You ever think about how between Ronin, Brass Shield, Sunlight Knight, and Penitent Scholar we have like 4 ins to the Horae Guard and Crusade?
I don't know if I'd really count Penitent Scholar as an "in". He kinda seems to be doing this with the approval of the other Hours and is only really helping because he owes something to Yara. Just because someone is personable and friendly doesn't mean they're trustworthy.
I don't know if I'd really count Penitent Scholar as an "in". He kinda seems to be doing this with the approval of the other Hours and is only really helping because he owes something to Yara. Just because someone is personable and friendly doesn't mean they're trustworthy.
Bitterman did say that his "fuck all of those guys" line was directed at both Augur and his fellow Hours.
(The 'Save Draft' button apparently does nothing, as I lost this and had to rewrite it due to accidentally hitting 'reply' on a post. Why does the Save Draft button even exist if it doesn't do anything?)

It still makes no sense to me that we don't know in character that Towari is alive. The prison that was built by the americans(+the tower people) was destroyed by a bunch of black holes. Hiding that completely from the general public should be barely possible, let alone hiding it from anyone with a spy network in the area.

(Also, it's kinda funny to me that if we had chosen Radiant Silvergirl as our protagonist, the americans would have sacrificed Justicar for nothing)

[X] . . . feel the warmth of a well-tended hearth. nevermind the vote ended
I like hearth deities, and I don't understand this vote enough to do something strategic.

The movement was chaotic, LL was injured then depressed about losing her team. Also The americans wouldnt be completely incompetent especially if they were planning for capturing Towarri from the start and thus made prep to cover their tracks.

Lasly LL probably though that if RSG was alive shed join up with her since as shown Towarri was only in prison because she never bothered breaking out in belief that it keep automne alive. So LL never bothered looking for towari which just like how Probability Precog cant find out about Prometheus since the idea of just giving others powers never crosses their mind.
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It's more that it just happened and witnesses are far and few between (for now). Remember, it was a black site and the backers of Crusade are scrambling. There might be a new mission about the fallout!
Bitter said we wouldn't hear about this in character before Leizi being teleported won the vote.
Well yes becasue its not something we can learn about passively but need to actively be looking into. Crusade is making to sure to keep what happened in the brig secret afterall.

Hell Philip/Brass doesnt even know about Silvio going rogue. Just because we have the spymaster and thus get extra infor as bonus doesnt mean we auto get everything if our enemies are actively keeping things secret from us.
Oh Cooll

Bitterman gotta ask again What about Phasewalker allowing for Teleporting others viable or not?

Also Spiderweb on the Frozen Throne?
Spiderweb about FT, no. About Yara et al.'s location, yes.

Phasewalking with mass Teleport is viable, but not necessary. You could just mass teleport without it.

Also, just teleporting out of the Frozen Throne might not be as easy as one would hope now . . .
(don't build a character just to solve one narrative thread. If you do, they don't have much to do once the problem is solved)
Spiderweb about FT, no. About Yara et al.'s location, yes.

Phasewalking with mass Teleport is viable, but not necessary. You could just mass teleport without it.

Also, just teleporting out of the Frozen Throne might not be as easy as one would hope now . . .
(don't build a character just to solve one narrative thread. If you do, they don't have much to do once the problem is solved)

TBF apart from phasewalker theres also Memoria+Nox which should atleast give Telekinesis along with Powerful Teleport thanks to X2. Giving a good fighter along with possible mental attack and maybe regen if we went for Soldier X though Mr HUnch to make sure we get Clairvoyance for Teleportation is probably better instead of Relying on X2 Teleport to give subpowers for it.
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(The 'Save Draft' button apparently does nothing, as I lost this and had to rewrite it due to accidentally hitting 'reply' on a post. Why does the Save Draft button even exist if it doesn't do anything?)
Actually, it does! I'm not exactly sure what the issue was with your written out draft was, but I assume either it was some sort of glitch with the reply function or your browser isn't currently configured to allow cookies or other similar data to be stored on it, the way I assume drafts for SV are stored (because otherwise that could end up filling SV's servers with a lot of bloat data)

I think, not 100% sure what your current issue was sadly
Actually my Plan for Phasewalker Shelley had Ispy, so as long as the spying component remains. Giving it to shelley would also giving us an Espionage agent to spy on our Enemies.

So I think Phasewalker Focuse build would still be viable though especially if I switch Invulnerability with something else. So id be an Invisbile phasewalker to Yara Invulnerable one.

Also, let's all agree that if I'm going to give you DNA, we're not going to question how contrived the circumstances are, okay? >.>
Look only JU knows how valuable meta dna actually are now so obviously we dont care about methods as long as its not immoral to get those sweet sweet powers.
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Also, let's all agree that if I'm going to give you DNA, we're not going to question how contrived the circumstances are, okay? >.>
I'm waiting for the "Hey so Lady LL stole from the hospitals" excuse to give us more DNA honestly

She may be More now- but like- It's RIGHT THERE. You can touch it! You can smell it! Have a nibble, no one will know!