Omake 1 - Nana
Crossposting from SB. Am curious to see if anyone guesses who Jousha is.

An Undisclosed Location:

A man walked into a office, scanning the area, and then studied his employer was staring at the cheerfully going flames of a fireplace. "Ma'am?"

"Yes, Jousha?" The mature and elegant woman turned to him, seeming a bit distant and sad.

"I have updated information on Wildflower. Would you prefer to wait til tomorrow and your normal briefing?" The man asked.

The woman's eyebrow rose slightly, and she smiled. "I'm sure you would have waited til the morning, to not disturb my thoughts, you are a considerate person, unless you thought this was of some importance." She paused, and smiled softly. "Considering what it is about, disturbing my ponderings of family... please, sit." She waved an hand at a chair across from her

The man didn't verbally respond, but a simple nod of his head, and he sat as directed. Clearing his throat after a nod from the woman, he spoke. "As you are aware, Wildflower attended Night City University's Paramedic program, graduating at the top of her class. What my people did not find out was that Trauma team had waived the normal experience requirement down to a year."

"She must have impressed someone, as expected, though did you find out why she did not perfect her exam?" The woman's tone was curious.

"From what I found, it is that program's policy that no one gets a perfect. They admitted they were sorely tempted to break it for her." He smiled to the slight smile on the woman's face.

"Continue, and excellent work. Complement your people for me, if you would be so kind." She nodded.

"I already have, expecting such. However, they also have gotten new information. She applied to Trauma Team." At her nod, he continued. "She applied well before her year experience was up, and got to the base visit part of their hiring process." The woman's expression indicated some curiosity, so he expanded. "Besides all the normal processes Trauma Team goes though, they add a process which unofficially is called… forgive me for this, "Asshole check", intended to see if the potential hire can get along." He paused.

"You are more than forgiven, Joshua, that profession… I would be surprised if they weren't a bit… crude." She smiled.

"Of course." The man paused, gathering his thoughts. "While I will expand on it at breakfast, she was involved during the visit in a … call that did not prove typical for Trauma Team. While I haven't gotten all the details, she truly impressed them, and they not only extended her a tentative contract offer before she could even finish getting home, they started the process of buying out her current contract." He spread his hands slightly with a smile. "As well as pinging off our networks for obvious reasons."

"Blood will tell, Joshua, of course they would be impressed." She paused and shook her head slightly. "Retain operations… I will consider this new information. Do you know more details on her dabbling into …" She paused for a moment, then nodded. "Some illicit trade?"

"It's not criminal, nor is it…" The man leaned back slightly, clearly searching for a word "destructive. More going along with Biotechinca's tricks to expand their market share on their premier stimulant."

"... Better, I suppose, but we still don't know why she is trying to accumulate money, do we?" The woman raised an eyebrow. "Based on what you found out from her education, she was expected to be a netrunner or systems administrator, not a talented medical person."

"Correct ma'am, and no we aren't sure, not without asking her. My assumption, all things considered, is a high possibility that she's considering medical school." The man sighed. "But given your instructions…"

The woman smiled sadly. "While I allowed Annette Rose to do as she would… there had to be a price, you know that. But… Her daughter now."

"Of course Ma'am. Instructions?" The man inclined his head.

"You will have them at breakfast, Joshua. Please, go get some sleep. You are always so hard working." The woman smiled. "I would say make time for a family, but…"

The man stood and shook his head. "I would respond as always. Good night, Ma'am." With another bow of his head, he turned and strolled out.

"Mm… Annette, what would you think of your daughter now." The woman mused as she looked into the fire. "And what should I do with our wayward young flower."
That's an interesting question. I wonder if the Teno from Warframe would count.

My headcanon, that is, technically fanon, The Tennos are a bunch of undead lunatic kept sane by their 'mother'.

I mean, performance wise, very great.

Cyberware beyond even the wildest of Adam Smasher's wet dream.

The sanity part is a bit suspect.

Unless of course, the mental degradation is specifically kept at bay.


Proper description
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That's an interesting question. I wonder if the Teno from Warframe would count.

I think tenno don't count because they're basically using mystical powers via the void and pilot weird flesh suits called warframes. It's been awhile since I went through the questline, but there is some wonky void teleportation and remote control going on.

The Tennos are a bunch of undead lunatic kept sane by their 'mother'.

undead? I was never under the impression they were undead. Was this released in a newer set of story quests? I think I stopped on the one where I unlocked umbra excalibur.
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I think tenno don't count because they're basically using mystical powers via the void and pilot weird flesh suits called warframes. It's been awhile since I went through the questline, but there is some wonky void teleportation and remote control going on.
I personally believes that they're all already dead.

And keep moving by sheer virtue of otherness they got after contracting Void.

Like the "Dead God still Dream" kinda otherness.
undead? I was never under the impression they were undead. Was this released in a newer set of story quests? I think I stopped on the one where I unlocked umbra excalibur.
Nah, it's just my head canon.

Considering the other people on the Ship got dead, and the few got weird power.

But need to be kept in a suspiciously coffin-like pod.

Only later did they get "stabilized" to move around.

So that's your fanon that you're peddling as canon? You need to make a distinction there.
Not even fanon, since I haven't written any story about it.

Just my headcanon is all, like I've said in previous post.
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Nah, it's just my head canon.

Considering the other people on the Ship got dead, and the few got weird power.

But need to be kept in a suspiciously coffin-like pod.

Only later did they get "stabilized" to move around.

Head canon is still fanon until there is actual lore that supports your theory. Not trying to be rude here, but your post was misleading to anyone who hasn't playthroughed through a good chunk of the warframe story. The kids adapted to the void and all the adults went crazy on the ship.

Regardless we can't get into this on this thread much more. Too deraily.
What is your ideal? I'm a fan of the spartans because they look like humans and are not bulging muscle monsters like the astartes.

I could 100% see taylor as Cal-141 with dark hair.
That's an interesting question. I wonder if the Teno from Warframe would count.
I don't really have a specific ideal but more of a set of requirements that examples either meet or don't meet.
And being unable to comfortably operate in an environment focused on normal sized people (1,70m to 1,90m) is a pretty huge downgrade.
Spartans, from the Halo franchise I assume, rate definitely better then Astartes. As do Tenos, which I would count, but their sanity issues (which is also an issue for Astartes) keeps them from being ideal.
I also count Marcus Wright, from Terminator: Salvation, but he ranks slightly below the Astartes.

Am curious to see if anyone guesses who Jousha is.
Nope, no idea. Any hints?
Edit: is that the first Omake Skitterdoc has gotten? Quik @SpiraSpira, threadmark it so it doesn't get lost.
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Head canon is still fanon until there is actual lore that supports your theory. Not trying to be rude here, but your post was misleading to anyone who hasn't playthroughed through a good chunk of the warframe story. The kids adapted to the void and all the adults went crazy on the ship.

Regardless we can't get into this on this thread much more. Too deraily.
Very well, I just edit my post and put proper definition there.

Never thought a forum post need academic integrity.

Oh well.
Very well, I just edit my post and put proper definition there.

Never thought a forum post need academic integrity.

Oh well.

:confused: You make it seem like I'm being unreasonable. I was only asking for you to make sure people don't get mislead by it. You said it like it was canon lore when it isn't, and not everyone here has played the warframe story. Again I wasn't trying to be rude.

It's like when people say things that are fanon thinking they are canon, and so the misinformation spreads. Anyways I'm off to sleep now.
The Warframes themselves are close considering they are made up of specifically engineered infested flesh vaguely shaped like a human/added to a cloned human and covered in armor, though umbra the so far only frame with a will of its own is in constant pain only soothed by a connection with a tenno so there's that. The tenno themselves are basically void energy beings so I don't think that counts.
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Nope, no idea. Any hints?
Edit: is that the first Omake Skitterdoc has gotten? Quik @SpiraSpira, threadmark it so it doesn't get lost.
Neer Peer (as in on a list) of a real Legend of 2020.

Generally, let's be honest, anyone who gets mentioned in 2020, is a 9/10 in their 'role' skill in CP2020. That means very good at what they do, and generally, they'll be also if not famous famous, named to those who know.. meaning they charge top euro, and that means, as CP2077 is clear, life extension technology.

Meaning, anyone hard named in CP2020, unless confirmed dead, is likely still alive.

(Morgan's hinted at, Rouge and Sangito, both over 20, in 2013 are alive... meaning they'd be at least 75, and they can still play. Only named 'legends' in 2013 or 2020 we have hard confirms of their death, and that's even questionable, is Alt, Johnny and Rache, and Rache is the only one we didn't know if he had an engram for.)
There is no ideal superhuman because each genre has different requirements.

Astartes, lore-wise, are completely overpowered by any measure which doesn't originate from the WH40K universe. They have to be in order to fight eldritch monstrosities, Orks, Tyranids, etc. Being a human tank, with perfect accuracy and brainwashing to ensure they don't go insane is the bare minimum to do more than survive in such an environment.

Spartans were overdesigned for their original purpose (fighting Insurrectionists) in my opinion. Also, keep in mind that a lot of their advantages come from both their MJOLNIR armor and their indoctrination/training from the age of about 5 or 6.

Both of these types of soldiers are impossible for Taylor to become, but she could certainly take inspiration from them. I'm fairly confident in saying that Taylor wouldn't want to make major changes to her outward appearance.

Taylor didn't grow up in the Cyberpunk universe, so even if she's gotten over the initial "ick" reaction to cybernetics/implants and accepted the fact that it's necessary in order to live her life, she'd still stick to covering it up as much as she can. Both for her own comfort and to disguise her capabilities, I suppose.

But then again, if Taylor feels it's necessary in order to survive... well, there's a reason she's called the Queen of Escalation. But that likely won't happen, unless?

Anyway, with some healthy subconscious prodding from her shard, I'm sure Taylor considers her internal organs/body her playground, optimizing or improving as much as she can.


Warframes are infected with the technocyte virus and their skin is transformed into a material called "Sword-Steel", the minds of those who originally underwent this transformation were ravaged, turning them into "monsters" that were only able to be controlled or soothed by the Tenno who control/inhabit their bodies. I doubt that's something Taylor would want.
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Is Taylor's liver/heart tinker tech and the same for the modified heart pump she made?

If so tinker tech is basically a shaker effect, so is her shard actively operating in cyberpunk?
As far as genetically engineered super-soldiers go, the Astartes are of middling quality at best. I would be pretty disappointed if were to set her sights so low.

What is your ideal? I'm a fan of the spartans because they look like humans and are not bulging muscle monsters like the astartes. I could 100% see taylor as Cal-141 with dark hair.
What is your ideal? I'm a fan of the spartans because they look like humans and are not bulging muscle monsters like the astartes. I could 100% see taylor as Cal-141 with dark hair.

Dude. Actually pick the high end. Most video games and tabletop wargames ain't it. Ahem. Culture Special Circumstances combat and infiltration Avatoid.
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Is Taylor's liver/heart tinker tech and the same for the modified heart pump she made?

If so tinker tech is basically a shaker effect, so is her shard actively operating in cyberpunk?
Yes, partially.
And yes. Taylor's shard is a bud from Chirugeon. It was transferred somehow, with her, to the Cyberpunk multiverse. It isn't stated where it is precisely, but it is a good idea that it is likely on a barren earth that would be equivalent to the same barren Earth Chirugeon was on, in a different dimension from Cyberpunk Earth.

It prefers not to use complete tinkertech solutions, because of power concerns, and since it is cut off from the firmament and Zion it isn't operating with any restrictions (similar to shards in the Ward novels post GM.)

Taylor could theoretically have a broken trigger, I suppose, although I think it was implied that Taylor had a second trigger inside the locker already. Plus, her Chirugeon bud is kind of derpy.
That could also relate back to Taylor with her love of reading from her mother, I can see her having read all of the old greats of those time periods so she would know about it.
As far as genetically engineered super-soldiers go, the Astartes are of middling quality at best. I would be pretty disappointed if were to set her sights so low.
I agree that Asartes are middle-of-the-road, but then again they are the "mass production with minimal skill or resources" edition. Compare them to the Custodes, who are "mass production with proper facilities, specialist knowledge, and resources", or the Primarches who are "bespoke one-of-a-kind mind/soul/body perfection".
Neer Peer (as in on a list) of a real Legend of 2020.

Generally, let's be honest, anyone who gets mentioned in 2020, is a 9/10 in their 'role' skill in CP2020. That means very good at what they do, and generally, they'll be also if not famous famous, named to those who know.. meaning they charge top euro, and that means, as CP2077 is clear, life extension technology.

Meaning, anyone hard named in CP2020, unless confirmed dead, is likely still alive.

(Morgan's hinted at, Rouge and Sangito, both over 20, in 2013 are alive... meaning they'd be at least 75, and they can still play. Only named 'legends' in 2013 or 2020 we have hard confirms of their death, and that's even questionable, is Alt, Johnny and Rache, and Rache is the only one we didn't know if he had an engram for.)
Rache Bartmoss' death WAS the death of the engram. His physical body died while he was deep-diving on the net and was cryo-frozen back in 2020. He stayed as an engram/permanent deep-diving netrunner at until his true-death against Arasaka ICE in 2023, leading to the release of RABIDS.
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Yes, partially.
And yes. Taylor's shard is a bud from Chirugeon. It was transferred somehow, with her, to the Cyberpunk multiverse. It isn't stated where it is precisely, but it is a good idea that it is likely on a barren earth that would be equivalent to the same barren Earth Chirugeon was on, in a different dimension from Cyberpunk Earth.

It prefers not to use complete tinkertech solutions, because of power concerns, and since it is cut off from the firmament and Zion it isn't operating with any restrictions (similar to shards in the Ward novels post GM.)

Taylor could theoretically have a broken trigger, I suppose, although I think it was implied that Taylor had a second trigger inside the locker already. Plus, her Chirugeon bud is kind of derpy.

Ah, I see! Thank you for clearing that up for me. Is Taylor aware that she is capable of tinker tech? Based on the trauma team interlude is there a real risk of her being locked in a lab for some corp to churn out tinker tech for study?