Was Adamant's adamantium magnetic or conductive? Because I had a vivid mental image of him, all metalled up and covered in it, grappling with a villain and Leizi shocking them by aiming a bolt at him, passing through his metal body harmlessly and shocking the villain.
Was Adamant's adamantium magnetic or conductive? Because I had a vivid mental image of him, all metalled up and covered in it, grappling with a villain and Leizi shocking them by aiming a bolt at him, passing through his metal body harmlessly and shocking the villain.
I described it as "non-ferrous" so it's not magnetic (which actually put him on the "can fight King" shortlist), but it could conduct heat and electricity.
Nods, scribbles down "King is Magneto" in my Notebook Of Useful Facts
Pffft. Boooooring.

Also, looks like the turn order will be:
1) A Face that Toils so Close to Stone is Already Stone Itself/Who Doesn't Love a Power Testing Scene?
2) Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here
3) The Dragon of the New Dawn
4) Those Left Behind
5) Madeline Bowl LVIII/You're Not My Real Dad!
6) ???
7) Fill-in Issue
Ok then, one last speculation for King's powers, taken from my favorite Youtuber:
Gamechamp3000 said:
"This guy doesn't punch you to death, he vaguely gestures at the idea of punching you, which is itself an automatic KO. He has a gun that fires bullets 5 times your size. Bullets that don't just kill you, they invalidate the entire concept of your life!"
What? If he's better than Mona, he oughta be awfully impressive :V :V :V
I don't really have a scene in mind for it, so it's going to be mentioned that it happened off screen in the personal action updates.


Ok then, one last speculation for King's powers, taken from my favorite Youtuber:

What? If he's better than Mona, he oughta be awfully impressive :V :V :V

King and/or Scarlet Maturity seem to be in the class of so-hard-to-kill-and-skilled-with-whatever-powers-they-have that they take the Gaara approach of not even trying to actively defend against anything by attempting to move. At least from how they're discussed.
You know with all this talk about OP People im half expecting an Expy of Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate to be running around... wait no, Abridged Alucard. Probably someone with extremely op regeneration ability, knows it and is a Smartass about it, even when getting manhandled.
Issue #2.1: Impulsion
[X] Plan: Heart & Numbers
-[X] [MISSION 1] The Dragon of the New Dawn AP 2, ESPIONAGE 4, REPUTATION 5, OPERATIONS 3
-[X] [MISSION 2] Who's Left Behind AP 2, HIT 6, ESPIONAGE 5, REPUTATION 4
-[X] [MISSION 3] Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here AP 1, HIT 9, ESPIONAGE 7, REPUTATION 5, OPERATIONS 11
-[X] Total AP & Hero: 5 AP, 15 Hit, Espionage 25, Reputation 14, Operations 14
-[X] Personal Actions:

-[X] Lady Leizi: A Face that Toils So Close to Stones is Already Stone Itself (REPUTATION)
-[X] Black Swan You're Not My Real Dad!
-[X] Menagerie Witch: Madeline-Bowl LVIII
-[X] Handyman: Who Doesn't Love a Power Testing Scene?
-[X] A Spoonful of Sugar (John Henry)
Jacob's Ladder – Justice Unlimited Satellite Headquarters – December 5, 2067

The cursor on your screen blinks at you. Mockingly. You grit your teeth and force yourself to write something. Then you delete it. You try again only to stop midway because everything you could say feels trite.

Leviathan's Blood, why was this even necessary?

Oh, right. This was why.


Welcome to the Hero for Hire official message boards!
You are currently logged in, Lady_Leizi_Official.


♦ Topic: Justice Unlimited . . . Lives?
In: Boards ► ►Recent Events
(Original Poster)
Posted On Nov 19th 2067:
So it seems like Justice Unlimited isn't defunct after all? The Worker's Mitt just announced they renewed their contract with them. Did anyone in the area see any of them? Am I wrong to hope here?

(Showing page 1 of 89)

Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
Can confirm!!! They cleared out the shadow birds that were wrecking downtown. Don't ask.

►Sweetwoman (Original Poster)
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
Well, now I HAVE to.

Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
It's just Lady Leizi now. Apparently everyone else died in the QZ. They've got a new member, though. It's a flier named Black Swan who can shoot lasers apparently.

Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
what?! no valiant silver, no uiara, no adamant, its not REALLY justuce unlimited!!! fakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
They're real enough to take out all of those birds. And their new member is tough. Mona's basically Novalight Jr. now.

►Anansi (Moderator) (Powers) (Verified User)
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
Is her identity public? You shouldn't dox her otherwise.

► YeehawBody
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
Wait, "Powers"? Since when is Anansi on Powers? What happened to New Dawn?

Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
She took off her mask during a town meeting at the Worker's Mitt and told everyone it was her. She apparently has had her powers for a few years now and was getting training under the guise of an "internship."

Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
i dun care, she's fake TOO!!!! Only realy heroes left r POWERS!!! EARTHEN OWL ROCKS!!!!!!!

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 87, 88, 89

(Showing page 2 of 89)

Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
Found the Earthen Owl burner.

►REALEarthenOwl (On Parole - Justice Unlimited) (Powers) (Verified User)
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
No, that's not me! Seriously, who would even do that?!

And Black Swan is the real deal. She and I had an epic confrontation outside the OID and after a hard-fought battle I saw the potential in her. She's earned my respect.

Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
"(On Parole - Justice Unlimited)"

I think she did more than earn your respect! :D

Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
So here's what I think happened:

Justice Unlimited is the first to respond to the QZ when the Leviathan starts moving (sidenote: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH). They hold their rookie back because she's not ready and so they have someone in the wings if they all fall.

Everyone but Lady Leizi gets taken out. We know Lady Leizi doesn't have any defensive powers, so she probably wasn't on the front lines. She gets their rookie and starts to rebuild Justice Unlimited.

What's the first thing any rebuilding organization needs? Money. It makes sense because, Uiara gone, I don't know if they're getting any funds from the Oliveira family anymore. I certainly doubt Jair Oliveira would want to keep funding them.

Taking out the birds in the Worker's Mitt both accomplishes this and lets the world know that Justice Unlimited is back. It kills two birds with one stone (pun intended).

Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
but why hasn't lady leizi said anything? it was super scary when they all just disappeared

Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
It is super weird. Then again, she was always the "hatchet woman" of Justice Unlimited. Maybe she's not in charge? But who is? The rookie?

Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
Does anyone know if anyone else survived the QZ? Did Heavenly Astrologian?

Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
youve been asking that in every thread. did you know her or something?

Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
POWERS rules!!!! justic unlimited died they r sooooooo limited lolololol

Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
ok this is awkward. i have a bunch of nsfw art of uiara i was commissioned to draw that i havent posted yet. it is weird if i do???? valiant sliver paid for it all if that helps

Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
wait, so is justice unlimited back or not?

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 87, 88, 89


You should have seen this coming. Of course all metahuman contracts were publicly recorded. Of course everyone would see when the Worker's Mitt renewed with Justice Unlimited. And of course it would invite all kinds of speculation.

You need to make an official statement of some sort. Or at least say something, anything! But you just can't. This was never your forte. You always used to pawn this kind of duty off on Yazmin or Harper or, in a pinch, Rakeem. You hated being in the public eye on anything but your own terms.

Which was probably why no one was willing to trust you now. You sigh. This is the bed you've made, now you must lie in it, you suppose.

To give yourself a break, you turn your attention to Dr. Ibis' notes on Handyman's recent power testing.

Power-Testing of Codename "Handyman"—Notes of Dr. Mammoth Ibis—Log #7:

Handyman saw a substantial increase to his combat potential today, simply by overcoming a mental block. He was too used to thinking of himself as "human-shaped" with two legs and two arms connected to a torso. His body is capable of infinitely more complex configurations. We started slowly by having him grow an extra set of arms and try those in combat. He quickly proved adept, so we tried more and more radical shapes. By the end of testing, it was comfortable assuming a number of non-human forms in combat and freely moving between them, as well as moving in a number of "unnatural" ways including rotation 360 degrees at the torso.

Truly, it was a sign to behold seeing Black Swan running away from an eight-legged horse with wings, crab claws, and a bone-bastilla growing out of its back. Perhaps not the most efficient shape, but definitely inspiring.

Power-Testing of Codename "Handyman"—Notes of Dr. Mammoth Ibis—Log #14

Testing the limits of Handyman's regeneration took up the better part of the day, but it's fortunate we went through the steps we did. Notably, we discovered a significant weakness in Handyman's regeneration—he must regenerate his body as "clay" before then changing it to another form. Put differently, he can't heal and transform his body at the same time.

With that said, his regeneration is impressive. He's able to absorb small arms fire without much effort, and large explosives can scatter his body but not destroy it. Blunt force trauma is wholly ineffective in his malleable state, as are piercing weapons. Black Swan's "finger-gun" attacks were similarly ineffective, though when she"put a whole arm into it" Handyman's body began to dissolve. He should be especially wary of powerful energy attacks.

Power-Testing of Codename "Handyman"—Notes of Dr. Mammoth Ibis—Log #15

Who was going to tell me that we hired Natalie Rhodes and not Natasha?! Now I will have to apologize to both of them when I see them! I tried apologizing to John Henry over the mix up, but he didn't respond. Is my new BFF mad at me?! Is this our first fight?!

* * *

You feel the uncouth urge to being bang your head against the table. How . . . how has no one told Dr. Ibis yet? How could he possibly not know?

You suppose there hasn't been time for a memorial. You think of the problems surrounding you and you're not sure if there ever will be time for one.

. . . you're stalling again. Lei Zixuan, you are more than capable of writing a post on a messageboard! You're not as pathetic socially as Dr. Ibis, are you?

. . . are you?

DC 6.

Stat Check: REPUTATION 3. Lady Leizi has a REPUTATION 3.

You rolled: 6.

6 + 0 = 6. Success!

You are not.

It's not profound. It's not elegant. But it's done and you can click post and allow yourself a break. You hear laughter from the entertainment room down the hall. It seems everyone is watching that ridiculous magical maid television show.

Everyone used to make you watch braindead television back then too, didn't they? Rakeem loved his baseball, and Nora and Rosemary would sit and watch every new season's release of anime to find the gems and laugh at the "garbage". They once literally tied you down and made you watch a show about a boy who was the very definition of "mediocre", yet all varieties of women would throw themselves at him. You finally had enough when he tripped and accidentally sexually assaulted a schoolgirl for the dozenth time. You still have the photo of Nora's hair and Rosemary's fur all standing up on edge after you electrocuted them.

Good memories. It was a happy time. Your happiest time. You hear a booming chuckle from Rhys, a giggle from Mona, and a quiet laugh from Maddie.

"Akira-kun, no! Monica-chan loves you! She can't transform if she thinks you hate her!"

You smile and then get up to go join them. Perhaps these can be good times as well.

* * *


Lady_Leizi_Official (Justice Unlimited) (Verified User)
Posted On Nov 20th 2067:
Justice Unlimited carries on. We mourn those who have fallen, and carry on in their stead.

Justice Unlimited is dead. Long live Justice Unlimited.



Further understanding his powers increases Handyman's HIT by 1!

Finding the courage to post on an internet forum increases Lady Leizi's REPUTATION by 1!
Last edited:
you're stalling again. Lei Zixuan, you are more than capable of writing a post on a messageboard! You're not as pathetic socially as Dr. Ibis, are you?

. . . are you?
I laughed out loud when reading this. Man, I can physically feel Lei's struggles and honestly I feel for her, weve all been there; needing to be sociable and constantly hitting the antisocial wall.
The cursor on your screen blinks at you. Mockingly. You grit your teeth and force yourself to write something. Then you delete it. You try again only to stop midway because everything you could say feels trite.

Leviathan's Blood, why was this even necessary?

Oh, right. This was why.
Oh god, not the internet.

While I couldn't quote the next part, I'm glad that Earthern Owl thinks we're cool now. Now for the rest of the city.

You should have seen this coming. Of course all metahuman contracts were publicly recorded. Of course everyone would see when the Worker's Mitt renewed with Justice Unlimited. And of course it would invite all kinds of speculation.

You need to make an official statement of some sort. Or at least say something, anything! But you just can't. This was never your forte. You always used to pawn this kind of duty off on Yazmin or Harper or, in a pinch, Rakeem. You hated being in the public eye on anything but your own terms.
We gotta say something tho. C'mon, LL…
Handyman saw a substantial increase to his combat potential today, simply by overcoming a mental block. He was too used to thinking of himself as "human-shaped" with two legs and two arms connected to a torso. His body is capable of infinitely more complex configurations. We started slowly by having him grow an extra set of arms and try those in combat. He quickly proved adept, so we tried more and more radical shapes. By the end of testing, it was comfortable assuming a number of non-human forms in combat and freely moving between them, as well as moving in a number of "unnatural" ways including rotation 360 degrees at the torso.
He's learning how to do the scrongily-boingily
Truly, it was a sign to behold seeing Black Swan running away from an eight-legged horse with wings, crab claws, and a bone-bastilla growing out of its back
Taking notes from Ibis. Terrifying!
Testing the limits of Handyman's regeneration took up the better part of the day, but it's fortunate we went through the steps we did. Notably, we discovered a significant weakness in Handyman's regeneration—he must regenerate his body as "clay" before then changing it to another form. Put differently, he can't heal and transform his body at the same time.
He's gotta go into his regeneration mode then, interesting..,
With that said, his regeneration is impressive. He's able to absorb small arms fire without much effort, and large explosives can scatter his body but not destroy it. Blunt force trauma is wholly ineffective in his malleable state, as are piercing weapons. Black Swan's "finger-gun" attacks were similarly ineffective, though when she"put a whole arm into it" Handyman's body began to dissolve. He should be especially wary of powerful energy attacks.
Ok, so if we meet a punch-kick merchant, Handyman's the first one on the job. Or someone trying to fire at Leizhi.
Who was going to tell me that we hired Natalie Rhodes and not Natasha?! Now I will have to apologize to both of them when I see them! I tried apologizing to John Henry over the mix up, but he didn't respond. Is my new BFF mad at me?! Is this our first fight?!

* * *
You feel the uncouth urge to being bang your head against the table. How . . . how has no one told Dr. Ibis yet? How could he possibly not know?
Dr. Ibis. My god.

Well, LL used the internet! Cool! @Derpmind managed to clutch it there, thanks for that.
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
ok this is awkward. i have a bunch of nsfw art of uiara i was commissioned to draw that i havent posted yet. it is weird if i do???? valiant sliver paid for it all if that helps

Yep. Nora was certainly a character. Frankly, I'd think that she'd find it funny. Uiara probably wouldn't mind either.

…. Did she know about Nora's tendency to commission porn of her?
On an unrelated note, when I said that Rhys was doing this:

I was picturing this:

was Rhys's design inspired by Twelve from Street Fighter 3rd Strike by the way? I see the similarities.

Now im imagining Double from Skullgirls..... probably a bad idea. But hey if Rhys ever needs boddy horror or an imtimadation factor, at least we know where to go!
.....this a horrible idea.
alrighy Now weve got another heavy hitter with rhys. Hopefully hed be able to handle being bait for the trap 4 seasons and powers are gonna try on us.

Also looks like a bunch of new dawn split into powers now that novalight is dead. Dont know if its understandable or showing their true colors.