Suleverf’s Candidates
This is a delightful new quest to have found, the setting is quite intriguing and even the offscreen characters feel very distinctive!

Like many others I couldn't resist the urge to try and write up some hypothetical candidates. After seeing the power of tolerance 10 I wanted to try and see if something interesting could be done with candidates at tolerance 1. I haven't deeply considered the balance (as opposed to cool-sounding ideas and homages) or how far the starting stats can be cranked up before veering into metahuman territory. It's also kind of fascinating to compare stats for existing characters though difficult to draw direct comparisons for because HERO covers such broad categories.

Name: Alonso Salazar
Age: 50
Tolerance: 1
Chaucer's Notes: Alonso signed on with Justice Unlimited in its early days and requested to work as a hero despite having no powers whatsoever. When informed that it was far too dangerous a job for civilians, he claimed that he had a tremendous latent power that would awaken if only we would give him the chance. Any protests about how that was impossible at his age merely strengthened this conviction. We persuaded him to work in the office instead, but somehow he convinced himself that we were just waiting to call upon him when the time was right. That didn't stop him from begging any heroes passing by his desk to regale him with tales of their adventures though.
Unfortunately when Project Prometheus launched, his Ambrosia tolerance tested as one of the lowest we've seen so far. With no other remarkable qualities to speak of, I cannot recommend him. It should go without saying due to his insufficient clearance level, but please refrain from mentioning the project around him, as it would probably break his heart.

Lady Leizi: After Dr. Ibis completed his work on raising tolerances, he asked to review Alonso's data again, curious as to how a candidate with undeveloped abilities could also sport an extremely low tolerance. Much to our collective surprise, he discovered that Alonso could receive exponential benefits from successive treatments of refined goldnine up to an unprecedented ceiling. However, each successive treatment will have to be calibrated ever more precisely to avoid death.
It would be a massive investment that we can ill afford at the moment, and Alonso's delusions of grandeur and black-and-white views on justice may not play well with the realities of hero work. But I can't dismiss the possibility of needing such potential in the future.

Special: Each "A Spoonful of Sugar" treatment will give exponentially increasing bonuses up to a maximum tolerance of 16 (first is +1, second is +2, third is +4, fourth is +8, and then no more can be administered). The price of the treatments will also increase exponentially, tripling after each time.

Name: Samuel Minamoto
Age: 44
Tolerance: 1
Chaucer's Notes: Samuel is a former underworld assassin notorious for having the audacity to target metahumans and the skills to get away with it. He killed minor heroes and villains alike for a large criminal syndicate until it was destroyed by a metahuman coalition, after which he worked freelance and then disappeared entirely. According to Lady Leizi he became a wanderer during the long interim before entering into her service.
Though his Ambrosia tolerance is abysmally low, he wields custom-made weapons paired with a well-honed combat style that is especially effective against unaware or arrogant metahumans who fail to guard. In addition to combat prowess, he has a keen eye for assessing the abilities of his targets and figuring out countermeasures in both preplanned strategies and improvised tactics.
Personally, I have serious doubts about bringing a "reformed" hitman onto the team, let alone someone who killed heroes. Whatever loyalty he has, it's likely to his own personal code rather than to Justice Unlimited's ideals or even Lady Leizi.

Lady Leizi: Rare is the person who has spent their entire life killing to grow tired of it on their own before they get caught or killed, and rarer still is for them to genuinely try for atonement. Perhaps it's hypocritical to even think about extending this opportunity to someone like him, but it's no more hypocritical than giving clemency to rogue metahumans because their powers might do some good in the future.
He's deeply cynical and may clash with more idealistic teammates or bring much needed perspective depending on the situation. My impression is that he feels it is all too common for the world to make hollow mockeries of those who believe in the ideals of higher causes rather than those derived from the self.
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The balance is lower Tolerance for higher stats, if Alonso is that low he should have more than 1 in everything. I had Yu-Jin as fairly well rounded for a 2, he should exceed him.
The balance is lower Tolerance for higher stats, if Alonso is that low he should have more than 1 in everything
Yeah, but the point is that he can be a 16 tolerance candidate. And 1 stat in everything and a lot of money in exchange for 19 total potency is fair enough.
The balance is lower Tolerance for higher stats, if Alonso is that low he should have more than 1 in everything. I had Yu-Jin as fairly well rounded for a 2, he should exceed him.
yup its why Mona had High tolerance since she was just an intern really starting up on her life. Unlike rhys who already had a career as a spy of some form and John who is lifelong scientist.

Yeah, but the point is that he can be a 16 tolerance candidate. And 1 stat in everything and a lot of money in exchange for 19 total potency is fair enough.
That gives me an idea of a coma patient waking up and thus having 1 on all stats but ironically high tolerance. So wake up join up Justice Unlimited and get unlimited power lol
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Man, I like this guy! He gives me Don Quixote vibes, if that's what you were going for.
Thanks, that's exactly my direct inspiration. I was listening to this the whole time while drafting the character :):

Samuel could easily go up to 2 or 3 REPUTATION. You don't become an assassin without knowing a few right people.
That's true, I was kind of iffy about giving those extra points because at that point his stat total is superior to a fresh hero. Compare to Menagerie Witch or Rhys, who have stat totals of 20. Samuel is already at 19. I would chalk it up to the connections being sourced from his old syndicate, and dripping cynicism not being good for dealing with non-criminal contacts.
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Her lab is better equipped than any lab aside from an Ọsanyìn facility or maybe Steelheart's lab. Odds are pretty good!
On a half related note, did Steelheart and Anansi die against the Leviathan, or are they still heroes doing their own things?
Her lab is better equipped than any lab aside from an Ọsanyìn facility or maybe Steelheart's lab. Odds are pretty good!
hmm that really does make me feel like apiary and then Ibis base are best for bases that improve Ambrosia.

We dont have a way to speedrun regaining ODI contract and depending on the rewards of missions that wolongs meeting opens up it might be faster to gain control of University, since we still need to meets that demon flamez member before we can take them down.
side note on Demon Flamez, what are the odds we get Pyrokinesis DNA from them, you think?

Also, you think the Apiary would have Uiara and Towarri's DNA, too?
side note on Demon Flamez, what are the odds we get Pyrokinesis DNA from them, you think?

Also, you think the Apiary would have Uiara and Towarri's DNA, too?
Apiary should have DNA of all JU members since it should be where they generally healed whenever tehy got injured. Prob have dna from killed villains and allied heroes who healed up there too.

Though If apiary dna is there I wonder how potent her power is.
Actually, that's something I'm curious about-would our starting DNA selection have been a little different if we had started with a different main character?
Actually, that's something I'm curious about-would our starting DNA selection have been a little different if we had started with a different main character?
Nope. But other characters would have had different mechanics. Lady Leizi has her "learn everything" ESPIONAGE rolls before missions, Valiant Silver could have used personal actions to build gadgets and auto-pass certain checks at the cost of using her power and possibly rebounding, Uiara got extra candidates and a free candidate every turn, Radiant Silvergirl could choose to auto-win any combat situation with a high enough roll by scaring the crap out of her opponents too badly. She also would have gotten Hiver for free.
Nope. But other characters would have had different mechanics. Lady Leizi has her "learn everything" ESPIONAGE rolls before missions, Valiant Silver could have used personal actions to build gadgets and auto-pass certain checks at the cost of using her power and possibly rebounding, Uiara got extra candidates and a free candidate every turn, Radiant Silvergirl could choose to auto-win any combat situation with a high enough roll by scaring the crap out of her opponents too badly. She also would have gotten Hiver for free.
BTW do we know whats Hiver power, is also update today?
Issue #2.0: Asynchrony
Jacob's Ladder – Justice Unlimited Satellite Headquarters – December 4, 2067

There is too much happening in Horizon and there is especially too much happening in Horizon that you don't know about. The last time you called on your intelligence network, it failed you. Corrections had to be made.

Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.

Stat Check: ESPIONAGE 10. Justice Unlimited has a collective ESPIONAGE 26.

You rolled: 17.

17 + 8 = 25. Critical Success!

Corrections were made.

You pruned the rotten branches from your information tree and now there's not a movement in Horizon that escapes your notice. You can confidently say you know as much as there is to know about the mover and shakers in the city as you can be given that you have no metahuman powers aiding you.

You think of Rhys and smirk. No metahuman powers, yet.

You're still cackling to yourself when Mona walks into the room you claimed as your office. She has an unusually subdued expression on her face, and she sits down wringing her hands. She's notably not wearing your costume—you thought she had sewed herself into it with how little she took it off.

"Hey. . . LL?" she asks.

"I'm in a good mood, darling. I'll ignore you calling me that."

"I figured from all the evil laughter. It was pretty cool," she says demurely, looking down. Okay, now you're certain something is wrong.

You tilt her chin up with a finger. "Mona, what's wrong?"

"Heeeeeeeeeeee. . ." she says, taking on a dopey grin with your touch. Then she pulls back. "Wait, I don't have time to enjoy this! Lady Leizi . . . I think I'm either psychic or psycho and I don't know which!"

She punctuates that statement by sticking her hands on her hip.

". . . elaborate." You raise an eyebrow.

Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.

Stat Check: ESPIONAGE 3. Black Swan has ESPIONAGE 3.

You rolled: 5.

5 + 0 = 5. Minor Success!

She frowns and speaks slowly, thinking through her words, "I've been seeing . . . things around the base. Little flashes out of the corner of my vision of eyes on purple tentacles. They always disappear as soon as I notice them, so I thought I was just seeing things but . . ."

Your eyebrow is still up. "Why bring this to my attention now? Did something change?"

". . . well, um, lastnightIkindofastrallyprojectedintothepastandmetValiantSilverwhotoldmeIwassenstivetopsychicfieldsandIhelpedherbeattheCatch-22."

Your expression stays perfectly still. Your face is like a stone as you slide backwards, grab the bottle of bajiu Yazmin got you for your last birthday, crack the seal, and take a long, long sip.

"Mona," you say after the burn subsides.

"Yes, LL?"

"Next time lead with that! Now tell me everything. Start from the beginning. Now."

* * *

By the time Mona finishes her story, you've finished the bottle and your stomach is churning for many, many reasons.

DC 15.

Stat Check: OPERATIONS 5. Lady Leizi has an OPERATIONS 5.

You rolled: 14.

14 + 3 (You Choose Fill-in Issue: EXCEED!) = 17. Success!

Not the least of which because someone with metahuman powers has been spying on you. The words Mona recounted from her dream ring in your ears:

It answered the cries of a child with a trillion eyes. You dealt it a wound. It was but a nick in a great sea of flesh, but it was enough that it became leery of voyeurism. The new sensation of ignorance was driving it to madness.

The creature Mona saw when she gained her powers was obsessed with not being seen. She also begged her "father" to not make her "watch" anymore. She was a spy. In Mona's dream, she was told that the damage she did to the "Father" made it "leery of voyeurism". It had been watching you through its "child". And now, the fact that it couldn't spy on you was driving it to madness.

If Mona has kept seeing this creature's eyes, then it means they haven't given up. But they're too scared of discovery to spy while she's around. You look at the nervous girl in front of you. But-for her psychic sensitivity born of a side effect of how she gained her powers, would someone know all the details of Project Prometheus? Would they know everything you've been up to, with you none the wiser?

Your blood runs cold.

Not to mention, what you've learned about Nora. You have extremely mixed feelings on that—more information your best friend never told you—but chief among them is envy. You would give anything to talk to her, any of them, just one more time.

"Tell no one about this," you instruct Mona, "This stays between you and me until we're certain they haven't only stopped watching when you're around."

"R-right," Mona nods her head. Good, she understands the gravity of the situation. She's a smart girl you think as you pet her head.

"Now, please go, Mona," you say as you taste bile, "I believe I may be ill."

"Ooooh, you look Rei did right before she—oof. Yeah, Rei did that too. I'll get some towels."

* * *

Jacob's Ladder – Justice Unlimited Satellite Headquarters – December 4, 2067

The next morning, you sit down at a general meeting of the new Justice Unlimited, more than a little hungover. Unfortunately, you're not the only one who's had a rough night.

"Hiver is in mortal danger," Chaucer says immediately. There are deep, deep bags under his eyes. "He sent me a message last night to say goodbye. He thinks he's going to die."

You jump up from your miserable slouch. "Did he give details? What is he afraid of?"

"He's not afraid," Chaucer says, "He thinks there's nothing anyone can do to help him. He didn't use the precise word "die", but it was clear what he was discussing."

Chaucer slams the table. "Leviathan's Blood, Lady Leizi! The man was engaged to a woman who was like a sister to me! I know him as well as anyone, and I've never seen him this defeated."

"He askin' for a rescue?" Handyman—Rhys—asks.

Rhys had taken the name because "he did a little bit of everything". You honestly didn't get the joke, but you could appreciate a name that obscured someone's power. You once knew a villain who called himself "Antaeus". His combination of invincibility and ability to cause minor earthquakes proved troublesome until Rakeem, on a hunch, lifted him off the ground and rendered his powers moot.

Handyman is sitting in his "base" form, having declined a costume citing a lack of need. Given that he can freely change his shape, you understood his point.

"No," Chaucer says through gritted teeth. "He specifically told me 'not to worry' about him. Martyrsome fool!"

He slams the table again. You've never seen him so worked up. "We have to help him, Lady Leizi!"

"Joelle . . . he sent me a message last night too. A coded message. He specifically warned us that Été's invitation was a trap." You sigh. "Can we really afford to not heed him right now? As understrength as we are?"

Chaucer doesn't answer, his eyes wide with betrayal.

"Unfortunately, Hiver isn't the only individual in dire straits," you say, not meeting his gaze, "I've gotten disturbing news about New Dawn."

"W-what is it?" Menagerie Witch asks, looking between the two of you.

"Wolong has been hiding how devastated they were during the movement. He's no doubt driven himself to the brink overusing his power. New Dawn doesn't have fifteen metahumans left on their roster. They don't have ten. They have five."

Even Dr. Ibis looks agog at that. "Five? Why that's . . ."

"As many as we have," you finish, "And with twice the territory. And possibly, twice the problems. It seems that nearly every escaped prisoner from Wonderland has converged on the Uni District."

Black Swan covers her mouth in horror. "Oh god, those people . . ."

"It must be a bloodbath," Chaucer breathes, ending his glower, "Those monsters all in one place?"

"That's the most concerning part: It isn't a bloodbath yet. They've been keeping a low profile. There's some havoc from those who truly can't control themselves like Third Person, but they're not rampaging," you say, "Nor are they fighting amongst themselves."

Handyman sits up, "Wait, you saying . . .?"

"They're organizing," Chaucer breathes, "And if New Dawn falls, there will be nothing there to stop them from taking control. Leviathan's Blood."

"But we can help New Dawn, right?" Black Swan says, "We're all good guys!"

"If it was the New Dawn of old, you would be right," Dr. Ibis says, "But diminished as they are? Given the sheer resources it would take to build them back up? We'd be better off spending it on Project Prometheus. At least then we would be guaranteed loyal metahumans."

You don't say anything. The doctor isn't wrong per se.

"Well, while we're talking about bad news," Handyman says, "My old buddies in Global Justice have been talkin'. The brass back in the States are talking about pulling the plug on the whole organization."

"But . . .why?" Menagerie Witch asks, "Isn't Global Justice there to help people?"

Handyman gives a sad laugh and ruffles her hair. "I wish, pipsqueak. No, the Ol' Red, White, and Blue fronted AGL and created Global Justice because they wanted Jacob's Ladder."

Menagerie Witch slaps his hand away, but looks attentive. You're honestly interested yourself—you've never heard the opinion of a former U.S. agent on the matter.

"See, the U.S. tried to build their own space elevator near Washington D.C. a while back. Called it the 'Liberty Tower' and everything."

". . . don't space elevators need to be near the equator or they'll fall?" Menagerie Witch asks.


". . . oh."

"Yeah, the Liberty Tower failing was a huge black mark on the ruling party. That's how President Thule and his cronies got swept in. They promised to 'assert American exceptionalism at home and abroad'. Everyone knew that meant 'take control of Horizon from the savages'. Real stand up guy, that Thule."

"Then why pull the plug on Global Justice?" Black Swan asks.

"'Cuz it didn't work! They never got further than the Foot. And now that Justiciar's dead, they got nothin'. Better to cut your losses now and claim it's to 'put America first' or whatever."

"Which will further destabilize Horizon and give Powers an opening," Chaucer sighs.

"Might even be what they're going for. Cut a deal with Dominion while saving face so you get something out of all of this."

"So we . . . convince them not to?" Menagerie Witch asks.

Handyman leans back and blows out a breath. "It's gonna be hard . . . If you want to keep them around, you're gonna have to give Thule a win. A reason to convince his voters that Global Justice isn't a waste of time and money. Something like . . ."

"Project Prometheus?" you say. That would be a victory for the Americans. One that would cost you dearly. Of course, there's another option . . . "Or, perhaps, we give them more information on the pieces of the EXCEED armor they stole from Valiant Silver. Enough crumbs might be too tantalizing to pass up."

"Or it would be just enough for them to work Stockpile until he Rebounds adn then cut bait anyway," Handyman shoots back, "Speaking of which, you wanna poach that kid?"

"I was considering it, yes."

"Look, I know that kid. He's a true believer in Global Justice, a real die-hard. He worshiped the ground they didn't let Justiciar walk on. You want him? You're gonna have to convince him that Global Justice is dead in the water and you did everything you could to save it. Long term investment is what I'm sayin'."

"For an Algernon-type that young? It might be worth it," you sigh, "Of course there's also possibility they'll force him to overuse his power regardless of what we do to recoup their investment."

"Yeah," Handyman says, "There's that too."

You rub your aching head and wish you had a hundred of the people at this table and a hundred hours in the day. Then, maybe you could handle everything on your plate.

But you can't. It a bitter truth every hero learns:

You can't save everyone.


Making the Rounds (AP 1, HIT 2, REPUTATION 3): The Worker's Mitt is a series of "blue-collar" neighborhoods in Horizon, and the former territory of Justice Unlimited. The strife there is not as bad as in other parts of the city—perfect for a rookie hero on her first patrol. Go show the flag and remind everyone Justice Unlimited is still here.
Lady Leizi: Reports are limited, but there's been some rumors of two Silver Rank Behemoths being sighted in the area. It's nothing our current Justice Unlimited can't handle, and it isn't immediately pressing. However, the bounties would be nice for our coffers as well as being seen taking appropriately heroic actions.
(Chance of permanent global +1 to REPUTATION, Income +1500, Random event off the events table)

Pest Control (AP 1, HIT 3, REPUTATION 2): Odd monsters called Behemoths live in the QZ. It's a fact of life in Horizon, but, since the Leviathan stirred, they've been more active than normal. A few have even tried to get into the city proper, which would be very bad. A general call has gone out to anyone willing to help thin their numbers near the border. It might be good training for a newly-revived Justice Unlimited.
Lady Leizi: Again, routine work for us and money is always nice. More interesting is the potential to scout the QZ for possible routes to retrieve goldnine and avoid the R-Train.
(Income +2000, Chance of +1 to HIT, Intel about current state of QZ, Encounter with Gold-Rank Behemoth, Chance of Encounter with R-Train)

Cenotaph (AP 1, REPUTATION 3, OPERATIONS 2): You've had your private ceremony, but your team was beloved by many in the city. You owe it to them to let them mourn too. You owe it to your team. You owe it to yourself. Have a public ceremony to honor the fallen members of Justice Unlimited.
Lady Leizi: No public ceremony has been held in honor of those who fell in the QZ . . . or for Justice Unlimited's former members. It . . . would be nice. And, in more practical terms, it would give us an excellent opportunity to scout for potential candidates for Project Prometheus without arousing suspicion.
(Chance of permanent global +1 to REPUTATION, Recruit 2 to 4 low and medium tolerance candidates)

Meet the Rookies (AP 1, REPTATION 4, ESPIONAGE 3. OPERATIONS 1): The public needs to meet the newest members of Justice Unlimited. Surely, a carefully vetted interview will be a harmless way to introduce Black Swan, Menagerie Witch, and Handyman? What could possibly go wrong?
Lady Leizi: Takanashi Chihiro was Nora's old roommate in college and a current anchor on the Ọsanyìn Centralized News. She is also a fiend for hero culture. She has been salivating at the chance of an exclusive interview with the new interaction of Justice Unlimited. Doing her this favor would put her in our debt, and perhaps let us poach her from OCN.
(Chance of increase to REPUTATION for Black Swan, Menagerie Witch, and Handyman, Chance of eventually recruiting Takanashi Chihiro as a Public Relations Manager—+1 Global Action and New Global Actions Unlocked)

Smoke on the Water (AP 1, ESPIONAGE 4, OPERATIONS 4): The Demon Flamez were a gang of metahumans notable for their lack of concern for collateral damage and their fire-based powers. They were inmates of Wonderland until recently, and word is they've made moves to secure their former territory in the Old Industrial District. Which makes it all the odder that you've received a private communication from one of their members asking for a clandestine meeting.
Lady Leizi: We can thank our renewed control of the Worker's Mitt for the tip I received on the Demon Flamez. Certain elements of the OID are desperate to renew their contract with Justice Unlimited. Unfortunately, Powers is also making a play here, including possibly legitimizing and absorbing the Demon Flamez. Which makes it all the odder that Sparksurfer is telling every one of my informants he can find that he wants out and needs our help.
(Unlocks mission Fire in the Sky, Intel of current state of Horizon, Chance of new metahuman DNA, +1 to control of OID, Chance of eventually recruiting Sparksurfer and Jorōgumo) [3 Turns Until Expiration]

Mahou Shoujo no Justice Unlimited
(AP 1, HIT 5, ESPIONAGE 3, OPERATIONS 2): Good news! Justice Unlimited's new, affiliate hero-squad is a massive success. Bad news! Justice Unlimited doesn't have a new, affiliate hero-squad. What is happening?
Lady Leizi: . . . it appears a metahuman team themed like "magical girls" are going around and calling Justice Unlimited. Including taking contracts out in our name. To make things more unusual, my information network in their territory has been subverted. They haven't gone quiet—they're feeding me bad information. I would have no idea if one hadn't used his "duress" code phrase.

(Unlocks mission Puella Magi Justice Unlimited Magica, Chance of new metahuman DNA, Chance of + 3000 Income, Chance of eventually finding supplier of goldnine, +2 to control of OID, Chance of eventually recruiting high-tolerance candidate) [3 Turns Until Expiration]

Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger
(AP 1, HIT 5, ESPIONAGE 4): Wonderland was home to some of the worst, most dangerous metahumans in Horizon. And some less-monstrous metahumans who were more politically expedient to make disappear. Its extralegal nature always offended Justice Unlimited, but, now that it's fallen, some monsters are on the streets. Find them and stop them.
Lady Leizi: See my notes concerning New Dawn. The situation in the Uni District is . . . deeply concerning.
(Chance of new metahuman DNA, Chance of global +1 to HIT, Income +1000, Intel on current state of Horizon, Chance to unlock mission Long Shadows of Night, Chance to unlock mission The Air in the Valley, Chance to unlock mission Grand Theft Person)

Hero Worship (AP 2, HIT 10, ESPIONAGE 6, REPUTATION 10, OPERATIONS 4) Following her sister's death, Yara Oliviera finds herself the new minority owner of 11% of the sharers of the largest megacorporation in the world. The exact number of shares her father, Jair Oliviera, needs to take control of said global megacorp. Even if it wasn't Yazmin's final request, it would be prudent to keep those shares out of his hands.
(Unlocks mission Reality Check, Chance of eventual sponsorship with Ọsanyìn—sponsorships grant Income and resources per turn, Chance of eventually recruiting a high-tolerance candidate)[3 Turns Until Expiration]

Break Glass in Case of Emergency
(AP 2 , ESPIONAGE 8, OPERATIONS 10) Rakeem left you a cache of emergency supplies should the worst come to pass. He also left it hidden in a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean floor. The ocean floor that has recently shifted due to the Leviathan's movement. This had better be worth it.
(+ 3000 Income, New Metahuman DNA, 1 of Mendicant's healing symbiotes, 3 of Valiant Silver's shield generators, 1 Ambrosia's worth of goldnine, a gift meant for Lady Leizi)

Train Kept a Rollin' (AP 2, HIT 6, REPUTATION 8, OPERATIONS 9) The R-Train is the main reason goldnine hasn't proliferated unchecked throughout the world. It is also the reason most Behemoths will never get anywhere near Horizon. It is automatic, unfeeling, and uncompromisable. It has enough firepower to level nations and the ability to continue on indefinitely. And Nora believed you can talk to it. She better be right. Black Swan's extreme sensitivity to psychic fields should allow you to reason with it. Or, if you'd prefer to do it personally, Nora claimed there was equipment in her lab that could let you do so.
(Unlocks Mission Tracking the Trackmaster, Eventual chance of establishing permanent supply of goldnine, eventual chance of alliance with R-Train)

Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here (AP 1, HIT 9, ESPIONAGE 7, REPUTATION 5, OPERATIONS 11): Time to go home. The Apiary was the headquarters of Justice Unlimited, and your home, for the last decade. The automatic defenses should last that long and more. Going back will be painful, but there are all the resources, tech, and information you could want. It's just not going to be the same.
Lady Leizi: Reclaiming the Apiary was already going to be more involved than simply walking through the front door, but there are additional complications. Someone has been spreading rumors that Apiary was a safe haven, and it appears there are people living there. Not the worst situation, but there is apparently a Named-Ranked Behemoth prowling near the Apiary and keeping those people trapped. We'll have to prepare ourselves for a fight if we are to go home.
(Gain the Apiary as a base, +1 to ESPIONAGE, +1 to OPERATIONS, New Metahuman DNA, unlock new personal actions, -1000 income per turn, access to Valiant Silver's lab and the EXCEED-BEYOND armor, Chance of alliance with Mendicant, Encounter with Named-Rank Behemoth—Floating Venom Morpheme, Income +4000)

Revelations (???): Someone tried to wake up the Leviathan. How? And more importantly, why? [Story requirements not met]

The Dragon of the New Dawn (AP 2, ESPIONAGE 4, REPUTATION 5, OPERATIONS 3): New Dawn was the original, and largest, hero team in Horizon, and the bitter rivals of Justice Unlimited. Like you, they suffered heavy losses stopping the Leviathan from awakening. Now, they're under new management, by Wolong, a.k.a Gabriel Qwan, a metahuman who is a potent force multiplier but individually weak. He now proposes an alliance to keep the city from burning. You could at least hear him out.
Lady Leizi: Wolong has done very, very well hiding how desperate the situation is for New Dawn. No doubt he's worked himself to the bone. Initial estimates put their manpower at between 10-15 metahumans. This is a clever bit of misdirection—he's been mixing up team compositions and listing the names of dead metahumans on reports. New Dawn has five active metahumans including himself. Baba Yaga is fully retired, and Arc hasn't been seen in public since the Movement. On top of that, it seems like nearly every prisoner from Wonderland has converged on their territory—I've gotten reports of Shroud, Third Person, and Abarimon in the Uni District alone. New Dawn is about to collapse, and, given his tone, I think Wolong believes we are in a similar situation and is hoping to recruit us. We may have unexpected leverage.
(Unlocks mission Long Shadows of Night, Unlocks mission The Air in the Valley, Unlocks mission Grand Theft Person, Chance of New metahuman DNA, Intel about potential location for a new Wonderland, Chance of Eventual Income, Unlocks University District as potential territory for Justice Unlimited) [1 Turns Until Expiration]

Who's Left Behind (AP 2, HIT 6, ESPIONAGE 5, REPUTATION 4): Les Quatre Saisons, or The Four Seasons as they were better known, were a four-person hero team with powers themed around the seasons. They were also all family members. Which makes the death of Automne, their youngest and most powerful member, all the more painful. The team is desperately proud, so the fact they're requesting a meeting and possible alliance with you means they must truly be in dire straits. You can give them a meeting, if for Automne's memory if nothing else.
Lady Leizi: Été sent a message demanding a meeting with her usual insulting demeanor. I believe she blames us for her sister's death and is seeking to extort money. Hiver, oddly enough, sent an extremely unusual private message with a more conciliatory tone: "To be honest, I'm sorry about my cousin. Really isn't the way to talk to people. About the meeting, I hope you won't worry about it. Perhaps we can meet again another time."
(Chance of recruiting Hiver, Intel about Powers, Chance of intel about Scarlet Maturity's true power, Chance of new metahuman DNA, Chance of Income, Chance of +1 to control of OID) [1 Turns Until Expiration]

Olympus has Fallen
(AP 2, ESPIONAGE 4, REPUTATION 6, OPERATIONS 4): Of all the heroic teams in Horizon, Global Justice fared perhaps the worst in the QZ. No loss was more significant than Justicar, their leader whole single-handedly kept the Foot of the Ladder under control. Justicar's death has plunged the area beneath your feet into anarchy and it's not clear help is coming anytime soon. They are now led by Stockpile, an Algernon-type hero who, notably, is nineteen years old. That he's in charge does not bode well to how many of their members survived. No wonder he's willing to pay you just to speak with him.
Lady Leizi: Global Justice is down to three metahumans: Stockpile, Plasticity, and Perspective. Plasticity and Perspective have powers built around enhancing others while Stockpile is a very young Algernon-type. Global Justice has held the line with their non-metahuman security forces, but the writing is on the wall. The people who live in the Foot are flooding AGL with demands for increased metahuman security daily, but it seems the Americans are considering cutting their losses. Dominion and, interestingly enough, Ọsanyìn have been heavily increased their advertising in the Foot in recent days accordingly. Finally, Stockpile's offer of funding is genuine—it appears to be his personal life savings. He's yet to be seen in public without an extensive escort from AGL, when he is seen at all.
(Chance of new metahuman DNA, Income +2000, Chance of eventually recruiting Stockpile, Intel about why Justiciar was at the QZ, Unlocks Foot of the Ladder as territory for Justice Unlimited) [1 Turns Until Expiration]

Wider than a Mile (AP 4, HIT 45, ESPIONAGE 36, REPUTATION 39, OPERATIONS 38): Moon River was the seventh member of Justice Unlimited. To the world, she was a super-advanced AI created by Valiant Silver. In reality, she was the world's greatest technopath, able to control technology like it was her body. The only problem was, she had no ability to sense the world aside from technopathy. She didn't even know where in the physical world her actual body was. And now she's disappeared. Everyone else is gone; you won't lose her too. Find her.
Lady Leizi: I will find you, Eve. I swear it.
(Recruit Moon River, Intel about ???, Unlocks mission ???, ???) [9 Turns Until Expiration]

Lady Leizi

A Face that Toils So Close to Stones is Already Stone Itself (AP 0): You could always use some practice. Now, more than ever. Take some time to train a skill, maybe see if you can improve yourself. [Must Choose to Train HIT, ESPIONAGE, REPUTATION, or OPERATIONS] (Chance of improvement contingent on how high a skill already is. Higher skills will have a higher DC to raise)

The Spider's Web (AP 0): There are threats in Horizon that you know will only fester if left alone. With your intelligence network, you are a surgeon. Start cutting out the rot.
[ ] Le Petite Prince
[ ] Socialite Butterfly
[ ] Catch-22
(Choose 1. ESPIONAGE roll to gain intel about their movements and actions.)

Hit the Bricks (AP 0): Your new organization needs money. Money is exchanged for goods and services. You can provide a service in the form of an . . . endorsement. See if you can find a—Leviathan's Blood!—sponsor.
(REPUTATION roll to find a potential sponsor for Justice Unlimited—sponsorships grant income and resources per turn).

Beach Episode! (AP 0): Everyone has been pushed to the bring, and even you could use some time to relax. The Elysium Station on top of Jacob's Ladder is the most luxurious vacation destination in the world and you have a contact who can smuggle you and the rest of Justice Unlimited in. Go. Do it. You've all earned it.
(Intel about an Unfortunate Truth of this World)

Black Swan

Whispers Through the Web (AP 0): Intelligence work isn't all glamor. In fact, it's mostly boring. A lot of sitting around, watching, and occasionally talking to the right person at the right time. Have the rookie go do some of it. (+1 ESPIONAGE for Black Swan)

The Fourth Estate (AP 0): Public relations? More like public rela. . . shames? Right? Right. Something like that. Point is, you don't want to do it. Thankfully, you have a rookie for that. (+1 to REPUTATION for Black Swan)

Read the Manual (AP 0): Adamant was obsessed with creating proper procedure and protocol for basically every situation you could imagine. And he documented all of it. In 47 thick, thick volumes. If you had to suffer through reading them, so does Black Swan. (+1 to OPERATIONS for Black Swan)

Water-Cooler Talk (AP 0): Black Swan is now comfortably established in her role with Justice Unlimited. Maybe she should get to know the people around her. (Choose to talk to Joelle Chaucer or Dr. Mammoth Ibis) (Chance of Intel depend on who is chosen)

You're Not My Real Dad! (AP 0) Marisa Merola-Morales, Black Swan's mother, has been spending a lot of time with Chaucer lately. A lot of time. Black Swan has enlisted the rest of you in figuring out what exactly is going on. (Chance of random reward off rewards table)

Menagerie Witch
Who Doesn't Love a Power Testing Scene? (AP 0): Madeline is experienced with her power, but it is probably a good idea to test how she can use it without further damage to her body. Hopefully, somewhere deserted. (+1 HIT for Menagerie Witch)

Whispers Through the Web (AP 0): Intelligence work isn't all glamor. In fact, it's mostly boring. A lot of sitting around, watching, and occasionally talking to the right person at the right time. Have the rookie go do some of it. (+1 ESPIONAGE for Menagerie Witch)

The Fourth Estate (AP 0): Public relations? More like public rela. . . shames? Right? Right. Something like that. Point is, you don't want to do it. Thankfully, you have a rookie for that. (+1 to REPUTATION for Menagerie Witch)

Read the Manual (AP 0): Adamant was obsessed with creating proper procedure and protocol for basically every situation you could imagine. And he documented all of it. In 47 thick, thick volumes. If you had to suffer through reading them, so does the rookie. (+1 to OPERATIONS for Menagerie Witch)

Water-Cooler Talk (AP 0): Menagerie Witch is still getting comfortable in her role with Justice Unlimited. Maybe she should get to know the people around her. (Choose to talk to Joelle Chaucer or Dr. Mammoth Ibis) (Chance of Intel depend on who is chosen)

Madeline-Bowl LVIII (AP 0): Following the death of her mother Menagerie Witch needs a legal guardian. Fortunately, she has no shortage of people willing to volunteer. Unfortunately, she has no shortage of people willing to volunteer. There can only be one.
(Chance of random reward off the rewards table)


Who Doesn't Love a Power Testing Scene? (AP 0): Your newest member has an unknown power granted to them through untested super-science. It's probably a good idea to figure out exactly what they can do. Hopefully, somewhere deserted. (+1 HIT for Handyman)

Whispers Through the Web (AP 0): Intelligence work isn't all glamor. In fact, it's mostly boring. A lot of sitting around, watching, and occasionally talking to the right person at the right time. Have the rookie go do some of it. (+1 ESPIONAGE for Handyman)

The Fourth Estate (AP 0): Public relations? More like public rela. . . shames? Right? Right. Something like that. Point is, you don't want to do it. Thankfully, you have a rookie for that. (+1 to REPUTATION for Handyman)

Read the Manual (AP 0): Adamant was obsessed with creating proper procedure and protocol for basically every situation you could imagine. And he documented all of it. In 47 thick, thick volumes. If you had to suffer through reading them, so does the rookie. (+1 to OPERATIONS for Handyman)

Water-Cooler Talk (AP 0): Handyman is a friendly guy. Maybe he should get to know the people around him. (Choose to talk to Joelle Chaucer or Dr. Mammoth Ibis) (Chance of Intel depend on who is chosen)

Lost Lenore (AP 0): Gus never told his parents that he was a metahuman, a member of SLAYERS, or that he had a boyfriend. He always wanted to come clean, but didn't know how. They don't even know how he died. Handyman feels like he owes it to them and Gus to let them know the truth.
(Chance of random reward off the rewards table)

Global Actions (Choose 1)

Justice Unlimited Wants You! (AP 0): If you're going to make new heroes, you'll need candidates who are the best of the best. Your current crop is fine, but small. Get out there yourself and find new candidates for Ambrosia. (New low to medium tolerance candidates, number depends on DC, - 500 Income, DC 5 ESPIONAGE Check to avoid revealing Project Prometheus)

Project Prometheus (AP 0): [No Ambrosia available, missing goldnine](Create new metahuman, -1000 Income)

A Spoonful of Sugar (AP 0): Dr. Ibis believes he can use refined goldnine to artificially boost a candidate's tolerance. Now you just need a candidate who's willing to give it a try.
(-2000 Income, Increase on candidate's tolerance by 1)


You're going to fail someone.

Put your plans in the following format:

[ ] Plan But We Act Regardless


The vote will remain open for 48 hours.

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Something to do with gravity per the Nora flashback.
hmm interesting and man ete really is an asshole an emergency that can end the world and you have time to get offended at being given orders. It makes we want to take the Automn to get Hiver away and to Tpose on the bitches.

Like it seems like only Hiver and Automne were the real Heroes in 4 seasons with ete and her husband just using it to pay bills and live the high life.
Clarifying question: If something says it'll give us a "Global" stat, that means that it's added on top after summing all individual heroes for group checks, but doesn't go to anyone in specific for field missions where individuals get checked instead of the whole.