"Ah ha ha ha ha," cackled Bureaucratus, the oldest skink to exist, as lightning shot out of his scales. "No more dinosaur population tracking! All glory to the GM!"
I'm glad my last second addition to the plan helped Xantalos so much. I figured getting Basic Dinosaur Spawning would make things easier for you and I'm glad I was right.

Don't worry Boss. I'm going to make sure next turns plan has Special Dinosaur Spawning in it, so you don't have to keep track of any dinosaurs beyond the Coatl.
Good news QM!!! After we get the special edition for Dino's you can throw that out as well!

The next up I hope to get is the super unit from the egg, as well as magical weapons and armor...also guns.

Lots of guns.
Looking at current options, since I obviously don't know what if anything is getting unlocked this turn, my rough plan for next turn is as follows.

Build/Improve/Pure New Cities: 13 Actions, Awanabil'tat, and Kroq-Gar and Chakax for purging.
Build Forging Districts: Hexoatl
Assign Slann Rulers: Six 3rd Gens
Blessed Items:
Skink Priests: Life or Fire
Dinosaur Spawning Exotic Edition
Teach Geomantic Rituals: Mazdamundi and more 3rd Gens
And depending on Slann Power
The Stone
The Quando Egg
and The Waaagh!!! Field might also be on The List.
I am not seeing any research toward Slann spawning, also shouldn't we have all of the non relic Slann awake next turn with the demon destroyed?
Looking at current options, since I obviously don't know what if anything is getting unlocked this turn, my rough plan for next turn is as follows.

Build/Improve/Pure New Cities: 13 Actions, Awanabil'tat, and Kroq-Gar and Chakax for purging.
Build Forging Districts: Hexoatl
Assign Slann Rulers: Six 3rd Gens
Blessed Items:
Skink Priests: Life or Fire
Dinosaur Spawning Exotic Edition
Teach Geomantic Rituals: Mazdamundi and more 3rd Gens
And depending on Slann Power
The Stone
The Quando Egg
and The Waaagh!!! Field might also be on The List.
*Scratches chin*

Hnm yes.

*Goes back to read through our options*


As a keystone project I expect removal of the mind fog to be a high point of sorts in this first arc, and one likely to reveal a lot to us and to others. I'd like to get started on slaan physical construction as well, or something else related to keeping the Ruinous Powers at bay like sacred sites or the Divine Manifestations Level 1.
*Scratches chin*

Hnm yes.

*Goes back to read through our options*


As a keystone project I expect removal of the mind fog to be a high point of sorts in this first arc, and one likely to reveal a lot to us and to others. I'd like to get started on slaan physical construction as well, or something else related to keeping the Ruinous Powers at bay like sacred sites or the Divine Manifestations Level 1.
Not touching on the Ruinous Powers to avoid a protracted argument....I'm not focusing on the Sacred Sites at first, since the parasites don't really have the forces to take our cities, bare the possible exceptions of newly founded cities that haven't had time to really spawn new population, and the Orks don't have the tech yet, so most of our fights are going to offensive in nature, against either The Orks if things go bad enough, or the parasites.

While I do like Divine Manifestations, since it helps cover the quantity aspect of our quality military approach, Divine Blessings is easier to get, and I just don't think we got the numbers to get it done without droping several equally important projects.
Yeah, giving us a shitload of slann power. Eventually we're going to want third gens in charge of cities, while second and first gen go about kicking teeth in and giving that sweet leadership bonus.

Also fourth and 5th gens are our researchers.
Because thats a super long term goal and we have more immediate things we need done.

Yep. Thats: 3rd generation: 26
4th generation: 109
5th generation: 348
Getting additional Slann spawning though is the sort of thing that is going to improve everything and likely has a tech or two locked behind the bio part of it that we will have to research as well. And it is not like we are going to gain additional research power in the mean time. Doing a split over 2 turns to finish bio still gives us some slann power for other projects but the sooner we get slann spawning line finished the sooner we boost our research as well as combat power a lot. Really between what is normally asleep and what we throw at the mind fog, I think it comes out to about the same investment to do slann spawning bio in 2 turns.
Getting additional Slann spawning though is the sort of thing that is going to improve everything and likely has a tech or two locked behind the bio part of it that we will have to research as well. And it is not like we are going to gain additional research power in the mean time. Doing a split over 2 turns to finish bio still gives us some slann power for other projects but the sooner we get slann spawning line finished the sooner we boost our research as well as combat power a lot. Really between what is normally asleep and what we throw at the mind fog, I think it comes out to about the same investment to do slann spawning bio in 2 turns.
*Shrug* Thats going to be your plan then because I'm not going to vote on it when we go so much other early set up stuff to do.
Hmm. Our slaan numbers when they are all awake is 484, 1 second gen, 23 third gen, 109 fourth gen, 348 fifth gen. Hmm, we seem to be missing three from somewhere.

In 5th slaan power and removing lord mobility scooter that is 1468. With Maz that's another 125 on top for 1600 Slaan.

Separated by generation that is 125, 575, 545, 348.

Hmm, interesting to find out that the two most significant parts are in the 3rd and 4th generation.

Regardless, I like the idea of teaching the 3rd Geomancy. Though I do have a thought path for @Xantalos. It doesn't make much sense to me to be able to teach a slaan ruler geomancy while they are busy with dealing with the administration of being a city ruler. I want to teach the entire third geomancy, and assign some to rulership at some point. The simplest way is to just wait on the ruler assignment until they are done, and is what I would prefer if my suggestion isn't possible, but a more efficient alternative came to mind. Could we "earmark" six of the third gen and defer getting their city ruling bonus until they are done with learning from Maz, saving some turn clerical work?

Offhanded thought to be honest.

Other thought however, can all of the high ranking priests of Sotek do the Transformation of Kadon that Teninhuan did in turn 5? If they can't I'd like to suggest a research topic to figure out how the Slaan could induce that transformation in those high priests, as a prelude to inducing it in all Lizardmen who worship Sotek. For more Bullshit Wizardry basically.
Last edited:
Hmm. Our slaan numbers when they are all awake is 484, 1 second gen, 23 third gen, 109 fourth gen, 348 fifth gen. Hmm, we seem to be missing three from somewhere.

In 5th slaan power and removing lord mobility scooter that is 1468. With Maz that's another 125 on top for 1600 Slaan.

Separated by generation that is 125, 575, 545, 348.

Hmm, interesting to find out that the two most significant parts are in the 3rd and 4th generation.

Regardless, I like the idea of teaching the 3rd Geomancy. Though I do have a thought path for @Xantalos. It doesn't make much sense to me to be able to teach a slaan ruler geomancy while they are busy with dealing with the administration of being a city ruler. I want to teach the entire third geomancy, and assign some to rulership at some point. The simplest way is to just wait on the ruler assignment until they are done, and is what I would prefer if my suggestion isn't possible, but a more efficient alternative came to mind. Could we "earmark" six of the third gen and defer getting their city ruling bonus until they are done with learning from Maz, saving some turn clerical work?

Offhanded thought to be honest.

Other thought however, can all of the high ranking priests of Sotek do the Transformation of Kadon that Teninhuan did in turn 5? If they can't I'd like to suggest a research topic to figure out how the Slaan could induce that transformation in those high priests, as a prelude to inducing it in all Lizardmen who worship Sotek. For more Bullshit Wizardry basically.
I mean, Mazdamundi rules Hexoatl, and pretty much all the Lizardmen Empire, and he still has time to do other things. I'm sure Slann assigned to rule cities will be capable of learning Geomancy or participating in research.
Ker'mit inspired me.

"Ey yo bro," rumbled one kroxigor to another as they plunged their long rods into the refreshingly yielding warmth of their appointed task.

"What's diggin, broseph?" Queried the other kroxigor as he thrust deeper with his tool, bringing about a sharp hiss as he hit rock bottom.

"Well, Brometheus," the first kroxigor, who had the name of Brahxigor, mused, "Isn't the job we have, like, totally brotacular?"

"Absolutely tubular, my dudesicle," Brometheus replied as he extracted his turgid instrument from the hot, wet morass. "It's completely turnt that we get to perform such a satisfying activity for the benefit of the broletariat."

"Bro," Brahx replied as he grabbed a giant hammer and hammered the molten sword his partner had pulled out of the lava forge into shape. "This job is so specific that it couldn't ever be unintentionally mistaken for something else by the means of deliberate, excessively vague description."

"Wow man, you've really been working on your bromenclature."
Sta'tler: Why does everyone keep doing this terrible gag?
Wal'dorf: Because they like watching us suffer!
Sta'tler: Well if they really wanted us to suffer they'd do that awful thes-
"Yeah dude, I've been reading the thesaurus on my lunch breaks."
Wal'dorf: Talk about tempting fate!

-Purge The Parasite: Hexoatl and Qotlpetl: 1 Hexoatl Action/Krog-Gar and 1 Qotlpetl Action/Chakax.

To the tune of O Fortuna
Sta'tler: Quick! Get the earplugs!
Wal'dorf: WHAT?
Sta'tler: I said, get the earplugs!
Sta'tler: Oh, that works too.
Oh, dinosaur!

Big dinosaur!

Kroq-Gar riding carnosaur!

There were some bugs

Outside the walls

Then Kroq-Gar went with Chakax

They bro-fisted

Neither missed it

They raised up saurus legions

Also some skinks

None of them blinked

They all mounted dinosaurs

Then they rode forth

All swole of course

And readied all their weapons

(song reaches crescendo)












Wal'dorf: I think it's over.
Sta'tler: Sheesh, there's no need to shout bro. You're making my ears hurt.
Wal'dorf: But we're puppets, so the only reason your ears could hurt...
Sta'tler: Is because of a terrible song!

"Alright boyz, where'z we landing?" Inquired Chilled Erector, the head boss of the F.O.R.T.N.I.T.E. (Fight On Real Tuff Nobz In Tin 'Eadz) warband. He gestured to the bark and dung-paint map of the battleground behind him, which illustrated a number of tactically important locations to seize in order to overcome the other competing bosses. His pointy stick slipped as the air squig they were waiting to jump out of suffered a bout of indigestion, poking a hole in the canvas. "Whoops."

"I wuz finkin Killy Kamp, boss," replied Johnny Nick, his non-copyrighted underling. This suggestion drew a rabble of outrage from the rest of his boyz.

"I wanted ta do Tanky Tanks!"

"No, Finky Fortress iz betta!"

"You git! Grot Gassing Groundz is da best fer loot!"

This quickly degenerated into a massive brawl which punctured the fart sack of the blimp squig, sending them all crashing down to their deaths.
Wal'dorf: This seems familiar.
Sta'tler: Of course it does! Don't you remember getting trapped inside a third-rate theatre every week?
Wal'dorf: Yes, but I've been trying really hard to forget!
Sta'tler: A shame they forgot to include the only part worth remembering though.
"Degenerate creatures," intoned the skink priest Ref'rens, who was watching this whole debacle through a really good telescope from Itza.
Wal'dorf: This skink has potential!

Squinty strained really really hard. His boyz cheered him on, shouting slogans that were either encouraging or abusive. Either way they worked, and with only one passed kidney stone, his spell worked and he regrew his other eye. "Wazoo," he screamed. "I kan do dis now!"

He spun around in a circle and fired warp lasers out of his eyes, incinerating the junglebrush around him. "Follow me, boyz," he bellowed as he zoomed into the jungle depths. "We'z gonna follow dem hints dat da GM - dat's Gork and Mork - been givin' me!"

Seven months later he suddenly stopped, feeling something wrong. A scaled figure elegantly jumped down from a branch and removed its hood. "Hello there," it said in a British accent. Squinty felt something strange well up from within his very soul. He attempted to contain it, but it refused to be concealed, and burst out of his throat in a hefty exclamation."

"G E N E R A L K E N O-"

He was interrupted as his head exploded because it got shot, by a gun. The chameleon skinks had made sure they still had the high ground.

The orks prove their inferiority once more, and also Squinty clearly had not heard the tragedy of Boss Penguin the Wise.
Wal'dorf: I think I'm getting PTSD.
Sta'tler: What, from that time you picked up a bomb and blew yourself up?
Wal'dorf: No, from the penguin.

-Dispel Mind Fog: Mazdamundi, Eight 3rd Generation Slann, Thirty 4th Gens, Thirteen 5th Generation Slann.
-Unleash the Serpent: Teninhuan and Ten 5th Generation Slann.

"Alright dawg, I've had about enough of this," said the mind fog in a billion slithering languages that had never existed. "You better get back in my belly or I'm gonna put you on timeout so hard!"

"You can't tell us what to do anymore, Mr. Unspeakableblightuponreality'sinnumerableangles," said the slann. "You were 15 minutes late to our battle so we're within our legal right to leave!"

The fog daemon recoiled in pain from this mighty wound that had been dealt to it, but came back swinging. "Well I just invented daylight savings time again, so I was actually a day early!"

"Isn't it like an hour or something," the slann retorted.

"No one actually knows, you know that as well as I. I wrote it into the laws of physics just now with my daemon powers," said the mind fog. "Apples fall, bears shit in the woods, and everyone accidentally puts the wrong number in the year when you set the clocks back. Not recognizing that is illegal, so you're under arrest!"

"Aaah," yelled the slann with a yelp, but it was only pretend. They were playing a devious trick on the fog daemon, and just before it hauled them off to the slammer, it was enacted.

Mazdamundi popped up behind the fog daemon and tapped it on the shoulder. "I need you to stop harrassing my several hundred brother-sons or I'm gonna get disgruntled," he said froggily.

"Too bad, old man," the mind fog chortled. "I'm sorry, but these boys are going away for a long time! In my stomach. I'm going to eat them."

"Hi Sorry, I'm Dad," Mazdamundi replied, and the mind fog wailed in horror as it realized its fatal mistake.

"Noooooooooo," it yelled as its body began swelling up with explosive force, before it exploded in a giant pile of confetti.

Ap-parent-ly that was all it took to kill the Mind Fog, who knew?
Wal'dorf: What kind of garbage writer wrote those trashy puns?
Sta'tler: It's even worse than Fozzie!
Wal'dorf: And that's saying something!
Sta'tler: Something!

"Brrrat! Tat-a-tat tat! Skip a pop hippity bob clop flop-a-dop bippidy pop!"

The sacred incantation was intoned seventy-four times by the slann pursuing the cause of bigger explosions, headed by B'g Shaaq, who had an affinity for this sort of thing. They were trying to solve the ultimate riddle of what constituted a gun: How did you turn the bullet into a laser when it got fired, so that it could punch through like a bullet, but also zap like a laser?

The answer took many years of ceaseless research to uncover, but figure it out they did.

"Be A Bullshit Wizard," intoned a random slann without a name or bolded text. "That is the answer my formula has given."

"Well, good thing that's our hat."
Wal'dorf: Now he's ripping off Cinderella! And other references that Mathematicae couldn't identify!
Sta'tler: So many beautiful childhood memories, ruined!
Wal'dorf: At least he hasn't tried to use Monty Python yet.
Sta'tler: I'm mildly impressed at his restraint.

"Hi, I wanted your advice," Stabby the saurus asked the store clerk skink, who brightened up at the question. "Of course, sir! We here at the Lizardmen Gallery of Stabby Things To Maim And Kill The Enemies Of The Old Ones With are always happy to help."

"Well, I ride a cold one, see, and I was wondering whether a sword or halberd would be a better choice for racking up a better kill combo?"

The skink stroked its mustache that it had grown for situations like these with magic. "Ah, wise question. I would give you the advice that my slann master gave me when he accidentally tapped into an extradimensional network called the Internet during his meditations - por que no los dos?"

"Wise words," said Stabby. "I have no idea what they mean, but I'll take both of them and also a gun for my cold one because we have those now."

"Good choice," said the skink, and gave him a coupon for a free picture so he could pose with his cool new gear.
Sta'tler: WOW! What a shocking lack of restraint!
Wal'dorf: No one could have expected that!
Sta'tler: Except us of course!
Wal'dorf: And that's because we wrote this after we saw the script!

"GET OUT OF THE POOL," yelled a slann, and a sulky voice echoed out of the spawning cavern.

"Okay sort-of dad," groused the new Chamon skink priest, and walked out with his head hung low.

"Hey, pick your chin up," the slann admonished. "This is out of character, you're supposed to be robotic. Keep it up and Xantalos will probably rewrite this whole section."

"Meep morp," said the robot skink priest, and robot-walked off.
Wal'dorf: Rewrite the section my foot! He oughta rewrite the whole update!
Sta'tler: But then we'd have to sit through the whole thing again!

The skink chiefs across the empire cackled in glee as the hordes of damnable dinosaurs were driven into the spawning pits. Consistent population growth, they shrieked! No longer would they have to painstakingly have to track the fluctuating brood numbers of every species! It would be all one easy-to-tabulate number forever, increasing only when they built new pools!

Their bureaucratic powers grew tenfold with this monumental achievement, which outclassed anything the lizardmen had ever done by many orders of magnitude. The ability of unrestricted skink chiefs to file paperwork was unlike anything the universe had ever seen, and the gods of Chaos trembled in their domains at the thought that their tangled sheets of unit numbers might someday too be audited so severely.

"Ah ha ha ha ha," cackled Bureaucratus, the oldest skink to exist, as lightning shot out of his scales. "No more dinosaur population tracking! All glory to the GM!"
Wal'dorf: His laugh needs some work.
Sta'tler: Here, let's show him how it's done.

Sta'tler: This quest is awful.
Wal'dorf: Terrible!
Sta'tler: Disgusting!
Wal'dorf: See you next week?
Sta'tler: Only if he actually makes an update!
Okay, that was fucking hilarious, but I hope you didn't hurt your wrist too bad Xantalos
Nah, I was just writing so fast that I made my arm sore for a bit - I literally finished it, posted, and then left for work. I'm fine.

So this is what the Lizardmen are in the Text-to-speech universe.
TTS Lizardmen verse is set in Mallus pre-End Times, actually. It's where one of Kroak's temple guard finds an Old One device that lets him communicate his thoughts in the same fashion.


What a wonderful welcome present for getting to the end of the thread! :V
Yeah, I've been watching your progress through the thread. Good to have you! You came at a good time.

I don't want to contemplate what this says about modern multiplayer gaming with tweens when I can say this is 100% accurate for both orks and Fortnight.
Chilled Erector was a legitimate name I pulled up from a Fortnite name generator, and it sounds exactly like an overly pretentious Ork would call himself.

Oh god Xantalos, what did Vulkan do to you to talk you into plugging into the Ork Waagh>
I've been plugged into it for years, ever since I first wrote that Waaagh dat stomped the dark lands.

But then I realized the horrible lengths that you'd take it to.

Xantalos are you feeling alright there buddy?
Never better! This is actually the fastest I've written something in a long while, even if it's deliberately funny and slapdash. Second-best is when I wrote my skaven quest's Valten interlude in like 4 days.

On the other hand, the idea that the slann so thoroughly outclass this thing they can kill it just by TRASH TALKING IT TO DEATH is kinda musing.
Its hair? Wack! Its gear? Wack? Its jewlery? Wack! The way that it talks? WACK! The way that it doesn't even like to smile? W A C K

I'm glad my last second addition to the plan helped Xantalos so much. I figured getting Basic Dinosaur Spawning would make things easier for you and I'm glad I was right.

Don't worry Boss. I'm going to make sure next turns plan has Special Dinosaur Spawning in it, so you don't have to keep track of any dinosaurs beyond the Coatl.
Funny enough I don't even track any dinosaur pop numbers anymore (save for dread Saurian/coatl) though that was the initial intention behind that option. Now I just have it in because it makes sense that you'd be able to do that.

Ah yes.


I know this feeling well. My sympathies.
Fortunately not lasting, but still, the consequences of speed writing are what they are. My thanks.

As a keystone project I expect removal of the mind fog to be a high point of sorts in this first arc, and one likely to reveal a lot to us and to others.
Yeah. You won't technically be done it this turn - or rather you will have freed all the slann from it, but it'll be probably one turn longer or so until you've completely gotten rid of it if you pick the option that I think you will. But when you do, I'm thinking I'm gonna make then when you get some mini-interludes showing what the other slann have been getting up to.

Or maybe not. Gotta consider a bit more.

It doesn't make much sense to me to be able to teach a slaan ruler geomancy while they are busy with dealing with the administration of being a city ruler.
Oh they don't do the day-to-day stuff, they have skinks for that. Being a city ruler for a slann is more about really intimately familiarizing themselves with the spell that forms the bedrock of that particular city's name - this is the reason different cities are arranged differently, because the geomantic web layout in each city will spell out the glyph of that spell in the language of the Old Ones, Anoqeyan.

Other thought however, can all of the high ranking priests of Sotek do the Transformation of Kadon that Teninhuan did in turn 5?
Only the really high-ranking ones, and then only in big rituals and such. Doing research into summoning godly avatars will spread the ability to transform further.

Now he's ripping off Cinderella! And other references that Mathematicae couldn't identify!
Fun fact, I was writing so fast that I actually didn't remember what I'd written until I got back from work and read it again. So all those references, if there were any, came directly from my subconscious.
Yeah. You won't technically be done it this turn - or rather you will have freed all the slann from it, but it'll be probably one turn longer or so until you've completely gotten rid of it if you pick the option that I think you will. But when you do, I'm thinking I'm gonna make then when you get some mini-interludes showing what the other slann have been getting up to.

Or maybe not. Gotta consider a bit more.


Only the really high-ranking ones, and then only in big rituals and such. Doing research into summoning godly avatars will spread the ability to transform further.
Hmm. Wouldn't have expected it to be in that tech line since I thought it was its own thing, but it makes sense so coolio.

Well if we might be getting interludes from the other Elder slaan when we finish it, that sounds like a good time to plop down my Lady Sanctionite and the Blessed Maria du Lac von Karlow omake to show a perspective on Turn 5 from the outside. I can then work on the next one in that series and polish up the other two Saurus omakes that have been sitting in the vault while my internet is in the crapper.
So summoning Avatars of Sotek like Avatars of Khaine?

Bloody hell this will be a laugh! Not to mention that we can and bloody will be making a god of death next turn...can't have Daemons munching on lizardmen souls.

With Death, Entropy, and Mist we could have narratively make Mists that slowly corrrods anyone that is a event of the lizardmen, and that it's mists hide the souls of our race from the predations of the warp while giving the said souls a chance to hunt daemons that get trapped inside the mists for eternity.

Or unless the souls of the dead are called as Order beings to go murderize warm bloods in the materium plane.

I can see a skunk preist of said death god calling upon the dead sarus legions and them appearing while they rip a bloodthirster into pieces and then proceed to murderize a band of orks who are trying to steal a tablet of the old ones. (Or maybe it's the eldar because papa toads are going to get IRRITATED on how far those Hot Bloods fucked up the Old Ones Plans!!!)
Hmm. Wouldn't have expected it to be in that tech line since I thought it was its own thing, but it makes sense so coolio.
It's not quite so much like a lore of magic that can be called on anytime so much as a divine blessing that can be called down with the right set of rituals and narrative circumstances. As you get more experienced with gods and such, your stockpile of these rituals spreads further among your priesthood, and more priests can pull stuff like that off easier.

So summoning Avatars of Sotek like Avatars of Khaine?
Not anywhere near so easily available as Khaine's avatars, that's a special case, but you do get godly avatar tech a few techs in yeah. It'll probably be something you accomplish during the timeskip.
Wait a minute. *stupid idea hits*

Don't the Slaan have actual coffee as an attempted mind fog remedy. And doesn't 40k just have like "re-caf".

We could be Coffee Magnates.
I knew you could do it! Believe in the me that believes in the you that believes in the ancient Red Bull!
Funnily enough I didn't even drink any of it, that was all unaugmented me.

Wait a minute. *stupid idea hits*

Don't the Slaan have actual coffee as an attempted mind fog remedy. And doesn't 40k just have like "re-caf".

We could be Coffee Magnates.
An interesting prospect!

Slann attempts to use coffee bean analogues to beat the mind fog weren't really like coffee as most know it, though - it was more 'grind beans into a paste with the inclusion of nutritious sap from the Lustrian Tree of Great Wisdom', which the slann would then choke down. It was a disgusting mixture, but they did what they had to.