If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

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Now that I've thought about it, I'd like to know how fast Nori expected Raido to teach her how to Summon considering the fact that it has been less than twenty-four hours since she asked him to train her.
Good point to bring up. Added this:
-[X] "And hasn't it only been like a day since Raido took you under his wing? He might not have everything you need, or a proper measure of your abilities. Basically I think he's trying to avoid throwing you into the deep end like I was."
I've been playing Devil May Cry 3 for a fair bit.

My thumbs hurt.

On mission 7, with two secret missions down. I have no idea where the other ones are.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 14, 2023 at 10:06 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan: All good things
    -[X] "Because most of the good stuff usually has strings attached, money is just the most obvious. Don't tell Raido, but there are enough eyes on me that I'm in an improve or die situation myself. Some groups want me to grow, others want me dead, and I don't know the motives of any of them. I didn't even get much of a tutorial beyond 'how to contact' and had to figure out pretty much everything else myself."
    -[X] "And hasn't it only been like a day since Raido took you under his wing? He might not have everything you need, or a proper measure of your abilities. Basically I think he's trying to avoid throwing you into the deep end like I was."
    -[X] "Also, since I don't know if Raido knows about it, there's a computer program," tap your gauntlet, "that can be used for storing and summoning demons. If you can get ahold of something that can run it, and it's small enough you can run it on a phone, then I can see about hooking you up with a copy. Don't know how he'd react if you told him about it. He might help you get set up, or he might want to investigate it further."
    --[X] If she complains about a phone plan. "Phones don't need a phone plan or SIM card to run programs downloaded on them."
    -[X] "If you want, you can come back to my place for a meal, then follow me around and see if we run into anything so you can see how I do things."
    [X] "…well, I don't have anything planned at the moment, wanna go hunt for a demon or something?"
428: Demonic Deep End
[X] Plan: All good things

"Because most of everything comes with strings attached, with money being the most obvious." You honestly sympathize with Nori a fair bit. "Don't tell Uncle Raido, but I've got more than a few eyes on me. Figuratively speaking. I think." You sheepishly add, "I'm stuck in an "Adapt or Die" scenario. Some parties want me to grow, while others herald for my death."

Nori blinks, not breaking eye contact.

"Yeah." You nod solemnly, "I don't even know what any of them want. I didn't get much of a walkthrough besides "Here's how you talk to demons", so I had to figure most of this out on my own."

"Like a Magical Girl." Nori mutters.

"Mostly! Sans the Kyubey, of course." You sigh, "Also, hasn't it only been, what, a day since Uncle Raido took you under his wing?" While you've got her attention, you may as well tackle this issue as well, "He might not have everything you need on hand, or even a proper gauge of your abilities!"

"Yeah, but it's pretty important!" Nori argues, "Considering the demons? It just doesn't make sense to me!"

"Think of it like this!" You try a new approach, "He's just trying not to drop you in the demonic deep end like I was!"

"...I guess that's a good enough reason." Nori crosses her arms, "So, how do I... Summon?"

"From what I've seen, Raido's summoning is different from mine." You raise your Gauntlet, tapping the metal part, "Mine's a computer program. It's as easy as getting a hold on something that can run it! Some friends of mine even have it on their phones!"

"Easy as that?" Nori seems skeptical. She digs around in her pocket, producing a touchscreen phone with a... That screen has seen better days. "It'll work on this piece of shit, yeah?"

"It should, yes!" You smile, "Now all we need to do is--"

"Nevermind, it's fuckin' dead." Nori scowls.

"...Okay." You look at her phone, kinda bummed about not getting her the program yet. "How about you swing around my place for lunch? After that, we can go hunting!"

"Witches, or demons?"

"Eh, I'm not picky. Whatever we find first. Sound good?"

"I'll bite, sure." Nori shrugs, "Lead the way, demon girl."

You nod, motioning her to follow you. With your hearts set on lunch, the both of you set out.

OOC: No.

As you and Nori walk down the street, you hear the fluttering wings of... Something all around you. You take a quick look, and...

Five Pixies flit around you, eyeing you carefully. One of them notices you looking at her, and points at you.

"This human can see us!!" She says excitedly, practically bouncing around.

"Wow, I've never seen one up close!" Another pipes up.

"Maybe she can help out!" The third says, flying close to you. She clears her throat, and dramatically poses in front of you, "Human, we request your assistance!"

"Oh, good confidence, girl!" A different Pixie whispers.

Nori looks at the Pixies, then back at you. If the look on her face is anything to go by, then she's utterly confused.

"You see 'em too, right?" She asks you.

[] ??????????????????????
[X] Summon your own Pixie and turn to Nori. "Yeah, I see them." Turn back to the Pixies, "I'm willing to hear you out. So tell me, what problem do ya need help with?"
[X] Summon your own Pixie and turn to Nori. "Yeah, I see them." Turn back to the Pixies, "I'm willing to hear you out. So tell me, what problem do ya need help with?"
Is there a special reason you're saying no here, or is it solely due to the funny number? Because lordy I hope this isn't related to Mara. Thankfully there are other, weaker, demons that qualify has "sex related."
He's preemptively waving around the Horni Bat to prevent any further comments about the funny number or what other authors do when they roll the funny number. I remember another QM that did thing like « That guy now has a wife » « Someone female just got splashed in water » « Accidental Kiss » and other things like that when the protagonists where too young to even have hormones coursing through them.
[X] Summon your own Pixie and turn to Nori. "Yeah, I see them." Turn back to the Pixies, "I'm willing to hear you out. So tell me, what problem do ya need help with?"
EX 79: Class
"Sayaka, are you listening?" Ms. Saotome asks loudly, causing Sayaka to jump a little.

"Huh? Oh, yeah!" Sayaka replies, laughing slightly, "Guess I looked like I zoned out there, huh?"

Ms. Saotome eyes Sayaka carefully, before sighing and continuing with her lesson. You can't help but glance in your friend's direction. Her tired eyes and sunken shoulders tell you all you need to know about her.

Sayaka hasn't been sleeping well, if at all. There are a hundred causes, ranging from Witches to demons and even Magical Girl Serial Killers, but you doubt that she'd give you an answer if you asked.

She's always been the kind of girl to try to take everything head-on without any help. As you've come to expect, this has gotten her into more trouble than it's saved her from.

Maybe Sayaka will come to you this time? She's done so before...

...Maybe you can ask Mami or Homura to help you talk to her?

That might be a good plan! You'll talk to Homura when lunch starts!

She'll be able to be forceful where you... Lack the heart to be. Gosh, you can never be forceful with anyone...!


"I need to be better, don't I?" You mutter to yourself, "If I can just be better..."

"If you wish to prevail, you require a honed edge."​

"It's not about a fight." You clarify, "Kyosuke... Last time I saw him, things didn't go so well."

"Did he perhaps attempt to attack you?"
"No! No he-- look, I just did something stupid that I should have known was stupid and he called me stupid because I'm stupid!" You bury your forehead in your hands, "So now I've been trying to be not stupid so I can go back and--"

"You are not intellectually lacking. You do, however, lack a certain amount of forethought."​

"Can you tell me what that even means?" You attempt to bury your head deeper into your hands.

"When two swordsmen do battle, they must be quick. This is the nature of a duel. You either think and react quickly and accordingly, or you are slain by your enemy."
"What does that have to do with Kyosuke?"


"Then why did you...?"

"You misunderstand my meaning. A duel of blades and a duel of hearts share nothing in common. You are treating the Kyosuke as an opponent, when in reality he is your ally. Be calm, speak your mind, and do not be reactionary."​

"...Ah." Is that what you've been doing? Instead of thinking of Kyosuke as your friend who you appreciate a lot, have you been treating him like an opponent to conquer?

Damnit, how stupid can you be, Sayaka?! Kyosuke was--?!

"Sayaka, are you listening?" Ms. Saotome asks loudly, causing you to jump a little.
Well looks like Sayaka mind asistant is more like a cool headed Vergil.

Surely this will not bring any trouble in the future.
[X] Summon your own Pixie and turn to Nori. "Yeah, I see them." Turn back to the Pixies, "I'm willing to hear you out. So tell me, what problem do ya need help with?"
[X] Summon your own Pixie and turn to Nori. "Yeah, I see them." Turn back to the Pixies, "I'm willing to hear you out. So tell me, what problem do ya need help with?"
So, Yuma has a Ralts already. But, consider the following:

Give her a Stufful, too.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 15, 2023 at 10:23 PM, finished with 16 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Summon your own Pixie and turn to Nori. "Yeah, I see them." Turn back to the Pixies, "I'm willing to hear you out. So tell me, what problem do ya need help with?"
    [X] To Nori: "Yep."
    -[X] To the Pixies: "What's the problem?"
429: Pixies' Plight
[X] To Nori: "Yeah."

You turn to Nori, half tempted to mess with her. "Yeah, I see them, too." You nod, tapping on your Gauntlet.

Pixie appears on your shoulder, stretching. "Oooooh, stiff back! Oh, hey, Yumi! What's going down?"

One of the Pixies gasps slightly, "Omigosh it's you! From the Fairy Village!!"

"Huh?!" Your Pixie looks to the group of similarly sized girls in shock, "Oh, hey! It's been a little while, huh?"

"Yeah, we should totally catch up, girl!" Another Pixie chimes in, "Like, you got yourself a summoner?"

"Yup!" With pride practically beaming from her voice, your Pixie pats you where she sits, "I taught her how to talk with demons myself!"

"That's so cool!!" Yet another Pixie zips in closer, "You gotta tell me, who--"

"Didn't you guys need something?" Nori interrupts, clearly having trouble following the conversation.

The Pixies all look at each other, then back at you. "Oh, yeah." One Pixie smacks herself on the forehead. "So, weird question, but have you seen a demon called High Pixie?"

"...No, sorry. Why?" You put your hands on your hips.

"Well, ever since the path to the human world opened, Queen Titania and King Oberon have been trying to send a High Pixie scout forward to find a new site for a Fairy Village!" After she says this, the Pixie droops a little, "But not one of them has reported back. We need to move, but we can't just take our entire population and wander aimlessly!"

"Who knows how many nasty demons would try to pick us off!" Another Pixie adds, "So, we set out in secret to find a new spot to call home! And that's our story!"

"Why do you gotta move here?" Nori asks bluntly.

"Well, there aren't strong demons over here! It also doesn't help that our small village is right next to the bridge to this world, which means some real bad guys come marching through to get here!" The Pixies shivers, "There was one named Morax who stomped through town just a while ago! He killed any demon he saw, just because he was tougher!"

"And word around the area is that a really strong demon named Asura is on a warpath right to our village!" A new Pixie pipes up, "And we don't wanna be around when he shows up!"

"So, you're looking for somewhere to live because you're being displaced?" You attempt to summarize.

"Yeah." The most talkative Pixie says, "Do you think you could lend a few Pixies a hand here?"

[] ??????????????????????
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[X] "I mean, we did kill Morax earlier, so unless he can revive himself it should be fine on that front. I'll keep an eye out for High Pixies for you guys."
-[X] "Seeing how you guys are friends with Pixie here, I could help you guys fight Asura if you'd like."
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