Isiri Pudireach
Predictive text can go duck itself
Don't forget, they are here so we can try to teach them our kind of healing magic.I have found that yumi is fond of word vomit and this is my take on it, think it will work?
[X] Plan: Recap
Don't forget, they are here so we can try to teach them our kind of healing magic.I have found that yumi is fond of word vomit and this is my take on it, think it will work?
Yeah I remembered, I think I just barely edited that in just before your postDon't forget, they are here so we can try to teach them our kind of healing magic.
[X] Plan: Recap
Didn't we already go over this with Homura?"...If you say so. Also, Mami told me that you wished to teach Madoka and Sayaka your magic?" Her eyebrow raises, "I would like to oversee this."
"Hey Homura, Mami," you begin, "Since we've got proof my style of magic can be taught, what're your thoughts on me teaching Madoka and Sayaka to heal?"
"Huh?" Mami is startled a small bit, "What do you mean?"
"Nagisa can heal!" Nagisa proudly reveals.
"Can you? How?"
"She watched Angel do it, then she could, too." You answer.
Mami stares blankly at you for a moment. She blinks. "Ah."
"What are the risks of your magic?" Homura asks sternly.
Before you can answer, Pixie speaks up from your shoulder. "If you do too much magic, you'll tire yourself out. That's the only risk I can think of..."
"How does one recover, then?"
"Rest." Angel states plainly.
Homura looks at you, thinking...
"...I will oversee you." She says.
With possible exception of meeting the dream samurai and recruiting Sandman, all of these happened yesterday, so Homura already knows this."Quick recap since we last met, I met a dream samurai who introduced me to demons like pixie, I befriended a bunch of other demons,I managed to hopefully get the honey badger and her bucket wearing girlfriend to hopefully stop attacking us, I befriended a spear wielding magical girl, and I managed to collect like 2 different little sisters."
We are recapping for Madoka and Sayaka, not Homura.possible exception of meeting the dream samurai and recruiting Sandman, all of these happened yesterday, so Homura already knows this.
Just out of the corner of your eye, only for a moment, you see a red figure sitting across the street. Was that...?
Red suit might be Stephen not Louis. Not a good decision by my guess.[X] Tell Angel that you just saw a creepy vanishing person who introduced himself as 'Louis' when you met him before, and ask how accurate what you've heard about his former coworker by that name is.
Yeah that's what I though too, better not jump to conclusions and do something rash. We should ask Angel if Lucifer is real or what he knows about him, but not now. We need to deal with Madoka having access to the app now, also get her some demons too, she will need them.Red suit might be Stephen not Louis. Not a good decision by my guess.
[X] "Well, I see a guy in a red suit across the street that might be Stephen. He's a wierd guy that upgraded my gauntlet from a distance. I just hope its not the other wierd guy I met at the arcade instead. I can't quite see from here though."
Just out of the corner of your eye, only for a moment, you see a man in a red suit sitting across the street. Was that...?
Fixed. Thanks, didn't spot that.Sounds good, but maybe im understanding it wrong, but pretty sure Whoever the guy is is not sitting there anymore, he did a flash move or something like that.
Typo. Mind if I correct it when I vote?[X] "Well, I saw a guy in a red suit across the street that might be Stephen. He's a wierd guy that upgraded my gauntlet from a distance. I just hope its not the other wierd guy I met at the arcade instead. I can't quite see from here though."