Soundtrack: Salon - Pokemon Sword and Shield
In the middle of the Apiary's halls, a guy who really
didn't have a permit for selling food had set up a food cart, selling cheap pretzels and canned sodas to those who would buy. He wasn't making a profit much either, with the two dollars he sold each basic large pretzel for. Probably why no one stopped him yet, and the food he was making was steadily improving; the entire venture solely to help the man practice making food for others.
Of course, that wasn't the only reason he was here, closer to the residential areas of the Apiary than the business side. This man, Greg was his name, short for Gregory given to him by his loving fathers, was on a stake out!
There was something
odd roaming the halls of this home for heroes, and by his papas, Greg would get to the bottom of it!
He just needed to stake out this spot, where many of the trails of white feathers Greg could find throughout the Apiary converged on.
He made enough cash on the side to buy that new cooking set he wanted, so Greg honestly was just burning time at this point.
look, sure, Greg has a nice thing going with his pretzel stand, his studies and lessons at Aqua-Ingenuity were going well
(they were even getting into case studies on how their patented SeaStone Alloy could be used in several scenarios!), and his parents were planning on flying Greg back to Florida so he could catch Casandra's birthday party, but…
Greg just couldn't leave a mystery like this unsolved!!! Everyone he talked to said "Don't worry about it" and "Strange things just happen" and all that nonsense- hell! He even got a girl behind the counter at that new coffee cafe to admit that she had a feathered customer come in and buy a drink!
And yeah, it made Greg feel like he was being mean to some kid who grew feathers for a power- well until he checked the feathers and they had Duck DNA in them! Duck! Not Human! DUCK!
So Greg was gonna figure this-
Gregory looked down from the side of his rollable pretzel cart, meeting the eyes of a orange billed, white feathered, large duck.
One, which has a wing pointed at his menu that hung on the customer side of the cart, asking forrrr-
Greg jumped back behind the cart, opening up the heat box and pulling out one of his normal pretzels with trained instinct, calling out to the large bird, "That'll be two dollars and no change."
The duck made a movement Greg didn't get a good sight of, pulling out a wallet from their feathers and handing over two pieces of paper, bills presenting the value of two dollary-dos.
Greg happily accepted the cash, trading it with the large duck with one large pretzel, half of its light brown flesh wrapped in a napkin for better and cleaner holding.
"Qua-Quack," the large duck said in a chipper tone, waddling away at a bit of a slower pace than a human's walking speed, taking a few nibbles and bites out of their legally bought treat.
Greg watched the duck waddle away and slightly nodded to himself.
'Well, world,' Greg thought with a bit of sass,
'If you wanna just show me the cool person… thanks.'
Greg sighed with a tang of melancholy, "Now what am I gonna spend my free time on?"
A large, white feathered duck waddled to the front of his apartment, not giving any stares and glances given his way any mind as he fished out his keys from a hidden pocket within their feathers.
They had a good walk, got some fresh air, bought a tasty snack from a nice kid, but now was the time for some work.
With the key in their wing, they put it into the door's mechanical lock, twisting the chamber inside until a click was felt. A repeat was done for the lock in their door's handle.
Finally able to enter their home, the strange large duck opened the doorway and stepped inside, the room dark for a moment until they flipped a switch to their side.
Light bathed the room for a moment, the Duck's eyes needing to adjust for a moment, the sound of the ceiling fan reaching their ears before their abode came into view.
Furnitureless for the most part, with only a barely blanketed bed in a corner and the computer set up further into their apartment, around the single wall kitchen the room had.
It wasn't much, the Duck had to admit, and it made what was a one room apartment, with only a bathroom and closet to both store random junk and, if they had a washer and dryer, clean any clothes they could have had.
But, it was theirs for now, and hopefully they could fill it up with some better things in time.
The Duck made their way over to their computer, slowly unclipping the belts that held the cheaply made pouches they had hidden away in their feathers with their wings, freeing themselves to be a bit more flexible. Those pockets and belts found their own little corner next to the computer, the Duck free and with full motion of their limbs having to awkwardly scale the computer seat.
It was a nice chair compared to their desk, monitor, and computer, all of them either found or made from things found in garbage, but they really didn't have a normal body for it, needing them to sorta stand and sit on the bit of furniture to actually reach his keyboard and mouse.
With a strange, feather grip on their mouse, they shook it with a little wiggle, waking up the sleeping Frankenstein of computer parts they made from junk.
Credit to credit's due, the computer and all of its components worked for their purpose, even if theft fans were a bit loud for the Duck's liking.
Researching for the most part.
For… well the Duck didn't know what they were. They consider it a miracle and a half they got as far as they did before now, when they didn't know words or have the understanding other people had of technology and the city of Horizon the Duck had found themself within.
The place where a giant god space thing slept, and where a bunch of people, people like the Duck, had powers that liked to laugh in the face of things like gravity or inertia.
The Duck was still learning about those two topics they had to admit, trying to catch up to what normal people called a "Fifth Grader Education". Something that, from the sounds of it, was supposed to take five years.
And… well the Duck was doing it in a few months. Maybe if they were born a normal person, a Human, others would consider them just gifted or talented. But being as they are… they marked it on the list of assumed powers they had.
Yes, powers. The Duck, when they stumbled into that library half a year ago, getting taught by that kind old lady how to read, kinda write, and understand some normal things people were expected to know. One of those things were common animals, like ducks.
The kind old lady, who never told the Duck her name, asking only to be called Granny, didn't mean anything bad by it when it was brought up in her lessons. The Duck still felt bad at how she felt once they snapped out of their… they don't know what it was yet, haven't been able to look into that
(for both time and worry at what they could find), but it was bad and loud, with their mind working so hard yet not at all-
Bleh, bad memories- But the Duck knew that they looked like a duck. White feathers, beak bill thing, all that duck stuff.
But they also knew they also had things that weren't like a normal duck.
They could grab things with their wings, they thought and could understand words and complex ideas, they were big and they were pretty certain they had a kind of teeth inside of their beak to help chew things.
So… Duck was a duck with powers… maybe?
The internet wasn't helping them answer that. Saying things like "Only Humans can have Powers" leading Duck to think "Oh am I a human whose power is being a duck?"
But then the Duck learned about Behemoths, and that just made it more complicated! Supposedly mutated animals because of the big alien thing on the beach of Horizon
(and Duck didn't even know what an Alien even was yet!) that if they got all gross enough got powers of their own!
So Duck could also maybe be one of those things, just getting lucky not to want to eat people but pretzels instead!
If they were a Behemoth thing, then heroes could go after them and try to hunt them! But no one's attacked the Duck yet, so maybe they all knew Duck was human? Somehow???
The Duck didn't even have a name like other people! They just called themself The Duck or Duck! Not like their stupid powers have them the power to talk like normal human people! Is speaking a power?!
It was just… a lot.
Made Duck want to curl up, try to sleep in their bed, let this be a tomorrow problem. Maybe a week later problem.
But Duck at least knew people liked to use money to trade for food, and the Apiary as this strange place was called offered you a home, you just had to pay for the power and water you used, and money needed to be worked for so-
Online jobs, just enough to have money to pay for everything was something the Duck had to do to keep their home, were something they needed to look for and snag before anyone else beat them.
Math was something the Duck was really good at, so solving problems and helping with tutoring younglings was easy enough for payment. They even had some repeat clients!
Still though… the Duck's mind wandered to the Apiary as a whole, lucky enough Granny was able to help them get a home here, but still… so basic.
They read about things like arcades and schools, and this place was supposed to be a community right? At least that's what they read online, so like…
Why was this place just shops and homes? Nothing really like a community like the article they read…
And well… The Duck… if they
were some sort of monster that people liked to hunt, if… if they made themself central to making this place a real community, with cool places and all that… it might help them be more safe!
And get someone to help Duck learn what they actually were.
And to do that…
The Duck pulled up a webpage, showing the current roster of Justice Unlimited, the masters of the Apiary.
If Duck could get in with them, maybe get a job to sort their papers or do math for them, maybe they can make that more than just a dream.
Duck scrolled down, leading to a section on the web page about past members, the ones who… weren't around anymore.
The Hero who made this building, they weren't a Human person, but like the Duck. Except just more buggy.
So… maybe Duck had a chance here, to make a place they could be safe to learn and grow, no matter what they end up being revealed to be.
At least that's what Duck hoped as they started looking for another job online to make some more money, to help them keep their home for another week.
---Realm's Notes---
This little guy has been in my head for a while, and I'm happy to finally have them written out and ready to share!
Duck is… well I don't know! No one does except Bitterman. This is my way to both add some more character to the not so little guy and let this be still canon no matter what Duck ends up being. Why? Because I wrote this character partly due to inspiration from Shelly, and her having a duck friend to help with working on the Apiary sounds really cute!
So to you Kermie, I give you Duck, the often socially confused, easily gullible, but blooming genius to do with as you want! Also Bitter can use Duck how they wish too, but I think that's auto enabled when I post this in the Thread.
Uhhh- oh! Also included some ties to my Warden of the Seas omake with Greg- Greg being based on the character with the same name from Fnaf SB- uhhhhhhh what else is there to say?
Oh! Have a wonderful day!