Regarding "most of our allies are useless": I wouldn't go nearly that far. If we have a couple days, like Raido suggested, we have time to spend a couple hours on teamwork training. If we have more like A day...
And I object a bit to leaving Oriko and Mami completely out.
Oriko may not be able to see where demons are involved, but the usual workarounds are to look for after the blindspot is gone and see if there's damage... and then keep what we don't want damaged away from those areas, or alternatively if the jamming isn't so bad to only look for the condition of something not jammed during the event. Do I trust her completely? No. So this is not something I'm thrilled about trying, exactly, but it's a relunctant maybe.
Mami might not need to be in range... surely she's figured out how to put a scope and rifiling in her guns if she tries hard enough? Or to make her ribbons narrow, high-tensile-strength, and sudden enough to play Surprise Garrote Wire Trap games? At the very least, she should be informed of what's going on so she can team up with Nagisa (surely Raido has some spare Tetraja Rocks?! Or we can add that to the Jack Bros. shopping trip. Either way, she can at least heal off any Dark damages in a hurry) defending our younger friends somewhere secure.
And yeah, if Dante and Vergil are willing to cut their rates, and if we can lure the Disciples and Father Hino somewhere where collateral damage isn't such a problem, they're good option to have.
So: What Does Yumi Want? (In my view, listed from highest to lowest-but-still-on-mind priority.)
- Kohaku, the guy friend whose name I cannot recall right now, and the kids to survive, preferably unharmed and not even found or traumatized by the fight, let alone harmed beyond available ability to heal. And definitely not mind-controlled.
- Father Hino and co. to not be in a position to pull any more shit ever again (tho I expect Hino and some others will be too powerful to do more than survive against and hopefully drive off, at this point in the Quest, even with lucky rolls)
- Our MG friends to survive and not be Witched out. And definitely not mind controlled HOLY SHIT that's probably a Bad End flag
- To survive herself, and not be mind controlled.
- To not be rendered combat-incapable during, or beyond what can be healed afterwards.
- Her family and friends' families to survive, preferably unharmed and not even found or traumatized by the fight, let alone harmed beyond available ability to heal. And definitely not mind-controlled.
- To not be harmed to an extent our friends and family would overly traumatized to see.
- Kyuubey to not take advantage of the situation to cause mischief.
- Minimize collateral damage.
What Does Yumi Have?
- Access to multiple personal and allied cans of whoop-ass of varying capability and knowness-of-capability, (complication: many of which have zero experience operating with multiple other groups at once.)
-- Raido, Hitonari, Kazuya
-- Likely Dante and Vergil (complication: self-admitted consistent colateral damage problems for Dante. complication: a coddamn asshole for Vergil)
-- Sayaka Miki (complication: "Hey slow down, this is frickin' heavy!", has school)
-- Madoka (complication: New to this, Homura would kick our ass before we can even send the signal for blinking if we suggest putting her anywhere near expected combat)
-- Nagisa (complication: New to this, doesn't have many spells yet and maybe can't cast many of them rapidly before running out of MP?, has school)
-- Yuma (complication: New to this, has school)
-- Homura (complication: Priortizes Madoka: will Abandon Universe if Madoka contracts, dies, or is crippled believing she's merely resetting time)
-- Badass Grandparents (Retired)
- whatever of Mom's is under the bed
- One to three days of time, assuming the Disciples don't have access to teleportation.
- Whatever of the Jack Bros. inventory she can afford to buy
- the Cathedral of Shadows, where demons gather
- 136,510 Yen
- 30 Magnetite
- Key Item: BUCKET of DOOM
- Everything else in the Items, Money tab plus a single Bead.
- ....very, VERY tentatively, maybe Kyuubey. It might extract a favor for agreeing to not attempt to complicate things during the next few days.
Hitonari's military operations training and experience would be a Stephen-send to help organize us. Even Raido usually works alone, to my knowledge? This is less a single-protagonist combat party situation, and much more of a Majin Tensei/Devil Survivor/Strange Journey combat situation.
So, for How Can Yumi Get What She Wants:
[X] Plan war plan, v2
-[X] "Their primary goal is Kohaku Hino, who should currently be under guard by Virtue in my apartment. According to her, they believe she will mother a Messaiah. Their original planned father is Saburo Okane, currently freed from his brainwashing in a cell at the station. I recommend we contact Hitonari, and hire Vergil... and Dante, if we can find somewhere that his collateral damage issue won't be a problem, to lure the Disciples to." Turn to Raido, "Dante was the man I fought in the warehouse. Vergil was the guy in blue, he's less hardy but faster and for all practical purposes teleport himself or others in a combat-useful manner. Portals. Ask Homura."
--[X] "We should also contact all the people we don't want caught up in this, like Madoka, Sayaka, Mami, Oriko, Yuma and Nagisa, and get them somewhere safe. Maybe plural somewheres, putting Oriko and Madoka together could go... either way, honestly, even if I don't feel Oriko'd cause a problem we don't need the worry distracting anybody."
---[X] "Mami could guard one group, set up traps around there with her ribbons -- razor garrot wire-ribbons would be nasty but effective, perhaps? And Oriko's galpal defend the other group?"
-[X] "If the faeries are done building their village, we might be able to hide Kohaku there. I don't like the idea, Fae in mythology are... fair, but they've just gotten done with a lot of work, I'd hate to bother them when they're tired and just got the place fixed up nicely. We can ask my Pixie if she's willing to help negotiate, if it comes to that."
--[X] "We need another option, we can get some maps and see what we can find. Preferably multiple of the same area over the years, as well as sewer maps. You never know what gets hidden under new construction."
---[X] "Unless you've got a safehouse with anti-scrying measures out of the city? We could sneak our noncombatant friends out of the province, then act like Kohaku's still right here, if the Disciples can't track her. Especially if we have more time."
-[X] "We should also plan for if they slip past us as there are a few powerful demons such as the Fiends, and a demon named Asura on their way that might distract us. Assuming they haven't arrived."
-[X] Mention the Jack Bros. as well -- they DEFININTELY aren't combatants, and their inventory might not be up to everyone swarming down on them at once, but we can stock up on healing and magic items. "They may have something to guard against any Dark magic, or cure brainwashing on an ally for those who don't have Patra handy." Besides, they could use the extra business, within reason, and a caution so they can take a couple days off out of the area if they want.
-[X] " Kyuubey going to cause any non-Disciple humans problems here, you think, or would it be willing to ensure no Witches interfere?"
-[X] When you have a moment, introduce Grandpa to Arisu, and tell him mom left a message about something under her bed.
Yumi can visit the Cathedral after this and re-acquire Dormina/Dream Fist access on some newly-summoned demons, maybe hoping to find something with Tetraja to defend Kyoko from Dark magic 1.5X damage and instagibbing along the way? Because I really doubt she's gonna agree to not join this fight. Something with Rakukaja wouldn't be a bad move either.