@Xantalos , you've said slannpower be allocated to the Kanyon repair operation as an alternative to city actions, at rates like the ones outlined
here. Good to know.
[Although, um. There's some weird diminishing returns effects in that table; 50 slannpower of Fifth Spawning counts as a city action, but so does 25 Fourth Spawning slann who are worth 125 slannpower on research, and so on. Is that intentional?]
I concur with those points but I also think we should start researching more weapon technology to better prepare for the incoming Ork Rumble. Also, shame we can't do the VEIST research as of now.
Why can't we? It's a pretty cheap tech, isn't it? I was planning on it. That and
ulgu skinks.
Right, I think aiding Isendral is a no brainer. We probably also want to expand Ayotzl's cult. We should also definitely gank that Mek I think and reinforce the north...
Yeah. Those both sound important- though we definitely want to build eight more cities this turn, and that's a respectable action sink in its own right.
...and then hopefully squash Gardakka for good (maybe instead of using a Geomantic Ritual to prepare the way for an attack, we could use one to drop our army right on top of him and his new harbor at the same time as we initiate a more conventional attack; tear the heart out of his the greater concentration of orks - and hopefully kill him in the process - and press what remains between two fronts?).
Not a bad idea, I'm going to be reviewing the situation before suggesting a battleplan.
Ok, lot to unpack here.
The war-boss is likely trying to recolonize the northern continent, I would suggest that tik'taq'to and that one aquatic thunder lizard be put to intercept them.
Hm, something like that. We have lizardman garrisons in what was once the northern part of Gardakka's territory, along the coast, so yes. I think we should do something like that.
The mek-boss I don't have a clue about, but we probably shouldn't let them succeed. I would send Kroc-gar to intercept.
Something like that... except, uh, I think the mek's operations are closely tied in with the effort to recolonize the northern continent. This may not actually be two separate operations.
We likely want masimundi to help repair with Isendral , he's the one most likely to gain something from the experience, and if we pencil in a ritual to help repair things, it would likely boost relations with Isendral . this could be useful, might not be.
I don't think a geomantic ritual would be the best choice directly. Geomantic rituals tend to be very blunt instruments for conceptually simple things. Things like "split the ground on a massive scale," "teleport this billion ton rockpile over
there," or "punch this giant megadaemon in the groin-equivalent." Where you're doing
one thing and you're doing it very forcefully, and where doing it a little too hard isn't really a problem.
But this is fiddly detail repair work. Better to have Mazdamundi just
show up. Personally.
We could kill the World Hammer by simply waiting until he entered a ship and the sink them with a Thunder Lizard (Ritual would be overkill). Not sure wether we should let the Mek be or not.
Note that controlling a Thunder Lizard is actually a pretty slannpower-intensive exercise, on the same scale as a geomantic ritual.
Ok, so for the research, here's what I'm thinking:
1,663 Total Slann Power
Skink Priests: Different Winds (Ulgu)
Blessed Items
Void-Exchanged Interlocking Spell Theory
Prismatic Auras
Metropolis Preservation
Tempest Prisms
Added together, these take up 1,500 Slann Power while taking care of useful research subjects. We finish off the Skink Priests, getting that out of the way and unlocking Ulgu users. We figure out the mechanics of divine blessings for items, and hopefully since we have a war god and a death god at least one of the two will provide something useful there. The VEIST theory is over and done with, while the Prismatic Auras and the Metropolis Preservation research unlock individual and city-sized shields. Finally, while they might not be as useful this turn as they might have been earlier, Tempest Prisms will provide some useful AA capabilities for the future.
My research plan leaves us with 113 Slann Power free to out wherever we wish, such as helping out with the Kanyon Repair or bolstering our new god's cult, or aiding on the field of battle. Any thoughts?
This almost certainly doesn't leave
enough slannpower to help out with things we need. I recommend skipping
at least the
Tempest Prism research (not urgently required for the current war effort; ork aircraft are very much a managed threat).
Metropolis Preservation Barriers is nice, but may or may not be all that useful against the most likely threat to our cities- which is probably Ayacmanik armies in the near future, not orks, since the orks are pretty well on the defensive.