Your entire body is aching. Your left arm is broken, but your Gauntlet remains unscathed. You are covered in your own blood.
But, in spite of all of this, the only thing running through your mind...
...Is joy.
You did it.
The perfect outcome.
Walpurgisnacht is defeated, everyone is alive, the city is mostly intact, and...
...You can finally face Uncle again. Him and Gouto are probably at the shelter with everyone else who couldn't fight. He'd have to acknowledge it now! You were right! How could he not believe you about Witches and Magical Girls
now?! You--?
"Yuki Konishi." You hear Shoji's voice from behind you, which is surprising, considering he's supposed to be hunkered down with everyone else.
"Hey, man...!" You weakly greet him, wincing as you turn to face him, "Just finishing up here-- Ow! Wasn't easy, but we did it! City's safe!"
Shoji clicks his tongue, "Not quite, Yuki. Far from it. All of us are still in grave danger."
"What do you...?" Your eyes widen as you meet his gaze, and fully realize what is happening.
Kohaku is wrapped in golden chains, floating just above Shoji. Shoji himself...
...His eyes are a dark yellow, like a twisted sunrise.
"What the hell?!" You take a step back out of reflex, "Shoji, what are you doing?!"
"Why, I am returning to life, in all of my splendor!" Shoji laughs, a grandiose smile on his face, "Do you know how many souls were within that little building, waiting to be given to a righteous cause?" Shoji snaps his fingers, unceremoniously dropping Kohaku onto the ground, "Some weren't willing to be given purpose, of course, but consent was irrelevant."
"What're you...?! Shoji, did you--?!"
"Do not refer to
Me as the vessel's name!" He snaps at you, "I am your
God! I am the
Omega! And with your "Kohaku" and her purest soul, I shall reemerge unto this sinful world, and burn it all away!"
Kohaku finally tries to get up, her gaze meeting yours for but a split second. Shoji raises his hand, and in an instant--
"And from the ashes of this world and its people, I shall build a new kingdom. Your souls shall be the coal that fuels the burning torch of my resurrection. Rejoice, pathetic sinners! I have allowed you a great mercy, and a singular purpose!"
"Yuki! Wake up, please!!"
"You truly think he can stop Me? The Almighty? Come, child of Adam. Let us realize your purpose."
You're lying face up in a heap of dust. You sit up...
"...Oh, God..." You nearly mumble.
You're lying in the crater that Walpurgisnacht left. The sky is grey, like the ash around you, and the...
...The corpses of Mami Tomoe, Madoka Kaname, Sayaka Miki, Kyoko Sakura, Yuma Chitose, Nagisa Momoe--
You tear your gaze away from them. You feel sick.
Let this all be a nightmare.