I fired another shot.
The eyeball vanished, and two more of the Ancient's tentacles extended out from the endless, deep, empty hole in reality that sought to consume.
I threw the hand holding my pistol downwards into one of them, and it retracted. I shot the other.
I heard chanting--it grated against my mind, seeking to erode it, but my will held.
I chanted the syllables back out at the darkness, countering it.
The Ancient recoiled, as if being pushed back by an invisible force.
The oppressive atmosphere, generated by the mere presence of the incomprehensible being I was in the same realm as, thinned a bit more. And I felt it.
A hole had opened up, in the seams of this reality; I was not the one this seal was meant to keep shut, and so, I could escape from it. I only needed to hold off the Ancient long enough for an opening to appear.
And now, it had appeared.
I wasted no time in chanting the sealing ritual again, and the atmosphere generated by the Ancient dissipated completely.
I went through the gap.
I blinked as the world came into focus.
...Either I've finally gone insane, or I really am in…
I looked over at one of the signs on a nearby shop.
I thought about it for a bit, but I was too tired to care. The last 24 hours or so hadn't made much sense either.
I walked over to a park bench, and sat down.
I watched the people around me, and thought, Well, here I am again. Everything seems to have gone back to normal. Or at least, as normal as it ever was.
I'll eventually need to get back to the Ministry. I left them with a large mess to take care of.
I'll also need to look into more countermeasures for the future. Wouldn't want to be there alone again, after all.
I reached into one of my pockets, and took out my wallet. I had about 154 pounds on me.
That wasn't enough to pay for much of anything, but it was a start.
I also believed that I still had some dusty jewelry on my person, so there was that, too.
And so, I was apparently two years in the past.
I was more than slightly surprised at that revelation, as you can imagine. Most people would be.
I'm under the impression that something else is at work, though; I don't think that a tear in reality that simple could do something like that.
I can take the idea of it dropping me off at a different point in space than where I previously was.
But this?
Even if I'm wrong, and it can allow time travel, I've learned it's better not to take chances.
In any case, I'm going to turn in for the night. I'll try to contact the Ministry tomorrow, but I get the impression that doing that won't make the situation any more clear.
I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Shortly after I woke up the next morning, I asked one of the employees of the hotel which city I was in. It was an odd question, but they answered it anyway. I was in the city of Mitakihara; I hadn't heard of it before, but that was to be expected. I'd never actually looked into the boundaries and geography of Japan.
I attempted to call several of my colleagues at the Ministry, to no avail. All of the numbers I tried failed, and I was simply told that there was nobody that had that number.
Before, it had only been a vague suspicion, but now I knew for certain that something strange was going on. I knew that the Ministry of Occultism existed long before the year 2011, and that we hadn't changed our number in years; so that left two options.
and possibly a third
Either this is an alternate universe, or somebody has been messing around with time.
I decided to go out on a walk; there wasn't much I could learn sitting around in a hotel lobby.
An uneasy feeling settled over me as I passed by the alleyway; another person might have shrugged it off. I didn't. I wouldn't have, even if I had been a couple decades younger.
It was weird, actually thinking back on it. Had it really been almost twenty years since I had been stuck in that mansion?
But now was no time to reminiscence. I needed to pay attention.
A chill ran down my spine, as I heard an inhuman giggle.
I snuck into the alleyway, reaching into my coat.
My heart skipped a beat as I caught sight of the source; it appeared to be a child's drawing of a rabbit with a cat's head, and a snake's tail.
I hadn't seen something like this before, and I didn't remember reading anything about it in our databanks. I had nothing to go on; there wasn't even a physical resemblance to anything I had encountered before. I would have to see if it was hostile, then.
I tailed it for the next fifteen minutes, as it moved from alleyway to alleyway, before finally confirming that it was hostile when it tried to attack a human passing nearby one of the shadows it was hiding in.
I shot it before it could manage that, and it shattered into pieces. I ran away as fast as I could; it wouldn't be very useful if I got arrested here, before I could get anything done.
It almost felt nostalgic; almost like I was re-experiencing one of my heists.
In any case, I now knew something. Supernatural beings do exist, here, whether this be another universe, or someone messing with time. And they do seem to have a natural disposition towards harming people. Of course, I only have one example to go on, so I could be wrong.
In any case, it looks like I have a lot to look into. And it appears that I'm not getting any sort of reprieve from this sort of thing any time soon.
I'll get started immediately. Good afternoon, world.
Signed, T