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And 68 would fit reasonably well for grandpa's time as Raido, being about 50 years ago.

1868 is somewhat more than 50 years before 2011 (iirc is when PMMM is set). /lh

Edit the first: JAGwin won that race, lol

Edit the still first but separate thing: It occurs to me that, to have lasted that long in a city with Mami in it, she must've been one heck of an inactive witch, generating very very little suffering. Which means she somehow lucked into the most reality-not-changing wish I've ever seen, causing little to no hope to be balanced out.
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Edit the still first but separate thing: It occurs to me that, to have lasted that long in a city with Mami in it, she must've been one heck of an inactive witch, generating very very little suffering. Which means she somehow lucked into the most reality-not-changing wish I've ever seen, causing little to no hope to be balanced out.
Kyubey is confirmed to replant Grief Seeds in this Quest, so it's possible Arisu's Witch was defeated by Mami at some point... and probably several other MGs over the years.
How long a walk it is depends on how much thinking with portals he decided to do, to be fair. Plus, if his dismissal of Homura's distance walking back to school is anything to go by... that might well be a pleasant stroll for him.

(Or he could just be equally as much of an ass as his brother.)
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It was already made clear that it couldn't be human!Alice.

SMT!Alice's hair is platinum blonde, and historical!Alice (Liddell) was not, apparently, the inspiration for the design of the book!Alice, either... which would've made her hair something like dark brown if she was? I dunno, I'm not one of those colorization "AI" programs. Either way, book!Alice's hair wasn't drawn with line density to be brown or black, imo.

And I, for one, have no plans to die for Arisu either way if I can help it. :p Would make a... Fun... time if we run into that Fiend, though.
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Well, now I know what Yumi's weakest subject at school was :)

Also, this girl is crazy out-of-time. It looks like Heian-kyo was being routinely called "Kyoto" by the end of the Heian period, which was the late 12th century...
I think it was still called heian Kyo at least in official documents till the 16th century but the name arisu is weird because it is fairly new as far as I know it didn't pop up till the 18th century and didn't get popular till after ww2
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Arisu, writing in Homura's notebook: The pink one is cute.

Homura: Don't write that kind of stuff, I have to keep--

Madoka, blushing: ...
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Sep 23, 2023 at 9:32 PM, finished with 30 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan texting and grandpa
    -[X] "You mean my cell phone? I guess depending on where you lived you might not have seen one before... It can do a lot of things like sending texts and pictures!"
    -[X] As a demonstration take a pic of her and send it to grandpa, with the caption: 'just resurrected this magical girl named Arisu and she's originally from a place called Heian-Kyo, do you know where that is?'
    --[X] if grandpa doesn't have a cellphone, send the pic to Raido, with the text 'she says she's from Heian-Kyo, do you know where that is?'
590: Heian-Kyo
[X] Plan texting and grandpa

"The "thing"...?" You repeat, "Oh, you mean my cellphone?"

Arisu hesitantly nods.

"I guess you've never seen one before, huh?" You pull it out, holding your phone in your hand, "It can do a ton of stuff! You can take pictures with it, talk to people from pretty much anywhere, send messages to people, do math..." You breathe out, not expecting to say that much about a phone, "...They're pretty handy!"

Arisu simply stares at you, clearly not understanding.

You raise your phone up to her, "Here's a little demonstration!" Before she can even tilt her head, you snap a picture of Arisu. Then, you flip the screen around to show her. "See?"

Her eyes light up in wonder as she looks at the screen. Homura simply looks as disinterested as always.

"And now, I'll send my Grandpa a message!" You tap out your message...

>Resurrected a magical girl, she says she's from some place called Heian-Kyo. Do you know where that is?

...And send it. "Presto! He got the message! Now, we just wait until--?"

Your phone is ringing. You sigh. Why does everyone have to call instead of text?


"Yumi." Grandpa cuts you off, "My darling granddaughter. Descendant of many, many great detectives."


"That's a very old term for Kyoto. Did you not learn that in History?" Grandpa sounds... not disappointed, but...

"Oh. H-How old?" You ask, a little nervous in regards to the answer.

"Believe it or not, that was before even my time." He says, "Centuries ago. If she is telling the truth, that would make her... hundreds of years old. Maybe older."

[] ?????????????????????????
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Considering how the vast majority of looks into Yumi's primary and secondary education involves her protecting classmates and or beating up bullies/criminals, I get the vague feeling she might have been a bit of a delinquent. Good enough to pass and get into a university, but probably not a stellar student. Or she just wasn't in class/paying attention during the Heian period lessons.
[X] "Ah... She also mentioned that Raido's name was familiar. So is it like a common name in the family?"

Best I can think of, and reminds Grandpa that Yumi has zero knowledge of her heritage.
Gramps already mentioned that Raido was his name but idk 100% remember if he said he passed on the name or gave it up entirely.
Iirc he only mentioned that it was his name.
Found the exact quote;
"Demons?" Grandpa finishes, "O' course! It's the family business! Y'know, before Raido here, I took up that name!"
With that said, it's also established that his name is (currently) Haruki. I assume (based on what little I know of the Raidou Kuzunoha series) that that's his birth name.
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