I admit that I don't mind uplifting them. If they are useful enough that enslaving them is a net gain then spending a couple of actions teaching them the importance of the geomantric web and the pattern needed for the temple cities. Would remove concerns about space and for cultural issues neither side has one so there won't be any culture clash.

The intelligence would be lizard man and if we chose a kroxor they would want to build our cities for us.

I feel that most of the other teaching actions wouldn't even need Slann except in their role as overseerers of a city and that's the only real bottleneck.
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[X] Consult Relic Priests - Technology

I really like that unexpected benefit to Slann.
I think the options would be 1) Just building those meditation chambers everywhere, increasing slann's effectiveness. 2) Further analyzing the vacuum spell, probably finding out it's an amazing research tool (seeing this in isolation, listening without noise). or a "workshop area" for truly complex slann-made magical constructs (not having to worry about interference would help them even more).
[X] Consult Relic Priests - Technology

I really like that unexpected benefit to Slann.
I think the options would be 1) Just building those meditation chambers everywhere, increasing slann's effectiveness. 2) Further analyzing the vacuum spell, probably finding out it's an amazing research tool (seeing this in isolation, listening without noise). or a "workshop area" for truly complex slann-made magical constructs (not having to worry about interference would help them even more).
[X] Consult Relic Priests - Technology
Honestly i can imagine a little skit in where a Slann invented a new type of weapon or technology and ordered a skink to test it (with predictable results) as the Slann takes notes
Additionally, the potential of the vacuum spell was noted by many of the slann, who have taken to using it as an isolation tank for greater concentration.
Ahh yes, when normal meditation isn't good enough why not do it bare-chested in a true vacuum? Now interrupting a Slann in meditation will be even more dramatic with the air rushing in to equalize pressure.
Oh rad the slann are into sensory deprivation now
A hypothetical slann named Jo'gaan: "That's crazy, man. You ever tried DMT? It's entirely possible that it increases your psychic potential."

[X] Consult Relic Priests - Technology

I really like that unexpected benefit to Slann.
I think the options would be 1) Just building those meditation chambers everywhere, increasing slann's effectiveness. 2) Further analyzing the vacuum spell, probably finding out it's an amazing research tool (seeing this in isolation, listening without noise). or a "workshop area" for truly complex slann-made magical constructs (not having to worry about interference would help them even more).
It'll also help you blend your equivalents of Gellar fields and void shields together into one system, giving your ships resistance against psychic attacks.