If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

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[X] "While I hadn't expected to find a shop like this today, just knowing you're here is good. I know a few people that are more lacking in the gear department than I am, so I'll definitely be sending them your way. After making sure they have the cash for it. Unfortunately for me, I have a sparring session in a bit so I don't have the time to discuss my own needs."
In honor of a certain game releasing...

"What're ya buyin'?"
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 8, 2023 at 12:26 AM, finished with 13 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] "While I hadn't expected to find a shop like this today, just knowing you're here is good. I know a few people that are more lacking in the gear department than I am, so I'll definitely be sending them your way. After making sure they have the cash for it. Unfortunately for me, I have a sparring session in a bit so I don't have the time to discuss my own needs."
421: To The Park Again!
[X] Plans for the future.

"Y'know, I didn't expect to find a shop like this today," You admit, "Just knowing you're around is great! There are a few people I know who are lacking in equipment than I am, so I'll definitely be sending 'em your way!"

"No kiddin'?" The Dwarf laughs, "Just make sure that they've got the cash for it, and we can outfit yer pals just fine!" He nods at you, "So, are ya buyin' anything today?"

You sigh, "Unfortunately for me, I have a sparring session on a little bit. Maybe we can discuss my needs at a later date?"

"That's not a problem, lass!" The Dwarf hoists his hammer on his shoulder, "Just come back soon, and I can guarantee we'll sort out all yer needs!"

"That's great to hear! Have a good day!" You wave. The Dwarf waves back as you exit, and walk back to the main road.

You were meeting Nori at the park, if you recall correctly. You should arrive before her if you start heading there now!

You stretch a little, walking down the sidewalk back into Mitakihara.


As you near the park, you begin to feel...

...Something. You can't describe it in any other words, just something. It's not discomfort, or fear, or even hair raising, it's just...

You're not the only one here. You see the man in the blue coat, Vergil, sitting on a park bench. There's a book in one of his hands, and the intense expression on his face makes interrupting his reading seem like a horrible decision. You decide to leave him be...?

He looks up at you, closing his book with a resounding thud. "Yumi." He states calmly, staring you down. "This is quite fortunate for me. Are you busy at the moment?"

You blink, his gaze making your nerves shoot up, "Um, why? What's going on?"

"The child's stories about you have peaked my interest. She describes you as a capable fighter." Vergil slowly stands, looking you over. "In short, I would like to test her claims."

[] ????????????????????????
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Also, do we know which child he's talking about? On a meta level, I'm pretty sure it's Nagisa, but I don't remember if Yumi knows that they've met.
The first time we met Vergil was when he was returning Nagisa to her mother.

I'm thinking:

[X] "Sounds like fun. Though if you want an outside perspective, I came here to spar with someone else. But you can't improve if you don't push yourself."
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[X] "Sounds like fun. Though if you want an outside perspective, I came here to spar with someone else. But you can't improve if you don't push yourself."
Do you think Dr. Eggman could outsmart the Incubators and steal Witches to stop Sonic?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 8, 2023 at 10:48 PM, finished with 6 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] "Sounds like fun. Though if you want an outside perspective, I came here to spar with someone else. But you can't improve if you don't push yourself."
Do you think Dr. Eggman could outsmart the Incubators and steal Witches to stop Sonic?
This is the good doctor we are talking about, he could probably invent himself something to mind control the entire incubator mind hive (not too hard specially if they cannot cut out the mind controlled vessel in time or outright cannot do it) probably depends on continuity, but game/idw could probably repurpose the metal virus for this.

After that he hijacks the entire system of grief and starts making badniks with them.

As for the witches, their all around nature are so similar to the time eater so I see him hijacking Wally itself and using it for the obligatory super sonic boss fight.

The incubators may not think too much of humans, but underestimating Eggman is something you do at your own peril and pay the consequences for it.
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422: Vergil.
[X] "Lesduit." - Lesduit

"Sounds like fun!" You answer almost instantly, "But I actually did show up here to spar with someone else!"

"I see." Vergil cracks his neck, "Am I expected to wait, then?"

"Nah, she's not here yet!" You smile, "And besides, you can't improve if you don't push yourself!"

(INT ROLL: 9+6)

"My thoughts exactly." Vergil replies, drumming his fingers on his sword's scabbard, "Let's see if that child's faith is founded in reason. Come."

You put your hand to Dawn's hilt, carefully watching Vergil for any movements. It seems that he is doing the same.

There's a flash of blue from just behind him--!!

(AGL ROLL: 17+5)

You sidestep quickly, letting the ethereal sword pass you. Another ghost blade appears behind him, and you--!!

(DEX ROLL: 20+4)

He can teleport! He can teleport! HE CAN TELEPORT!!

One second, he was about 15 feet from you, and the next...

...Right up in your face, bringing down another, bigger, ghost sword.

You block his strike, feeling his strength in that single blow. Vergil scoffs.

He's gone again...? What's with the shadows above--!

(AGL ROLL: 19+5)

You dive out of the way, dozens of spectral swords stabbing downwards where you were just moments ago.

"I wonder..." You hear from your left. You turn, and sure enough, Vergil is leaning against a tree, "...Were those good reactions, or just flukes?"

[] ????????????????????????
So, uh... is Vergil holding back enough to not kill us if our bullshit luck suddenly deserts us?
Nah, this is a test of Yumi's skill. And I don't wanna risk setting Vergil off.
Ah okay.

[X] "Alright, wasn't expecting that, can't really afford to get caught by those...!"
-[X] Attack with Piercing Slash, and try to fuse it with Hamaon. If it fails, just do Piercing Slash.
--[X] Don't let him catch you, you have a bad feeling about those attacks of his.

Edit: My reasoning is to try to Blind and pray he can't hit us.
Well it is happening people.

So, Dante on SMT3 was inmune to ailments (stuff like poison,sleep,etc) and death and also resisted Magic and Physical.

So I expect Vergil to be the same.

[X] "Alright, wasn't expecting that, can't really afford to get caught by those...!"
-[X] Attack with Piercing Slash, and try to fuse it with Hamaon. If it fails, just do Piercing Slash.
--[X] Don't let him catch you, you have a bad feeling about those attacks of his.

Yeah if we want to do any damage or at least impress Vergil, we will need to use almighty stuff.
So, Dante on SMT3 was inmune to ailments (stuff like poison,sleep,etc) and death and also resisted Magic and Physical.
Well, thats a bummer, but not unexpected. Still the plan remains the same. Getting caught by anything would be baaad

Edit: What element would those ethereal weapons be anyway? Almighty? I could see it.

Edit 2: QM play Bury the Light-
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Probably almighty, but even if it wasn't this is one of the 2 swords that belonged to the legendary Sparda, I wouldn't be surprised that it had measures in place to bypass any BS we have.
Probably almighty, but even if it wasn't this is one of the 2 swords that belonged to the legendary Sparda, I wouldn't be surprised that it had measures in place to bypass any BS we have.
I'm just under the assumption that Yamato has Pierce by default.

Though, if he hurts Yumi and see's her regen, how much you wanna bet he comes to the conclusion that she has demon blood?
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