Good to know. Thanks.
Mildly annoying we weren't able to put Jack down but he's no longer our problem so eh.
That said. Plan wise-
If Maria hides, then all enemies will focus on her, rendering our other defensive actions irrelevant. Though it should be noted that attacking Maria isn't a guarenteed thing. Still a near +90 to Maria's defense won't hurt.
If we dedicate Vector and Pistoal full actions plus Metal to attacking we might be able to put Oni down. All without phyiscal attacks to boot.
Therefore I suggest that we do this-
[ ] Plan: Protect and Destroy!
-[ ] Canaan - Hide away with Maria (2 AP)
-[ ] Clove - Help Belle check the Warehouse (2 AP)
-[ ] Belle -Help Belle check the Warehouse (2 AP)
-[ ] Metal:
--[ ] Directive: Protect Belle (1AP)
--[ ] Blast that Red Fool!! (1 AP)
--[ ] Death Hog - Sacrem (Clove) (0 AP)
-[ ] Piastol:
--[ ] Cast Eterni on Oni (1 AP)
--[ ] Send out a serrated cyclone (1 AP) (Oni)
--[ ] Death Hound - Sacremus (Clove) (0 AP)
-[ ] Vector
--[ ] Time for some Noise! (1 AP)
--[ ] Release some burns on that fool! (1 AP) (Oni)
-[ ] Espio
--[ ] Ninja Art: Throwing Lots of Kunai! (1AP)
--[ ] Tongue Impact (1AP) (Oni)
Baring terrible luck (Which is always a possiblity), Maria should be safe, Clove will be back to full, and Oni will be severely injured to out right dead.
Only point of contention is whether or not to cast Incremus on Espio to get rid of Phyiscal type.