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[X] Public Beautification Club

i want something similar to what all the canons have but distinct. i was partially inspired by Gunslinger Girl's Social Welfare Agency - something innocuous but not technically wrong from a certain perspective.
[] Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (aka S.E.E.S)

Mitsuru: "I sense copyright infringement!"

Edit. Came up with a different one kudos to those that get the reference:

[X] Squad of Nexus Guardians (S.O.N.G.)

[X] "I don't know about what, but sure we can talk."
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Frankly, I feel like calling our group "S.E.E.S" feels forced. Mostly because of the "Execution" part, since that just doesn't feel like Yumi to me.
NON CANON...?: Persona Users in Mitakihara
I can't stop thinking about it, so I kinda have to write it down now. So, I'm gonna write about each potential Persona Users in Mitakihara.

Yumi Konishi: Percival of the Fool Arcana. Her main affinities are towards Wind and Physical attacks, with weaknesses to Darkness and Nuke.

Kohaku Hino: Connla of the Magician Arcana. Her main affinities are towards Light skills and Buffing skills, with a weakness towards Ice. Eventually, her Persona becomes Freya.

Shoji Shimizu: Icarus of the Fortune Arcana. His main affinities are towards Wind and Status Ailments, with a weakness to Fire and Lightning. Eventually, his Persona becomes Hephaestus, losing its weakness to Fire.

Madoka Kaname: Persephone of the Lovers Arcana. Her main affinities are towards Nuke skills and Defensive skills (I.E. Makarakarn, Tetrakarn, etc.), with a weakness to Darkness. Eventually, her Persona becomes Sif.

Sayaka Miki: Ariel of the Chariot Arcana. Her main affinities are towards Ice and (moreso) Physical skills with a dash of healing, with a weakness to Fire. Eventually, her Persona becomes Anahita.

Yuma Chitose: Dullahan of the Hanged Man Arcana. Her main affinities are towards Wind and Healing with a dash of Bash attacks, with a weakness to Psychic. Eventually, her Persona becomes Sekhmet.

Nagisa Momoe: Marie Antoinette of the Star Arcana. Her main affinities are towards Light and Slash skills along with Regenerate, and has a weakness to Lightning. Eventually, her Persona becomes Astraea.

Mami Tomoe: Annie Oakley of the Empress Arcana. Her main affinities are towards Lightning and Pierce skills with ailments mixed in, with a weakness to Wind. Eventually, her Persona becomes Artemis (albeit a different design).

Kyoko Sakura: Boudica of the Strength Arcana. Her main affinities are towards, unfortunately for her, Fire (She avoids using Fire skills) and Physical attacks of the Pierce element, with a weakness to Ice. Eventually, her Persona becomes Jeanne D'arc.

Homura Akemi: Medusa of the Hermit Arcana. Her main affinities are towards Dark and Pierce (gun) skills along with various Debuffs, with a weakness to Nuke. Eventually, her Persona becomes Pietas.

Yuki Konishi: Percival of the Judgement Arcana. His main affinities are towards Nuke and Physical attacks, with weaknesses to Darkness and Wind. Since he comes from a world without Personas naturally occuring, he's still growing used to his own.

Oriko Mikuni: Delphi of the Priestess Arcana. Her Persona is not suited for combat, but for navigation and other support. Eventually, her Persona becomes Phoebe.

Kirika Kure: Maenad of the Moon Arcana. Her main affinities are towards Multi-hit Physical attacks with a dash of Buffing, with a weakness to Psychic. Eventually, her Persona becomes Nemesis (Not Ken's Persona).

Feel free to add on to this, or suggest Personas!
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Bunch of being ignorant and just plain rude

One, I said it was partly because of that. I've ranted about Atlus' decline from SMT 4a onward before, I didn't feel it was necessary to rehash it.

Two, the Nahobino demon-human blending thing (entirely aside from the part that affects my life in a way you feel you have some right to be mad I find unpleasant) feels like both a rip-off of the Strange Journey Jimenez-Bugaboo fusion (while denigrating the emotional weight of that having happened or the mental changes caused), and another invasion of the Henshin Hero genre from the nouveau-guard at Atlus into my cyberpunk demon apocalypse genre that's been completely changing the tone of the series.

Three, go read up on what queer-baiting is and why it's shitty.

And four, you're on the wrong forum site entirely if you want to bring that queerphobe dog-whistle in here and expect anyone to be happy or agree with you. How about you keep your "identity politics" out of it, and just let us live our lives in peace, hmm? Kthx.
I strongly disagree, and the marketing didn't imply as much either, but however you want to cope, sure.

I was there. The entire Atlus subreddit was there. The protagonist was consistently depicted flowery uniform and more androgynous look than they've ever used in human form, and extremely long and feminine flowing hair in Nahobino form.

Atlus was marketing like that for months. And never once clarified that, no, they were still holding to their decades old doctrine that only a man could survive and thrive as a lone protagonist in such an environment. Or that the actual dialogue would be consistent and frequently gendering the Nahobino (and thus the player) as male. (No, I'm not going to go dig up that probably-in-Japanese interview about why they don't give us female protagonist options, outside If..., P3P, and the MMOs)

They benefited from that misunderstanding. If you think that Atlus' marketing department wasn't keeping tabs on the online discourse around their extremely high-budget sequel to their acclaimed, decades-spanning mainline franchise, well, I have an Einstein-Rosen bridge to sell you. Only lightly used, too!
I mean is it overcomplicating fanon here??? It's merely giving a reason for why Homura pulled of the kidnapping of god Madoka. Yes it involved the power of twisted love, but it also adds a lot more "Oh god this is really bad" that you can usually find in SMT games... if my read of the idea is anyway correct that is.

Yeah, I've been thinking a bit about it over the hours since, the idea has grown on me. :) Seems like an extra layer of complication to the plot, and a rehashing of what SMT V already did, but if it's done well sure, I can dig it. :)

Also I'm confused, do you not like the Nahobino Concept or just the protagonist? If the former then please explain further, I'd love to hear why, and if the later... you do you. Sometimes games just hit you in the wrong ways, there is no shame in that.

See my response to jerkface, above.

[:V] Apocalypse Repellent Scholastic Endeavour
(British spelling intentional)
[:V] St. Hermelin High
Persona 1 reference
[:V] The Rainbow Club (Plus Shoji)
I will not elaborate
[:V] The Investigation Team
Persona 4 reference
[:V] The Patch Team
(because we're trying to fix the fraying universe, ultimately)

[X] Magical Adolescent Group Exchange (M.A.G.E.)

Okay that's better than mine

[X] Plan Hitomi Socials v2
-[X] "Nice to meet you! Well, what do you want to discuss?"
-[X] Ask Kohaku and Shoji if they want to participate.
-[X] "Oh right, before that. Let me introduce you to my close friends, Shoji and Kohaku. Would it be okay if I include them in this conversation? It's okay if you decline."

Minor tweaking, I hope it's okay.
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[X] Have Only Positive Expectations (H.O.P.E)

[X] "I don't know about what, but sure we can talk."

The protagonist was consistently depicted flowery uniform and more androgynous look than they've ever used in human form, and extremely long and feminine flowing hair in Nahobino form.
Honestly, wasn't paying much attention to the convo until now, but there's a whole subject about gods ascending beyond gender which seems like a viable explanation to me.

And four, you're on the wrong forum site entirely if you want to bring that queerphobe dog-whistle in here and expect anyone to be happy or agree with you. How about you keep your "identity politics" out of it, and just let us live our lives in peace, hmm? Kthx.
I think the issue isn't the forum, but specifically the fanbase chosen here tbh. It's a very gay series.

I don't have an issue with queer people, but I can see the politics regarding it irritating people. Just my personal position.
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[X] Magical Adolescent Group Exchange (M.A.G.E.)

I like this one, fits the theme and isn't just people following my Meme.

Yeah, I've been thinking a bit about it over the hours since, the idea has grown on me. :) Seems like an extra layer of complication to the plot, and a rehashing of what SMT V already did, but if it's done well sure, I can dig it. :)
Fair point about it being a rehash... but like I trust QM to use the concept well.

See my response to jerkface, above.
God I had no clue about all that, I kinda got into SMT like a few months after 5 released, so I never was able to see all that. DAMN. I also really need to play Strange Journey sometime but I'm playing through 4 right now and am thinking on touching Devil survivor next.

I also think this is a good plan!
[X] Plan Hitomi Socials v2
-[X] "Nice to meet you! Well, what do you want to discuss?"
-[X] Ask Kohaku and Shoji if they want to participate.
-[X] "Oh right, before that. Let me introduce you to my close friends, Shoji and Kohaku. Would it be okay if I include them in this conversation? It's okay if you decline."
Rule 3: Be Civil
Atlus was marketing like that for months. And never once clarified that, no, they were still holding to their decades old doctrine that only a man could survive and thrive as a lone protagonist in such an environment. Or that the actual dialogue would be consistent and frequently gendering the Nahobino (and thus the player) as male. (No, I'm not going to go dig up that probably-in-Japanese interview about why they don't give us female protagonist options, outside If..., P3P, and the MMOs)
I don't understand the issue, you're using a massive amount of plain poor reasoning that doesn't reflect well. For instance, the protagonist is male in most Atlus JRPG games because, surprise surprise, the majority that play them are men and game and movie protagonists tend to reflect the majority of the intended audience (shocking, I know, though Persona titles may be more even). But in your twisted mind you believe this means that Atlus USA somehow believes that this indicates that only a man can survive as a lone protagonist in said environment, which is a seriously hot take if I've heard one. Functionally, money is all a company like Atlus cares about, and guess what, the demographics that purchases their games determines their development, that's simple capitalism, not the vocal minority, especially when the game sold the best in the mainline series thus far. Deal with it. Having an entire second gender for a MC is a sizeable amount of work in and of itself in terms of writing and coding, not to mention a good portion of the interactions would be significantly different in say, a Persona game, as well as doubled seiyuu work, tripled if dubbed even, so having it is plain stupid economically when most people don't give a rats ass about the gender of their MC. Not to mention it means they can re-release it with a genderswapped MC for even more dosh. There are reasons why P3P and P3 were seperate games, and greed is only one of them.

That's not even mentioning how Atlus USA != Atlus Japan. The former do localizations and marketing here, but didn't make the game. That's the former's fuckup, but barely relevant.

I don't get this pov, the modern idpol thing warps people into thinking everything must reflect themselves and their gender expression or what the fuck ever takes primacy in importance in their lives and desires everything and everyone to reflect and cater specifically toward them, rather than seeing it as a quarternary element that should barely even be relevant or thought about. Tbh, I find people with these views tend toward being blatantly racist or misandrist, and disgust me on a fundamental level. I myself am trans, and this perspective is completely alien to me, and feels all so very hateful, demanding and entitled, rather than the egalitarian as I was raised as that never even cared what my character looked like.
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I kinda got into SMT like a few months after 5 released

Then I, as an older fan, am contractually obligated to recommend every SMT title released on the DS (or, with some exceptions taken to the additions and changes to Strange Journey Redux, the 3DS re-releases) and PS2. :D The latter are a bit dated, but still imo good. If you play Nocturne, I'd advise the PC version plus some mods, like the one for better quality music. (They used the old extremely-compressed sound from the PS2 version in all the new ports)

The Raidou Kuzunoha games are still available on PS3 via the store (emulated, so you don't need a backwards-compatible PS3), and I believe the Digital Devil Saga games are also.

Welcome to the fandom... and apologies for the edgier parts of the fandom.

Maybe I'm just odd, but this seems a bit too familiar to meeting a stranger for me.

It's really not? We're just saying it's nice to meet her. She's a friend of two friends, also, so it would be weird to be all "...who the heck are you?" like the original version's tone came off to me as.

You are literally the only person posting massive paragraphs because of one, carefully-spoilered to not derail the discussion, brief and marked-as-partial explanation.

I'm sorry you've internalized... all that mess you've got going on, but take it to therapy instead of insisting others continue conforming to the "egalitarian as long as it conforms to a cishet dominated and forced expectation, otherwise it has to cite book chapter and verse defending itself" worldview that hurt you. Take your cookies, and dip. Thank you.
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You are literally the only person posting massive paragraphs because of one, carefully-spoilered to not derail the discussion, brief and marked-as-partial explanation.
In their defense, it's kind of annoying for people to shit on a franchise you like just cause of something like gender orientation when romance isn't the main point.

It's annoying when it happens. Everything else is probably valid though, I only got to the SMT fandom from Persona.
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Ya know? I wanna go with a Western Europe myth & legend theme since every group has a theme for their base Persona.

Kohaku: Lleu Llaw Gyffes who was cursed by his mother several times over, in hopes he never found happiness.

Shoji: unknown

Madoka: Diarmuid of the love spot (Something something Homura, something something love)

Sayaka: Mandrcardo (specifically because of how he was handled in FGO)

Yuma: Dullahan

Nagisa: unknown

Mami: Boudica

Kyoko: unknown (would evolve into Joan of Arc?)

Homura: Lancelot
Wait, King Arthur is Welsh? I thought he was English lmao
Do remember that Wales is right next to England (and part of the UK)
I also thought Diarumid was Celtic
Oh he is, that link was just something I'd accidentally left there. I use the comment box to hold links all the time.
Here's where Diarmuid is from:

Fenian Cycle - Wikipedia

Fun fact: Finn the Human from Adventure Time is a massive reference to Fionn mac Cumhaill, Diarmuid's boss. Fionn can be shortened to Finn, and iirc in at least one version of the myth he was raised in a tree alongside a magic dog.
In their defense, it's kind of annoying for people to shit on a franchise you like just cause of something like gender orientation when romance isn't the main point.

It's annoying when it happens. Everything else is probably valid though, I only got to the SMT fandom from Persona.

I wasn't shitting on the franchise, I wasn't even "shitting on" the queer-baity marketing, I expressed my feelings about the Nahobino concept after having played the game, and a reason my opinion may be colored more negatively than it would be otherwise, so others could weight whether they would care as much. And then someone decided to get mad about it. 😑

I bought and finished the game, and I have an entire shelf's worth of SMT games here I've played and beaten -- SMT 3 HD, 4, 4a, the Devil Survivor games and their remakes, Strange Journey and the remake, P3 FES, and P5 (not Royale). And more I've only played parts of, like DDS 1&2, Persona 4 Golden, and the Raidou games. And others I've... had, and beaten (Persona 4 on PS2) or got distracted from (SMT 1, KMT 1 and 2, Soul Hackers, even one of those Gameboy titles). I'm not someone "shitting on" the franchise because whatever strawman argument someone wants to turn to. I'm someone who has loved the franchise for over a decade, was one of many who had hoped Atlus was putting in the near zero actual added work to make the protagonist gender-neutral, and was disappointed. That's it.

But hey, it's always such a pleasure when people who've never experienced dysphoria tell a woman far better informed on every part of the subject that she's being... annoying, or insane. There's definitely not a whole bunch of layers of problems with that. Nope. Not at all.

Can we please get back the heck on topic now? Stop trying to have the last word, because clearly the woman pointing out the problem in an easily ignored by design way is somehow the one in the wrong? Great, thanks.
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I meant just regarding the overall topic, but thanks for the clarification. I apologize for any offense. I can understand why you find the topic irritating, just mentioning how it can be seen as annoying from an outside pov.
because clearly the woman pointing out the problem in an easily ignored by design way is somehow the one in the wrong?
This also isn't why I made my post. I didn't mean to upset, just mentioning my opinion on the topic.
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