If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

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[X] ...It hurts. There's no easy way around it. She once was smiles and stories all around, but now...
-[X] After this, check on everyone in the house. You wonder how Yuma and Amaterasu are getting along. Bring Kohaku with you.

i edited it based on feedback from JAGwin
[X] ...It hurts. There's no easy way around it. She once was smiles and stories all around, but now...
-[X] After this, check on everyone in the house. You wonder how Yuma and Amaterasu are getting along. Bring Kohaku with you.
[X] ...It hurts. There's no easy way around it. She once was smiles and stories all around, but now...
The drive begins. The vote closes.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Aug 16, 2024 at 11:28 PM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] ...It hurts. There's no easy way around it. She once was smiles and stories all around, but now...
    -[X] After this, check on everyone in the house. You wonder how Yuma and Amaterasu are getting along. Bring Kohaku with you.
    [X] ...It hurts. There's no easy way around it. She once was smiles and stories all around, but now...
    [X] ...It makes you want to fight Hino again. Unfortunately, you don't care enough to resurrect that shit bag.
918: Back To The Living Room
[X] "She didn't deserve this."

...It just hurts. There's no other way to describe it, no other way around it. It just plain hurts to see her so... Fragile. This feeling only multiplies when you think about how she was, back before all of this.

She used to smile. She loved to tell stories, she would always get sucked into books about adventures and heroes, she liked to hum when she thought you weren't paying attention, but now...

...You're not sure how to even begin to help her. Kohaku is your best friend, and for all of your magic and demons...

...You can't do a Goddamn thing to help.

You hate this.

Why can't you just fight whatever is going on in her head with a sword in your hand? You'd love to, no matter how insurmountable the odds were. If you had even a chance of helping her be herself again...

Kohaku pulls away a little, and you release her from your embrace. She looks like a mess. Her hair is unkempt, her eyes are red and puffy, and she just genuinely looks like a slight breeze would cause her to melt into a puddle of tears all over again.

Kohaku looks at her lap, "...Thanks." She mumbles, "I think I needed that."

"Are you feeling any better?" You ask, almost reaching over to put a hand on her shoulder. You stop just before you make contact. If you were in her position, you wouldn't want to be tou--?

Kohaku grabs your hand and guides it to her shoulder. "...I don't know. I just don't know anymore."

"Do you feel up to checking on everyone with me?" You offer her a slight smile.

"I'd just bring everyone else's mood down."

You shake your head, "No, you wouldn't. You're practically part of the family! C'mon, make an appearance!"

Kohaku closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. "...Fine. I'll give it a shot."

"That's all I ask." You pat her shoulder as you get up, "Grandma and Grandpa should be back with Kyoko pretty soon, so let's get Amaterasu's situation settled."

She doesn't say anything, but Kohaku follows you out of the dining room.

...Which offers the first of many surprises.

Raido is sitting on the couch next to Shoji, who is next to Arisu, who you haven't seen for a while. Amaterasu has relented control of Luigi to Ame-No-Uzume, who isn't very good at Mario World. Yuma is simply staring at the screen, controller in hand.

[] ????????????????????????????????
[ ] "Y'know, there's a trick you can do here by grabbing a shell and bouncing it off the wall there and jumping on it midair. cuts down the level clear time by a lot if you can pull it off."
-[ ] Offer to show Ame-No-Uzume said trick, and even coach her through it a few times until she gets it. Yuma will probably end up picking it up by watching too, so it's a two-for-one special!

Good ol' shelljumping. That said, if anyone can come up with a way to work Kohaku into this so that way we can keep her spirits up, then by all means. add it on or even adjust the prototype I have here.
[ ] It's time for Yuma based warfare, she always cheers you up. Try and cuddle yourself and Kohaku up next to her, and offer some tips to the gamers.

How's this?
Last edited:
[X] Remember that you bought snacks, so start by handing them out. Give Kohaku her chips, then Shoji a "magic" sandwich at first, and when he realizes what it is give him the BLT.
[X] Remember that you bought snacks, so start by handing them out. Give Kohaku her chips, then Shoji a "magic" sandwich at first, and when he realizes what it is give him the BLT.
-[X] It's time for Yuma based warfare, she always cheers you up. Try and cuddle yourself and Kohaku up next to her, and offer some tips to the gamers.

Combo-ing the 2 above!
I like the combo!

[X] Remember that you bought snacks, so start by handing them out. Give Kohaku her chips, then Shoji a "magic" sandwich at first, and when he realizes what it is give him the BLT.
-[X] It's time for Yuma based warfare, she always cheers you up. Try and cuddle yourself and Kohaku up next to her, and offer some tips to the gamers.
[X] Remember that you bought snacks, so start by handing them out. Give Kohaku her chips, then Shoji a "magic" sandwich at first, and when he realizes what it is give him the BLT.
-[X] It's time for Yuma based warfare, she always cheers you up. Try and cuddle yourself and Kohaku up next to her, and offer some tips to the gamers.
[X] Remember that you bought snacks, so start by handing them out. Give Kohaku her chips, then Shoji a "magic" sandwich at first, and when he realizes what it is give him the BLT.
-[X] It's time for Yuma based warfare, she always cheers you up. Try and cuddle yourself and Kohaku up next to her, and offer some tips to the gamers.
[X] Remember that you bought snacks, so start by handing them out. Give Kohaku her chips, then Shoji a "magic" sandwich at first, and when he realizes what it is give him the BLT.
-[X] It's time for Yuma based warfare, she always cheers you up. Try and cuddle yourself and Kohaku up next to her, and offer some tips to the gamers.
Look, I'm not saying the Fazbear Security Team sucks, but Yumi would NOT let five kids disappear in her watch.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Aug 17, 2024 at 11:32 PM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Remember that you bought snacks, so start by handing them out. Give Kohaku her chips, then Shoji a "magic" sandwich at first, and when he realizes what it is give him the BLT.
    -[X] It's time for Yuma based warfare, she always cheers you up. Try and cuddle yourself and Kohaku up next to her, and offer some tips to the gamers.
    [X] Remember that you bought snacks, so start by handing them out. Give Kohaku her chips, then Shoji a "magic" sandwich at first, and when he realizes what it is give him the BLT.
919: Snacks For All
[X] The Equal Distribution Of Snacks

You grin a little as you produce your "groceries" from your Gauntlet. Raido silently blinks when he sees the abomination that is a magic sandwich, and Shoji stares in utter confusion as you hand the horrid creation over to him. Kohaku looks between you and the sandwich, clearly just as confused.

"...I don't believe it." Shoji mutters in awe, "You actually found a... This looks awful."

"Yeah, I know, right?" You respond with a laugh, "I picked one up for Yuma, too!" Yuma spins around as she hears her name, "And Kohaku, your chips!" You proudly produce the bag of kettle cooked ships, and hand it over to Kohaku.

Yuma instantly takes her abomination of a food item, and happily begins eating it. There's a big smile on her face as she takes another bite.

...Maybe all of that sugar is a bad thing. Also, it's right before dinner, and--

"Oh, right!" You hand Shoji his real sandwich, "I got you a BLT."

"Oh, uh, cool." He sets the magic sandwich on Raido's lap as he takes his actual snack, "Thanks for not leaving me with that."

"What am I, a table?" Raido grumbles, placing the unholy fusion of sweetness onto the small table beside him.

Arisu didn't even notice when Shoji reached over her to place the sandwich on Raido's lap. She's utterly transfixed on the TV. Speaking of which...

You wrap your arm around Kohaku's shoulders, and bring her to Yuma's side alongside you. She's already destroyed that sandwich, and has returned to Mario World. You take a look at what level Ame-No-Uzume is on...

"Oh, there's a secret exit on this one!" You tell her, "You gotta find a key and carry it to the lock that's floating in the air!"

"...?" Ame-No-Uzume makes a noise that signifies confusion, "Why would a lock be floating in the air? What could it possibly be guarding?"

"There's no need for rationality." Amaterasu counters, "You are a "plumber" who uses magic flowers to cast fire spells!"

"And he can fly with a cape!" Yuma adds with a smile.

You smile softly, ruffling Yuma's hair...?

Your fingers brush up against... Something as you do your usual routine. You take a closer look, much to Yuma's embarrassment. Looking at her forehead, you--

Your eyes widen as you gasp slightly.

Right on her forehead, dotted all along it, are tiny burn marks.

[] ?????????????????????????????????????
[X] Silently heal her

Best not to make a scene, plus most likely just remnants of Yuma's mom.

Sounds like cigarette burns from description, but not 100% sure.
[X] Silently heal her, don't make a big deal of it. For her sake.
-[X] Internally resolve to punch her mom in her stupid face if you ever so much as glimpse her again.
[X] Silently heal her, don't make a big deal of it. For her sake.
-[X] Internally resolve to punch her mom in her stupid face if you ever so much as glimpse her again.
[X] Silently heal her, don't make a big deal of it. For her sake.
-[X] Internally resolve to punch her mom in her stupid face if you ever so much as glimpse her again.

Protective Rage, Go!
Voting is open