[x] Stay until the breach is secure, likely expending more chakra but also reducing Sandayū's casualties.
[x] Head off to confront Doto now, ensuring you're in the best condition to defeat him and his elite guards but resulting in higher casualties amongst the samurai.
[x] Head off to confront Doto now, ensuring you're in the best condition to defeat him and his elite guards but resulting in higher casualties amongst the samurai.
[x] Head off to confront Doto now, ensuring you're in the best condition to defeat him and his elite guards but resulting in higher casualties amongst the samurai.

They're soldiers; they knew what they were getting into when they signed up. Reducing casualties would be nice, but winning against Doto is vital.
[x] Stay until the breach is secure, likely expending more chakra but also reducing Sandayū's casualties.

I just can't see Hisana sacrifice them if she can help it.
[x] Stay until the breach is secure, likely expending more chakra but also reducing Sandayū's casualties.

Most of our chakra expenditure came from the 30 seconds of guarding the samurai, rather than the fighting afterwards. (Base 20 chakra per second for 30 seconds with a 90% chakra reduction =90% of 600=60 used). Combat against low level forces won't be nothing, but it's only the higher ranking or continuous techniques that burn through Hisana's chakra. In terms of rough percentages, the initial approach was 18%, of total chakra, and another 2% for the combat that followed. Feel free to correct me if you don't like my maths.
[x] Stay until the breach is secure, likely expending more chakra but also reducing Sandayū's casualties.
This chapter was very good at establishing subtly how much Hisana has grown, and additionally how much she chafes under the restrictions of needing to be slow lol. I like the way that it expands on Hasina's personality and humanises her.
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[x] Head off to confront Doto now, ensuring you're in the best condition to defeat him and his elite guards but resulting in higher casualties amongst the samurai.
People have made good arguments.

[X] Stay until the breach is secure, likely expending more chakra but also reducing Sandayū's casualties.