I don't disagree that they might not know weMre here, but whatever important to note is these are Feral Orks. There is no "fleet" to speak of, they've been in a long, slow stated of build, fight, degrade, build, rinse and repeat. But they've never gotten off the ground, literally.
By fleet I mean water navy of boats like their rafts.
Hey this update! What do we have here?

flocks of voracious insectile creatures resembling scorpions with wings that spat poison

Is that a Gliscor reference? You know, a bat-like pokemon with a carapace Armor, wings and a scorpion tail.

chameleon skinks stayed gone until eight thousand years later, when Oxyotl returned.
Mykor'xop, the fifth generation slann who had begun to research these intricacies more than thirty solar revolutions ago, ended the decade content, observing the first spawning of Chameleon Skinks since Oxyotl's departure.

So what you're saying is for Chameleon Skink to spawn they need a positive Slann role model to be present of their creation? Sounds straightforward.
The Mind Fog has been confirmed to be a Megadaemon of Fugue - a classification only it occupies, as an entity far stronger than any greater daemon of chaos but unaffiliated with any Ruinous power. It is formed from the stolen power and subconscious thoughts of the slann afflicted by it, and acts only to impose its core concept of confusion and slumber upon the slann - either passively through the mind fog phenomenon, or actively if it encounters any active slann in the Immaterium. It is confirmed to have been formed by the efforts of four greater daemons of chaos in an attempt to cripple the slann in a way that would not later backfire upon them.
Those are fighting words, daemon scum!
We need to find a way to turn this against them. Trap the daemon and use it as a power source for a superweapon?
Those are fighting words, daemon scum!
We need to find a way to turn this against them. Trap the daemon and use it as a power source for a superweapon?
If your idea ever involves the words 'Using the Daemon as a power source' you should feel bad, and go to Mazdamundi-Sensei for....re-education.

Either kill it conventionally or sacrifice it to Sotek. Regardless get rid of it completely.
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Instead, saurus-sized stone boxes were set up with entrances that could only be opened from within and vision slits small enough that the parasites could not gain entry. Saurus sentries were entombed within these upright coffins and set periodically around the cities, allowing for the warriors to serve as a detection system without getting infected.
"Suck it Deadbloods, we can do your pop-up shit too!"
I can just imagine a Saurus burying itself alongside a vampire that hid itself in a coffin to escape said Saurus. And every time some poor soul cracks open the coffin to loot it or recruit new minions, the first thing he asks is, "Is he still there?"
But perhaps the most impactful thing he did as a defense measure was take a tally of every Dread Saurian the lizardmen possessed, what areas they frequented, and what blessings of the Old Ones they bore. It was well known that the mien of an Old One influenced the taste preferences of a dread saurian in somewhat predictable ways - those bearing the Configuration of Chotec craved hot, potent flavors and scents, the ones marked by Tlanxla preferred prey that could put up a fight, and so on. Having accumulated this data, Kroq-Gar proceeded to gather appropriate amounts of 'treats' he knew from experience that Dread Saurians of various configurations would travel miles for, and strategically deployed them to places where it would be advantageous for the creatures to be. Many a Mochantian predator soon met their end between sword-sized fangs, often when they least expected it.
Ah yes, the "We have a Hulk" strategy.
on one memorable occasion, a creature that bore faint resemblance to the dragons of Mallus in size and ferocity. He and Zwup fought the creature for a day and a half, utilizing their fierce agility to maneuver around its snapping jaws and buffeting wings, and delivering precise cuts and bites until at last the creature died, bleeding from a hundred wounds.
... having Pandora life-forms puts alot of things into context. Really explains alot.
in this strange new era, no longer could the lizardmen afford to blindly execute the designs of their masters without knowing why - in order to fulfill their purpose in this vast universe, they had to take the means of their creation into their own hands.
And here's the quest summary, right here.
Mykor'xop, the fifth generation slann who had begun to research these intricacies more than thirty solar revolutions ago, ended the decade content, observing the first spawning of Chameleon Skinks since Oxyotl's departure. As he gazed upon the color-changing creatures emerging from the glowing waters, their scales instinctively shifting to match the color of the spawning caverns, the itch that had pervaded his mind and driven him to forsake rest until the project was complete faded.

Spawning Pools successfully researched! New pools may now be freely created. New projects unlocked. Chameleon Skink spawning has re-commenced.

Keystone project completed - the departed elder slann are now able to spawn forces of their own.
"Yes. I am your father."
Also, really happy the other oldies aren't just bumming around on their own. They can be proper Legendary Lords, so to speak.
They pushed inwards, digging into the fog towards the spark of changing color, which slowly grew larger as they progressed towards it. They drifted towards it for a subjective eternity, and for an eternity did it grow larger in their perception. What had started as a barely visible spark of light grew to the size of a pebble, then to a plum, a skink, then a kroxigor. They drew closer and it grew yet more, a house-sized amalgamation of light that gave off great buffeting waves of spiritual heat as it changed from hue to hue, crimson to emerald to azure to lilac, and other colors that could not be named by mortal minds. It began to push the slann back with its presence when it became the size of a city, and they began to perceive many comparatively small strands of twine extending out from the maelstrom of energy, extending out into the greater depths of the fog to what they innately knew were the slann who had been entrapped in slumber.
Oooh, that sounds bad. Like, really bad. Bad even for a Chaos Undivided Project.
Once there was a spire 30 million miles high built of skulls and flayed nerves, with handholds made of solar eclipses and support beams crafted from nihilistic sorrow. An unimaginably massive dragon coiled itself around the spire, and devoured all who attempted to climb to the top through the power of its words, which were themselves carnivorous.

At the top of the spire was a crystal smaller than the head of a pin, which contained an infinite palace of the gods. In the 179th antechamber, which held captive the populations of thirteen worlds and had been constructed for this very moment, four of the infinite gods of the Warp held council. They were among the greatest powers of their respective courts, sublime titans of power that cracked the universe with their footsteps, and they were gathered for a grave purpose. Yulogoth watched with caution, for though this had already happened, the Warp cared little for causality.
Figures Chaos would go to such extravagant waste to make a fucking conference room.
Zaraknyel, Eidolon of Ecstacy, frowned in the six hundred sixty-seventh fashion, for his aborted pleasure was immense. "The spawn of the Old Creators are so drab," she wheedled. "Their unquestioned unity offends Slaanesh." Such was the sorrow expressed in its words that six billion daemons trailing on their heels drowned themselves in bitter tears.

Scabeiathrax, Lord of the Blighted Pit, grunted and glorted in discontent. "Their very construction rejects Pater Nurgle's truth," he wheezed. "If they will not decay, they will never see the wisdom and joy of great despair. The Plaguefather weeps for them," he sighed, letting out a great cloud of toxins that subjected millions of mortal souls scurrying at his feet to seven kalpas of plague.

Skarbrand, the Right Hand of Khorne, flared his wings and snorted in annoyance. His banishment from the Blood God's realm had taken place eons ago, but the Warp was a timeless place, and this gathering was thus both before and after Skarbrand's betrayal of his god, caused by his burgeoning hunger not for slaughter, but domination. "The toad things disgust me," he hissed, fire flickering between his jaws. "They are born cowardly and weak, relying on magery to prove their worth. But there is no need to know why we hate them. They are simply our enemy." His gaze turned to the room's final occupant. "Give us the reason for this gathering."
Oh fuck, it's the big four's Big Four. It's the Law Of Narrative Weight, whenever a Named Character gets involved, the laws of physics and causality bend and break the greater and more important the figure is.
Amon'Chakai, arguably the strongest Lord of Change in all of eternity, gazed back steadily. He stood up from his throne of crystallized destiny and immediately towered a hundred miles above the other daemons, for Tzeentch was in the ascendant place of the powers of the Warp. "A solution," he croaked, and with a wave of his claw summoned an image that conveyed concepts only comprehensible by beings of the Warp.

It was an intricate constellation of thousands of shining lights, connected to each other by an oscillating web of power. A shimmering tide of flesh and flame and darkness pounded against its bulwark again and again, but the constellation's power was self-supporting, and it struck out against the mass of warp-stuff with great eruptions of searing force, driving it back.

"They require no rest and will give no opportunity for corruption," came Amon'Chakai's voice. "Vulnerability will be manually introduced." And the vision changed; a dull fog swept over the constellation, and the vast majority of the stars dimmed and faded to dull pebbles. The other daemon lords leaned in, examining the intricate structure of the proposed construct.
How magical... yet scientific.
"I agree," Scabeiathrax burbled after much churning of his thoughts. "Though it will not go as far in spreading Nurgle's love as I would otherwise insist on, defiling the slann both physically and spiritually is a song of praise to the Plaguefather regardless. This child shall be loved by Grandfather, though it will not be wholly his."
"You're only a quarter my child, but I still give you birthday presents and hugs and pustules because I love you all the same."
There's the creepiness and affection we know.
"This is a cowardly way of combating the Communion. Khorne will be enraged that a proper reckoning against their magery is denied him," Skarbrand growled. His teeth ground, sending sparks flying out of his mouth. He stared with a molten gaze at the daemonic image. "But it will work, and a blow must be struck against the scaled ones." He turned once more to Amon'Chakai. "I know your ilk. You would not have gone this far if you had not obtained sanction directly from your Power's foresight. How long will this gambit last?"
People so often forget that Khorne, in the end, doesn't give a shit about rules. He has preferences, but what works, works.
Amon'Chakai did not look back at the Bloodthirster, instead lifting his head to lock eyes with Yulogoth, his gaze piercing time to strike a chill into the slann's heart. "It will endure until the end of their era," the Lord of Change promised, and everything vanished.
Ah yes, leaving yourself a bit of wriggle-room, for the casting off of your construct would truly divorce the Slann from who they were, as would any newly spawned Slann free of the taint.
Yulogoth awoke a year later, the effort of the rest of the slann managing to wrench him out of the grip of the mind fog, which had clamped down tightly upon him, allowing the rest of them to escape. After a further year spent in seclusion, rigorously examining the entirety of his being in order to ensure there was no possible trace of daemonic trickery within his person, Yulogoth shared the insights he had gained with the rest of the Communion, and was met with a combination of trepidation and relief. The revelation that their affliction had been personally designed by the closest the Chaos Gods could come to paying personal attention was alarming, but at the same time it confirmed the fog's nature as a daemon, and one that was incapable of fighting back by its very nature at that.

And the slann were nothing if not skilled at destroying daemons.
Oh yeah, time to kick some foggy ass!
The slann followed these processions east, noting that they were slowly angling more and more north the further they went, until at last they arrived at a battleground roughly two thousand miles from the temple-cities. The jungle here was burning, blasted apart by crude industry and weapons that gave off thick, choking smoke. The Ayacmanik poured from the shifting greenery in a wave of angry, screeching bodies, charging across muddy, trampled, soot-stained ground to do battle with an army of Orks.
They were lead by a behemoth of an ork, standing just under three meters tall. The warboss was fully embroiled in the miles-wide battle with the Ayacmanik, leading his followers by example as he used a hammer with whirring spiked chains all over it to pulp the torso of an Amoxnen alpha, grabbing another by the neck with one hand and squeezing so hard that bloody pulp came flying out of the creature's eyes as it died. Laughing uproariously at how their bites had failed to even pierce his skin, he waved his fellows on, the tide of green invigorated by their leader's display of might.
They also have a technology caste, the majority of which appears to be working on a project of some sort in the wastelands.
NONONONONONONONONO! We're not ready for Semi-Feral Orks! We don't have the personal armor, or machines! NOT AS PLANNED!
The fruit of the ultimate predator was rotten and brought only death when eaten at long last. It now stands a hollow remnant, a mockery of that which was before.
That's 'Nids. The Tyranids left long-range scouting life-forms even before the Genestealers that devolved into feral predators, such as the Kraken of Fenris. These parasites are likely derived from Genestealers.
The Garden will rage and thrash at its discovery, but could not halt the inevitable. The storm cannot be controlled; it can only be allowed to pass by or stopped in its tracks.
That's Orks.
The fruit of the ultimate predator... probably the orks, having been descended from or are the incomplete versions of the krork. The question becomes then, what is the garden? An ancient species or an individual? There are two creators, a progenitor and a killer.
... oh fuck.
Oh fuck.

No matter how you slice it Argidoll, that sounds alot like something born on Octarius.
These parasites are likely derived from Genestealers.
I find that unlikely, because they specifically describe two progenitor beings. More likely seems the Eldar, Other Alien Race, or Old Ones.

Also they share like, nothing with the Genestealer life cycle.
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Ehhhh honestly I don't really care about the parasites origins. I still plan on exterminating them to the last, once the Ork WAAAGH! is taken care of, so their backstory doesn't really matter to me. I just did the action in the hopes of finding another weakness we could use. Sadly no luck there.

More to the point, we need to find that Mek Project, and keep a VERY sharp eye on that war going on. Orks and Bugs butchering each other is fine, but if the Orks start winning, we need to be ready to fuck shit up via Geomatic Ritual. We're probably going to Geo Ritual whatever the Mek Project is but ehhhhhh more targets.

So, sloooooow and verrrrrrrrry fortified expansion for now, and then probably get ready for a fight once the WAAAGH!! is dealt with. I doubt the Oversoul is going to be nice enough to just let it's Horde dissolve and scatter across the continental ring while we're expanding our territory.
Also they share like, nothing with the Genestealer life cycle.
Considering they infect subjects and bring them into one localized overmind? I wouldn't be so sure. Again, look at the Kraken of Frenris. It used to be Tyranid. But after being left alone for so long, it's devolved from its highly specialized form and become its own organism with only a few key genetic components left of its progenitor species.
I hate Prophecies.
The fruit of the ultimate predator was rotten and brought only death when eaten at long last. It now stands a hollow remnant, a mockery of that which was before.

The Garden will rage and thrash at its discovery, but could not halt the inevitable. The storm cannot be controlled; it can only be allowed to pass by or stopped in its tracks.
A couple things stand out looking at it as a whole... Besides the galling lack of direct explanation. First... This thing transitions between tenses. "The fruit was rotten... when eaten." So that is something that cannot be changed. The next sentence speaks of this thing as it still exists. Joy.

The next line? Stanza? I'm not completely sure here, different monitor lengths do things to lines... Anyway, We are at what looks like the future, "will rage"... Though this might actually be a conditional statement. When the "Garden" discovers the tainted fruit, it rages. Then the tense changes to the past, or possibly the future perfect.

"Fruit of the Ultimate Predator" so the entire first half of this thing came from something else... Something greater. But it didn't do what was expected or desired of it. And yet... This undesirable thing still exists, even though it has been used, it is going against its intended purpose.

Gardens in Western thought go back to the "Garden of Eden" a lot symbolically. They're "safe spots" in nature, where it can be interacted with... minus the danger. They're beginnings. So... A most literal interpretation is that the planet is going to go ballistic soon, assuming that the fruit is the orks and not something else. (Now if that's because the Slann... Slann we don't know.) But that alone isn't going to be enough to stop what is coming. We will either need to do more and eradicate the problem.

The last sentence freaks me out because it doesn't seem to have that many layers to it. If it's talking about the Orks, then it's business as usual, with an extra dose of "Exterminus". If this is partially or entirely about the parasites, we are being warned against making them a client species. "The Storm" whatever that means "cannot be controlled."
Is there anything stopping us from just deleting the Warboss with a ritual and forcing the orcs into infighting for a bit?
Besides warning the Shamans that something else is on the continent besides the bugs? Nope. Right now though, the Bugs and the Orks are murdering the shit out of each other, and there's no reason to butt into that. When your enemies are ignoring you, or don't know you exist, and are slaughtering each other, you don't poke your head out of the sand. You sit back, grab some popcorn, crack open a cold one, and watch the earth turn red while laughing at your good fortune.
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Besides warning the Shamans that something else is on the continent besides the bugs? Nope. Right now though, the Bugs and the Orks are murdering the shit out of each other, and there's no reason to but into that. When your enemies are ignoring you, or don't know you exist, you don't poke your head out of the sand. You sit back, grab some popcorn, crack open a cold one, and watch the earth turn red while laughing at your good fortune.
Question... What happens if they try to mobilize in a direction that has them walk through our cities?
Question... What happens if they try to mobilize in a direction that has them walk through our cities?
Then we open up a can of Geomantic and Slann Whoop Ass and make them get the fuck off our lawn.

Regardless of that right now we're fine. The Oversoul is directing it's attention against The WAAAGH!!, so unless we get a sudden increase in our local Parasite Numbers, I'm fine letting the bugs pass through. If it's the Orks? Well they'll have had to push forward through the Horde for 2,000 Milies, and we'll have plenty of forewarning in that case.
If this is partially or entirely about the parasites, we are being warned against making them a client species. "The Storm" whatever that means "cannot be controlled."
The storm can also mean the Orks in someway because like a storm they're wild, uncontrollable, and destroy everything in their way.

Anyway, we're gonna need to boost our tech and everything before we fuck with these two obstacles.
The storm can also mean the Orks in someway because like a storm they're wild, uncontrollable, and destroy everything in their way.

Anyway, we're gonna need to boost our tech and everything before we fuck with these two obstacles.
I realize. I'm just trying to find all the little key opacities that could fuck us over if we try to take the most obvious meaning.
*Shrug* Prophecies are basically worthless in my experience. I'll just piddle along until we unknowingly run over whatever the problem was supposed to be or it breaksdown our front door.
Considering they infect subjects and bring them into one localized overmind? I wouldn't be so sure. Again, look at the Kraken of Frenris. It used to be Tyranid. But after being left alone for so long, it's devolved from its highly specialized form and become its own organism with only a few key genetic components left of its progenitor species.
The do not alter the biology of the host like Genestealers do, and Genestealers use a retrovirus instead of a grub.

I see the only similarity as the hive mind introduction, and even then, there's differences because the Genestealer Cult is a linking of Souls via psychic mularky instead of Oversoul shenanigans.
yall are very worried about the bugs, but im concerned about the fog. "until the end of their era." does that mean that we can get rid of it now, being off mallus and not affecting things in fantasy, or is it from our perspective, and ending the fog will destroy the slann?
yall are very worried about the bugs, but im concerned about the fog. "until the end of their era." does that mean that we can get rid of it now, being off mallus and not affecting things in fantasy, or is it from our perspective, and ending the fog will destroy the slann?
It would a very shitty move by a great GM if the greatest assets to our race/faction, were forever handicapped because of the curse, or killed because we removed it.

So I think your just being very paranoid and trusting the word of TZEENTCH'S greatest deamon.
So... If this Fog Demon is only leaching power off of the living Slann, does that mean we can get the Relic Preists to Ding-Dong Ditch it with all the collective Slann power it's been hording?
The fruit of the ultimate predator was rotten and brought only death when eaten at long last. It now stands a hollow remnant, a mockery of that which was before.

The Garden will rage and thrash at its discovery, but could not halt the inevitable. The storm cannot be controlled; it can only be allowed to pass by or stopped in its tracks.
I think people are reaching trying to tie the prophecy to existing 40k lore, when it seems to me that that pretty handily tie into the explorations of the the Ayacmanik's earliest memories here:
Existence was emerging from a thick blanket of unfathomable inaction. It was awakening, it was thought, it was perception.

It was, and knew only that it had once not been.

It was learning of
place and things and time. It was growing in awareness, knowing that it must eat and drink and breed, and as it knew more and more it gradually found that there were other things that were ... living, and they were watching it.

There were two, and they were luminous. One was ... was [Originator] and [Ecosystem] and [Biodiversity]. Things it did not, could not know. But [Progenitor] was ... it was comfort. It was not-threat. Not like the other. The other was ... fear. It was [Hunt] and [Competition] and [Predation]. It was [Killer], and could not be looked upon.

The others desired differently. [Challenge] desired a strong ... prey. A powerful thing to consume with difficulty. [Fertile] wanted ... a [balance]. An ending of some things and a beginning of others. It did not know what these were. But the others were [accepted] of each other, and it was the making of their coming together.

There was time, much of it. It grew larger, into more eyes and feet and mouths, and did not see [Pursuit] or [Fertile] again. It saw other things, many things that were life, and learned how to walk and hunt and be them.

Then there was fire, and light, and shaking like an ending of everything. Then, more quickly than any other life could be alive from the fire, the new ones came. They were many and they were hungry and they were everywhere. They were...

They were -

The two structures at the poles are likely connected to whatever created the Ayacmanik, especially with how the northern structure was described in terms that very much resonate with 'dead' as a descriptor. Also, the references to the "fruit of the ultimate predator" and the second creator being given the titles [Hunt], [Competition], [Predation], and [Killer].

With titles like [Ecosystem] and [Biodiversity], the first creator is clearly the Garden.
ok next turn keep expanding the dino pens, as well as expanding the cities until we get level 5 cities across the board and then proceed to make several level 1 cities in the surrounding region until we have enough actions to massively incur a eternal landslide action. (aka cities keep improving and building more cities and/or improving defenses).

Also we go to forging district in the tablets and check the vaults...

As for dealing with the fog daemon? we need to massively increase Sotek's power and kill the fucker along with attacking it via Slann power. This two front assault could prove the daemon's end unless we want to sacrifice it to Sotek to grant him enough strength to aid the lizardmen.

Especially if we decide to craft 3 more gods to counter the 4 chaos gods of the warp.
(with Sotek and its three allies we could end up creating shrine cities for each of them...thus allowing the four lizardmen gods to have a temple of their worth and power in the warp from the narrative)

after all with narrative power from ancient lizardmen honoring and worshipping 4 lizard gods that have a hate boner for chaos and all its minions/servants...yeah I look forward to making them and seeing them kick some ass!

anyway chipping away at the warp daemon sounds like a good idea if we can send all our Slann support against it as well as sacrifice the daemon to Sotek when its weakened.
Oh, great, Orks. Insidious little... blah, never mind. Ayacmanik are corralling them for now. I'm extremely tempted to just Atlantis the North Continent, interest in the mountain be damned. We have the power.

I'm in favour of getting Sotek on the case. "You worship the Emperor? That's cute." Plus there are other things we can use a Sotek that beefy for. I really wonder what the "more esoteric avenues of action" mentioned in the Alternate Solutions action are.

Again, I'd like to assign Slann rulers, but I've been argued on this point before. It costs us pretty much nothing and gives something, even if the mind fog means it doesn't always apply. It's something for nothing, what's the problem?


I kind of want to set to work on Deific Template as well as investigating using Sotek. Maybe a 7/3 balance of Slann on Sotek/Deific Templates. Maybe another couple of Fifth Gens on Consulting the Relic Priests again to see if they give us something useful. That's a best-case-scenario though, more likely is that we should get Forging Districts to arm up for the coming Ork shittery. God I hate Orks. 5/4/1 balance of Sotek/Forging Districts/Deific Template is my ideal I guess.

Not really sure about the city actions. I know I want to purge around Hexoatl and Improve Xlanhuapec. Then Exploit the Jungle around Tlaxtlan, because it has no Ayacmanik presence, so we don't risk having infiltrators. I see that NotDragon and I want. I really, really want. If it took Tiqtak'to and his lizlads a day and a half to take down just one, imagine what they'd be like en masse under his control? I'd like to avoid the Found New City action for now, since I think that'd just be one more city we need to manually put Forging Districts in. I think there's just something of a lack of things to do with our city actions. I suppose any spare things can be spent in purging the Ayacmanik, because seriously dudes go away we don't want you here. It's possible, even probable, that there'll be another class of action though. Maybe an upgrade on Set Up Fortifications? We'll see.