If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters
Voting is open
Form lets us output way more damage making impossible fights of say someone with 100k+ health into a winnable scenario

Yep. And currently, if that supermode form runs out while the enemy's still standing... we're toast. And probably not the lightly-toasted version that doesn't need jam on it. :o

So I'm all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no multiplier. Sure, it's "only" two more points of damage, but that gets multiplied by Tarakaja, Charge, hitting weaknesses when using elemental-infused attacks, the Magatsuhi form... it adds up. Er, multiplies up.

But I didn't here, so I'm not changing it now!

I'll edit my stat vote then -- does that update in the vote tally script, or does it only tally when you run it so I don't need to inform QMs in the future? I'm not familiar with this yet. 😅 Sorry for the extra ping.
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I'll edit my stat vote then -- does that update in the vote tally script, or does it only tally when you run it so I don't need to inform QMs in the future? I'm not familiar with this yet. 😅 Sorry for the extra ping
You can actually run your own tally. See that "new tally" at the bottom of the reply box?

And informing of changes you make is more for your fellow voters, especially if you're using Plan formatting.
[X] Static Strike: Adds Static Strike (8 MP) [SWORD+ZIO] {PHYS/LIGHTNING}

[X] +7 INT, +7 CHR, +2 LUK
-[X] Learn Mudoon and Resist Wind, replace Bufu, Mabufu and Dream Fist with Charge, Explosive Fist and Patra
Madokami, watching in stunned silence as Yumi Mother Fucking Konishi casually takes down a budding super Witch:
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Aug 21, 2023 at 9:42 PM, finished with 28 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Tempered Metal: Increase your damage from a d8 to a d10, and gain +2 damage!
    [X] +7 INT, +7 CHR, +2 LUK
    -[X] Learn Mudoon and Resist Wind, replace Bufu, Mabufu and Dream Fist with Charge, Explosive Fist and Patra
    [X] Static Strike: Adds Static Strike (8 MP) [SWORD+ZIO] {PHYS/LIGHTNING}
    [X] "I think things are going good. Wanna do a quick swing by the station and see if Patra will help Saburo?"
    [X] +7 INT, +7 CHR, +2 LUK
    -[X] Learn Mudoon and Resist Wind, replace Bufu, Mabufu and Dream Fist with Charge, Explosive Fist and Ziodyne
    [X] Poison Blade: Adds Poison Blade (5 MP) [SWORD+CHANCE (END ROLL: +15) OF POISON TO ENEMY] {PHYS}
    [X] +4 END, +4 INT, +6 CHR, +2 LUK
    -[X] Learn Mudoon and Resist Wind, replace Bufu, Mabufu and Dream Fist with Charge, Explosive Fist and Patra
557: Making Your Way
[X] Tempered Metal: Increase your damage from a d8 to a d10, and gain +2 damage!
[X] +7 INT, +7 CHR, +2 LUK
-[X] Learn Mudoon and Resist Wind, replace Bufu, Mabufu and Dream Fist with Charge, Explosive Fist and Patra
[X] "I think things are going good. Wanna do a quick swing by the station and see if Patra will help Saburo?"

"I think it all went well!" You smile as you reply, "Everything is going pretty smooth!"

"Okay!" Kohaku gets out of her chair, "So, where to next?"

"Hey, Yumi!" Omaya interrupts your train of thought, "I apologize if you two had plans, but I'd like to get your friend's statement about the incident earlier. Do you mind if I take her to the station?"

"Oh, that's pretty convenient!" You say, causing Kohaku to raise an eyebrow, "I kinda wanted to do some magic science with Okane, if at all possible!"

Both of your allies stare at you silently.

"...I'm just gonna try Patra." You admit, "I thought that the way I said it made it sound cool."

"Yumi, it sounded like you were going to add to the Geneva Convention." Kohaku informs you. "And... As much as I dislike what Saburo has done, it may provide an answer or two if you attempt it."

You both look to Omaya for approval.

"Wh- Don't look at me!" He puts his hands in the air, "Magic is your thing, the Chief said so himself!"

"I guess it's worth a shot, then!" You motion everyone to follow you, "To the station!"

"Yumi, be quiet!" Kohaku chides, "There are other people here!"

You cough into your hand, silently walking out of the hospital.

OOC: No, I am not giving you the answer to life, the universe and everything.

As you walk down the street, you find yourself reading the various signs and store names as you pass.

Hm. It looks like "Chomper's Pizza" is adding bacon to it's pizza toppings soon. You might have to order some.

There's an antique shop here! Man, Dad always loved visiting those when he was off of work!

Kuzunoha Detective Agency, huh? Well, you--


[] ??????????????????
Well, Uncle Raido did say he wanted to talk to Yumi face-to-face when both he and her had the time. Though he also said he'd call back later, maybe we can pop in after we're done with the trip to the station.
I want to tell Homura about the weird triple witch
We can tell her in person. That way we get to see her reaction lol.

I got two options:

[] Remember it's location for later. Might be fun to drop in.

[X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
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"Hey Homura, I think I just fought a mini-Wiener schnitzel."
"You did wha-" *AkemiHomura.exe has stopped responding*

[X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
OOC: No, I am not giving you the answer to life, the universe and everything

We already know that anyway -- it's purpose was to calculate what 6*7 is. :lol:

I'm already imagining some interesting ideas about both the pizza place and the antique store, but I don't wanna ruin it with my family's "make joke about something I don't know, turn out to be right" thing and spoil it. :)

[X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
-[X] Offer to pick up something from Chomper's Pizza for lunch on our way back.
To be honest, I would love to see a sequel to Duality.
My vote:
[X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
-[X] Offer to pick up something from Chomper's Pizza for lunch on our way back.
[X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
-[X] Offer to pick up something from Chomper's Pizza for lunch on our way back.
[X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
-[X] Offer to pick up something from Chomper's Pizza for lunch on our way back.
[X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
-[X] Offer to pick up something from Chomper's Pizza for lunch on our way back.
[X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
-[X] Offer to pick up something from Chomper's Pizza for lunch on our way back.
Playing as Vergil in DMC 3 is an experience. I made it to Mission 15 before I had to take a break.

Oh, right, voting closed!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Aug 22, 2023 at 9:27 PM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
    -[X] Offer to pick up something from Chomper's Pizza for lunch on our way back.
    [X] Stick you're head in to say a quick hello. If Raido is in, mention that you are swinging by the station, and can swing by when you're done if he wants.
558: Hi, Da- Raido!
[X] Saying hi, offering lunch!

"Hey, guys, can we hold up a sec?" You stop, looking at the door you almost walked by.

"Oh, sure. What's up, rock in your shoe?" Kohaku asks, stretching slightly.

"Yeah, there is." Omaya replies, taking his boot off, "I think I got it a few minutes ago, and it's been bugging me ever since...!"

"Take a look!" You point your thumb to the door, "It's Uncle Raido's office! I'm gonna poke my head in and say hi!"

Kohaku smiles, "Ah, that's why you stopped! Go ahead, we can wait!"

"We can? Oh, um, I suppose if you're quick about it...!" Omaya says sheepishly.

You nod, opening the door. It's unlocked, that's a good sign!


You enter the office, only to find it empty.

Disheartened, you look around the room. There's a large table in front of you, as well as some chairs, but his desk sits on an elevated area overlooking the whole room.

Everything is clean, which surprises you a little. You imagined him to be at least a little disorganized, but nothing is out of its proper place.

You sigh, exiting the office. You could still text him later, but you have other things to get to right now.

When you exit, Kohaku blinks in surprise at you. "That was quick."

"Nobody was home." You shrug.

"And his door was unlocked?" Omaya comments, "Odd..."

[] "I could text him about it!"
[] "Let's lock it, just in case!"
[] ?????????????

Regardless, you make it to the station, with Kohaku and Omaya close behind.

Omaya taps you on the shoulder, getting your attention. "I'm going to be in the conference room, just on the left when you walk in." He tells you, "Saburo Okane is... I'm sure you can ask the Chief, it looks like he's back in his office. Any questions, before I take your friend's statement?"

[] ????????????????????
I've discovered that fripside songs are just generally bangers.

Anyway, my vote:

[X] "I could text him about it!"
-[X] "Let's lock it, just in case!"

[X] "So, you guys come across any other magic stuff?"
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Voting is open