Isiri Pudireach
Predictive text can go duck itself
We know the important ones:
-Size: Big
-Weight: Heavy
We know the important ones:
So we can probably assume it has a statline similar to the Hammer that's up for sale yeah?
"states"? "says"?
The first time we met Vergil was when he was returning Nagisa to her mother.Also, do we know which child he's talking about? On a meta level, I'm pretty sure it's Nagisa, but I don't remember if Yumi knows that they've met.
This is the good doctor we are talking about, he could probably invent himself something to mind control the entire incubator mind hive (not too hard specially if they cannot cut out the mind controlled vessel in time or outright cannot do it) probably depends on continuity, but game/idw could probably repurpose the metal virus for this.Do you think Dr. Eggman could outsmart the Incubators and steal Witches to stop Sonic?
[] "...Yes?"
Nah, this is a test of Yumi's skill. And I don't wanna risk setting Vergil off.
Ah okay.Nah, this is a test of Yumi's skill. And I don't wanna risk setting Vergil off.
Well, thats a bummer, but not unexpected. Still the plan remains the same. Getting caught by anything would be baaadSo, Dante on SMT3 was inmune to ailments (stuff like poison,sleep,etc) and death and also resisted Magic and Physical.
I'm just under the assumption that Yamato has Pierce by default.Probably almighty, but even if it wasn't this is one of the 2 swords that belonged to the legendary Sparda, I wouldn't be surprised that it had measures in place to bypass any BS we have.
I don't think we regen fast enough for it to be all that noticeable atm. We regen max 6 hp per turn out of like 431Though, if he hurts Yumi and see's her regen, how much you wanna bet he comes to the conclusion that she has demon blood?