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♦ Topic: Justice Unlimited . . . Lives?
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Sweetwoman (Original Poster)
Posted On Nov 19th 2067:
So it seems like Justice Unlimited isn't defunct after all? The Worker's Mitt just announced they renewed their contract with them. Did anyone in the area see any of them? Am I wrong to hope here?
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Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
Can confirm!!! They cleared out the shadow birds that were wrecking downtown. Don't ask.
►Sweetwoman (Original Poster)
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
Well, now I HAVE to.
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
It's just Lady Leizi now. Apparently everyone else died in the QZ. They've got a new member, though. It's a flier named Black Swan who can shoot lasers apparently.
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
what?! no valiant silver, no uiara, no adamant, its not REALLY justuce unlimited!!! fakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
They're real enough to take out all of those birds. And their new member is tough. Mona's basically Novalight Jr. now.
►Anansi (Moderator) (Powers) (Verified User)
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
Is her identity public? You shouldn't dox her otherwise.
► YeehawBody
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
Wait, "Powers"? Since when is Anansi on Powers? What happened to New Dawn?
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
She took off her mask during a town meeting at the Worker's Mitt and told everyone it was her. She apparently has had her powers for a few years now and was getting training under the guise of an "internship."
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
i dun care, she's fake TOO!!!! Only realy heroes left r POWERS!!! EARTHEN OWL ROCKS!!!!!!!
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Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
Found the Earthen Owl burner.
►REALEarthenOwl (On Parole - Justice Unlimited) (Powers) (Verified User)
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
No, that's not me! Seriously, who would even do that?!
And Black Swan is the real deal. She and I had an epic confrontation outside the OID and after a hard-fought battle I saw the potential in her. She's earned my respect.
Replied On Nov 19th 2067:
"(On Parole - Justice Unlimited)"
I think she did more than earn your respect!
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
So here's what I think happened:
Justice Unlimited is the first to respond to the QZ when the Leviathan starts moving (sidenote: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH). They hold their rookie back because she's not ready and so they have someone in the wings if they all fall.
Everyone but Lady Leizi gets taken out. We know Lady Leizi doesn't have any defensive powers, so she probably wasn't on the front lines. She gets their rookie and starts to rebuild Justice Unlimited.
What's the first thing any rebuilding organization needs? Money. It makes sense because, Uiara gone, I don't know if they're getting any funds from the Oliveira family anymore. I certainly doubt Jair Oliveira would want to keep funding them.
Taking out the birds in the Worker's Mitt both accomplishes this and lets the world know that Justice Unlimited is back. It kills two birds with one stone (pun intended).
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
but why hasn't lady leizi said anything? it was super scary when they all just disappeared
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
It is super weird. Then again, she was always the "hatchet woman" of Justice Unlimited. Maybe she's not in charge? But who is? The rookie?
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
Does anyone know if anyone else survived the QZ? Did Heavenly Astrologian?
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
youve been asking that in every thread. did you know her or something?
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
POWERS rules!!!! justic unlimited died they r sooooooo limited lolololol
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
ok this is awkward. i have a bunch of nsfw art of uiara i was commissioned to draw that i havent posted yet. it is weird if i do???? valiant sliver paid for it all if that helps
Replied On Nov 20th 2067:
wait, so is justice unlimited back or not?
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