[X] "Yes, just one Fiend. Only that one, and not any others."
"Funny, in a horribly terrifying sort of way." You offhandedly mention, "That's actually the second Fiend I beat. Heh, now I beat one in my dreams, and awake!"
"Wait, in your dreams?" Kohaku stares at you like you've grown a second head.
"Yeah, that's how I got the Candelabra App on my phone!" You unlock your phone, tapping on the app. You show the screen to everyone present.
Kohaku and Shoji can't find a way to react, but Raido looks you dead in the eyes.
"Yumi." He says as calmly as he can, "You have killed two Fiends, and I have failed to notice them." Taking off his hat, he puts a hand to his head. "I've read about this race of demons once. I had thought that they were myths, even among demons. If I recall correctly, their appearance isn't random or even a chance."
"Mr. Raido, sir, what are you talking about?" Shoji asks, trying to not let his fear show.
"I'll have to read up to make sure, but... No." He shakes his head, putting his hat back on, "I won't scare you with "maybe"s or guesses. I need the facts." He gets up, walking to the door, before stopping at your counter. "Before I forget, I called the Chief the other day about the kid, Yuma Chitose. I'll be taking your reports from now on. Once every two days, okay?"
"I... Wait, rumors can become demons?!" You ask, barely catching up with your uncle.
"Very rarely." He corrects, "I don't know how or why it happens, but it's extremely rare. Try not to pay it much mind." He produces an envelope from his coat, placing it on your counter, "I figure you'd need some money soon, so consider this an allowance. I must be going, now. Don't do anything reckless, Yumi."
You sigh, watching your uncle exit swiftly. Kohaku sighs, taking a seat on your bed.
With a slight groan, Shoji leans back in his chair. "...Shit." He says.
Suddenly, your brain catches up with you! You have a Rumor demon! With a motion of your hand, you call out Turbo Granny, startling Shoji and Kohaku.
"Shit, whippersnapper!" Turbo Granny claps her hands, "I heard from Raiju and Nadja that you went and fucked up a Fiend! Good shit, kiddo! But I doubt you called me to tell me about that. What's on your mind?"
"Can you tell me about Rumor demons?" You ask, with Kohaku recovering from your unintentional scare.
"Besides the fact that we appear from large rumors and shit like that?" Turbo Granny shrugs, "No fucking clue, kid."
Shoji sighs, "It was worth a shot, I guess." He pats you on the back.
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