[X] Plan: just a ''normal'' lunch talk
"Hey, Mami, could you grab me a glass of water?" You ask, just now realizing your lingering thirst.
"Of course! Just a moment!" Mami chimes, readying lunch.
"You're a lifesaver!" You respond.
She winks knowingly at you. Then, she returns to her task. Before you can drum up a topic, Mami places some sandwiches on the table.
"And your water, Yumi!" She places it next to your plate.
Yuma instantly digs in, with Sayaka attempting to match her pace. Homura, in stark contrast, is eating slowly.
"So, anything happen today, Mami?" You ask the old but gold question.
"I watched over Yuma today, and that's about it. I had fun, though!" Mami smiles, looking at Yuma, "She's like a smaller Kyoko!"
"Good to hear! Did you have fun too, Yuma?"
Yuma nods, not slowing down.
That kid...! You crack a smile, and turn to Homura. "What about you?"
"I've had an interesting day." She says. "Did you think about my offer, by the way?"
"I'm down for a little hunt!" You say, raising your Gauntlet. "Yesterday, I got an upgrade for it. Stephen said that now I can locate Witch Barriers!"
Homura's brow furrows. "This Stephen... Nevermind. I saw you and Sayaka walking together here, what were you doing?"
"I was-"
"Yumi said she'd train me!" Sayaka plants a thumb to her chest, "So we went to the gym to do stuff. I tried my hand at magic, and you'll never guess what happened!"
"You gained some great healing spell?" Mami asks, her own excitement raising with Sayaka's.
"I launched a super cool magic blast!"
"She apparently learned some really strong magic," You clarify, "And she blasted some cans with it. All I'm gonna say is I wouldn't want to be on the other end of that."
"But the cans just...! They just vanished!! It was so cool!" Sayaka grabs your shoulders, attempting to shake you around, "Can I go fight demons now?!"
"Later! Maybe!" You answer with a slight chuckle.
"Can Yuma do magic...?" Yuma, who was silent after finishing her food until now, asks.
"Slow down, Yuma!" You reach past Sayaka and ruffle her hair. "I don't think it would be easy for you, kid. Besides that, we'd need to start with physical training!"
Yuma nods, a little disappointed. "Okay."
Finally, everyone finishes. You attempt to help put the plates and such away, but Mami stops you. "I'll get it, Yumi! Just relax."
You sigh. Is she ever gonna let you help her?
There's a knock at the door. Mami stops what she's doing, and opens it. "Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Kuzunoha!"
Your breathing goes funny for a moment.
You sit in the living room, smacking your toys into each other. A friendly fight, just to warm up before the big contest!
Dad even got the day off to be with you! He's sitting on the couch, watching TV. The news is so boring! Maybe he can change the-
There's a knock at the door! Is Mom home early, too?! Dad gets up, and ruffles your hair.
"I'll be back in a sec, kid." He moves over, and walks to the front door.
When he opens it, there are two men on the other side. One is wearing a police uniform, and the other has a cool coat and a hat.
You can't make out what they're talking about from here, but you see the man in the coat take his hat off.
Dad looks...
Is he hurt?
You blink. That man, Mr. Kuzunoha, was there that day.
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"Master Yumi Konishi, are you alright?"