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[X] TWGA AKA Team With a Great Acronym
[X] Not really?
[X] Not really?
I see it as Yumi being chuuni, nothing more. Though it's also why I came up with this:Frankly, I feel like calling our group "S.E.E.S" feels forced. Mostly because of the "Execution" part, since that just doesn't feel like Yumi to me.
I strongly disagree, and the marketing didn't imply as much either, but however you want to cope, sure.
I mean is it overcomplicating fanon here??? It's merely giving a reason for why Homura pulled of the kidnapping of god Madoka. Yes it involved the power of twisted love, but it also adds a lot more "Oh god this is really bad" that you can usually find in SMT games... if my read of the idea is anyway correct that is.
Also I'm confused, do you not like the Nahobino Concept or just the protagonist? If the former then please explain further, I'd love to hear why, and if the later... you do you. Sometimes games just hit you in the wrong ways, there is no shame in that.
Honestly, wasn't paying much attention to the convo until now, but there's a whole subject about gods ascending beyond gender which seems like a viable explanation to me.The protagonist was consistently depicted flowery uniform and more androgynous look than they've ever used in human form, and extremely long and feminine flowing hair in Nahobino form.
I think the issue isn't the forum, but specifically the fanbase chosen here tbh. It's a very gay series.And four, you're on the wrong forum site entirely if you want to bring that queerphobe dog-whistle in here and expect anyone to be happy or agree with you. How about you keep your "identity politics" out of it, and just let us live our lives in peace, hmm? Kthx.
Fair point about it being a rehash... but like I trust QM to use the concept well.Yeah, I've been thinking a bit about it over the hours since, the idea has grown on me.Seems like an extra layer of complication to the plot, and a rehashing of what SMT V already did, but if it's done well sure, I can dig it.
God I had no clue about all that, I kinda got into SMT like a few months after 5 released, so I never was able to see all that. DAMN. I also really need to play Strange Journey sometime but I'm playing through 4 right now and am thinking on touching Devil survivor next.
Maybe I'm just odd, but this seems a bit too familiar to meeting a stranger for me.
I don't understand the issue, you're using a massive amount of plain poor reasoning that doesn't reflect well. For instance, the protagonist is male in most Atlus JRPG games because, surprise surprise, the majority that play them are men and game and movie protagonists tend to reflect the majority of the intended audience (shocking, I know, though Persona titles may be more even). But in your twisted mind you believe this means that Atlus USA somehow believes that this indicates that only a man can survive as a lone protagonist in said environment, which is a seriously hot take if I've heard one. Functionally, money is all a company like Atlus cares about, and guess what, the demographics that purchases their games determines their development, that's simple capitalism, not the vocal minority, especially when the game sold the best in the mainline series thus far. Deal with it. Having an entire second gender for a MC is a sizeable amount of work in and of itself in terms of writing and coding, not to mention a good portion of the interactions would be significantly different in say, a Persona game, as well as doubled seiyuu work, tripled if dubbed even, so having it is plain stupid economically when most people don't give a rats ass about the gender of their MC. Not to mention it means they can re-release it with a genderswapped MC for even more dosh. There are reasons why P3P and P3 were seperate games, and greed is only one of them.Atlus was marketing like that for months. And never once clarified that, no, they were still holding to their decades old doctrine that only a man could survive and thrive as a lone protagonist in such an environment. Or that the actual dialogue would be consistent and frequently gendering the Nahobino (and thus the player) as male. (No, I'm not going to go dig up that probably-in-Japanese interview about why they don't give us female protagonist options, outside If..., P3P, and the MMOs)
Maybe I'm just odd, but this seems a bit too familiar to meeting a stranger for me.
In their defense, it's kind of annoying for people to shit on a franchise you like just cause of something like gender orientation when romance isn't the main point.You are literally the only person posting massive paragraphs because of one, carefully-spoilered to not derail the discussion, brief and marked-as-partial explanation.
Ya know? I wanna go with a Western Europe myth & legend theme since every group has a theme for their base Persona.
Madoka: Diarmuid of the love spot (Something something Homura, something something love)
Are you sure Madoka's Persona wouldn't be Guinevere?
Hi, Tart!
I just love the idea in a where prominent people from history end up meeting someone who references them.
I was trying to avoid having it be too Arthurian focused. My initial idea was Arthur for Madoka and Morgan Le Fey for Homura.
I mean if you think about it, all the Persona groups had a theme from P3 onward right?I was trying to avoid having it be too Arthurian focused. My initial idea was Arthur for Madoka and Morgan Le Fey for Homura.
*ahem* about that...I mean if you think about it, all the Persona groups had a theme from P3 onward right?
P3: Greek legends
P4: Japanese legends
P5: Relatively modern thieves?? I think??
Edit. And P5 is TrickstersI wanna go with a Western Europe myth & legend theme since every group has a theme for their base Persona.
Wait, King Arthur is Welsh? I thought he was English lmao
Do remember that Wales is right next to England (and part of the UK)
Oh he is, that link was just something I'd accidentally left there. I use the comment box to hold links all the time.
In their defense, it's kind of annoying for people to shit on a franchise you like just cause of something like gender orientation when romance isn't the main point.
It's annoying when it happens. Everything else is probably valid though, I only got to the SMT fandom from Persona.
I meant just regarding the overall topic, but thanks for the clarification. I apologize for any offense. I can understand why you find the topic irritating, just mentioning how it can be seen as annoying from an outside pov.
This also isn't why I made my post. I didn't mean to upset, just mentioning my opinion on the topic.because clearly the woman pointing out the problem in an easily ignored by design way is somehow the one in the wrong?