The Runes Of Runelord Flork Florksson.
Rune of Explosion: The foundation of Flork Florksson's runic repertoire, the Rune of Explosion has a very simple, very direct effect: It explodes. On armor, talismans and banners it explodes on command, and on structures and weapons, it explodes when a strike is landed, both with a cooldown. Plain and simple, but also very useful for certain effects.
"Mix it with a good sensor Rune and you can turn a whole field of Dumi into flying Dumi! Briefly."
Rune of Explosive Armor: A modification of the Rune of Explosions, this Rune is considered an "unacceptable intermediary" by the Runelord who made it, as while it explodes on hit and recharges far faster, it only works on armor, and more importantly knocks the armor's wearer around while deflecting the enemy's attack. A failed line of research, but theoretically useful for a suit that made you durable enough to not care?
"Pfaugh. They said an explosion couldn't solve everything. Bloody fools. I'll show them. I'll show them all!"
Master Rune of Flork Florksson/Reactive Armor: The "proper" version of the Rune of Explosive Armor, this Rune recharges near-instantly, and explodes when the armor is struck to deflect attacks and damage the attacker at the same time if they're close enough. The explosion, while not scaling up forever, does somewhat scale up with the impact of the hit given. Created by someone challenging the venerable Runelord to use his preferred Runic mastery of "things that go bang" to defend himself, and him fulfilling the challenge, making the other Rhunrikki pay for his ale for the next century. Rumors that this drove the challenger's vaults to drop by half are unfounded.
"They say good ale is hard to find. It's not. It's hard to find if you can't invest a lot of good coin into it. And the bet got me quite a bit of good coin."
Master Rune of Explosive Propulsion: The creation when another Runelord attempted to challenge Flork Florksson that even if he could use it for defense, propelling the bearer safely was simply undoable, because explosions were quite dangerous. Florksson once again humphed, went back to his forge, and proved his mastery of things that go bang. A Talismanic rune, for he doesn't consider it useful on armor, the Master Rune of Explosive Propulsion is a mentally-commanded Rune, a rarity, and quite simply allows the user to propel themselves by setting off explosions next to their body, though it's not advised to use this around allies. It may share aspects of the Rune of Blunting from the Hundred-Plates, but it only applies to the bearer of the Master Rune, nobody else. Florksson himself has adopted an odd combat style on using this rune to propel various body parts in sudden bursts of speed, famously managing to punch a raging Doombull of the Bloody One in the chest so hard it lifted off the ground, by all reports. This, however, requires a specific Runic Combo the elderly Runelord is loathe to give out.
"Explosions move things, even beardlings know that, the trick is in fine-tuning. Y'see, it's all in the mind..."
Rune of Burning Explosions: A weapon Rune that's meant for crossbow usage, but also works well on war machines and especially Grudge Throwers, the Rune of Burning Explosions is slower to charge than the Rune of Explosions, but also happens to coat the target area in a layer of burning runeflame. Or the Dumi it happens to target, as the first test was on a rather notorious Cygor, "Two-Eye", and coated both its eyes in burning flame. Can be used on melee weapons, but the Runelord himself warns you want a good bit of fire protection, because this fire is rather uncaring of who or what it burns.
"Don't be a fool and burn your beard off, nobody sane would use a Rune that could harm your allies around them. That's beardling nonsense! Too much Hazkal, the youth these days, I was never that reckless."
Master Rune of Incineration: A variant on the Master Rune of Conduction, and a side-grade, it loses a significant amount of power for the sake of mimicking the Rune of Burning Explosion's lingering, burning flames. Has a War Machine variant and a Weapon Rune variant, though again, it's recommended to be used on crossbows. Popular among Rangers who want to destroy a large group of Dumi from a distance, or start a major fire quickly, both of which has uses, but mostly used in the Southlands or the Badlands, with little purchase in the North and Far North due to the lack of flammable things. Occasionally used on shields by those who wish to immediately clear the nearby area out of enemies, and are Rune-warded enough by the proper setup to not injure themselves.
"Again, don't be a fool, don't burn yourself, and for the sake of Thungni, point the War Machine behind enemy lines a good bit. Danger close really is."
Master Rune of Volcanic Fury: An improvement on the Master Rune of Conduction, taking the blood of a truly ancient Magma Wyrm, and making the "charge up, and unleash a major flaming explosion" effect significantly stronger. Little elegance, but a lot of raw power thrown in a direction, in the form of a huge kaboom. Created by the Runelord not being challenged by anyone but himself, and deciding anyways that the Master Rune of Conduction simply wasn't good enough. Famously used on his mighty two-handed hammer "Forge's Final Say" that he wields in combat, to hurtle himself about in combat by slamming the ground and obliterating everyone else around him.
"There are many reasons I lack a unit of bodyguards, and this old girl is one of them. You'd need a better metal than Pure Gromril for me to replace this one, and only the Ancestors know what THAT could be."
Currently, Runelord Flork Florksson is said to be working on a Banner that projects explosions somehow, and once again of his own self-imposed challenges, as few are willing to bet he cannot in fact do something with explosions, and he cannot be bothered to take up bets not related to his field of focus. His set of Master Runes on his sloped, wedge-like armor and his mighty hammer, however, are oft occupied by the surge of Beastmen in recent years, which has slowed his progress on Runic research. The walking hurtling meteor of stringed explosions across the field means his habit of simply blowing up their foul champions is unimpeded, blowing the Dumi aside. "The Cometmaker" is a common nickname from this method of propulsion, and the burning craters he tends to leave of his enemies.
Because sometimes, the best shitpost is one made entirely seriously.