"Sayaka, are you listening?" Ms. Saotome asks loudly, causing Sayaka to jump a little.
"Huh? Oh, yeah!" Sayaka replies, laughing slightly, "Guess I looked like I zoned out there, huh?"
Ms. Saotome eyes Sayaka carefully, before sighing and continuing with her lesson. You can't help but glance in your friend's direction. Her tired eyes and sunken shoulders tell you all you need to know about her.
Sayaka hasn't been sleeping well, if at all. There are a hundred causes, ranging from Witches to demons and even Magical Girl Serial Killers, but you doubt that she'd give you an answer if you asked.
She's always been the kind of girl to try to take everything head-on without any help. As you've come to expect, this has gotten her into more trouble than it's saved her from.
Maybe Sayaka will come to you this time? She's done so before...
...Maybe you can ask Mami or Homura to help you talk to her?
That might be a good plan! You'll talk to Homura when lunch starts!
She'll be able to be forceful where you...
Lack the heart to be. Gosh, you can never be forceful with anyone...!
"I need to be better, don't I?" You mutter to yourself, "If I can just be better..."
"If you wish to prevail, you require a honed edge."
"It's not about a fight." You clarify, "Kyosuke... Last time I saw him, things didn't go so well."
"Did he perhaps attempt to attack you?"
"No! No he-- look, I just did something stupid that I should have known was stupid and he called me stupid
because I'm stupid!" You bury your forehead in your hands, "So now I've been trying to be not stupid so I can go back and--"
"You are not intellectually lacking. You do, however, lack a certain amount of forethought."
"Can you tell me what that even means?" You attempt to bury your head deeper into your hands.
"When two swordsmen do battle, they must be quick. This is the nature of a duel. You either think and react quickly and accordingly, or you are slain by your enemy."
"What does that have to do with Kyosuke?"
"Then why did you...?"
"You misunderstand my meaning. A duel of blades and a duel of hearts share nothing in common. You are treating the Kyosuke as an opponent, when in reality he is your ally. Be calm, speak your mind, and do not be reactionary."
"...Ah." Is that what you've been doing? Instead of thinking of Kyosuke as your friend
who you appreciate a lot, have you been treating him like an opponent to conquer?
Damnit, how stupid can you be, Sayaka?! Kyosuke was--?!
"Sayaka, are you listening?" Ms. Saotome asks loudly, causing you to jump a little.