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398: Homewards
[X] Head home.

Part of you wants to keep walking, seeing what the night has to offer.

A more reasonable part of you, however, realizes that after your duel with Kazuya...

...You're tired. Guess you needed a good fight.

Well, better head home. To be honest, you kinda only came out here to get yourself tired enough to sleep. Old habits die hard, you suppose.

You start your perilous trek home...

...You snicker at that overdramatic thought.


You sit at your table, sighing. You are at a severe disadvantage.

You are not combat oriented. That honor belongs to Kirika, who is sitting across from you. She can be frustrating to handle sometimes, but you...

...You needed to guide her. To point her in the right direction. You thought that meant the death of Madoka Kaname.

Yumi proved you wrong.

Your power, to see the future, is not functioning. The Wish you made, the plans you could set...

...Gone in the wind. Demons.

They stop you from seeing, from using your power. Every time you try, it's just...


Did you get conned out of your Wish? Did Kyubey have a hand in it?

Is this Yumi's fault?

If only you could see ahead, plan for the future as carefully as you need to, and stop problems before they start. You can't help but feel cheated.

Maybe you should get a new phone. After all, you doubt this old thing could run the... Program, or whatever it's called.


You reach the front door, and walk inside. Kohaku is already asleep, barely making a sound.

Yuma's light is off, so you can only assume that she's turned in as well. You find yourself smiling.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

You quickly change, climbing into bed. Rest comes quite easily.


And before you know it, you're in the Training Grounds again. The Lost Samurai has his back to you, apparently lost in thought.

[] ??????????????????????
[X] Stay where you are and greet him, " Yo! Sorry if I'm a little late, couldn't sleep so I went for a walk and a fight."

Never know if suprising someone will trigger a fight response.
Did you get conned out of your Wish? Did Kyubey have a hand in it?

Is this Yumi's fault?
Nah, sorry Oriko, but as much as I would like this to be the white rat fault it is probably related to how fate itself works on SMT.

Specifically, how the axiom itself treats fate for humans.

It does makes a lot of sense actually, on smt humans have pretty much been always able to tell fate to screw off by offing of a god or a demon and make their own path.

Either that or she is getting blank because there is nothing on the future because it got destroyed, really the blank thing is giving me vibes of the whites from SMT IV, aka the guys who are pretty much hellbent of just ending all life in general and return it to the void of nothingness.

[X] Stay where you are and greet him, " Yo! Sorry if I'm a little late, couldn't sleep so I went for a walk and a fight."
[X] Stay where you are and greet him, " Yo! Sorry if I'm a little late, couldn't sleep so I went for a walk and a fight."
If Yumi were in a normal Magical Girl setting, would she be less or more scary?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 17, 2023 at 12:47 AM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.
399: Training.
[X] Stay where you are and greet him, " Yo! Sorry if I'm a little late, couldn't sleep so I went for a walk and a fight."

You sit up, just staying where you're seated. Guess you'll just wait for him to turn around...

"...Hm?" He turns, looking down at you. That didn't take long! "Yumi."

"Yo!" You wave, then stand up, "Sorry I kept you waiting! I just couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk. And got into a fight." You add quickly.

"I see. I can only hope you learned something from your battle." Crossing his arms, the Lost Samurai straightens his back. "If all goes well, this should be a more... Usual training session."

"We haven't really established a "usual"." Your eyebrow raises.

"Fair. For now, I would like you to gain the proper knowledge of being a summoner."

"I already summon demons, we fight the enemies, and we win. Is there something I'm missing?"

You hear a sigh from the shadow surrounding your teacher's face. "There's more to it than that. You must learn to be a proper leader. You must make commands."

You silently listen as he speaks, attempting to retain what he says.

"I have prepared an exercise to assist with this." The Lost Samurai raises his Gauntlet, and taps the screen. A few feet to his left...

...Is a demon you've never seen before.

It's large, blue, and has two horse heads. And why the hell is it shredded?!

You put your hand to Dawn's handle--?

"No." Your teacher puts his hand out in front of you, "You will not be participating. Choose three demons, and command them. Tell them when and how to strike."

You relax a little, sighing.

[] ????????????????????
It's large, blue, and has two horse heads. And why the hell is it shredded?!
Well didn't take me long to find it.


Centaur, also known as Kentauros, is a demon in the series. The Centaurs are part human and part horse monsters that appear in Greco-Roman mythology. They were the children of Centaurus and the Magnesian Mares or Ixion and Nephele. They were wild in nature and untamed, excelled at archery and...

Weak to elec, either that or force and dark if it is SMT IV A version.

Either way, I say Turbo Granny or Pixie, Wendigo and Raiju, that should give us enough to test weakness.
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Weak to elec, either that or force and dark if it is SMT IV A version.
Right then. Good to know.

[X] Plan Take It Down
-[X] Summon Nadja, Raiju and Wendigo
--[X] Nadja and Wendigo cast Tarukaja, Raiju casts Zionga
---[X] If it's still alive, Wendigo casts Tarukaja again, Nadja casts Zandyne and Raiju casts Zionga again unless the enemy resists Electricity, in which case Raiju is to cast Mudoon

If I'm reading the wiki correctly, Centaur is weak. Like, really, really weak, so I don't see a point in casting debuffs right now. My guess is that this is just the first round, and there will be more after this one's gone.
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If I'm reading the wiki correctly, Centaur is weak. Like, really, really weak, so I don't see a point in casting debuffs right now. My guess is that this is just the first round, and there will be more after this one's gone.
Either that or this is Samurai personal centaur he has trained and fused like crazy to give it appropiate skills, that our demons don't level up for our side doesn't means it apply for the other games protags.

I could also be wrong and this is not centaur, wouldn't be the first OG demon Milk uses since Eris is a thing, I could also just be looking at the wrong place considering the rumor race is also confirmed thanks to Turbo Granny.

[X] Plan Take It Down
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I could also be wrong and this is not centaur, wouldn't be the first OG demon Milk uses since Eris is a thing, I could also just be looking at the wrong place considering the rumor race is also confirmed thanks to Turbo Granny.
I'm willing to bet it is Centaur, because It fits that the SMT 4 character would use SMT 4 demons. That, and the design is just so specific.

Definitely a custom stat sheet though, since he would be a pushover otherwise.
Definitely a custom stat sheet though, since he would be a pushover otherwise.
I don't know. The Demon Market version seems pretty respectable compared to what we've got at the moment.

On a related note, I've modified my plan to have Raiju cast Mudoon if it turns out that the enemy resists Electricity, because not only is the Demon Market version of Centaur not weak to Electricity, it has the Skill Resist Elec, meaning that if that's the version we're fighting, it would be best to avoid using Electricity.
Anyone else feel like Yumi is at least mid-late game?

These feel a bit too easy. Could just be the momentum of feeling invincible though. We should at least be mid-late game in terms of power though if we already have -dyne skills.

Plus, idk why he thinks we can't command them, we do it all the time!
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These feel a bit too easy. Could just be the momentum of feeling invincible though. We should at least be mid-late game in terms of power though if we already have -dyne skills.
Oh trust me this is still baby steps, we mostly got lucky with dyne spells thanks to Milk allowing demons 5 levels above ours which lets us have more room for stuff like this and even then zan and zio 3rd tier can be learned fairly quickly, heck if we had the right stuff we could have gotten zyodyne at level 16, but we will still beed to work for a while for the other dynes

But don't get cocky these are mostly to.get trough the cannon fodder, we start our mid game when we get access to stuff like luster candy and debilitate with a minimun MP bar.

This is mostly cause end games will have you abusing this stuff like your bread and butter for 2 reasons.

Mid-bosses tend to be damage sponges and they sometimes can even carry fucking diaraham for some cases.

So yeah, devs mostly give you early access to this stuff cause they will make you fight for that win.

There is also that we have gotten fairly lucky with our elemental affinites and that we haven't found anything that also abuses the game mechanics yet.
Plus, idk why he thinks we can't command them, we do it all the time!
He's probably just gauging our capabilities to know where we are in that regard.
That, and he's probably seeing how our team holds up without us as the Main Powerhouse. given that normally we're right there in the thick of it. after all, our general role in the party is basically the one who's at the tip of the spear, the first to strike and last to retreat.
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Let the trial... Begin!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 18, 2023 at 12:25 AM, finished with 10 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Take It Down
    -[X] Summon Nadja, Raiju and Wendigo
    --[X] Nadja and Wendigo cast Tarukaja, Raiju casts Zionga
    ---[X] If it's still alive, Wendigo casts Tarukaja again, Nadja casts Zandyne and Raiju casts Zionga again unless the enemy resists Electricity, in which case Raiju is to cast Mudoon
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