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In all honesty though, if it comes to a fight, our best advantage is pure pressure. Get up in his face and don't let go while pummeling him the best we can.
That worked, awesome.

-[ ] Take a deep breath. Go serious mode: "Hi! I'm Yumi, would you mind getting off my sister please?" Give him a cold smile.Don't take your sword out, but be ready to rush in and punch the demon in case the demon tries to do anything to Yuma.
Idea: let's make the effort of projecting more volume into our voice this time (but without raising its tone). The point is trying to make sure Mami, Homura and Kyoko hear us.

If we don't manage to have Oni supplex someone before the quest ends I will be disappointed.
Yeah, it's a bad moment for that. Oni would end up breaking the apartment if tries it right now.

But don't worry, I'm sure we'll get to a trainyard at some point for some good suplexing :V
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Two for One Day? Yup, I'm feeling like it's a Two for One Day!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on May 5, 2022 at 9:21 PM, finished with 18 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Full Big Sister Mode Activate!!!
    -[X] Take a deep breath. Go serious mode: "Hi! I'm Yumi, would you mind getting off my sister please?" Give him a cold smile.Don't take your sword out, but be ready to rush in and punch the demon in case the demon tries to do anything to Yuma.
    --[X] If the demon complies ask nicely/interrogate them what are they doing to Yuma and why shouldn't you order Oni to supplex them.
    ---[X] Depending on the answer see if they want to join your party or at least join dinner. If they are aggressive supplex time!
78: Mr. Sandman...
[X] Plan: Full Big Sister Mode Activate!!!

You breathe deeply, not taking your eyes off the demon. "Hi there!" You greet with faux cheer, "My name's Yumi, and would you mind getting off my sister?" Your smile is fake, colder than ice.

He looks down, standing over Yuma, before looking back at you. "O-Oh, uh, mighty sorry about that!" He slowly gets off the bed, clearly nervous. "I reckon you're a tad confused-"

"Livid, but oh well!" The demon cowers at your words, but you continue, "So, what are you doing to my little sister?"

He hefts his sack over his shoulder, putting his free hand palm out, "I swear, I don't mean to hurt nothing! See, I'm a Sandman! Lotsa fellas like me run around, making sure folks get good sleep. I was passin' by, and found this young'un practically doing backflips! So I went ahead and used some Sleep Sand, so-"

"She'll be fine?"

"O' course! She'll wake up well rested!"

Your eyes bore into him, and this Sandman shifts nervously. So he can put people to sleep...?

You drum your fingers on the metal part of your Gauntlet. "I see. Well, then..."

"If you wanna wake her up, all you gotta do is, well, what you'd normally go about doin'!"

Your gaze never leaves him, but your shoulders relax a small bit. "Is that all?"

"Yes, that's all I'm around for!" He pleads.

"How about, to make good on your words, you join my party?"

"Slow down there, whippersnapper! I gotta know a bit more 'bout you before I say yes to that!"


"Now, I ain't gonna ask for nothin' from ya, seeing as I'm here in yer home!"

(Free Point)

"Now, you say she's yer lil sister, but y'all ain't got much looks in common. Why's that?"

[] "She's adopted."
[] "Genetics, maybe?"
[] Write in?

"You're comin' off a tad aggressive there, why don't we slow down?"

[] "I should be angrier."
[] "Maybe you're right."
[] Remain cautious.
[] Write in?
[X] Plan Olive Branch
-[X] "I took her in after I found out her mother was hurting her. I asked her if she wanted to come with me after I reported her mother to the authorities and she accepted."
-[X] *Sigh* "Alright I'll play nice. I saw a stranger in my house while hovering over my sister and reacted."

This is my plan on accepting Sandman's explanation. Can anyone confirm that this is what Sandman does?

I'm connecting this Sandman from that one Guardians movie so I am agreeing for now, but if anyone else has any edits I should make or if I am completely wrong let me know.
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If we had a nickle for every demon that showed concern for kids, we'd have 3 nickles. Which isn't alot, but its weird that its happened that many times.
Supernatural beings having a benign disposition towards innocents is fairly common.
This is my plan on accepting Sandman's explanation. Can anyone confirm that this is what Sandman does?
The northern European mythological figure known as the Sandman does indeed bring sleep by puffing sand in your eyes.

Which is why your eyes feel gritty in the morning, or so the story goes.
I said Two for One. I meant it. Update incoming.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on May 6, 2022 at 2:34 PM, finished with 14 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Olive Branch
    -[X] "I took her in after I found out her mother was hurting her. I asked her if she wanted to come with me after I reported her mother to the authorities and she accepted."
    -[X] *Sigh* "Alright I'll play nice. I saw a stranger in my house while hovering over my sister and reacted."
79: ...Bring Me A Dream
[X] Plan Olive Branch

"I took her in after I found out her mother..." You hesitate. You don't really want to reveal this information, but the situation demands it. "...Her mother was hurting her. After her mother was arrested, I asked her if she wanted to come along."

"Well now, I thought all you young'uns we're spineless! Props to ya fer doing something!" The Sandman seems happy!


You sigh. "Fine, I'll play nice. Even after I found you hovering over my sister."

"Well, when you put it like that, you make me sound like a creep! I've got standards!" He seems to have taken offence to that...

...But his mood quickly recovers. "Welp, you did say somethin' about joining a team, didn't ya?" He takes a nice, long look at you...

"Alrighty! I'll be yer Demon! If you ever need me, just call fer Sandman!"


You breathe out, all of your stress dissipating. You then approach Yuma, and gently nudge her. "Hey, Yuma. It's dinner."

"...Hmm...? Big Sis Yumi?" She says groggily. "Okay."

She slowly gets out of bed, yawning. Once she makes it out the door, however...

"My goodness, hello!" You hear Mami squee.

You walk out of your room. Yuma is hidden behind Kyoko, peeking out at Mami and Homura.

"Woah, Mami!" Kyoko says. "You gotta be slow with the kid!"

Mami droops, "Ah, sorry. I got a little excited."

Homura stares at you. Then, to Yuma, and back to you.

Nagisa waves, oblivious to Yuma's timidness.

"Alright, I'll get dinner ready!" You say, walking to the stove. You prepare each plate of Curry, and bring them to the table. "If you want seconds, the pot's over there."

"It looks nice." Homura states, somewhat surprised.

"It smells better!" Kyoko, who is about to inhale it, adds.

"G-Goodness, that's a lot of Curry..." Mami says, a little overwhelmed.

"Nagisa wanted cheese..." Nagisa grumbles, before grabbing a spoon.

Yuma, however, says nothing. She just stares, starry eyed.

You smile.

[] Write in your stat growth!
[] Write in a skill to inherit from each of your demons!

[] Dancing Blade: Adds an AGL modifier (1/3) to DMG.
[] Sword Trigger: Adds a trigger to your sheath, allowing you to draw your blade and attack in one swift motion.
[] Sharpness, Rank 1: Increase DMG ROLL from d6 to d8.

Everyone is eating, but no one is talking. Should you try to break the ice?

[] Say something!
-[] Write in?
[] Eat in silence.
Is there any demon out having dinner with us? Because, while she has great rolling with the punches the last few days, I think Yumi may want/like to know some more about demons and stuff in-character.
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[X] Say something!
-[X]"Hey Homura, Mami, since we have proof my type of magic can be taught, what are your thoughts on me trying to teach Madoka and Sayaka to heal? It would even make Sayaka's claim about me being a tutor a bit true."

[X] Plan: Level up Plan The Pudireach plan
-[X] +1 Dex, +2 End, +3 Agl, +1 Int, +1 Luc
-[X] Learn: Zio, Fang Breaker, Poisma
-[X] Dancing Blade: Adds an AGL modifier (1/3) to DMG.

More modifier damage I think.

Edit: taking someone's plan thanks
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- Zan (4 MP) [D8+(1/2•INT)] {FORCE}
- Media (9 MP) [D8+(1/2•INT)] {HEAL}
- Dia (3 MP) [D8+(1/2•INT)] {HEAL}
- Hama (6 MP) [D8+(1/2•INT)] {LIGHT}
- Tarukaja (12 MP) [+1/2DMG TO ROLL] {SUPPORT}
Slime (Poisma, Lunge) [Wk: Everything.] {HP: 46, MP: 26}
- Sandman (Zio, Mazio, Dormina) [Nul: Lightning, Wk: Force.] {HP: 64, MP: 39}
Oni (Rampage, Fang Breaker, Tarukaja) [Str: Physical. Wk: Lightning.] {HP: 94, MP: 49}
Alright, with 2 levels we can nab 2 spells per demon. We already have all of Angel and Pixie's so i excluded them. We have 3 open slots, what spells should we take, and should we drop any, if so what? I want Zio and Fang Breaker.

[X] Dancing Blade: Adds an AGL modifier (1/3) to DMG.

More modifier damage I think.
But mah Iado(quick draw). We could go full chuni.
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[] [Level up Plan] The Pudireach plan
-[] +1 Dex, +2 End, +3 Agl, +1 Int, +1 Luc
-[] Learn: Zio, Fang Breaker, Poisma
-[] Dancing Blade: Adds an AGL modifier (1/3) to DMG.

(Adjusted for proper formatting at the bottom of the post)

Like i said, dialogue should be voted on separately(or at least discussed first) since i see the leveling being more divisive.

Edit. Dialogue option
[X] Say something!
-[X]"Hey Homura, Mami, since we have proof my type of magic can be taught, what are your thoughts on me trying to teach Madoka and Sayaka to heal? It would even make Sayaka's claim about me being a tutor a bit true."

Edit 2. Proper formatting for the plan:
[X] Plan: Level up Plan The Pudireach plan
-[X] +1 Dex, +2 End, +3 Agl, +1 Int, +1 Luc
-[X] Learn: Zio, Fang Breaker, Poisma
-[X] Dancing Blade: Adds an AGL modifier (1/3) to DMG.
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