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Ah, a pure character building opinion vote, this is going to be fairly scattered
[X] "A lot of fan fiction. For the longest time, it was the only place I could find queer representation of any depth."
- [X] If they follow up asking if you're queer, remember your reaction to Lorelei and blush. "Yep. Definitely *somewhere* in that area."

I sort of relate to this, Fan Fiction is the primary reason I know Queer people even existed as a concept, Frisk Undertale being a pretty good example of this.
Also some Fanfiction is just Good, nothing else about it, just qualitatively good
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I want to call Kyubey "marshmellow Mephistopholes" in character. :p

[X] "I liked Faust."
Yuma, excited: Big Sis Yumi! Yuma got a new nightmare!

Takaya: Why must I constantly be tormented by children?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on May 11, 2024 at 8:11 PM, finished with 23 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] "I liked Faust."
    [X] "I liked Dragon Ball."
    [X] "I'm torn. I really, really love Faust but damn did I also binge fanfics like hell when I was younger. I mean how else was I gonna read queer stuff in school the other kids couldn't see easily?"
    -[X] If they follow up asking if you're queer, remember your reaction to Lorelei and blush. "Yep. Definitely *somewhere* in that area."
    [X] "I liked Dragon Ball, and Faust, and i read some tokusatsu manga as well on occasion I liked the one with the samurai dude in it!"
    [X] "A lot of fan fiction. For the longest time, it was the only place I could find queer representation of any depth."
    -[X] If they follow up asking if you're queer, remember your reaction to Lorelei and blush. "Yep. Definitely *somewhere* in that area."
    [X] "I like Urban Fantasy. Never thought I'd be living it, though."
    [X]My only hint is this: "It was too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron."
821: "You Read Faust?!"
[X] "I liked Faust."

"Personally, I like Faust." You admit, much to everyone's shock, "It was a good cautionary tale about the dangers of demonic interaction."

"You read Faust?!" Shoji asks, his eyes wide and confusion clearly painting his face, "You... Wait, you liked Faust?"

"Yeah?" You cross your arms, "It was pretty good. Dr. Faust was a compelling character, and his constant thirst for "more" spurred his down--?"

"I'm still hung up on that, you... Read Faust?" Kohaku queries, "I would've thought something like Dragon Ball would be more your speed."

"Why are you guys so surprised?" You lean back in your chair, "We did a presentation on it back in the fifth grade. We all read Faust together."

"I mean, yeah," Kohaku dances around the point, "But I didn't think you liked those kinds of books."

Shoji suddenly goes stiff in his seat, "Oh my God, was Faust ghostwritten by a Magical Girl?"

You open your mouth to reply...

...But find no argument. "...Why did you say that?" You hazard, "Gah- Now I'm thinking about it!"

"It makes sense... Kinda?" Kohaku puts a finger to her chin, "Mephistopheles and Kyubey seem to share a lot of traits, come to think of it."

"Right?" Shoji agrees, "And not to mention that offering a Wish for a soul is totally his M. O.!"

"Why is this making so much sense?!" You groan, holding your head in your hands.

"Yeah, he'd probably like Kyubey." Pixie, who you forgot was here, chimes in, "Or maybe he'd see him as a ripoff and--"

"Aaaaaaaah, stop!" You roll your head back, "This is making way too much sense!"

Kohaku blinks, "Wait, you read Faust, Pixie?"

"No, but he came to the Fairy Village once." Pixie shrugs, "He's a jerk, like Kyubey."

The table goes silent for a moment.

"Mephistopheles is real?" Shoji asks quietly.

"He goes by Mephisto, but yeah!"

Everyone sits in silence, contemplating the implications of that demon's existence. There's certainly a lot to unpack, there...

...But thankfully, Yuma enters with her school supplies. "Yuma's ready!" She waves to you.

"...Okay, let's get you to class." You decide it's for the better that you take everyone out and walk Yuma to school. Your friends follow you outside, and you begin a silent walk to Yuma's destination.


Your breathing hitches as you feel a pair of eyes borring into you from just behind you. You turn around--?

"You're that demon from the pizza place, right?" You instantly recognize the black, floating goat.

"Indeed!" The demon nods, "It is quite a coincidence that we ran into each other again! Have you grown stronger since last we met?"

[] ????????????????????????????????????
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"He goes by Mephisto, but yeah!"
"Also, his signature move is Walpurgisnacht!"

"IT'S WHAT!?!?!?"

"Indeed!" The demon nods, "It is quite a coincidence that we ran into each other again! Have you made room in your party?"
We had room in our party the last time we met him. The problem was that we were lower level than him.

Oh yea, Mehphi was a SMT4A demon
And a DLC for SMT V.

and Baphomet? When did we meet Baphomet?
Updates 572 to 573.

[] "I haven't." *gesture at Shoji* "My friend, on the other hand..."

Will change this if the QM changes Baphomet's line.

EDIT: Line changed, changing vote.

[X] "I have, but now I don't have any room in my party." *gesture to Shoji* "My friend, on the other hand..."
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[X] "I have, but now I don't have any room in my party." *gesture to Shoji* "My friend, on the other hand..."

Do demons take offense to being pawned off to other Demon Summoners? Cause there's no way Shoji is strong enough if we weren't before unless there's something we don't know.

I also don't think whatever the Golden Lord stuff is happened yet so that can't be it.
[X] "I have, but now I don't have any room in my party." *gesture to Shoji* "My friend, on the other hand..."
We have the Marvel version of Mephistopholes?

Maybe we should unload one of our current demons on Shoji? I don't think he can handle... Baphomet, I think this was?
He actually shows up in a gew games. Ya wanna know what his Signature Skill is?


Walpurgisnacht (ワルプルギスの夜, Warupurugisu no Yoru)? is a special skill. In Shin Megami Tensei NINE, Walpurgisnacht is a passive skill that prevents all parties from using physical combos. In Shin Megami Tensei V, Walpurgisnacht is the unique skill of Mephisto. It is a skill that deals severe Dark...

It was the rat all along#
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822: Shoji's First
[X] "Maaaaaan."

"Oh, I've gotten stronger alright..." You begin, "...But I'm out of space in my Gauntlet."

The demon looks incredibly disappointed. "'Tis always something with you, mortal..."

"On the flip side of the coin..." With a flourish, you present the demon with Shoji, "...This guy's got no demons at all!"

Shoji stares at you, as does the demon.

Their gazes then meet, and...


"Very well." The demon nods, "I have seen thy ally's resolve, boy. If you are unsure as to any demonic affair, do not hesitate to call upon Baphomet!"

"Wait, wh--?"


The demon disappears into Shoji's phone as he simply stares at the device. He blinks.

"...What just happened?" He mutters to himself.

"Congratulations, Shoji! You're a proper demon summoner now!" You clap him on the back, "How's it feel?"

Shoji doesn't respond immediately. After a moment he finally gives an answer.

"Is it... Always this... Automatic?" He asks, "Like, I had no agency in that at all."

"Nope! I just already negotiated with it." You shrug, waving everyone to follow you, "C'mon! Let's not make Yuma late!"

"Oh!" Yuma runs up, deciding to walk next to Kohaku.

"Shoji? Are you coming?" Kohaku calls for your friend, who is currently still standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Uh, yeah!" He hurriedly jogs up to join you.

The rest of the walk is, thankfully, uninteresting, and you make it to Yuma's school without much issue. Yuma waves as she goes to class, and Griffon swoops right into her hair.

Maybe it's for the best that he kept his distance. That way, Kohaku has time to cool down.

"Alright, Yuma's at school, and I have a demon." Shoji stares, "Now what?"

[] ???????????????????????????????????
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[X] Plan: Where we drop?
-[X] Check your map and see how far you are from the place Raido set up.
--[X] If it's near: "Since today's the big day we should probably get to the place Raido set up to bunker down."
--[X] If it's far, or you don't remember where it is: "Since today's the big day we should probably get back to my grandparents place. Raido set up a place to bunker down, and we may wanna get a ride there."
-[X] Finally reply to the Unknown Number: "I presume this is Eris? As foolish as it may be, our current plan is to attempt to capture as many alive as possible, and I am not sure your... ward would be able to appreciate that goal. Also someone else I have managed to recruit may take offense with you personally, and may be able to act on it."
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