Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Now that I think about it, Louise would ironically be much happier about summoning a giant lizardoid than a human, as that would seem to be a more 'normal' familiar on the surface compared to a human.
I have a question. Can the Family tamper with Portals to alter their destination? An example is if they were to head to a Sailor Moon/Ranma 1/2 Universe, then can they alter the Dark Kingdom's Portal to drop the Youma off at Nerima or Phoenix Mountain in China instead of Minato?
I have a question. Can the Family tamper with Portals to alter their destination? An example is if they were to head to a Sailor Moon/Ranma 1/2 Universe, then can they alter the Dark Kingdom's Portal to drop the Youma off at Nerima or Phoenix Mountain in China instead of Minato?
The Family can probably drop the Youma off directly over cursed-pool-of-your-choice... If they were wanting for fun they could let various Sailor Senshi spin the Wheel of Fortune to choose the pool...

If the Family were feeling puckish, they could find an untemplated pool and drown a yellow, rubber, bath-toy, duck in it (yes, this should work). Then, dump Youma in this pool... It's not easy being yellow, you know...
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Negima, not that familiar with it actually. Sailor Moon, Ranma and company nuked the time gates into non-existence just barely in time to prevent their entire dimension from suffering catastrophic reality failure because the time gate was monkeying with time travel. As for Doctor Who, I believe that dimension is categorically labeled as "off limits" and everyone is surprised it still exists.

Regarding tech, they would likely never encounter any tech from the Whoverse because nobody is insane enough to go there. TYPE-MOON to my knowledge mainly deals with amoral mages and beings of godlike power, not advanced technology. Sailor Moon's tech mostly turned out to not actually be from the Silver Millennium. It was either found by the time gate (the silence glave) or was created by the Senshi during one of the many attempts the Time Gate made to recreate the Silver Millennium. And while it was interesting, the tech proved inferior to Ranma and company's phones. The tech in Metroid isn't actually all that impressive either. Well, the ability to digitally download physical weapon systems and weapon upgrades into a biological system. Oh, and form missiles/bombs from the corpses of random critters. As for the Kirby series, the tech there is again not generally speaking that impressive. The impressive tech is generally magic fueled clockwork tech or pure magic.

Also, I'd probably suggest that staying well away from Nanoha's branch of the multiverse is a Good Idea.
From what I understand the Doctor Who verse actually has an explanation for why the butterfly effect isn't too bad and pardoxes don't distort the timeline beyond recognition. The Time Lords tethered history to a flexible pattern called the Web of Time, as long as the fix point of time happen in roughly the right way time will correct around any paradoxes. This is also why no civilization ever matches the Time Lords, the web dictates it never happens and so none ever do...
Its other responsibly is to fix the physical law of the setting. Yes the Time Lords were bullshit.
As long as there is no Gate on Earth in the Alien universe, then it seems manageable, but am I missing something?
It really seems like it would be much easier and safer to simply pick a nice empty earth and build up from there instead of the current set up where they have to hide from the world. That would also get rid of any time issues, since there would be nothing going on there except for what they set up for the magic people.

Really, with all the resources the Family have it seems like it would be far easier to simply find a nice empty world and build up a nice location from scratch purpose built for what they want to do there.
I can see Taylor sticking Louise in a pokeball, then going to have a firm word with the school administration about their transdimensional abduction scheme...