I just realized something.

Since Chak'ax was put in charge of the Slann's defense for this war, and for of them died, doesn't that mean that this is the first time a Slann has died on his watch?
None of the slann from Xlanhuapec (where he was actually able to supervise them) died. It was Hexoatl's legion that suffered casualties, since they were in the fight the longest, and without support for a period of time.

Given that Ulgu is both Shadows and Mist/Fog, and given that we kept the Mist/Fog thematics of the Fog Seed when making Ayotzl, will the creation of Ulgu Skinks aid Ayotzl's gestation at all?
Sort of - kinda like Shyish priests do. Not directly, but yes.

EDIT: It's more of a slow trickle kinda deal that gets bigger over time as more priests are spawned and do more magic.
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Serious question.

Do Lizardmen even have music?

Or anything for that matter that doesn't involve work on some way?

Worshiping gods doesn't count since in this context that's basically empowering and performing maintenance on a weapon/tool.
Not as you define it there - art purely for the enjoyment of it, that is. Your work crews, armies on patrol, etc tend to communicate with each other in rhythm-filled patterns and such, stuff that from an outsider's point of view would seem kinda like singing. But aside from @CuttleFish2.0's omakes regarding the subject, which are sort of quasicanon for the moment, you don't have anything that isn't utilitarian for you guys in some way.
Serious question.

Do Lizardmen even have music?

Or anything for that matter that doesn't involve work on some way?

Worshiping gods doesn't count since in this context that's basically empowering and performing maintenance on a weapon/tool.
I don't really think so and while it does bring up some possible ideas for something like a democracy god or something currently if a bunch of lizardmen bust into song I think they would be more suspects of possible slannesh contamination than anything else.

In conclusion, they might develop the ability like how the slaan developed storytelling but not right now especially when there is no impetus. Maybe if we meet a people they will introduce some of our scalies to good music.
God of Democracy...

We can rebuild Liberty Prime!
Libertek, the Lizardmen god of freedom!

Symbols: Alligators, Eagles
Category: Freedom
Variety: Democracy
Domain: Votes
Methods of Worship: Fireworks, Fast Food
Favored Foes: Brits, Commies
Blessing Thematics: Wealth, Cars, Missiles Freedom packages
Strength of Cult: 100% of Red Blooded Lizardmen
Not as you define it there - art purely for the enjoyment of it, that is. Your work crews, armies on patrol, etc tend to communicate with each other in rhythm-filled patterns and such, stuff that from an outsider's point of view would seem kinda like singing. But aside from @CuttleFish2.0's omakes regarding the subject, which are sort of quasicanon for the moment, you don't have anything that isn't utilitarian for you guys in some way.
I'm now imagining lizardmen singing "We all lift together."
Libertek, the Lizardmen god of freedom!

Symbols: Alligators, Eagles
Category: Freedom
Variety: Democracy
Domain: Votes
Methods of Worship: Fireworks, Fast Food
Favored Foes: Brits, Commies
Blessing Thematics: Wealth, Cars, Missiles Freedom packages
Strength of Cult: 100% of Red Blooded Lizardmen
Now what wh40k faction would Libertek consider as communist?

Chaos maybe as a result of Lizardmen alterations?
Lizardmen democracy in a nutshell:
--> You may vote for your representative in the parliament and are allowed to choose among any number of Slann.
--> The number of votes, given to each Slann will determine the importance the Slann holds in the parliament and how often he may vote for any topic.
--> The allocation of votes has to reach these exact numbers:
2nd Gen. --> 50%
3rd Gen. --> 25%
4th Gen. --> 15%
5th Gen. --> 10%

--> if deviations should occur, then the election will either be recounted, reheld or new Lizardmen will be produced until the correct allocations of votes is reached.
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This is perfect so far
All we need now is a florida man themed character and i can die happy

I have idea:

Breaking News
Itza Skink relegated to frontlines of the greenskin war effort after it was found drinking the water from the spawning pools.
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This is perfect so far
All we need now is a florida man themed character and i can die happy

I have idea:

Breaking News
Itza Skink relegated to frontlines of the greenskin war effort after it was found drinking the water from the spawning pools.
The most suitable candidate for this role would be a hypothetical survivor of Quetza, which had its spawning pools corrupted by the skaven before it fell to them. This'd explain all the ... eccentricity.
Saurus bop their heads to the beat of the war drums. Bashing and clubing their way through the enemy ranks in perfect harmony with the rhythm.

Skinks dancing and gliding through the battlefield. A dart to the commisar, and hammer to the tank, a slip to the astartes and away they go.

Kroxigors crash and pound thier mighty weapons shaking the ground as if it were the drums that drove the others forward. A constant beat that heralds doom.

Great beasts stride into battle. The unstoppable charge that spares no one in its path. Great and powerful artifacts thrum with hidden energies. Soon the will reveal their part in this frenzied orchestra

All this as the slaan sit upon their ornate palanquins. Spinning their magic into a sympjony of terror and destruction that will wash away all that is wrong in the world.

This is the music of the heralds of the Old Ones
I've actually been ruminating on our next god having some music-related thematics.

Category being Maker/Builder/Crafter is fairly obvious, to supercharge the rest of our construction and up-tech efforts, and Domain being Bees is also fairly obvious, both because bees also build structures and because black-and-yellow ties in with the use of obsinite and gold in the things Lizardmen make. But that still leaves the Variety of the god, the concept that goes in between the high-level Category and the more aesthetic Domain.

What I hit on for that, for maximum utility and appropriateness, was Harmony - both the arrangement of things in harmony (components of a device, individuals in a team/society, buildings in a city, cities on a planet, and so on) and the benefits of doing so (a device functioning because it is assembled correctly, many individuals working together accomplishing more than the sum of what they could working alone, civic planning improving the efficiency and quality of life of those living and working in a city, and most of all the power of the geomantic/astromantic web that arises from everything being arranged just right).

Between bees communicating with dance and Harmony also having a musical meaning, the rest of the characterization arose naturally - a god in constant motion, a never-ending dance of construction, assembly, and craftwork. It's hard to say whether they appear as many lizardmen at once or as one lizardman with many arms, all holding a different tool or work-in-progress and working in synchronicity, the sounds of their work a symphony; it's hard to say exactly which breed of Lizardman they are, and a non-lizardman viewer might not even perceive them as a lizardman at all; it's hard to say whether they are made of obsinite decorated with gold or made of gold decorated with obsinite, but their eyes are honey-golden amber and shine with a warm light either way; and, always, there are bees there with them, buzzing in tune with the music that drives them, aiding them in their dance of creation.

No cripple chained to their anvil, no bitter slave are they - they are the state of Flow personified, they are a labor-buddha, they are the principal of "if you do what you love you will never work a day in your life", they are sweet and joyful! They are rewarding work, both in the sense of rewards produced by work and in the sense of work being rewarding in and of itself. They are a cheerful, friendly, ray-of-sunshine of a divinity. And they will happily sweep you into their mesmerizing dance, and share both their work and the products of it - greatest of those rewards being the capacity to work on new things.

And for those who would disrupt and destroy the harmony of their crafting, or try to steal the benefits of it without contributing to it? They get the bees. (In other words, Favored Foes would be vandals/saboteurs and parasites.) But combat isn't really their role so they generally either try to get the problem being to start dancing to their tune along with them, thus ceasing to be a problem, or they drive the troublemaker off with ohnonottheBEEEEEES and let them get lost in Ayotzl's mists or get their face bitten off by Sotek or [insert action by appropriate other god here].

Watching them at work is kind of like watching one of those almost hypnotic videos of things being built by an automated assembly line where things don't ever hold still, things just move forward to the next step while whatever just got done is seamlessly repeated for the next thing behind it - except it's very hard to just watch, you feel yourself starting to move to the beat of things... and then a few hours later you snap out of it, and you're in a building or water/air/void-craft with a pile of useful equipment and a jug of mead and/or box of honey-based edibles, you're aware that you helped make all of these things, and you and everyone else there is totally psyched up for the next big project.

The method of worship is, obviously, constructive work, but if you want something more symbolic, there are working songs and dances, and there is the sharing of mead and/or other honey-based foodstuffs that (and this next bit is important) all of those sharing them worked together to make. Blessings would come in the form of intuitive understanding of how to arrange/coordinate things for maximum effectiveness, awareness of where something is missing/broken or being disrupted that needs to be repaired for things to work properly (either in practice or in a design), magic music that helps everything and everyone just fall into place (everyone knows the right action to take as if it was the next step of a familiar dance, everything they need is in just the right spot when they need it because that's where it was left earlier in the dance or because a bee showed up and nudged things or because reality just bent a little to make it so), extra power to/from the geomantic/astromantic web, or (in an emergency) the summoning of a swarm of angry BEEEEEES! (Bees. My god.) Also tirelessness, but that's usually redundant for Lizardmen.

If Vaul ever meets them, it'll be, like, he wants to be totally jelly, but they're just so nice and then they just dance into his workshop, and one musical montage later all the work Khaine's dumped on him this time is done and there's actually time left over to work on something he wants to make instead of another bloody weapon for once... Meanwhile Cegorach is like "wow, it's like if me and the smith had a bee-lizard baby" and he'd probably get along with them for a while, but a deity produced by the blunt and literal-minded meat robots that are the Lizardmen is probably going to miss the point of a lot of jokes and eventually their natural cheeriness won't entirely make up for that, so the clown will try some kind of mischief and end up having to Exit, pursued by BEEEEEES.

For a name, I'm less certain - maybe Itoti, from itotia/ihtotia (nahuatl word meaning to dance or to get someone to dance) except symmetrical.

Symbols are of course bees and honeycomb, and maybe also interlocking gears.
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We have alot of important concepts to cover with a limited amount of slots. You can vote for what you want but I'm sure not going to support a God Of Music.
I would willingly adapt Calquetzqui, the death god builder skink @Nix's Warden came up with, in an attempt to get this.

I want builder skink god.

We can have music enter lizardman culture through those religious services, without just specifically being a god of music.
We have alot of important concepts to cover with a limited amount of slots. You can vote for what you want but I'm sure not going to support a God Of Music.
I would willingly adapt Calquetzqui, the death god builder skink @Nix's Warden came up with, in an attempt to get this.

I want builder skink god.

We can have music enter lizardman culture through those religious services, without just specifically being a god of music.
They did make a god of building and crafting though, the music is just a natural effect of the sub-type harmony which can actually be pretty powerful and yes it could be a skinky skink
We have alot of important concepts to cover with a limited amount of slots. You can vote for what you want but I'm sure not going to support a God Of Music.

I seem to have gotten caught up in a side effect again. The music is just part of the Harmony concept (and the dance from having a domain of Bees), which is bringing the lizardman themes of everything being in the right place and everyone performing their function to produce something greater (the web, the Plan) to the base category of a builder/crafter.

Base concept is being a god of making things, like Sotek is a war god and Ayotzl is a death god. Harmony is to this god what Bloodshed is to Sotek and Rest is to Ayotzl, the Variety of [whatever]-god they are.

The personality is partly for contrast with the existing two, but mostly because Lizardmen really like making things.

Edit: :ninja:'d by @Nightchill
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Ok, better then Music, but Harmony is still something I wouldn't be interested in for a long time. Construction would be better off tied into Order and Preservation if your going that direction, to tie into the Lizardmens created purpose of bringing Order to the natural world through their constructions, which should last eternal. That or Preservation and Architecture to focus on Actual Construction. I hated the Bee concept from the God vote before and I hate it now.

For Gods we still need we need Construction, if we don't use Order in Construction then I'd slap that into a Dedicated FUCK CHAOS God of Order/Purity/Light or something similar. Beyond that once we go down the people path some more I'd say a God of Heroism and a God of Magic as well.