Your name is Sayaka Miki, and you finally managed to split off from Hitomi and Madoka for a while. Not that they aren't your friends, but it's a bit awkward to shop while they're around.
Besides, if they found out who you were shopping for, you'd never hear the end of it. Classical music has always been your favorite, but the CD you just got isn't for you.
You got it for a boy named Kyousuke Kamijou, who recently suffered an injury to his wrist from some sort of accident. That would be horrible in and of itself, but Kyousuke...
He plays the violin, and he loves it like a mother loves her child. But now, he can't play it. Even if his wrist healed on its own, he'll probably never play again.
So, you thought maybe a violin CD would cheer him up! Whenever you're feeling down, listening to music helps you a bunch! He might be the same way, so you have to try!
You're on your way to the hospital where Kyousuke is being treated. Oh, you know he'll just love it! When you listened to it in the mall, you knew he'd feel the same way you did!
The attendant greets you. You're pretty much a regular here. Uh, that's not to say you get injured a lot, but, um-
You shake your head, keep your head in the game, Sayaka! You're here already, outside his room. You take a deep breath, and open the door.
"...Hm? Oh, Sayaka." Kyousuke greets, disinterested.
"H-Hey, Kyousuke! I, uh, brought a gift...!" You say, getting nervous. Why are you nervous? He's your friend!
"Oh, good. Another gift. What is it this time, I wonder?" He seems like he's in a bad mood...
You gulp. "Well, I thought it was quiet in here, so I..." You pull out the CD, your hands shaking slightly, "...I got you this!"
He looks at you. His tired eyes bore deep into your hopeful face. "You don't get it, do you?"
"Huh? What's wro-"
"I'll never play the violin again. Emphasis on "play". I don't want to listen to someone else play." He says, slowly raising his voice, "I don't want to sit here and marvel at some random person live my dream!"
"I'm sorry, I thought-"
"No, you didn't! You don't think, Sayaka! You make stupid decisions, silly mistakes, and jump to, frankly, dumb conclusions because you don't think! It's like you're trying to taunt me, giving me something I'll never have again!"
"I didn't mean to-"
"It doesn't matter what you meant." He spits, "Just leave me be."
You stand there in stunned silence. You...
You had no idea. Why didn't you think of that? You try to apologize, but when you open your mouth, nothing comes out.
"Go!" He growls.
You shuffle out the door. How could you be so stupid?