If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

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[X] Text yo grandparents to let them no about Amaterasu, so they (and by extension Kyoko) can get a heads up that she's here. Oh, and let them know that you ran into a drunk ex cop with... Let's put it as 'something against Kyoko' and that you Me Patra'd him in hopes it'd sober him up and waste his booze.
-[X] As for telling Ame no Uzume, might as well head on over now. You can even tell everyone there that Asura is dead.
Very late update tonight, but I'm trying to get home safe! Closing the vote now!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Aug 7, 2024 at 11:56 PM, finished with 11 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Text yo grandparents to let them no about Amaterasu, so they (and by extension Kyoko) can get a heads up that she's here. Oh, and let them know that you ran into a drunk ex cop with... Let's put it as 'something against Kyoko' and that you Me Patra'd him in hopes it'd sober him up and waste his booze.
    -[X] As for telling Ame no Uzume, might as well head on over now. You can even tell everyone there that Asura is dead.
    [X] Text yo grandparents to let them no about Amaterasu, so they (and by extension Kyoko) can get a heads up that she's here. Oh, and let them know that you ran into a drunk ex cop with... Let's put it as 'something against Kyoko' and that you Me Patra'd him in hopes it'd sober him up and waste his booze.
    -[X] As for telling Ame no Uzume, it probably wouldn't hurt to at least wait until everyone gets back. Or at least see if there's any friction before you leave.
    [X] Text your grandparents to let them know about Amaterasu, so they (and by extension Kyoko) can get a heads up that she's here.
    -[X] Ask Pixie if she would to the Fairy Village, both to let them know about Asura's defeat and to tell Ame-No-Uzume Amateresu found you. However, also have Pixie politely pass on the message that you're currently somewhere you do not want any fighting, pressuring, or arguing, and that there's apparently some godly family drama involved, so you would prefer to simply let Amateresu (and yourself) relax for a few hours. Ame-No-Uzume can come over... as long as it's to be a supportive friend of Amateresu, not dragging her home. Yet.
    --[X] Maybe Queen Titania will have some diplomatic advice beyond "don't get tangled in the affairs of immortals"? Surely she and Oberon have had negotiations with the local pantheon, and can provide Pixie some insights.
909: Texts and Terminals
[X] Text yo grandparents!

You pull your phone out, and shoot off a text to Grandma.

>Hey, I brought home Amaterasu. She's playing Mario with Yuma btw

...Sent--! Wait, you probably should mention that drunk guy on the way to Daydream Elementary.

>And I ran into a drunk ex-cop who has it out of Kyoko. Tried to use Me Patra on him to make him waste his booze

...And, sent! You lean back in your seat, cracking your back against it as you...


...You should probably tell Ame-No-Uzume that you found Amaterasu. With a huff, you get up out of your seat again (and you just got comfy!).

"I'm headed to the Fairy Village real quick. Anyone want anything while I'm there?" You ask, half joking.

"Magic sandwich?" Shoji instantly replies.

"Could you get a bag of chips or something for me?" Kohaku asks politely, "I just want something with crunch. I-I'll pay you back!"

"Yuma wants a burger!" Yuma answers, starry-eyed, "Or a magic sandwich, like Mr. Shoji!"

"Mister Shoji?" Shoji chuckles a little, "How formal."

"Amaterasu, want anything?" You ask out of courtesy.

"No. I am at peace." Amaterasu replies, stomping on a Koopaling.

"Okay, I'm off!" You wave before heading back into the backyard.

One touch of the Terminal brings you right to the Fairy Village, where you see Titania and Ame-No-Uzume speaking about something.

"In short, yes." Titania finishes. "Ah, Yumi, was it? What brings you to us today?" She seems all too happy to change the subject.

"Two things, actually!" You smile, "First off, I defeated Asura!"

"I am aware, actually!" Titania chuckles, "I sent a High Pixie scout to assist you and your allies, and she relayed your victory to me. Well done! I believe Oberon was getting your reward ready, if you have the time to wait. Otherwise, simply return when you can."

Before you can reply to Titania, Ame-No-Uzume stands up in front of you. "Have you had better fortune than I in our search?"

"For Amaterasu, right?" You ask. When Ame-No-Uzume nods, you answer, "You'll be happy to know that she's at my grandma's house! She's actually taken quite the liking to playing video games."

"Video... Games?" Ame-No-Uzume repeats, "...Another miraculous invention from humanity, no doubt. If at all possible, I would like to retrieve her."

[] ????????????????????????????????????????
[X] "Actually, she seems to be fine right now. If you want, you can just hang out with her for a while until she's done. I get she's important, but she did break into my apartment to play games. Just stick with her for a few hours before heading back yeah? Unless it's a world-endingly important matter, a few hours to a couple more days wouldn't hurt would it? Besides, she's playing Mario with Yuma right now and I don't really want to interrupt that."
-[X] "I'll take you to her, but I do need to pick up some things before we head back for everyone back at my Grandparent's house."
[X] "Actually, she seems to be fine right now. If you want, you can just hang out with her for a while until she's done. I get she's important, but she did break into my apartment to play games. Just stick with her for a few hours before heading back yeah? Unless it's a world-endingly important matter, a few hours to a couple more days wouldn't hurt would it? Besides, she's playing Mario with Yuma right now and I don't really want to interrupt that."
-[X] "I'll take you to her, but I do need to pick up some things before we head back for everyone back at my Grandparent's house."
[X] "Actually, she seems to be fine right now. If you want, you can just hang out with her for a while until she's done. I get she's important, but she did break into my apartment to play games. Just stick with her for a few hours before heading back yeah? Unless it's a world-endingly important matter, a few hours to a couple more days wouldn't hurt would it? Besides, she's playing Mario with Yuma right now and I don't really want to interrupt that."
-[X] "I'll take you to her, but I do need to pick up some things before we head back for everyone back at my Grandparent's house."
[X] "Actually, she seems to be fine right now. If you want, you can just hang out with her for a while until she's done. I get she's important, but she did break into my apartment to play games. Just stick with her for a few hours before heading back yeah? Unless it's a world-endingly important matter, a few hours to a couple more days wouldn't hurt would it? Besides, she's playing Mario with Yuma right now and I don't really want to interrupt that."
-[X] "I'll take you to her, but I do need to pick up some things before we head back for everyone back at my Grandparent's house."
[X] "Actually, she seems to be fine right now. If you want, you can just hang out with her for a while until she's done. I get she's important, but she did break into my apartment to play games. Just stick with her for a few hours before heading back yeah? Unless it's a world-endingly important matter, a few hours to a couple more days wouldn't hurt would it? Besides, she's playing Mario with Yuma right now and I don't really want to interrupt that."
-[X] "I'll take you to her, but I do need to pick up some things before we head back for everyone back at my Grandparent's house."

Sure, I guess. Not much of an opinion on matters right now.
[X] "Actually, she seems to be fine right now. If you want, you can just hang out with her for a while until she's done. I get she's important, but she did break into my apartment to play games. Just stick with her for a few hours before heading back yeah? Unless it's a world-endingly important matter, a few hours to a couple more days wouldn't hurt would it? Besides, she's playing Mario with Yuma right now and I don't really want to interrupt that."
-[X] "I'll take you to her, but I do need to pick up some things before we head back for everyone back at my Grandparent's house."
It's been one of those days.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Aug 9, 2024 at 12:07 AM, finished with 7 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] "Actually, she seems to be fine right now. If you want, you can just hang out with her for a while until she's done. I get she's important, but she did break into my apartment to play games. Just stick with her for a few hours before heading back yeah? Unless it's a world-endingly important matter, a few hours to a couple more days wouldn't hurt would it? Besides, she's playing Mario with Yuma right now and I don't really want to interrupt that."
    -[X] "I'll take you to her, but I do need to pick up some things before we head back for everyone back at my Grandparent's house."
910: "If Lady Amaterasu Enjoys It..."
[X] "Wanna hang, you cute ol' thang?"

"Actually, she seems pretty fine right now!" You tell Ame-No-Uzume, much to her surprise, "If you want, you can tag along when I go back and relax for a while until she's done."

Ame-No-Uzume stammers in response, "I-I-- But she-- It's of great importance to...!" She tries and fails to argue.

"Hey, I get it! She's important! But on the other hand," You raise your other hand for emphasis, "She did break into my house to play these games. Unless there's a world-endingly important matter that's absolutely urgent, I don't really see a reason to let her stay just a little longer! Plus, she's kinda playing Mario with Yuma, and I don't think I can bring myself to interrupt that."

(CHR ROLL: 17+10)

"...If Lady Amaterasu truly wishes to partake in these "video games", then there is very little that can stop her." Ame-No-Uzume relents, "But the decision is up to her. If she wishes to leave, then we shall."

"Glad we got that settled!" You smile softly, "Now, I've got just a few errands to run while I'm here, but you're more than welcome to tag along with me!"

"It's been ages since I've seen the daily life of a human," Ame-No-Uzume reveals, "I shall relish this opportunity."

"I shall inform Oberon that he can slow down on gathering your reward." Titania flutters off in the direction of a loud thud.

With Ame-No-Uzume in tow, you head to the...

...Where the hell are you gonna get a magic sandwich?

[] ???????????????????????????????????
Well you could make the magic sandwich yourself and just put magic in the ingredients or you could call it a magic sandwich by having it be made using magic, like cook the ingredients with magic and then just assemble it like a normal sandwich.
Well you could make the magic sandwich yourself and just put magic in the ingredients or you could call it a magic sandwich by having it be made using magic, like cook the ingredients with magic and then just assemble it like a normal sandwich.
That's just a normal sandwich. What I'm aiming for is a sandwich that causes stat boosting.
[X] Perhaps you can just ask? Summon Pixie and ask her, "Hey, Shoji asked me to buy a magic sandwich, you think they sell any here?"
Konishi, Part 0.9. 1/?
Your entire body is aching. Your left arm is broken, but your Gauntlet remains unscathed. You are covered in your own blood.

But, in spite of all of this, the only thing running through your mind...

...Is joy.

You did it.

The perfect outcome.

Walpurgisnacht is defeated, everyone is alive, the city is mostly intact, and...

...You can finally face Uncle again. Him and Gouto are probably at the shelter with everyone else who couldn't fight. He'd have to acknowledge it now! You were right! How could he not believe you about Witches and Magical Girls now?! You--?

"Yuki Konishi." You hear Shoji's voice from behind you, which is surprising, considering he's supposed to be hunkered down with everyone else.

"Hey, man...!" You weakly greet him, wincing as you turn to face him, "Just finishing up here-- Ow! Wasn't easy, but we did it! City's safe!"

Shoji clicks his tongue, "Not quite, Yuki. Far from it. All of us are still in grave danger."

"What do you...?" Your eyes widen as you meet his gaze, and fully realize what is happening.

Kohaku is wrapped in golden chains, floating just above Shoji. Shoji himself...

...His eyes are a dark yellow, like a twisted sunrise.

"What the hell?!" You take a step back out of reflex, "Shoji, what are you doing?!"

"Why, I am returning to life, in all of my splendor!" Shoji laughs, a grandiose smile on his face, "Do you know how many souls were within that little building, waiting to be given to a righteous cause?" Shoji snaps his fingers, unceremoniously dropping Kohaku onto the ground, "Some weren't willing to be given purpose, of course, but consent was irrelevant."

"What're you...?! Shoji, did you--?!"

"Do not refer to Me as the vessel's name!" He snaps at you, "I am your God! I am the Omega! And with your "Kohaku" and her purest soul, I shall reemerge unto this sinful world, and burn it all away!"

Kohaku finally tries to get up, her gaze meeting yours for but a split second. Shoji raises his hand, and in an instant--


"And from the ashes of this world and its people, I shall build a new kingdom. Your souls shall be the coal that fuels the burning torch of my resurrection. Rejoice, pathetic sinners! I have allowed you a great mercy, and a singular purpose!"

"Yuki! Wake up, please!!"

"You truly think he can stop Me? The Almighty? Come, child of Adam. Let us realize your purpose."

You're lying face up in a heap of dust. You sit up...

"...Oh, God..." You nearly mumble.

You're lying in the crater that Walpurgisnacht left. The sky is grey, like the ash around you, and the...

...The corpses of Mami Tomoe, Madoka Kaname, Sayaka Miki, Kyoko Sakura, Yuma Chitose, Nagisa Momoe--

You tear your gaze away from them. You feel sick.

Let this all be a nightmare. Please.
[X] Perhaps you can just ask? Summon Pixie and ask her, "Hey, Shoji and Yuma asked me to buy magic sandwiches, you think they sell any here?"
Yumi in a zombie apocalypse would be horrifying. She can't be bit, scratched, or mauled by the infected, she is skilled in swordsmanship and unarmed combat, she can cook, she can use demons to call the horde...
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Aug 10, 2024 at 12:08 AM, finished with 11 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Perhaps you can just ask? Summon Pixie and ask her, "Hey, Shoji and Yuma asked me to buy magic sandwiches, you think they sell any here?"
    [X] Perhaps you can just ask? Summon Pixie and ask her, "Hey, Shoji asked me to buy a magic sandwich, you think they sell any here?"
911 (POLICE!): Shopping Trip!
[X] "...I don't think she realized I was joking." ~ Shoji

"...Maybe I should just ask?" You tap on your Gauntlet, summoning one of your oldest companions.

"Hiya, Yumes!" Pixie greets, staring at Ame-No-Uzume, "...Wow, she's drop dead gorgeous! Where'd you find her? Is she your demon? Can you tell me who does her makeup?"

"Uh, no, we're just acquaintances!" You clarify, "Um, Shoji and Yuma asked for me to buy some "magic" sandwiches, do you know where we can find some?"

Pixie stares at you for a moment.

Ame-No-Uzume stares at you as well.

On cue, your phone begins buzzing. You answer, "Hello?"

"Yumi, you... You know I was joking about the magic sandwich, right?" Shoji asks, concern in his tone.

[] "Duh, totally!"
[] "...I can neither confirm nor deny."
[] "That makes more sense."
[] Write in?

Regardless, Shoji replies, "Uh, just normal sandwiches are okay. See you when you get back."

...You're really starting to get annoyed when people just hang up on you. Oh, well. That's life, you guess.

Might as well head to the convenience store before you get the sandwiches.


The walk to the store is blissfully uneventful, and you are delighted to discover that there's a SubWay inside the store. Now, what to get Kohaku...

[] Get some "Original Flavor" chips.
[] Oh, salt and vinegar!
[] Snag those "X-Tra Hot" ones!

And for Shoji...

[] Write in a sandwich.

And last but not least, Yuma.

[] Write in another sandwich.
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