[X] Our enemy is down! Its time for an all out attack! (Cue dust cloud antics)
"It's down! Everyone go all out!" You rally your demons to you, and begin to wail on it!
Slashes, punches, kicks, blunt object attacks, and Pixie's... Uh... And Pixie rang out through the Barrier, and when the dust had settled...
Only a tiny trinket of some kind remained. You stoop down to pick it up-
But Homura is already holding it. "You have no real use for a Grief Seed. As a Magical Girl, I need them. I trust you understand."
"Yeah, I guess that's fair." You shrug as you seem to do so often, "So, now what?"
"Now," Homura takes a stern tone, "I tell you that you're stupid for attacking a Witch with your bare hands."
"But she kicked it?" Pixie says.
"This isn't a game, Yumi. You could've died, and then I'd... Ugh!" Homura groans, walking towards you. "Use your weapon, damnit! You have one! I can't keep saving you from your stupid reckless decisions, Saya- Yumi!"
"Moreover, we have proved victorious! This is cause for celebration! Rejoice, warriors!" Angel breaks the tension.
As the Barrier fades away and the real world is brought back into view, you find yourself in a hospital room. Mami sits with Nagisa, the latter of which is clearly worried.
"Mama's here," Nagisa says, "She's sleeping."
Homura breathes out, "Good. The Witch is dead."
"Wonderful news, you..." Mami counts your party for a moment, "...Four! How was your first Witch Hunt?"
"It was okay, I guess." Pixie says, stretching out in mid-air.
"Yumi Konishi, was it?" You hear a familiar voice from the windowsill, Kyubey is here. Great. "Your companions are quite puzzling to me. What manner of beings are they?"
"I am but a humble servant of the Lord," Angel responds with a new coldness in his voice, "And I must ask you to leave us at once."
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