidefic NC adventure. At this rate Taylor is gonna take over the world and save EB.
Waiting for the inevitable "I'm seeing double here! Four Taylors!"

Things sure are escalating nicely, and I somehow doubt rhat best shard is going to stop at only one Bling'or sphere.
Find out about pirate raid. Find the pirates. Interrogate the pirates. Find out about Kiwi's team. Search for Kiwi's team. Interrogate Kiwi's team. Find out about Dr Hasumi's secondary objective. Find Dr Hasumi. Capture Dr Hasumi
I don't think Taylor planted one of her algae mines on the ship they raided but on three other ship that were marooned/anchored nearby.
I don't think Taylor planted one of her algae mines on the ship they raided but on three other ship that were marooned/anchored nearby.

and chances are too that Taylor timed the mines on her ships to go off on a diferent delayed timers, so triangulating all of them to a specific day on the LA port may be a little hard.

So imagine ship A has +10 Days before active, Ship B +16 Days and ship C +30 Days, depending on their routes, narrowing the actual ships and day where the mines were planted may be next to impossible.
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Taylor may want to consider using a different method to expand her network and brain power. The brain isn't a monolith. Different parts of the brain do different things and, in fact, a smaller portion of it is dedicated to actual executive functions than you would think. All she really needs to mirror are those executive functions and she would probably end up with the ability to have clones that wildly diverge from each other at the cost of each one having to train in specific skills not granted by her shard.

That said, she might also want to set up a hub/node network where each clone added to the network is expanding her mental capacity by using her Haywire tech as bridges rather than mirrors. Effectively the difference between RAID storage solutions, where all of the storage is mirrored across drives to one degree or another and making a distributed super computer where you can split tasks between various portions of the hardware. The human brain works more on the second example so using the Haywire tech as basically a way to plug in more brains like expansion slots would probably work really well. Alternatively, Taylor going all Mother Brain isn't out of the question with four major brains perfectly mirrored managing a number of "satellite" bodies.

Effectively, the second example is creating a larger brain that has the distance bridged by Haywire's transmission tech.
Taylor may want to consider using a different method to expand her network and brain power. The brain isn't a monolith. Different parts of the brain do different things and, in fact, a smaller portion of it is dedicated to actual executive functions than you would think. All she really needs to mirror are those executive functions and she would probably end up with the ability to have clones that wildly diverge from each other at the cost of each one having to train in specific skills not granted by her shard.

That said, she might also want to set up a hub/node network where each clone added to the network is expanding her mental capacity by using her Haywire tech as bridges rather than mirrors. Effectively the difference between RAID storage solutions, where all of the storage is mirrored across drives to one degree or another and making a distributed super computer where you can split tasks between various portions of the hardware. The human brain works more on the second example so using the Haywire tech as basically a way to plug in more brains like expansion slots would probably work really well. Alternatively, Taylor going all Mother Brain isn't out of the question with four major brains perfectly mirrored managing a number of "satellite" bodies.

Effectively, the second example is creating a larger brain that has the distance bridged by Haywire's transmission tech.
I'd be inclined to agree with this approach...

Mirroring the front-end processing of senses isn't very workable - unless Taylor's shard-let is doing a lot of filtering/heavy-lifting, and don't forget this would include the retina... (I'm unsure how this interacts with cyber-eyes.) Obviously, you don't want to lose the info, but it isn't (generally) urgent. The other side, detailed body-driving processing (and the feedback loop to senses) also may not need (immediate) full detail, unless 'puppetting'.

Thinking of mirroring 'the whole brain' tends to be associated with the Cartesian Theatre view of reality/identity, which can sneak up on you far too easily. Consider how the 'visual field' is a constructed thing, assembled from (recent) memory and visual data from eye/head movement, including patching various holes, and filtering of 'noise'. Arguably, the geometric level of visual processing (several stages up) is more generally useful. Ditto other senses (though smell and balance, proprioception, etc., may need careful consideration).

Identity/self-consciousness is arguably based on self-modelling, or 'meta modelling', memories of previous actions, planning of future actions, feedback from bodily senses. Note, 'actions'. The phrase 'consciousness is a verb' may appeal, it is something which is done. Also, it is possible to get so immersed in something that the sense of 'self' fades, may even completely disappear - arguably with all effort is going into the action, 'self' is a waste of resources. (Some might refer to a 'Zen' state of mind.)

Why is this (maybe) relevant? Because this strongly suggests the self, consciousness, it tied to the (actions and senses of the) body. Having multiple bodies means looking a lot more at 'identity' is something Taylor might be strongly encouraged to do...

One reason people started looking a lot harder at these issues is that wanting to build useful AIs (and robots) led to looking a lot harder at the functioning of the available working examples, human intelligence, and various 'hard' issues... These issues may prove to be both simpler, and a lot more complex ('nuanced'), than previously thought. Which, often seems to be the case...

Still, the handling of distributed Taylor in this story is definitely interesting, and is explored more carefully than just about anywhere else I've seen!

(Two Haywire links per body may be worth considering, one 'primary' to a (local) node, one 'secondary', slower, to a distributor. In fact, three, two of them secondary (to different distributors), might be best, as one of the secondary links might need to become primary, if there's significant node-loss. Thinking about failure modes is smart...)
From the way Taylor referred to her two bodies as speaking sock puppets I assume Taylor new body image is a 2 bodied beast with 2 heads, 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 locations. Or a disembodied entity with 2 physical extremities. The second options is better imo. She'd need to reinvent her body image each time she added or lost a body otherwise. That's a recipe for extreme trauma. People irl can barely handle the loss of an arm or the grafting of an arm from an organ donor.
Mirroring the front-end processing of senses isn't very workable - unless Taylor's shard-let is doing a lot of filtering/heavy-lifting, and don't forget this would include the retina... (I'm unsure how this interacts with cyber-eyes.) Obviously, you don't want to lose the info, but it isn't (generally) urgent. The other side, detailed body-driving processing (and the feedback loop to senses) also may not need (immediate) full detail, unless 'puppetting'.
Taylor wants speed. Why waste time on slow brainmeat image rendering? Her tinkered kiroshi can complete the job much faster and send the info to her OS and/or relevant brainparts. Her Kerenzikov can do the same with her sense of touch. Who knows how her sense of smell and hearing work now. Did the surgeon keep her old meatface with its attached ears and nose when he inserted the cyberbrain? Are the nerves linking her ears and nose to her brain the same old nerves?
"Doctor! Doctor! Help me! I can't stop myself attacking everyone!"

Suddenly, all your arms and legs fall off. And *ping*! Your 'Party Breaker' suicide bomb shuts-down.

"Oh. I guess that works..."

"Just a moment, and I'll stop the bleeding. Then we can discuss my billing structure."

"... Thank you, Doctor."
Taylor is in really good shape if her project Synchronicity works out to 3 or 4 bodies. One body in space, one body on the other side of the planet in a strong, deep research bunker. Then she just needs a couple hidden locations with cloning tanks and supplies of decent cyber-ware and Haywire comms.

With her communications tech she doesn't have to attend dangerous gigs, just send in a brainless Borged out haywire comms body to resolve the issue. When she has a hard problem to resolve she can guide in multiple Borgs outfit to clean it up. She just has to make sure that any brainless suicide Borgs, carry a self destruct device that will completely destroy the comms equipment and conceal their lack of independence and lack of a background, if they get into a situation they can't get out of.

This capability makes her one of the most dangerous beings on the planet. Truly scary really.
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Taylor could be forced to cut the connection, which would undermine a lot of what project synchronicity was aimed to do. It leaves a Taylor trapped in a corpo cage, even if another Taylor is free.
The whole "two Taylors" case is for unexpected accidental disconnects. But when it comes to intentionally disconnecting, I reckon she has a smooth termination and self-destruct mechanism for the body that's left behind. To prevent that exact possibility. It's just common sense. :⁠)
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