Any advice on where to put my XP?
Here is one of my XP cost breakdowns if that helps:
Schooling: 10xp to B-Rank

Canon Knowledge: 20xp to B-Rank
Storage Seals: 20xo to B-Rank
Sharingan Genjutsu: 23xp to B-Rank
Iryojutsu: 25xp to B-Rank
Strength: 25xp to B-Rank

Taijutsu: 30xp to B-Rank
Uchiha Clan Style: 30xp to B-Rank (+30xp for B-Rank Taijutsu)
Konoha Military Combatives: 30xp to B-Rank (+30xp for B-Rank Taijutsu)
Basic Genjutsu: 33xp to B-Rank

Explosive Seals: 40xp to B-Rank

Chakra Capacity: 70xp to A-Rank
Chakra Control: 70xp to A-Rank
Kenjutsu: 75xp to A-Rank
Intelligence: 75xp to A-Rank
Genjutsu: 78xp to A-Rank

Ninjutsu: 80xp to A-Rank
Fuinjutsu: 80xp to A-Rank
Leaf Style: 80xp to A-Rank (+75xp for A-Rank Kenjutsu)
Iaido: 80xp to A-Rank (+75xp for A-Rank Kenjutsu)
Basic Ninjutsu: 80xp to A-Rank (+80xp for A-Rank Ninjutsu)

Speed isn't on there because @Tekomandor still hasn't updated it's value yet and I can't remember what it should be at.
What happens if a Shadow Clone uses the same thought accelerating techniques discussed in that omake? Could it keep it up indefinitely, or even use it at all? If so, could we hack the Shadow Clone technique into providing us a second chakra brain for thought acceleration for Shunshin and other misc. usage?
What happens if a Shadow Clone uses the same thought accelerating techniques discussed in that omake? Could it keep it up indefinitely, or even use it at all? If so, could we hack the Shadow Clone technique into providing us a second chakra brain for thought acceleration for Shunshin and other misc. usage?
They can use it to gain greater control of a shunshin. Nothing more, nothing less, if that's the approach that Hisana took in canon. How exactly she controls her shunshin is for the next update or so...

Canon omakes have been threadmarked at appropriate places.
Any advice on where to put my XP?
Fuuinjutsu. Because your omake just gave us a seal that accelerates thought, and there's nothing preventing adjustments to it later if we git gud. We need a lot of skill to adjust this Shunshin control seal to turn it into bursts-of-thought.

And sealing in general gets completely bullshit once you get to the higher-end stuff. Like making a sword that kills more by chakra exhaustion than by being a sword, AKA Discount/Super Samehada. Or being able to enter Sage Mode while moving. Lots of bullshit can happen with giten guder at Fuuinjutsu.
Go all in on speed for that sweet, sweet S-Rank bonus.

Because you know it's going to be good. Also, ludicrous speed just seems like it'd be fun in a general sense.
Given the direction my omake took, with precise control over chakra within the body being key to Shunshin control, I'll put my 10 XP into Iryojutsu.

And don't go too crazy trying to exploit mental acceleration seals - I brought it up as an avenue Hisana would look into, but there's nothing confirming it ended up being the approach that succeeded.
Given the direction my omake took, with precise control over chakra within the body being key to Shunshin control, I'll put my 10 XP into Iryojutsu.

And don't go too crazy trying to exploit mental acceleration seals - I brought it up as an avenue Hisana would look into, but there's nothing confirming it ended up being the approach that succeeded.
I suppose her testing would've been done with clones, to avoid self harm.
One of the better uses for shadow clones, if you can't afford to use them for outright training or spamfighting.
Any advice on where to put my XP?
I'd personally toss it into Sharingan Genjutsu, because that is the subskill used for suppressing a tailed beast, and a B rank is hopefully the point where Hisana can do so to Gaara when he goes on a rampage.

Putting 15 exp into Iryojutsu to get it to B rank is a cautious alternative. If you're looking to get another skill to A rank Chakra control/capacity* are the closest, but intelligence is a valid alternative.

I'd advise against Speed seeing as you could bring two skills to A rank for the number of exp points needed to bring it to S rank, but if you wish to start investing in it feel free to do so.

*I'd personally go with control between the two.
Hmmm, decisions decisions.

I suppose sharingan genjutsu could be a worthy investment, as an Uchiha unskilled in this subject is no Uchiha at all, and i anticipate us encountering many tailed beasts in the future...

That being said, i'm currently in love with the whole speed specialisation we have going on, and would love to invest in its future growth - As pointed out by others, Higher stats get harder to train than lower stats, which means my XP is best utilised paying for the expensive stuff, even though it wont make much of a dent for now.

I'm confident we can take Gaara without resorting to Hax-sharingan shenanigans right now, so i'd rather invest into my favourite stat, speed. (All of my future XP will likely go into speed too, so that we will achive S-rank faster)

[X] All of my XP into speed, please. :D
I'd love to see Itachi's reaction to Hisana's fighting style and personality now. :lol

"Little brother, you seem to have gained a protective, self-scrificing older cousin who specialises in speed, mid-combat shunshin, Kenjutsu and genjutsu."

"Yeah, so?"

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I'd love to see Itachi's reaction to Hisana's fighting style and personality now. :lol

"Little brother, you seem to have gained a protective, self-scrificing older cousin who specialises in speed, mid-combat shunshin, Kenjutsu and genjutsu."

"Yeah, so?"


Nah. Unlike Shisui, we're more Ninjutsu focused then Genjutsu focused. Sasuke is the one with Jonin level Genjutsu.
Hisana in tip top shape would probably be able to take out Gaara if he goes on a rampage, but she cannot get him to chill out in a non lethal manner. This is presumably why out QM mentioned it probably being a good idea to invest in the Genjutsu subskills when someone raised Genjutsu to B rank.
Hisana in tip top shape would probably be able to take out Gaara if he goes on a rampage, but she cannot get him to chill out in a non lethal manner. This is presumably why out QM mentioned it probably being a good idea to invest in the Genjutsu subskills when someone raised Genjutsu to B rank.

True, but we aren't aiming to take him out, just distract him long enough to get to the tower.
True, but we aren't aiming to take him out, just distract him long enough to get to the tower.
Point, but it is plausible someone will attempt something while Hisana is distracting Gaara like target his siblings, and it pushes his buttons such that he goes Hulk on everyone nearby. This would be the method most likely to take Hisana out, or at least weaken her enough to allow them to finish the job.

Admitedly it is just as plausible that our QM mentioned investing in Sharingan Genjutsu as probably being a good because it is unlikely Hisana can prevent Hiruzen being killed, therefore Itachi is coming to town.
Point, but it is plausible someone will attempt something while Hisana is distracting Gaara like target his siblings, and it pushes his buttons such that he goes Hulk on everyone nearby. This would be the method most likely to take Hisana out, or at least weaken her enough to allow them to finish the job.

Admitedly it is just as plausible that our QM mentioned investing in Sharingan Genjutsu as probably being a good because it is unlikely Hisana can prevent Hiruzen being killed, therefore Itachi is coming to town.

All of these are valid points and i agree with them, but i'm still dead set on building up speed. It's my intention to continuously upgrade our stats in that area through omakes and fanart, until it gets close enough that other people will also contribute.

Plus, i want to see how this fight goes for Hisana without access to a handy genjutsu finisher - Call it risky and dangerous if you want (Cause it is), I'm just too obsessed with the whole shunshin speed deal right now to care.

For what it's worth i apologise for my boneheadedness, as i intellectually agree with you.
For what it's worth i apologise for my boneheadedness, as i intellectually agree with you.
No need to apologize they're points you earned, and spend as you wish. To be perfectly honest I wasn't trying to change your mind, and was mostly using your response to raise a concern I had with Hisana's current skillset for others to keep in mind when allocating experience points.
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No need to apologize they're points you earned, and spend as you wish. To be perfectly honest I wasn't trying to change your mind, and was mostly using your response to raise a concern I had with Hisana's current skillset for others to keep in mind when allocating experience points.

Makes sense - It's definitely a valid concern. :)
But the question there anything beyond S rank speed?

I would prefer there isn't so that people can get off the speed high and actually invest in other stats but meh thats my opinion and kinda rude as the people earned their own points with omakes.
But the question there anything beyond S rank speed?

I would prefer there isn't so that people can get off the speed high and actually invest in other stats but meh thats my opinion and kinda rude as the people earned their own points with omakes.

Why, of course there is!

There's SS Speed, SSS Speed, Z Speed, EX Speed and BS Speed.
After that there's only the Speedforce.

...On a more serious note, S-rank Speed is 310+, which means that S-rank isn't the maximum, but rather, the last time we make a sudden huge leap in a field(barring techniques like the Raikage's Lightning Armor, or the Gates). Our Speed can be even three times greater than S-rank(unless there's a limit we haven't been told about), but the rank will remain S.

I think stopping at S-class would be enough for now, though.