You sigh, paging through your notes. You've got faces, and some names--people you've met at parties, or seen on TV, who don't seem to have previously existed in your early memories. You've got locations, and businesses, which you cannot recollect from before.
For example, there's a random restaurant you went to last year--Wagnaria--which simply did not exist in your original memories. You remember schoolmates who did not previously exist, as well. And your mother had coworkers you only recall from this timeline, as well--Doctor Joestar, for example.
Ultimately, the problem is not a
lack of information, but an
excess. There are simply too many minor changes to the world and your personal history for you to narrow down which ones are truly important.
That being said, there is
one that immediately jumps out as worth looking into.
Leaning back in your desk chair, you dial the number you found in amongst your emails.
The voice of an older man, one in his sixties or seventies, answers in English. You're not actually a master of the language, but you can understand him at least, "Hello? May I ask who is calling?"
"Homura Akemi." You answer, hoping he recognizes your name.
"Ah! Miss Akemi, what a surprise! I'll see if the young master is available." His voice is surprisingly warm, you think, for a servant.
A couple of minutes pass, during which you can faintly hear the muffled sound of footsteps on tile, followed by the opening of a door.
"Ah, Miss Akemi is on the phone, my Lord." The butler sounds slightly nervous; you wonder if he just interrupted something for this call.
"Homura? Pass it here!" A boy's voice answers. You here a slight shuffling, and then the same voice speaks, this time in Japanese, "Ah, Homura! It's been a while since you wrote! I was beginning to worry! Some sort of account issue, perhaps?"
"Sorry, Clovis, I've just been very busy. I had something I wanted to ask you about, if you have a moment?"
You recall the first time you met Clovis Britannia. It was a hot summer day when you were seven or so, and you were staying at the Workshop with your grandfather. He was deep in his work on a new clock, when a heavy knock came at the door.
He remained silent, as expected, unwilling to take time from his work for an unscheduled customer, but he sat aside his tools at the voice that echoed from beyond the entrance.
A giant of a man, with ostentatious garments and flowing brown hair, was let inside. Your grandfather greeted him as "Charles," and the two secluded themselves to discuss something at length--you do not know what.
Meanwhile, the man's son, an arrogant but friendly young boy a few years older than you, was left to keep you company in the sitting room.
Ultimately, you ended up playing chess with him--you had some familiarity with the rules already, but he was far better. Apparently, it's something of a fixation for his family.
You recall threatening his rook with your bishop, only for him to turn around and attack your queen in return, turning the tide in his favor in the process. You were furious at the surprising move, and he offered a small piece of advice in his clumsy Japanese.
"People aren't like clocks, Akemi-san. They do not just do the thing you expect, they do whatever they want, so you have to be ready for that too."
It was not terribly insightful, in hindsight, but it was a new concept when you heard it--after all, you thought at that time that everything ultimately was the same as a clock.
You're not
entirely sure you were wrong, but it was a novel way of thinking about things, at least.
In the present, there's a brief pause, likely as he tries to parse your words, "Yes. Apologies, my Japanese is still weak. Could we switch?" At least, you think that's what he's trying to say. His word choices are very strange, among other things.
You really wish you could thank your Grandfather for teaching you so many languages, although you also wish he'd spent more time on English and French, instead of niche or dead languages.
As it is, you switch to Welsh, one language that you know Clovis shares with you. You don't speak it terribly often--actually, thinking about it, you're surprised you remember it at all, after all of these years.
"Will this do? I haven't spoken in this tongue in years." You cringe internally, knowing that you're probably making some odd word choices yourself, now, but you know it's better than your English, at least.
He, thankfully, responds in turn, "Ah, it's a bit clumsy for myself, as well. Clearer than Japanese, nonetheless. What did you wish to ask of me?"
"Could you tell me what you know about the origins of your House? I have found myself studying history some, and distrust many sources." You offer your cover story; the reality is that you're curious if his family's history actually makes any sense, or if they're noticeably out-of-place in history. None of your other newly-acquired old acquaintances have the kind of family history that you could trace back so far.
"Oh! I see! Ah, well, we don't
entirely know the truth. There are stories that claim our family descends from King Arthur, but…well, Arthur is probably largely fictional. I do believe we're distant cousins of the Tudors, but that was a matrilineal addition to the bloodline." He explains, speaking casually, albeit with barely-hidden pride.
"Could you tell me more about these stories?" You ask, hoping to find something verifiable that you can work with.
"Well, as the story goes, Mordred had a son prior to his death at Camlann, and--" He cuts off, lapsing back into English as his voice grows distant, "What is it, Harrison!? I'm--ah, what has you so--oh. Why are you--for me? I'm supposed to--? Oh, what does this--this seal is--" He pauses, speaking into the phone's receiver again, "One moment, Homura. I have just received a very important letter."
The line goes silent except for the sounds of paper.
Until, that is, his voice drops through the line, sounding as if he has been punched in the gut, "What the is this!? What the fuck!?"
That is not something you ever expected to hear from Clovis.
A moment later, his voice comes through again, in Welsh, "Ah. That is. The letter is for you, Homura. It reads as follows. To be clear, I am not translating. This is written in Welsh, for some reason."
"Precog? Has to be another precog."
"Homura Akemi, immortal, you are hereby invited to Buckingham Palace between the dates of March 16th, 2011 and May 1st, 2011. A room has been prepared for you. You are permitted one companion, bound by Contract. We hope you will choose to accept Our invitation, as matters of great import are afoot, as you well know. We await your response patiently, and look forward to Our meeting with you. "
Clovis pauses, then adds, "This is sealed with the royal crest, Homura. I cannot begin to describe how unwise it would be to refuse this invitation. That being said,
what is going on!?"
"Remember when I told you not to go to London? This kind of thing is why you don't go to London. I don't doubt that London's Ruler is involved in this, if you're being contacted like this.
"I am not entirely sure, Clovis, but it appears I may be visiting soon. If you'll excuse me, I need to go think this over." You're pretty sure your wariness is apparent, but Clovis' own voice is more nervous than your own.
"Y-yes, of course. I--I have a brother with some connections in the Palace. I'll see if he knows anything, and get back to you."
"Thank you."
With that, you hang up, and lean back to process what has just happened.
Clovis Socialize (0/200) > Rolled (61) > (61/200)
False Memories (75/100) > Rolled (62) + 30 > Breakthrough! > (0/200)
Mission Unlocked: A Royal Invitation
You arrive at Miyazaki Books as the sun sets, and find Kyouko already present, lingering in the Classical Literature section, engrossed in a book. A surreptitious glance reveals it to be Dante's
Paradiso, in the original Italian.
Pondering it, you wonder if this level of education was always common among your friends, or if something happened along the way that changed things. You simply can't say for sure, having been distant from them in so many of your earlier loops.
You clear your throat slightly, eliciting Kyouko's gaze to jerk up towards you. Wide-eyed, she shelves the book, clearly embarrassed by her moment of obliviousness, "Ah, sorry about that. I got here early, got a bit distracted. They've got some rare stuff." There's a long, awkward pause, before she grins, "I mean, nothing wrong with a good book, right!?"
Your eyes catch on a collection of gleaming brass letters mounted on the wall behind Kyouko.
"I have seen Tyrants and I have seen Demons, and I truly believe that no soul that adores books can be truly evil. In this place, let all cruelties and grudges be forgotten, so that we may all love books together."
Looking upon those words, a feeling of comfort passes through you, and you relax in spite of yourself. You're not sure what it is, but you do like this place.
"Of course not. Books are wonderful things! I bought a few excellent textbooks here the other day--there's an author, Honya, who's got some very interesting stories to share, between her research tips. I think I would like to meet her one of these days." You say, recalling the implied, bizarre labyrinthian library the book speaks of.
"Honya, huh? I'll have to look for her--actually, huh, I think I saw something earlier!" She hustles over towards the "Spiritualism" section of the library, returning with a small, untitled red book, embossed with gold. Its cover is a work of art in and of itself, and it instantly draw the eye.
"I wonder how I missed this the other day. It's by Honya?" You ask, curious.
She nods, "Yeah, it is. It looked so fancy I had to give it a look. Here, check it out." She hands it to you, and you open it up.
A Beginner's Magic Primer
By Honya
This manual contains the essential principles of the western school of magic, as passed down from my teacher. You who have perceived this book, please partake of its secrets, and find the same world of miracles and magic that I once did.
What follows is an extensive index, describing things such as rites, spells, poses, and wards. At a glance, it reminds you a bit of the little you've heard from Sayaka about Magecraft, but it seems remarkably more optimistic, by the looks of it.
"Fascinating. I wonder if it's real?" You ask, skimming it.
Kyouko shrugs, "I dunno. I'm gonna buy it though. Already sold my soul, might as well try out actual witchcraft."
"Stop being so damn blasé about it." The other Kyouko grumbles, "But it's probably fine. This doesn't look like the kind of magic we should be worried about--not seeing a single bit about summoning devils or selling souls, at least, and Honya seems pretty cheerful about the whole thing."
"Would you mind if I read it once you're done?" You ask, curious--even if it's nonsense, it might be a fun read regardless.
"Of course, Ribbons! But, you know, there's another copy, if you want it?" She gestures towards the shelf, where, sure enough, you see another book with the same embossing.
In purple.
You take it from the shelf, perusing it briefly, and find it's seemingly identical, other than the color, "Convenient. Want to grab a seat?" You indicate a few sofas scattered throughout the room, and the two of you make your way over to a pair, sitting down to skim your new acquisition, when a scream cuts through the serenity--and not a human one.
The both of you are dashing for the door outside in an instant, trying to determine what manner of creature is attacking you this time, but only find the screaming, flickering form of a twisted, face-like familiar disintegrating in midair outside the shop.
Moments later, it's gone.
"What the hell? You ever seen something like that, Ribbons?" Kyouko walks around the space the familiar occupied, seemingly looking for any sign of it--it would not be the first time you ran into a familiar only visible from certain angles, you reflect.
She apparently finds nothing, however, shrugging in your direction.
"I don't know, Kyouko, but it doesn't seem to be an immediate threat. We should probably look into the matter further at some point, though."
She nods her agreement, "Yeah, you're right about that. Well…uh, I was gonna get some reading in while we're here, but I should probably get back to the apartment. Mami's gonna expect me back soon."
"I have places to be, myself. I really don't have time to spend reading right now." A gloom settles over you as you put the matter to words.
She grimaces, "Yeah, isn't that the way of it? Well, we'll find time sometime soon." It's a statement, but her furtive glance makes it clear it's also a question.
You nod firmly, in spite of yourself, "Yes, we will. Let's go pay for these."
The two of you make your way back inside, and head to the counter to make your purchases. As you put the books on the counter, however--you insist on paying for Kyouko's--the girl at the counter (not the same one you met the other day, you notice) smiles warmly at you, picks the books up, and hands them directly back to you.
"Oh, no, we don't charge for those. They're purely a gift, for those book lovers who need them! Please come back soon, so we can all love books together!"
You smile back at her, grateful, "Of course! Thank you so much!"
She nods, her sparking blue eyes holding yours ash she smiles brightly, "My pleasure! Stay safe out there, you two!"
Kyouko, beside you, chuckles, "Don't worry, Bookworm, I'll be back again in no time! And I'll try to drag Ribbons along, too!"
You glance at her fondly, and wave to the cashier as the two of you make your way out.
Trait Revealed: Book Lover - Socialize rolls directed towards another character with the Book Lover trait while at Miyazaki Books are multiplied by 1.5.
Kyouko Trait Revealed: Book Lover
Miyazaki Books Cashier Trait Revealed: Book Lover
Miyazaki Books Cashier Socialize (0/100) > Rolled (53) / 2 * 1.5 > (40/100)
Kyouko Socialize (0/400) > Rolled (51) / 2 * 1.5 > (39/400)
Miyazaki Books (0/100) > Rolled (5) + 30 > (35/100) > Kyouko Rolled (96) + 10 > Breakthrough! > (0/300)
You knock on the door of the Kaname household, a feeling of mischief well-hidden by a deadpan expression.
"You know, I didn't realize this aspect of you existed until we'd lived together for two weeks and nearly died together several times. It's MUCH more obvious from this side."
You're project a vague feeling of smugness in Kyouko's direction as the door opens, revealing Junko Kaname, who blinks in surprise at the sight of you, glancing surreptitiously over her shoulder, "Ah, hey Kortoth, I mean Homura-chan. Did you dad give you my address, or--"
"Come on in, Homura!" Madoka waves from behind Junko.
You wave back in return before looking Junko in the eye, your lips quirking upwards in spite of yourself, "Madoka invited me. You
were saying you wanted to meet your daughter's new friends."
She gives you a long, deadpan look before sighing, "This is my life now, I guess. Somehow know my daughter's schoolfriends from my own D&D group. Alright, c'mon in--and don't talk about session, alright? Kelpis is a drunk, irresponsible troublemaker, and not a good example for my kids."
Seeing that Madoka isn't watching anymore, you give her a firm nod, "Your secret's safe with me, Junko. I won't say anything about you flirting your way out of prison." Unless Madoka asks, but you're not going to tell Junko that.
She blushes faintly, and nods, doing her best to maintain her gravitas as a grown woman, "See that you don't. Now, come in."
You stroll in, to find the rest of the Kaname family gathered in the living room.
Tomohisa greets you with a wave, "Ah, welcome back, Homura-chan! Madoka's been glancing at the door all morning--I suppose I know why now. Why don't you join me--I'm making lunch, and these girls don't much care for cooking."
Madoka gives him an affronted look, earning a laugh from him, while Junko just nods in agreement and goes to lounge on the couch.
You shrug and head to the kitchen, where Tomohisa hands you a knife and directs you to a pile of vegetables while he stirs a pot.
You set to work--you don't particularly cook, but you're more than comfortable with knives--as he watches you out of the corner of his eye, making sure you don't cut yourself.
"Nicely done, but it's better to--" He cuts off mid-sentence, dropping his wooden spoon in the pot as he staggers back against the counter behind him, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Tomohisa-san?" You watch him for a moment, during which he remains unresponsive.
Madoka looks over from where she's playing with Tatsuya, eyes widening as she sees her father, "Dad?"
Again, there's no response, and you move forward, to lay a hand upon him, beginning to Heal him, using his body to block Junko's line of sight as she turns around.
The spell seems to do little, however, only expending a modest amount of Magic before ending on its own--there's nothing left wrong with him, physically, it seems.
Junko stands, beginning to make her way around.
As she does so, Tomohisa's eyes open. They're unfocused, seeming to stare into the distance for a moment before suddenly locking with your own. It almost look like he's about to cry as he asks, "Do you still love those Magical Girl shows, Homura-chan? The ones you watched together?"
You stare at him in worry and confusion, trying to pull together an answer to his strange question.
Then he blinks, eyes clearing as he glances around, "Ah, Homura-chan? What's wrong? What…the pasta!"
He steps around you to return to his pot, seeming unbothered.
You look over at Junko and Madoka, glancing from them to Tomohisa, and Junko silently mouths to you, "I'll talk to him about it later."
You nod, satisfied, and return to chopping vegetables.
A half an hour later, lunch is ready, and you all sit down to share it--there are, of course, plenty of chairs and space at the table. The meal is lovely, and you take a bit of pride in the small part you played in that, as everyone catches up--Madoka gets you to join her in telling her about Laser Tag, which her parents seem surprisingly okay with, in spite of the frankly dangerous arena you were playing in.
"That reminds me of when I was your age." Junko says, lips curling into a wistful smile, "I would go out with Miho, Kazuko, and--" She hesitated, "--and Aiko. We'd go out to a big paintball field outside the city, and battle with some of the other teams around here. I got pretty good, although Miho an I never quite kept up with--" Another pause, "--with the others."
You recall from previous loops that Aiko was Madoka's Aunt, who died when Junko was young, so you don't press her on that, and instead ask, "Kazuko? That's not Sayaka and Madoka's homeroom teacher, is it?"
Junko smiles slightly, "One and the same. She never really struck me as the "teacher" type, but she seems to really love that school. I just hope she finds someone soon," She sighs slightly, taking a sip from her--thankfully non-alcoholic--drink, "That woman is more than capable of finding a husband, but she always crashes things the moment they start to get serious."
"Wehihi…" Madoka laughs weakly at that, doubtlessly recalling all of the rants Saotome has gone on in the classroom.
"You could join us sometime, if you want?" You offer Junko, pausing briefly as you realize that you have, yet again, forgotten that she's supposed to be older than you and casually trampled social conventions.
Junko just blinks at you slowly, "Ah…um…that is…" She looks to Tomohisa, who just shrugs, looking amused.
"C'mon, Mom! It'll be fun!" Madoka joins in, using her position as Junko's daughter to sidestep the conventions that made your request strange.
"Well, I suppose I could, but I'm really nothing special. Still…well, maybe one weekend. Just to see what that kind of thing is like nowadays." She smiles fondly as Madoka cheers lightly in response, and you give her a knowing smile and a nod.
This was definitely a play to help her spend more time with her daughter, and not a social mistake at all, and there's no need for anyone to believe otherwise.
She smiles back, looking appreciative, if slightly unnerved.
Honestly, you can't help that that lifetimes of experience and knowledge of the future makes you a little creepy. One of these days, you'll find someone who's not bothered by it--besides Madoka, of course.
Junko (9/100) > Rolled (84) > (93/100) > Madoka Rolled (24) + 40 > Breakthrough! > (0/200)
Junko Social Link 1 > 2
Tomohisa (0/100) > Rolled (6)/2 > (3/100) > Madoka Rolled ((82) + 40)/2 > (64/100)
The sword slams directly through Sayaka's eye, causing her to drop dead to the ground with a gasp, her body lying there, slowly turning to fog as you watch.
"Scream for me, you worthless Demon shit! Yes, that's right, go for that overhead! I've got your ankles,
Seeing one of your precious friends die
again is not nearly as attention drawing as watching Miho Miki--player name Skullsplitter Bloodglory--curse up a storm as she butchers the horn-covered monstrosity that is the 48th Floor Dungeon's Miniboss, blood pouring over her as she tears into it with a rictus, manic smile.
Beside you, Madoka--as Azumi--smiles serenely as she conjures a massive torrent of blue light that
blows the demon's arm off, "I'll take off the other arm, if you can buy me just a minute, Homura-chan."
You don't hesitate to charge in, joining Miho on the front lines as you pull aggro and prevent the older woman from getting cut in half out of sheer recklessness, cutting into the demon's neck with your scimitar.
A full minute of chipping away at the armored beast later, Madoka's second shot goes off, blowing away the second arm and most of its remaining HP, eliciting a cry of elation from Miho.
"HERE WE GO! APOCALYPSE SWING!!!" The elder Miki proceeds to flip, springing off the ground and spinning vertically in midair before coming down with her colossal greatsword, splitting the demon in half and spraying all of you in viscous, accursed blood.
Item Gained: Blessing of Growth (Grants the holder a large number of Souls when used. Alternatively, it can be made into spells, miracles, or equipment.
Sword Skill Learned: <<Shatterer>> (A heavy blow with the flat of the blade. Lowers the target's Armor rating. 4x damage against Bones and Horns.)
Miho Socialize (0/200) > Rolled (33) > (33/200)
Sayaka Socialize (66/500) > Rolled (67) > (133/500)
Melee (128/180) > Rolled (7) + 100 > (235/180) > Level up! > (55/185)
Melee 36 > 37
Sayaka Socialize (133/500) > Rolled (80)/2 > (173/500)
The sound of crying leads you to your target--slow, aching sobs from a tired throat. The weeping of someone who has done so often and regularly, and weeps from rotting pain rather than shock or fear.
In the depths of Kazamino's park, you find such a person, curled up among the bushes. Her green hair is matted and dirty, and her arms are speckled with cigarette burns.
You'd been surprised, when Oriko asked
you to do this, instead of doing it herself. You wonder why; Oriko has always handled this herself.
Saving Yuma Chitose, that is.
You watch her fall apart in front of you, but remain quietly among the tree's branches for one minute and twenty-four seconds.
At the stroke of 7:23:11, you stop time, and descend, kneeling down next to the weeping girl, her pain frozen into her face as she it, staring blindly into the empty air in front of her.
You gently place the envelope directly into the air in front of her, and return to your place among the trees before restarting time.
"AAH---WHA!?" Her wailing is cut off by a startled yelp as she staggers back, before crawling back up and frowning at the letter.
Opening it, she looks it over, stands, and then turns her head up to look directly up at you, only briefly searching the foliage around you.
'Dammit, Oriko. You planned this.'
"S-Senpai?" The girl asks guilelessly, her sniffles slowing.
You drop down, the point of hiding defeated, "Yuma. I'm here. Oriko sent me." You explain, assuming Oriko shared her own name in the letter.
She smiles. The broken, burnt girl
smiles at you, even as she begins to waver on her feet, her voice vaint an quavering, "Of course she did. That's how you two always were, isn't it? Saving even someone like me." With those words, she falls, losing consciousness even as she steps towards you.
You lunge and catch her before she can hit the ground,
"Someday, you'll believe us when we tell you we love you, Yuma."
A Bond has Transcended Time.
That which is Lost can be Regained. The End is the Beginning.
Witness the Rebirth of The Wheel of Fortune.
"Wait, what was that?"
"I'm not sure. There's no way she should know Oriko, much less me, and it's not like Oriko and I are very similar, either."
"No, I mean what you--uh, you know what, don't worry about it."
Throwing your small friend over your should, you pick up Oriko's letter and read it.
I am Oriko Mikuni, and we're going to save you now.
Stand, turn 70 degrees to the right, and look up.
Homura, bring her to my place.
Heaving a sigh, you set off for Oriko's, frustrated with her tricks as usual, but unsure of when you became fond of the precog.
"I'm going to get her back for this, Kyouko." You say aloud, confident in your isolation.
There's a long, drawn-out pause, before you get a clearly distracted response from her,
"Yeah, of course…hey, Homura, when did you first meet Yuma? Or Oriko, for that matter?"
You shrug, "I don't even remember when it was, to be honest. A long time ago. Oriko was a girl on a mission, with no one to keep her grounded. Yuma was abused badly, and never truly trusted anyone again. Except you, in a few loops."
"Oh, right, yeah. We were pretty close a few times, weren't we?"
You stop walking, blinking in surprise, "Wait. You remember those? Those were
before--Kyouko, how far back can you--?"
"I mean, since the beginning, I guess? But most of it's really vague, except the loop where we lived together. Not really sure what that means."
You begin walking again, strangely unnerved by the whole matter.
"You…you want
me to teach you how to make friends?"
Mami stares wide-eyed at you from across her living room's coffee table, "I hate to tell you this, Akemi-san, but I am
horrible with people. I get by entirely on over-the-top personas, formal manners, and anime clichés."
You raise an eyebrow at her, "That is more than I have going for me, Tomoe-san. I'm running largely on linguistic acumen, crisis bonding, and intimidation tactics."
The two of you stare at each other for a long moment, and you reach for your phone, "Internet."
She nods, going for her laptop, "Yes, internet."
With that mutual agreement, the two of you set to work looking up whatever mediocre social advice you can find on the internet, and begin practicing together.
Mami (0/200) > Rolled (15)/2 + 20 (Trait) > (18/200)
Socialize (0/5) > Rolled (53) + 50 (Internet) + 50 (Study Partner) > (153/5) > Level Up! > (148/10) > Level Up! > (138/15) > Level Up! > (123/20) > Level Up! > (103/25) > Level Up! > (78/30) > Level Up! > (38/35) > Level Up! > (3/40)
Socialize 0 > 8
Ruki (48/500) > Rolled (39/2) > (68/500)
Restoration of the Yamato (295/500) > Rolled (25) + 18 > (338/500) > Ruki Rolled (9) + 40 > (387/500)
Research (32/40) > Rolled (92) + 50 > (174/40) > Level Up! > (134/45) > Level Up! > (89/50) > Level Up! > (39/55)
Research 8 > 11
Looking around your bedroom, you find a blue door in the corner. It was not there this morning, but you did not look for it at that time.
You know where the door leads, of course, so you simply walk through.
"Welcome to the Velvet Room! What can I do for you tonight, Miss Akemi?"
You look around the blue-curtained stage, and out to the audience's seats--Kyouko gives a wave from where she reclines there. In the very back, you can see a steel box, bound in chains.
"What's in that box?" You ask Igor, who heaves a sigh, looking tiredly in the direction of the container.
"An unfortunate restriction, I'm afraid. The Star may not shine until the other Arcana are united. I do not know why, but these are the terms of my agreement, and I could not break them if I tried." He turns back to you, smile returning, "But I know you will find a way, and She will wait until then. Now, what can I do for you?"
You gesture to the tarot deck that lies in front of him, "I was wondering if you could update me on those. I encountered a girl today, and I think she may be one of them."
He nods knowingly, "Ah, yes, I do believe a new card was revealed today."
He draws the Wheel of Fortune Card, and pushes it out for you to examine.
The Wheel of Fortune. A symbol of change, learning from suffering and joy alike in order to grow. Yuma Chitose.
You nod in satisfaction, and look back to Igor, "I noticed I've had a certain intuition for the strength of my bonds with others, as of late. Was that your doing?"
He nods, "Yes, it was. It seemed rather inconvenient to make you return here just to check the strength of your bonds, so I merely lent you that power instead. Has it served you well, Miss Akemi?"
You nod, relieved to know the source of that knowledge, "Yes, it has. Akagi was one of them as well, wasn't she?"
He sags in his seat slightly, taking a card from among the pile, and pushing it out for you to see.
The Tower. Ruin and misfortune, a card of destruction that one must struggle to survive. Akagi Mikoto.
"Yes, I'm afraid so, and yes, she is quite dead, for this loop. You will certainly be able to save her in the next, should you try, however."
You reach out and slightly touch the card, tears trying to form in your eyes.
Igor takes it back gently, "It's alright to cry, Miss Akemi, but do not give in to despair. Hope still remains for you."
You feel a few tears drip down your face, but do not indulge them further.
"Thank you, Igor. I will be back soon."
With those words, you return to the world, and go to your slumber for the night.
Grief: 395/1000
Sanity: 406/1000
Bloodheat: 0/100
Grief: 405/1000
Sanity: 600/1000
[Daily Events]
[Texts and Emails]
Madoka: "Going to hang out with Mami again today. I'm impatient to help her, but this kind of thing takes time. Will be jumping in SAO after, and continuing to look into Azumi."
Homura: "I found another of the fifteen. A girl by the name of Yuma Chitose--apparently the Wheel of Fortune. She's staying with Oriko for now."
Madoka: "Great! What's she like?"
Homura: "Very young. She's an abuse victim, with serious trust issues, who doesn't believe she can be loved."
Madoka: "Oh. Well, we'll just have to fix that, then!

Kyouko: "Gonna spend the day at home reading the new book. Probably hang out with Mami--oh, and Pinky, I guess, since she's swinging by."
Ruki: "Working on Yamato some more!"
Snow: "Will be landing in time to meet at Mercury's! You're still available, right?"
Homura: "Yes, I've kept my schedule open for it. I'll see you there at 3:34 pm."
[Arcana Magi, Requests, and Akemi Madness]
If you wish to perform an Action as a different Arcana Magi (Kyouko, for now), simply add the following subvote to the action:
-[ ] Arcana - Kyouko
If you wish to Request help from another character(s) for an action, add the following subvote to the action:
-[ ] Request - (Character Names)
If you wish to use Akemi Madness for an action, add the following subvote to the action:
-[ ] Akemi Madness
[Available Characters]
The following characters you can contact for Requests. Keep in mind that Alllies will expect a Favor in return, while Friends will help as long as they have time and are willing. You do not get information on willingness and availability prior to the vote, due to the amount of complexity this would add to the process. Social Links values are listed here--multiply these by 10 to determine the size of the die they will roll when assisting with an Action.
Keep in mind some characters may not be suitable for some Actions--Homura will simply not involve a mundane individual in magical combat, for example, unless there are extraordinary circumstances. If you really feel the need to involve someone in something they normally should not be (like involving Miho Miki in a Witch Hunt, or anything Magical), please include a justification as a subvote, for mine and Homura's consideration.
- Friends
- Madoka Kaname : 10
- Sayaka Miki : 5
- Kyouko Sakura : 4
- Mami Tomoe : 2
- Ruki Shironome : 4
- Miho Miki : 2
Yuma Chitose : 1 Currently bedridden.
- Junko Kaname : 2
Nagisa : 1 You don't know how to contact her.
- Allies
- Nanoha Takamachi : 2
- Rose : 1
- Freya : 1
- Akane : 1
- Oriko : 3
- Kirika : 2
- Snow : 1
- Clovis Britannia : 2
[Investigative Actions: 2]
[ ] Friends? (546/2000) [Madoka]
"Igor claims there are 14 special friends I need to find. I should try to find more of them…and maybe find out how they're my
friends if I don't know them."
"I did experience a strange connection to Nagisa when I met her, and she's apparently "The Death."
"I have a strange memory of Matoko, which led me to her Barrier. She was clearly older--in her late teens, I'd say--and I'd swear I was the same age, in that moment. It's impossible, but the memory remains."
"I encountered Yuma Chitose, and she has appeared among the list of Arcana Magi in the Velvet Room, as the Wheel of Fortune."
[ ] Black Cats (Progress 0/500)
"There have been a tremendous number of black cats seen throughout the city. That's never been the case before."
"One appeared in the road where Amy would normally be run over. It seemed hostile, and its presence forced me to reveal magic to Madoka."
[ ] Igor's Contract (Progress 0/1000)
"I don't remember signing any Contract with Igor, but he insists I did."
[ ] Attack on Mami's Apartment (Progress 0/1000)
"A massive dog monster and an immortal titan attacked us at Mami's home while we were asleep and Mami was unconscious. Their strength was absurd, and the timing suspicious. The dog is missing and the titan is trapped inside a Witch's Barrier."
"We found a tuft of short black hair where the dog monster was last seen. I thought it was white, but maybe it had some black on it or could change its color."
[ ] False Memories (0/200)
"I have doubled memories of my first meeting with Weiss. I'm sure there are probably others I haven't noticed yet, too. Maybe if I can recognize them, I can figure out more about this strange timeline?"
"I got in touch with Clovis Britannia, apparently a childhood friend as well. His family's background seems to mesh poorly with the rest of history, suggesting he is an artificial addition, rather than someone that's supposed to be in this timeline."
[ ] A Missing Memory (0/1000)
"When I was talking to Igor, there was a memory that I couldn't find. It was something about selfishness? The Devil? What could have happened?"
[ ] Akemi Madness (74/500)
"There's a strange inherited insanity in our family. It's always been a fact of life before, but others seem scared by it. Maybe I should try to find out more? Looking into our family's history should be a good place to start."
"My Father apparently knows something about this. Meeting with him might help me make some headway, too." (You can spend a Social Action with Takeshi Akemi for additional Progress.)
[ ] Unknown Caller (0/100)
Voicemail Message: "I'd like to discuss a potential business arrangement. You can find us in Pluto's heart. I'll be in town for a while. Witches are not invited."
"Who sent this, and how did they find me? What do they want? They apparently know about Magi, at least. Pluto's Heart might be somewhere in the Meiosei District."
[ ] Mokusei, The Business District
[ ] Suisei, The Shopping District
[ ] Tennousei, The Upper End District
[ ] Meiosei, The Underworld District
[ ] Kaiousei, The Docks District
[ ] Ansoku, The Suburbs
[ ] Kasei, The Historic District
[ ] Iriguchi, The Hanging Gardens District
[ ] Dosei, The Technology District
Known Locations
No Known Locations
[ ] Yuuko's Shop
[ ] The Hydra Theater
[ ] Mercury's Ice Cream
[ ] Quicksilver Shopping Center
[ ] Swiftfoot Arcade
[ ] Hermes' Furniture
[ ] Oriko's House
[ ] Kirika's Apartment
[ ] Yakuza Hideout
[ ] Mitakihara Maritime Museum (Ruki's Home)
[ ] Yamato's Cavern [Ruki]
[ ] Madoka's House
[ ] Sayaka's Apartment (Home)
[ ] Ruins of Mami's Apartment
[ ] Matoko's House
[ ] Mitakihara Middle School
[ ] Mitakihara High School
[ ] Homura's Apartment (Residents: Kyouko and Mami)
[ ] The Akemi Workshop
[ ] Miyazaki Books [Kyouko]
"It's a very excellent bookstore, which seems to have books on some sort of Magical System."
"We encountered a dying Familiar just outside, although we couldn't find what killed it."
[ ] The Hanging Gardens of Mitakihara (Homura Refuses)
[ ] Cronus' Electronics
[ ] The Military Magi
- "I've met some of them, but only some, and I know little of their abilities."
[ ] Nanoha
- "I have some idea of how she got here, but there may be information she's not sharing, or is not aware of."
[ ] Azumi (48/100) [Madoka]
- "I know where she lives."
[ ] Write-In
[Social Actions: 1]
[ ] Madoka (Maxed)
[ ] Sayaka (173/500)
[ ] Kyouko (39/400)
[ ] Mami (18/200) [Madoka]
[ ] Nagisa
[ ] Oriko (8/300)
[ ] Kirika
[ ] Nanoha
[ ] Ruki (68/400)
[ ] Miho Miki (33/200)
[ ] Takeshi Akemi (6/300)
[ ] Junko Kaname (0/200)
[ ] Tomohisa Kaname (64/100)
[ ] Kayaba Akihiko (31/100)
[ ] Soichirou Mikuni (44/100)
[ ] Hououin Kyouma (23/100)
[ ] Miyazaki Books Cashier (40/100)
[X] Snow
[ ] Write-In Character
[Home Actions: 2]
[ ] Social: Sayaka
[ ] Social: Miho Miki
[ ] Special: Play SAO with Sayaka and Miho Miki
[ ] Training: Help Sayaka Train
[ ] Training: Melee
-[ ] With Sayaka
-[ ] With Miho Miki
[ ] Training: Swordsmanship
-[ ] With Sayaka
-[ ] With Miho Miki
[Mission Actions: 1]
[ ] Go Shopping
-[ ] Shopping List
[ ] Go Thieving
-[ ] Thieving List
-[ ] Target Location
[ ] Witch Hunt (Roll 1d10. On a 1, no Witch is found. On a 10, it's a strong Witch and a Miniturn begins.)
[ ] Attempt to repair the Akemi Workshop Clocktower. (Roll Engineering or (Clocksmithing + 20))
[ ] A Royal Invitation (Will involve leaving Mitakihara for several days. The crown is providing a private jet.)
-[ ] Choose 1 Puella Magus to join you.
[ ] Write-In (Subject to QM Approval, Cannot Overlap with other Action Types.)
[Creative Actions: 1]
Applicable available resources will be used automatically.
Craft Actions
[ ] Craft Something (Appropriate Craft Roll Required)
-[ ] Product Type (Clock, Gun, Etcetera)
--[ ] Ambition (1-20; Higher Ambition produces a better product, but sets a higher DC.)
--[ ] Rough Description
-[ ] Special Product
--[ ] Exact Product Description. (Ambition will be decided by QM. Some products may fail automatically.)
Magic Actions
[ ] Spell Development (Development Roll Required)
-[ ] Spell Description (Broader descriptions are more likely to produce easily developed Spells.)
[ ] Spell Usage
-[ ] Spell(s)
-[ ] Action.
-[ ] Reason for action.
[ ] Attempt to perform a Magical Working. (Magical Theory Roll Required)
-[ ] Working Objective. (Ambition will be decided by QM. Some workings may fail automatically.)
Research Actions
[ ] Research a Theoretical Crafting Product
-[ ] Product Type (Clock, Gun, Etcetera)
--[ ] Ambition (1-20; Higher Ambition produces a better product, but sets a higher DC.)
--[ ] Rough Description.
-[ ] Special Product
--[ ] Exact Product Description.
[ ] Research a Theoretical Spell
-[ ] Spell Purpose
-[ ] Ambition (1-20; Higher Ambition produces a better product, but sets a higher DC.)
[ ] Research a Theoretical Magical Working
-[ ] Working Objective.
Grand Undertakings
[ ] The Restoration of the Yamato (387/500) [Ruki]
[Training Actions: 1]
Applicable available resources will be used automatically. Students may refuse lessons if they are busy, or don't know you well.
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Skill
[ ] Train someone else in a Skill.
-[ ] Skill
-[ ] Student
[Sleep Actions: 4]
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
[ ] Write-In Action of another Type (Cost: 20 Sanity)