Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

"Don't tell me the odds" -Han Solo

I read a BtVS one shot once that played with this tendency. It was post Season 7 (and ignored the season 8 comic), and the crew were trying to track down a vampire rabbit that was biting (and turning) carrots. One of the surviving watchers from the old Council was expressing disbelief that Dawn and Xander were planning on just wandering around making 'carrot noises' to try luring the monster out. At which point Giles explained that while they also were doing sensible things to track down the vampire rabbit, past history showed that such silly plans as that (which shouldn't work at all) worked a at least 60% of the time. The watcher then was baffled that the two had managed to hide a small armory of knives, stakes, swords, axes, and other weapons on them without any being visible and without either of the two clanking when they walk.

Was it: More Fragments Chapter 46: Be Very Very Quiet, a X-overs + Book X-overs Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

I didn't include any vampire rabbits tho, that was just a joke.
Vampire plants are rare though. The specialist hunter has trouble making ends meat. They supplement their income by hunting vampire deer too. Stake through the hart. They have to be careful to pack the right tools or they may make a missed steak.
And, while there's no canon Borg origin story that I know of yet, most Borg origins tie them in some way to V'ger...which was originally a human piece of technology.

I recall watching a 'Voyager' episode where (I think) they were messing with Time Travel, yet again, and were on a Delta Quadrant world where people (looking remarkably human) were experimenting with cyber-linking themselves together. And there was a local war. Strangely enough, things went wrong.

I don't believe it was explicit, but, the strong implication was that this was the origin of the Borg...

This likely counts as one of those cases where you wish you could use Time Travel in an actually useful way, but, you are sure anything you do will go so horribly wrong you don't even want to think about it...
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I recall watching a 'Voyager' episode where (I think) they were messing with Time Travel, yet again, and were on a Delta Quadrant world where people (looking remarkably human) were experimenting with cyber-linking themselves together. And there was a local war. Strangely enough, things went wrong.

I don't believe it was explicit, but, the strong implication was that this was the origin of the Borg...

This likely counts as one of those cases where you wish you could use Time Travel in an actually useful way, but, you are sure anything you do will go so horribly wrong you don't even want to think about it...

The problem with a Borg origin story is that they probably assimilated themselves in the past once they had time-travel tech, and fuck the paradox. Go back far enough in time to begin Von Newmann exponential growth and just -own- the galaxy by the time everyone else shows up. Probably the only reason they haven't done that is because they keep getting distracted by OH SHINEY CIVILIZATION MUST ASSIMILATE NAO.

Srsli, the borg queen is a cat. In more ways than one.
The problem with a Borg origin story is that they probably assimilated themselves in the past once they had time-travel tech, and fuck the paradox. Go back far enough in time to begin Von Newmann exponential growth and just -own- the galaxy by the time everyone else shows up. Probably the only reason they haven't done that is because they keep getting distracted by OH SHINEY CIVILIZATION MUST ASSIMILATE NAO.

Srsli, the borg queen is a cat. In more ways than one.

They might not have known about time travel until after assimilating Star Fleet members.
They might not have known about time travel until after assimilating Star Fleet members.

Doesn't matter when they got it, once they did, they ALWAYS had it. The Borg have trans-temporal communications, and can relay result data back in time to before the experiments were run. they used this in one of the Voyager episodes to prevent the ship from smashing into an ice-planet (and staying remarkably intact) due to a new, faster drive system, by relaying course corrections back 20 years to Seven, who still has a receiver for that sort of transmission, even if she can't -send- those types of signals.

One fanfic I read crossing over Destiny and Star Trek had the Borg trying (and failing) to assimilate the Vex, going back in time to try again, and finding the Vex had basically inserted themselves into the universe as early as you can possibly get, a few seconds after Recombination, when the universe itself cooled to the point where it was no longer as hot as the surface of a star.

It was amusing, watching the Borg continually trying to poke the Vex for aeons, like a bunch of bees trying to get to the flowers they can smell, but not get to.
I always rather found Janeway to be somewhat difficult, myself. Yes, she was on the whole a good Captain by Starfleet standards, I suppose, but some of her decisions were iffy in my opinion. Notably surrounding both the Doctor and Seven.
Would've been hilarious if Wheatley had been one of the extempore castaways on the Ship of Fools. (No more apropos title has ever been given to a ship. EVER.)

You could write an Omake... Say, have a small stack of DVDs marked "GLaDOS Emergency Final Backup (Please install on x86-128 hardware)" tucked in a drawer, somewhere on board the "Ship of Fools"? :)
Well, I've met people who genuinely thought she was the best one ever, so I don't make assumptions :)

She had her moments, it has to be said. But not all of them were good ones...

Yes, she is a fun character, in a number of ways, and has a few really quite good lines. But, also yes, she did do some amazingly... unwise things. And seemed to be a magnet for Time Travel (or at least distortion) events.

On the other hand, she did spend some time as a lizard. :)