Ok, so for the research, here's what I'm thinking:

1,663 Total Slann Power

Skink Priests: Different Winds (Ulgu)

Blessed Items

Void-Exchanged Interlocking Spell Theory

Prismatic Auras

Metropolis Preservation

Tempest Prisms

Added together, these take up 1,500 Slann Power while taking care of useful research subjects. We finish off the Skink Priests, getting that out of the way and unlocking Ulgu users. We figure out the mechanics of divine blessings for items, and hopefully since we have a war god and a death god at least one of the two will provide something useful there. The VEIST theory is over and done with, while the Prismatic Auras and the Metropolis Preservation research unlock individual and city-sized shields. Finally, while they might not be as useful this turn as they might have been earlier, Tempest Prisms will provide some useful AA capabilities for the future.

My research plan leaves us with 113 Slann Power free to out wherever we wish, such as helping out with the Kanyon Repair or bolstering our new god's cult, or aiding on the field of battle. Any thoughts?
I don't think Tempest Prism or Metropolis Preservation should be priorities right now. We should be avoiding the defensive fights which would necessitate the city-shields and the orkish air force isn't enough of a threat in my opinion t necessitate dedicating almost a third of our available slann power to resolving the issue. Not at this point. I think going for something like Secrets of the Fungus might be more immediately valuable (not for the war effort directly, but in ensuring we are better able pacify former orkish territory). Or perhaps the Spear of Tlanxla (or more cheaply, the Hand of the Gods research, both would seem to add strong force multipliers to hero units).
For Research I'd say Ulgu Skinks, Loquatl Spawning, Blessed Items, Secrets of the Fungus, and VEIST.

Thats 1140 of Slann Power, leaving 523 for the purposes of fighting the orks/control Thunder Lizards.

Not really set on anything else. I'm kinda useless for battle planning.
i agree that at least the tempest prisms can wait. we should probably consider starting to put research in to one of our bigger projects. i'm partial to Slann Spawning: Physical Construction.
I would use relic priests to research Enigmas, so we can get researching the presumed soul stone out of the way at half the cost
Void-Exchanged Interlocking Spell Theory, or VEIST for short, is essentially the research and development of vacuum interaction with magic on a wide scale. The GM has said that this will be an essential tech for things such as spaceship building, hence why we're planning in studying it...eventually. The exact timing doesn't matter too much as far as we know, but we do know that it's either a keystone tech or a near-keystone tech like the spawning research was.

I don't think Tempest Prism or Metropolis Preservation should be priorities right now. We should be avoiding the defensive fights which would necessitate the city-shields and the orkish air force isn't enough of a threat in my opinion t necessitate dedicating almost a third of our available slann power to resolving the issue. Not at this point. I think going for something like Secrets of the Fungus might be more immediately valuable (not for the war effort directly, but in ensuring we are better able pacify former orkish territory). Or perhaps the Spear of Tlanxla (or more cheaply, the Hand of the Gods research, both would seem to add strong force multipliers to hero units).
Considering the Orks have demonstrated the ability to damage our cities, I personally disagree regarding the Metropolis Preservation research. If nothing else, I'd like to get it out of the way so that similarly to how the Spawning research automatically had spawning pools added to all our new cities, hopefully all our new cities will have defensive force field established from the beginning. As for the Tempest Prisms, it's entirely possible that they won't be very useful in the immediate future, but if we take it then we'll have dedicated Anti-Air units available in the future without having to do a whole lot of research. It's another thing I think is better done sooner rather than later.
I think we should stick a few hundred slaanpower into basic soul structure or physical slaan construction - we're going to need to do them piecemeal anyways, and IMO we've just about reached the point where comparably expensive projects such as city-shields or dedicated AA aren't valuable enough in the short run to make up for putting off increasing our slaanpower for longer.

Considering the Orks have demonstrated the ability to damage our cities, I personally disagree regarding the Metropolis Preservation research.
The total damage done has been two cities with light damage, which I believe takes up a total of two city actions to repair. I would much rather spend a 15th of our city actions on repairing damage to our cities then spend a quarter of our slaanpower on preventing said damage.

Even if we have to repeat the repairs a few times, we still come out ahead by using city actions rather than slaanpower.
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....Guys. We're still dealing with The Orks. Focus on whats immediately valuable to the war effort now, or sets us up for further potential conflict next turn, and spend the rest of our Slann Power on dealing with the Orks.

Seriously. Why on earth would you shove hundreds of Slann Power on Insane difficulty projects when we're still fighting?
....Guys. We're still dealing with The Orks. Focus on whats immediately valuable to the war effort now, or sets us up for further potential conflict next turn, and spend the rest of our Slann Power on dealing with the Orks.

Seriously. Why on earth would you shove hundreds of Slann Power on Insane difficulty projects when we're still fighting?
Gotta agree, we need to buff ourselves militarily to the level where we don't need a few hundred Slann fielded in a battle to have good odds of winning before trying to tackle impossible level projects.
Huh, so Isendral is directly taking a hand in Mochantia's affairs, even if it's just to respond to an environmental disaster...still, good idea to help her out with that, we can establish a rapport plus if she's gonna let us crash on her couch we may as well clean up our messes. Also a reminder to get on the various Eldar-related tasks we have on the backburner.

I guess the Orks are making one last saving throw and trying to get out to sea. That would be really annoying, for one they could become Ork pirates and hit any of our coastal cities, for another they could establish themselves anywhere and just create another problem. I'll have to think about how to address this.

Oh, and the Ayacmanik are just parking a massive army right on top of us, we are definitely going to have a reckoning with them once this is over.
I think we should stick a few hundred slaanpower into basic soul structure or physical slaan construction - we're going to need to do them piecemeal anyways, and IMO we've just about reached the point where comparably expensive projects such as city-shields or dedicated AA aren't valuable enough in the short run to make up for putting off increasing our slaanpower for longer.
An understandable desire, but I have a few issues.

....Guys. We're still dealing with The Orks. Focus on whats immediately valuable to the war effort now, or sets us up for further potential conflict next turn, and spend the rest of our Slann Power on dealing with the Orks.

Seriously. Why on earth would you shove hundreds of Slann Power on Insane difficulty projects when we're still fighting?
First, Nix has stated my first point eloquently. We're still at war with the Orks. Now is not the time to dedicate a major chunk of our researchers on non-military or nonessential projects.

Second, the Slann Spawning is going to take multiple turns to finish, even if we dedicate all our Slann Power to it. I'd prefer to get a few more low-hanging (comparatively speaking) fruit before we do that.

Third, the Slann are our magical powerhouses and research base. I'm admittedly not certain about this, but it would not surprise me in the slightest if new Slann took a few turns be truly added to our total Slann Power to represent them learning the needed magical control and knowledge for them to be of use.

The total damage done has been two cities with light damage, which I believe takes up a total of two city actions to repair. I would much rather spend a 15th of our city actions on repairing damage to our cities then spend a quarter of our slaanpower on preventing said damage.

Even if we have to repeat the repairs a few times, we still come out ahead by using city actions rather than slaanpower.
I admit, the damage is indeed light and can be easily repaired. I simply see researching the city shields as doing some investing now so that we have to pay fewer costs later. Even if our cities take damage in the future, I think that if we have the shields, the damage will be lesser and more easily fixed when compared to if we didn't have the shields.
@Xantalos , you've said slannpower be allocated to the Kanyon repair operation as an alternative to city actions, at rates like the ones outlined here. Good to know.

[Although, um. There's some weird diminishing returns effects in that table; 50 slannpower of Fifth Spawning counts as a city action, but so does 25 Fourth Spawning slann who are worth 125 slannpower on research, and so on. Is that intentional?]


I concur with those points but I also think we should start researching more weapon technology to better prepare for the incoming Ork Rumble. Also, shame we can't do the VEIST research as of now.
Why can't we? It's a pretty cheap tech, isn't it? I was planning on it. That and ulgu skinks.

Right, I think aiding Isendral is a no brainer. We probably also want to expand Ayotzl's cult. We should also definitely gank that Mek I think and reinforce the north...
Yeah. Those both sound important- though we definitely want to build eight more cities this turn, and that's a respectable action sink in its own right.

...and then hopefully squash Gardakka for good (maybe instead of using a Geomantic Ritual to prepare the way for an attack, we could use one to drop our army right on top of him and his new harbor at the same time as we initiate a more conventional attack; tear the heart out of his the greater concentration of orks - and hopefully kill him in the process - and press what remains between two fronts?).
Not a bad idea, I'm going to be reviewing the situation before suggesting a battleplan.

Ok, lot to unpack here.

The war-boss is likely trying to recolonize the northern continent, I would suggest that tik'taq'to and that one aquatic thunder lizard be put to intercept them.
Hm, something like that. We have lizardman garrisons in what was once the northern part of Gardakka's territory, along the coast, so yes. I think we should do something like that.

The mek-boss I don't have a clue about, but we probably shouldn't let them succeed. I would send Kroc-gar to intercept.
Something like that... except, uh, I think the mek's operations are closely tied in with the effort to recolonize the northern continent. This may not actually be two separate operations.

We likely want masimundi to help repair with Isendral , he's the one most likely to gain something from the experience, and if we pencil in a ritual to help repair things, it would likely boost relations with Isendral . this could be useful, might not be.
I don't think a geomantic ritual would be the best choice directly. Geomantic rituals tend to be very blunt instruments for conceptually simple things. Things like "split the ground on a massive scale," "teleport this billion ton rockpile over there," or "punch this giant megadaemon in the groin-equivalent." Where you're doing one thing and you're doing it very forcefully, and where doing it a little too hard isn't really a problem.

But this is fiddly detail repair work. Better to have Mazdamundi just show up. Personally.

We could kill the World Hammer by simply waiting until he entered a ship and the sink them with a Thunder Lizard (Ritual would be overkill). Not sure wether we should let the Mek be or not.
Note that controlling a Thunder Lizard is actually a pretty slannpower-intensive exercise, on the same scale as a geomantic ritual.

Ok, so for the research, here's what I'm thinking:

1,663 Total Slann Power

Skink Priests: Different Winds (Ulgu)

Blessed Items

Void-Exchanged Interlocking Spell Theory

Prismatic Auras

Metropolis Preservation

Tempest Prisms

Added together, these take up 1,500 Slann Power while taking care of useful research subjects. We finish off the Skink Priests, getting that out of the way and unlocking Ulgu users. We figure out the mechanics of divine blessings for items, and hopefully since we have a war god and a death god at least one of the two will provide something useful there. The VEIST theory is over and done with, while the Prismatic Auras and the Metropolis Preservation research unlock individual and city-sized shields. Finally, while they might not be as useful this turn as they might have been earlier, Tempest Prisms will provide some useful AA capabilities for the future.

My research plan leaves us with 113 Slann Power free to out wherever we wish, such as helping out with the Kanyon Repair or bolstering our new god's cult, or aiding on the field of battle. Any thoughts?
This almost certainly doesn't leave enough slannpower to help out with things we need. I recommend skipping at least the Tempest Prism research (not urgently required for the current war effort; ork aircraft are very much a managed threat).

Metropolis Preservation Barriers is nice, but may or may not be all that useful against the most likely threat to our cities- which is probably Ayacmanik armies in the near future, not orks, since the orks are pretty well on the defensive.
Why can't we? It's a pretty cheap tech, isn't it? I was planning on it. That and ulgu skinks.
You misunderstood me, I said that cause I thought it was locked for the time due to the formating being kinda whack before Xan edited it. But yeah we should do it, right now even, it will make Glyph Tech, space ships, and a whole lot of stuff easier.

Metropolis Preservation Barriers is nice, but may or may not be all that useful against the most likely threat to our cities- which is probably Ayacmanik armies in the near future, not orks, since the orks are pretty well on the defensive.
I'd say it will be useful on account of the Aya probably trying to go on the offensive after the Orks are dealt with, I'd recommend switching the Tempest Prism for Hand of the Gods tho, on account of giving us more close-range power and opening up the way for power armour research next.
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So do we make a plan now or is there a moratorium to has things over or something?
Given that turns don't happen in super-rapid succession, there's no rush. Let's take our time to hammer out draft plans and converse instead of creating a giant bandwagon, OK?

I would add the religious options and maybe get a rough overview over our population numbers. Maybe we want to boost them, should something go wrong with the Orks.
Our casualties this turn were relatively light; I'm not too worried- though I reserve the right to revisit that opinion while doing war planning.

Honestly I would like to study the stone because I still think it might be a soulstone and if it is we want to discover that fact before Isendral does.
We are in possession of the stone, and Isendral almost certainly doesn't know where it is or probably that it exists. She has made no obvious efforts to seek it out, hasn't asked us about it, et cetera. I'd rather avoid that.

Other then that the Anti-Air is a necessity as is the Secrets of the Fungus and I would not mind creating some of the Saurus sub-breeds.
None of those are short term necessities. We've pretty well managed the ork air power threat; they're still relevant but we can fend them off with limited effort. This is not a good time to undertake a huge research project on them.

I think going for something like Secrets of the Fungus might be more immediately valuable (not for the war effort directly, but in ensuring we are better able pacify former orkish territory).
Notably, the Ayacmanik seem to have no trouble doing sweep-and-clears of the orkoid ecosystem. Just sitting back and letting them do the work may not be a bad idea; the main problem then is making sure we can hold our own cities and that they don't get mobbed by Insane concentrations of, like... tens of millions of Ayacmanik warforms.

Or perhaps the Spear of Tlanxla (or more cheaply, the Hand of the Gods research, both would seem to add strong force multipliers to hero units).
We're still on a war footing where the only weapons we should develop are those of immediate foreseeable use... And frankly our hero units are more than powerful enough to crush our enemies.

....Guys. We're still dealing with The Orks. Focus on whats immediately valuable to the war effort now, or sets us up for further potential conflict next turn, and spend the rest of our Slann Power on dealing with the Orks.

Seriously. Why on earth would you shove hundreds of Slann Power on Insane difficulty projects when we're still fighting?
THIS. Oh God so much this. Gardakka is now in full control of the orks and has forces about as strong as they ever were. If we leave him alone or mostly alone for a turn he's gonna rebound and it's gonna take a LONG time to bring him down.
[Although, um. There's some weird diminishing returns effects in that table; 50 slannpower of Fifth Spawning counts as a city action, but so does 25 Fourth Spawning slann who are worth 125 slannpower on research, and so on. Is that intentional?]
Intentional, yeah - city action stuff tends to involve a lot of wide-scale telekinetic work, which doesn't scale as well across generations as pure research or blasty power does.

So do we make a plan now or is there a moratorium to has things over or something?
No moratorium, but it is probably a good idea to give your plans some thought just due to the complexity of the system that's developed over time. I just keep the voting period open until the thread reaches broad consensus.
Considering the Orks have demonstrated the ability to damage our cities, I personally disagree regarding the Metropolis Preservation research. If nothing else, I'd like to get it out of the way so that similarly to how the Spawning research automatically had spawning pools added to all our new cities, hopefully all our new cities will have defensive force field established from the beginning. As for the Tempest Prisms, it's entirely possible that they won't be very useful in the immediate future, but if we take it then we'll have dedicated Anti-Air units available in the future without having to do a whole lot of research. It's another thing I think is better done sooner rather than later.
We are finally approaching the cusp point where we can reasonably hope that one more turn of effort will push the orks over into irreversible decline. This is NOT a good time for us to spend a lot of slannpower on "we don't need this right now, sure, but it'd be convenient to have it at some indefinite future time" projects.
We are in possession of the stone, and Isendral almost certainly doesn't know where it is or probably that it exists. She has made no obvious efforts to seek it out, hasn't asked us about it, et cetera. I'd rather avoid that.
One thing I should clarify is that you won't immediately tell Isendral about the stone even if you both research it and talk to her this turn. Long story short you've got mutual trust meters, Lizardmen->Isendral and Isendral->Lizardmen, both going from 0 to 10. Increasing her trust of you is the way to get her to view you more favorably, trust you with sensitive info, possibly assist you militarily, etc. Vice versa for you to her, and telling her about the stone is at least a 6 on that scale.

Her current trust is 2/10, yours is 0/10, for reference. It'll be elaborated on should you trigger a talk interlude.
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We are finally approaching the cusp point where we can reasonably hope that one more turn of effort will push the orks over into irreversible decline. This is NOT a good time for us to spend a lot of slannpower on "we don't need this right now, sure, but it'd be convenient to have it at some indefinite future time" projects.
You make a valid point, what if instead of spending a lot of slannpower on better defences, we spend it on stuff to better kill the works with? Like Glyph Weaponry, leaving 450 more Slann for us to spend towards killing the works.
Notably, the Ayacmanik seem to have no trouble doing sweep-and-clears of the orkoid ecosystem. Just sitting back and letting them do the work may not be a bad idea; the main problem then is making sure we can hold our own cities and that they don't get mobbed by Insane concentrations of, like... tens of millions of Ayacmanik warforms.
I am not afraid of the ayacmanik. We can't fuck the orks over in a turn or two via traumatizing their oversoul after all. As long as we don't lose slann then any casualties the bugs do are expendable in my eyes as long as we don't have to fight the orks at the same time. Crush the orks and if the bugs get too aggressive eat the losses and throw slann at the problem after the orks are beaten.
Alright, since it seems my first research plan wasn't too popular, how about this?

Ulgu Skink Priests - 150
Finishes off the Skink Priest research, unlocks production of Ulgu Skink Priests, more progress towards Slann spawning gained

Prismatic Auras - 150
Personal Shields developed, possible to upgrade to base Slann defense, definitely increase defense of heroes, possibly unlocks research to improve them?

Dread Saurian Armor - 150
Unlocks production of Dread Saurian Armor, all existing Dread Saurians properly outfitted with armor

Hand of the Gods - 150
Laser based close- to mid-range (and possibly long-ranged?) weaponry unlocked, full body power armor research unlocked

Blessed Items - 150
Reliable divine blessings for items unlocked in Sotek and Ayotzl flavors, may or may not need to be repeated for future gods? Not strictly speaking necessary, but between a War god and a Death god, one of the two is bound to provide something of utility, especially since we exchanged Sotek's Favored Enemy to Orks. Likely to provide anti-Demon bonuses when we go up against those jerks again.

VEIST - 150
Gets this out of the way, may or may not unlock spaceships immediately, progress towards longer-lasting enchantments made, likely unlocks multiple new research projects, May or may not unlock upgrades or upgrade research for existing void-based applications such as the magical forging areas.

Ok, I've limited myself to 6 projects this time, with only one not being of obvious immediate use. In total, this research takes 900 Slann Power, leaving us with 763 avaiable to spend on whatever we want. The Skink Priests are officially finished, our heroes get upgrades to their defense, we unlock new weaponry for the Saurus, our Dread Saurians are set to FULL POWER, our gods have an option installed between "do nothing directly" and "manifest for massive destruction", and the VEIST research is completed with all that implies.

@Xantalos, I have a quick question. If we complete Blessed Items or other Divine Research, will we need to do any of it again if we create a new god after the research was completed?

Just refreshing my memory about how the rules work... If a hero unit is assigned to an appropriate task, they substitute for a City Action, right? So for instance, we could assign Kroq-Gar or Teninhuan to muster the legion of a particular lizardman city and send that legion into combat (as per Break the Tide or Scatter the Barbarians) without expending a city action on the task at hand?

Or am I misremembering?

You make a valid point, what if instead of spending a lot of slannpower on better defences, we spend it on stuff to better kill the works with? Like Glyph Weaponry, leaving 450 more Slann for us to spend towards killing the works.
There you have to strike a balance between "better weapons" and "actually using slannpower to more directly kill the orks." 200 slannpower on weapons research doesn't necessarily give us better results than 200 slannpower on siccing ten Thunder Lizards on the enemy.

And for the duration of this war we need to prioritize winning the war, so the "but it'll be nice to have the weapons later" argument doesn't really compel me much.

I am not afraid of the ayacmanik. We can't fuck the orks over in a turn or two via traumatizing their oversoul after all. As long as we don't lose slann then any casualties the bugs do are expendable in my eyes as long as we don't have to fight the orks at the same time.
I think your reaction doesn't line up with my point very well.

I'm not saying "you should be afraid of the Ayacmanik, you should be chickennnn!"

I'm saying "giant Ayacmanik swarms around our cities are likely to become a problem again soon." And the trouble there is that the Ayacmanik undergo a huge threat level increase if they capture a sapient host. They're probably not capable of militarily overrunning us as they are now, but if they roll well on a turn where they're not busy fighting the orks, we may be in for a rough few years while we complete our Ayacmanik research.

The point here is mostly just to plan ahead for that eventuality, rather than getting caught flatfooted because we didn't even consider anything the Ayacmanik do as being relevant to what we do.

Oh hey, @Xantalos , what happened to that idea about researching some kind of glyphic amulet that triggers to burn out possession attempts by Ayacmanik grubs?
Or am I misremembering?
Nope, you remember correctly.

@Xantalos, I have a quick question. If we complete Blessed Items or other Divine Research, will we need to do any of it again if we create a new god after the research was completed?
Nope. Blessed Items and ... the mini-daemon one are generalist divine projects, so they apply evenly to any and all gods you have. Think of them more as deciphering theory and method for a specific thing, which the various cults of the gods can then tune to their own preferences.

Oh hey, @Xantalos , what happened to that idea about researching some kind of glyphic amulet that triggers to burn out possession attempts by Ayacmanik grubs?
I, uh, forgot about those. Lotta thread I gotta cover to collate everything, it's inevitable I'm gonna miss something. Gimme a bit to ruminate and I can give you a slann cost (unless I already did in the past, in which case just show me said quote) and then edit it into the turn after work.